Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 179 No Enemy Team

Chapter 179 The Invincible Centurion

Li Dingguo hurriedly said: "Uncle Niu, when you came from Shaanxi, you even carried me on your back! Don't call me young master, if my father knows he will beat me up."

"It's hard for you to remember what happened five years ago. Alas, five years have passed in a flash. You have grown up and are the son of a handsome man. If Lao Niu wants to carry you, I'm afraid he won't be able to carry you." Uncle Niu sighed tone way.

Li Dingguo said with a smile: "Hehe, I want Uncle Niu to carry me, just because I'm afraid my father will scold me, uncle, after the war is over, I'll treat you to a drink when I go home."

"The commander-in-chief asked you to drink? Then the old cow will wait for you. By the way, I haven't seen the fifth master for more than two years. I don't know how the old man is doing now? If you see the fifth master during the Chinese New Year , toast the fifth master for Lao Niu." Lao Niu laughed.

Li Dingguo nodded and said: "I haven't seen Uncle Ma Wu for more than a year. I heard from my father that Uncle Wu is very busy now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to come back this year."

Lao Niu sighed and said: "All of us who came from Yulin were rescued by the Marshal and the Fifth Master. Lao Niu knows that his ability is limited and he can't help the Marshal and the Fifth Master. He only hopes that the Marshal and the Fifth Master can live a long life." age."

"Come on, you are the deputy sentry officer now, and you are the one who leads soldiers to fight, and you still say you can't help my father? In fact, if Uncle Gao hadn't arranged for me to enter the vanguard camp, the position of the sentry officer would not be here now." It should be yours. I reckon that our sentry will have to expand the army after fighting the bandits with General Cao, and you will definitely be able to bring it up by then." Li Dingguo laughed.

"Then the old cow and the brothers are waiting for your favor." The old cow laughed.

"Uncle Niu, don't say that. You are able to get to this day because of your own ability, and it has nothing to do with your little nephew. Oh, let's not talk about it. Those rogues have started to move, probably because we are few. If you want to destroy us first, everyone dismounts and prepares to fight!" Li Dingguo laughed.

As soon as Li Dingguo finished speaking, a group of people turned over and jumped off their horses one after another, and then began to line up.

"Everyone, don't worry, let them get closer and fight again, don't scare them away." Li Dingguo laughed after getting off his horse.

Li Dingguo led a total of [-] people, one of which was artillery and the other two were infantry.

In terms of the number of people, Li Dingguo's subordinates are far inferior to the rogues.Although the firepower is far stronger than the rogues, once the rogues surround and swarm up, it is really difficult to deal with.

Therefore, in this battle, it is necessary to give full play to the firepower advantage of the Jishi Army, and not let the bandits get close.

In order to ensure the continuity of firepower, Li Dingguo divided the artillery and infantry into two rows, so that he could continuously attack the bandits.

Li Dingguo guessed correctly, Zhou Qing did see that they were few in number and wanted to destroy them first.

Zhou Qing has fought against the government and army for so many years, if he doesn't know how to fight at all, then he wouldn't be able to live today.

Zhou Qing knew that all the officers and soldiers came were cavalry, and infantry and cavalry fought. If they still charged, they would be courting death. They could only rely on a tight formation to resist the enemy with spears layer by layer.

When the cavalry saw such a formation, no one would rush forward directly. That was not killing the enemy, it was courting death.Generally, when encountering such a formation, the cavalry would use bows and arrows to shoot in from the outer layer one by one, and only when the infantry couldn't bear it in their hearts would they charge.

Moreover, when the cavalry charges, they will not rush forward in a swarm, but come in waves.There are not many people who actually fight each other.Otherwise, how could it be possible for a battle of tens of thousands of people to kill only a few hundred or even dozens of people.

In addition, it is impossible for the cavalry to charge forward continuously. War horses also have physical limitations, and they cannot run after a certain distance. If you have to let the horse continue to run, it may exhaust the horse to death.

Therefore, Guan Ning's iron cavalry always brings two horses when fighting. If this group is tired, they will change to another group.Wait until the back one is tired, and the front one has rested before replacing it, so that you can continue to fight.

In addition, there are two restrictions on cavalry combat, one is the terrain, and the other is the distance.Not to mention the terrain, I know what kind of place the cavalry cannot fight. Of course, if the cavalry must be charged in a mountainous or muddy place, it can only be said that the general leading the army has lost his mind.

When cavalry charges, they have great requirements for distance. If the distance is too short, the speed of the horse cannot be increased; if the distance is too far, the horse will lose its strength when it rushes to the enemy.

In movies and TV, we often see cavalrymen slashing and killing while riding on their horses. This is basically nonsense. There is a group of soldiers around the horse. Do you want to kill your horse by standing still?The people below don't have to directly attack the people on the horse, just give the horse a kick, the horse doesn't hurt so badly, can the people on the horse sit still?

The weapons used by the cavalry are all long weapons, which never allow the enemy to approach their horses.

