Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 200 Leshan Taoist

Chapter 200 Leshan Taoist
After Ma Wu got married, he took his wife to the capital. Counting, it has been three years since they saw each other.

Seeing Li Jing revealing his true feelings and speaking incoherently, Ma Wu was excited, and hurriedly waved to the door, and then a young woman walked into the house with a child in her arms.

"Hurry up, kowtow to elder brother to wish you New Year's greetings." Ma Wu hurriedly said.

The young woman hastily put the child down, then dragged the child to Li Jing, kowtowed three times respectfully, then pressed the child and kowtowed three times to Li Jing as well.

"Sister-in-law, please get up!" Li Jing said hurriedly, leaning over to pick up the child.

After touching his clothes, Li Jing smiled awkwardly: "Oh, I don't have anything on me, I'll ask your siblings to give the children red envelopes later."

Ma Wu knew about Li Jing's net worth, but he didn't expect that Li Jing, who was celebrating Chinese New Year, had no money on him. After carefully looking at the fabric of Li Jing's clothes, he realized that Li Jing was wearing the same clothes as before, very ordinary clothes .

Looking at himself again, he was dressed gorgeously. Ma Wu's eyes couldn't help getting wet, and he choked up and said, "Brother is still so poor, brother..."

Li Jing waved his hand hastily: "Fifth brother, you are away from home, how can you be like me?"

After looking at Ma Wu carefully, Li Jing smiled and said, "Not bad, he's a little fatter than two years ago, and he looks good."

Ma Wu choked up and said, "Brother is getting fatter, but elder brother is getting thinner."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I am in good health, there is nothing wrong with me. But you should pay attention, don't be too fat, it is not good for your health, take time to exercise."

With tears in his eyes, Ma Wu kept nodding.

While talking, Shen Ying brought the children to the front hall, and Ma Wu hurriedly took his wife and children to kowtow to Shen Ying.

"Uncle, aunt, please come up, An Guo, hurry up and kowtow to uncle and aunt." Shen Ying said hurriedly.

"Uncle and aunt, happy new year." Li Anguo hurriedly kowtowed to Ma Wu.

Ma Wu hurriedly picked up Li Anguo, took out a jade ruyi handle from his body, and handed it to Li Anguo, "Come on, take this Ruyi, it's a gift from uncle for meeting you."

Shen Ying ordered Xiaodie to take out a golden lock and hand it over to Ma Wu's child, and then said with a smile: "Sister, the child was born, and we didn't catch up with the age of one hundred. This golden lock is from your elder brother back then It is prepared for the child to be a hundred years old."

Then Shen Ying took out two jade bracelets from her purse, handed them to Ma Shi and said, "Sister, this is for you."

Madam Ma saw that the pair of bracelets were bright green and crystal clear, she knew they were not ordinary, but she dared not reach out to pick them up.

Ma Wu hurriedly stabbed his wife, Ma Shi came to his senses, took it quickly and said, "Thank you Ma'am."

Shen Ying smiled lightly and said, "What's your name, madam? The head of your family and my husband are better than biological brothers. If you call me that, you'll be offended."

Marcus hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Ma Wu's family was full of travel and dust, Li Jing knew that Ma Wu must have been on the road for days when he came back on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

After waving his hand, Li Jing said, "Yingying, take sister-in-law Wu and the child to freshen up, and let's go to pay New Year's greetings to Mr.

Ma Wu hurriedly said, "I'll wash my face too."

Li Jing nodded.

Shen Ying took Ma Wu's wife to wash in the back room, and Li Jing ordered Xiaodie to fetch water for Ma Wu.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door again, and then Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo walked in together. They came to Li Jing and knelt down on the ground at the same time: "Father, my son, Sun Hutou (Li Dingguo) ) Happy New Year to Father."

Li Jing was very happy, and after being kowtowed by the two, he said with a smile, "How did you two get together?"

Li Dingguo glanced at Sun Hu and said: "The boy was going to come over early in the morning, but yesterday my elder brother asked me to wait for him to celebrate the New Year with my father, and said that if I didn't wait for him, he would beat me later. I was afraid of being beaten, so I had to wait for my elder brother Come together."

Li Jing laughed loudly and said, "What? Still can't beat your brother?"

Li Dingguo looked at Sun Hutou's muscular body, shook his head and said, "I'm not as strong as elder brother, so I can't beat him. But in two years, I can beat him."

Sun Hutou smiled and said, "Hey, you won't be able to beat me in two years."

Li Jing laughed loudly, pulled the two of them to his side, looked at them carefully for a while, touched their heads and said, "Good boy, I hope you brothers will love each other forever in the future."

Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo nodded emphatically when they heard this.

After thinking about it, Li Jing asked, "Have you two paid New Year's greetings to grandpa?"

The two shook their heads hastily.

Li Dingguo glanced at Li Jing, and said in a low voice, "I haven't gone yet, my elder brother has prepared gifts for my grandparents, but I don't have the money to prepare them."

Li Jingwen was surprised when he heard this, and immediately asked: "What about your monthly salary? You don't spend any money, so why don't you have money to buy gifts?"

Li Dingguo glanced at the back room, and said in a low voice: "My mother is afraid that I will spend money indiscriminately, and my salary will be taken away by my mother, saying that I will put it in the bank for interest."

Li Jingwen was dumbfounded when he heard this, and thought to himself: "Yingying has managed all the business of the bank at home!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "I will pay New Year's greetings to your mother later, ask your mother for something, and then give it to your grandfather."