Zhou Qing dared to attack Li Dingguo because he discovered a flaw in this cavalry unit.

First of all, the cavalry unit in front was only five hundred steps away from his troops, and their horses did not speed up.

Second, this army doesn't have long weapons. As long as they are surrounded, they will be a dish.

Third, these people do not seem to have bows and arrows, that is to say, there is no long-range suppression, so there is no need to worry about being shot by bows and arrows when surrounded.

In the end, the large army of the official army was a little far away from this army, and he could eat up this small army and form a formation to defend against the enemy.

It should be said that Zhou Qing's vision was good. What he saw was indeed the weakness of the cavalry unit. He even grasped the timing of his attack very well. At such a short distance, the speed of the horse could not be increased at all.

It's a pity that what he encountered was not cavalry at all. The people in front of him were just infantry on horseback, and there were artillery among them.

When Zhou Qing's troops began to trot and speed up, Li Dingguo's troops had already placed the artillery, and [-] soldiers with guns had also lined up.

Li Dingguo may have been a general by nature, and when he saw the enemy rushing forward, he didn't change his face, but kept shouting loudly: "Hold on, put the enemy in fifty paces before shooting."

"Hold on!"

"Hold on!"

Seeing the enemy getting closer and finally starting to charge with all his strength, Li Dingguo suddenly shouted: "Let go!"

The five soldiers in charge of loading the shells in the first row heard the order and quickly filled the shells in their hands into the barrel, and then heard the sound of "dong dong dong" from the shells.

At the same time, the sound of gunfire rang out.

The moment the guns sounded, hundreds of bandits fell to the ground, and they didn't even know what was going on when they died.

You must know that the rifles used by the Jishi Army are different from the firecrackers used by the Ming Army. These guns fire bullets instead of bulk gunpowder, and there is no such thing as smoke produced when gunpowder burns.

The rogues rushing forward saw a flash of fire on the opposite side, and someone fell down.

The rogue who was lucky enough not to die was terrified, his first thought was to turn around and run away, but these people were struggling to charge forward, how could it be so easy to stop suddenly?

Especially when thousands of people form a formation and charge at the same time, it is impossible to stop all at once. The people in front and behind still have room to turn around, and those in the middle cannot stop or turn around while running. Those who stop will be driven by the people behind to continue running forward. Those who are unlucky will be pushed directly, and then trampled to death by the people behind.

And there are still many people who think that they can rush to the front as long as they run a few more steps, so that they can encircle and annihilate these people on the opposite side.

Therefore, although some people fell down, the overall formation in front of the rogues was still in a charging state.

The rogues who ran ahead could still maintain their formation, but the ones behind were not so lucky. Although the rogues behind were not shot, they were even worse because they were shelled.

After all, a bullet can only kill one person, but when the shell explodes, it will be one piece.After the shell exploded, the shrapnel flew across it. It would be useless for him to wear any kind of armor, not to mention that the rogue didn't have any decent armor yet.

Moreover, Li Dingguo's troops did not stop after this blow, not only did they not stop, but they did not stop at all.

Li Dingguo's troops fired in turn. The first row squatted down to change the bullets after firing, and then the second row fired. When the second row finished firing, the first row had finished loading the bullets, almost without a pause.

The same is true for artillery units. The two platoons of artillery fire in turn.

Since the infantry shoots and kills the enemies rushing to the front, the artillery bombards are basically the enemies running behind.In this way, the rogues were chopped off and made dumplings.

For a moment, the rogues were like scarecrows, completely powerless to fight back.

Zhou Qing was stunned for a moment when he saw the rushing brothers falling down in pieces.After a while, he finally came to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "Ming Jin! Ming Jin!"

However, it was a little late for him to call. Seeing people falling down around him, and the calf muscles of the rogues, how could he dare to continue charging.Before Ming Jin started to run away, and ran around in all directions, when the gong sounded from his side, the battlefield would have been in chaos.

Seeing the turmoil of the bandits, Li Dingguo waved his hand and ordered the artillery to stop shelling immediately.At the same time, people blow the trumpet to notify Cao Wenzhao's department to launch an attack.

In fact, there is no need for Li Dingguo to remind him, who is Cao Wenzhao?Although it was some distance away from Li Dingguo's troops, he couldn't hide what happened in front of him.

If Cao Wenzhao didn't know how to send people to investigate the situation ahead, then his battles all these years would have been in vain. He already knew about the bandits when they first started to form their formations.

However, Cao Wenzhao was not in a hurry at the time, the gangsters gathered together, which was convenient for him to deal with these guys at once.

In addition, the Jishi Army was a guest army after all, Cao Wenzhao didn't know the strength of the Jishi Army, so how could he go down with confidence, so he ordered his subordinates to start speeding up their horses early on.

When the sound of guns and guns sounded in front, Cao Wenzhao and the cavalry had already begun to accelerate.

Cao Wenzhao arrived at the right time with his subordinates. At this time, the rogues were in a panic, and there was no time to organize a gun formation.

(End of this chapter)

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