Li Dingguo was overjoyed, he pulled Sun Hu by the head and prepared to run to the back room.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Wait a while, first I wish you Uncle Ma Fifth New Year's greetings."

"Uncle Wu is back?" the two said happily.

"Hahaha, you two brats, do you miss Uncle Wu?" It was Ma Wu who heard the two talking and came out with a towel.

When Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou saw Ma Wu, they hurriedly kowtowed to Ma Wu to pay New Year's greetings.

Ma Wu smiled and took out two ingots from his body and threw them to the two: "Take it, the lucky money that Uncle Wu gave you."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Fifth brother, you are so messed up, this year you have to lose your money, our old brothers are all married and have a family now, do you have enough money for the New Year's money?"

Ma Wu laughed and said, "I can't pay it back, why don't I pay it back? Can't just let Ma Wu pay for it?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Don't forget, you only have one kid, and some of your brothers have two or three children."

When Ma Wu heard this, he slapped his head and said, "Then this time I will really lose money."

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's okay, when Yingying sees your family come back, she must make preparations, so she won't embarrass you."

While talking, another group of people came one after another to pay New Year's greetings to Li Jing, namely Zhu Zi, Gao Qi, Zhou Hengchen, Yang Liufeng, Fang Fang and others.

After everyone talked for a while, Shen Ying came out with Ma Wu's wife, and everyone greeted Shen Ying and Ma Shi again, and then Li Jing led everyone to Yuan Keli's residence in the back house of the yamen.

Everyone came forward to pay New Year greetings to Yuan Keli and Mrs. Yuan (Yuan Keli's wife Song, side wife Pan was Yuan Shu's biological mother, died early, and had three concubines), and at the same time gave gifts of filial piety, and Yuan Keli and Mrs. Yuan gave gifts one by one. Several children hand out New Year's money.

After meeting Yuan Keli, Li Jing brought someone to meet Yuan Keli's son Yuan Shu, and then Li Jing found that there was a stranger beside Yuan Shu, which made Li Jing very strange.

Yuan Keli had three daughters and one son. The three daughters were already married, and Yuan Shu was the only son beside him.At first Li Jing thought that this person was Yuan Keli's son-in-law, but then he knew something was wrong. The Yuan family had only been in Jiang County for two days, and the relatives didn't even know about it.

But this person is obviously very close to Yuan Keli, otherwise it would be impossible to visit Yuan Keli on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but Yuan Keli's identity is secret, and not many people around Li Jing know about this person. Who is this person?
Seeing Li Jingman question suspiciously, Yuan Keli smiled and pointed at the man and said, "Jimin, let me introduce you. This is my student Yu Leting, named Junyang."

Then he pointed to Li Jing and said to the man: "Jun Yang, this is Li Jing, whose name is Jimin, and he is also my student."

Li Jing and Yu Leting hurriedly greeted each other.

Yuan Keli waited for the two of them to finish their ceremony, and said with a smile: "Junyang hasn't seen me for many years. He came to Luyuan a few years ago and wanted to see me. He didn't want to meet Zhuzi to pick him up. Junyang found out Zhuzi's purpose from Xiaosun Fucheng, so he casually Come before."

Li Jingjing nodded, and finally knew how Yu Leting got here, and also knew that things were not as simple as Yuan Keli said.

Zhuzi went to pick up Yuan's family, and it happened that Yu Leting was also there. Zhuzi and Mrs. Yuan would never tell Yu Leting why the Yuan family was leaving. Yu Leting coaxed Yuan Keli's grandson to find out Yuan Keli's movements from the child.Now that Yu Leting knew of Yuan Keli's whereabouts, Zhuzi naturally wouldn't let him go back and talk nonsense, maybe he was forced to bring him here.

Knowing that Yu Leting is Yuan Keli's student, Li Jing will not let him go.Who is Yuan Keli, his disciples and old officials are all over the world, and there are many talented people among them. If Yuan Keli's students can help him, if word spreads, someone will come to cling to him.

After everyone finished the ceremony, Madam Yuan brought Shen Ying and other female relatives into the back house, while Li Jing led all his subordinates to talk to Yuan Keli in the front hall.

Yu Leting, courtesy name Junyang, nicknamed Leshan Taoist, was born in Xinyang, Henan Province. He was 32 years old, the same age as Yuan Shu, and two years older than Li Jingnian.

Yu Leting is very talented and knowledgeable, elegant and good at painting, probably because of the influence of Yuan Keli's official career, he is unwilling to enter the official career.

Through the conversation, Li Jing saw that Yu Leting would be a cynical young man in modern times, criticizing the government and speaking fiercely, and none of the ministers in the court seemed to take his fancy.When mentioning the emperor, he also looked disdainful. If he didn't care about his talent and learning, it would be perfect to put this person on top of the court as a speaker.

However, Yu Leting's criticism of the current situation really hit the point. Unfortunately, Yu Leting didn't have any practical and effective solutions for Daming's current predicament, and most of the suggestions he put forward were between the two.Obviously, this is because Yu Leting has no actual work experience.

More resourceful than decisive, this is a staff talent, if you practice more, you may be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

This is Li Jing's evaluation of Yu Leting.

Li Jing was observing Yu Leting silently, and Yu Leting was also observing Li Jing at the same time.

To be honest, Yu Leting was even more strange to Li Jing.

Yu Leting could see that this Li Jing was not as simple as Yuan Keli's student.

(End of this chapter)

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