Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 27 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 27 Buying People's Hearts
At this moment, Du Hu and the others had already buried the body of the dead soldier. Seeing him coming back, Li Jing asked for the general flag to be carried on the carriage, and then led the people on their way.

In order to speed up, Li Jing asked the soldiers to mount their horses again, but just in case, Li Jing ordered these soldiers to walk in the middle, surrounded by bandits.

The Wang family's farm is really not small, covering more than a thousand acres. The bandits and officers and soldiers salivated when they saw so many fertile fields.

"Don't be greedy, I will buy such a big farm for each of you in the future." Li Jing said to Du Hu and others with a smile.

"Brother, if I can have such a big farm, you will sacrifice my life for me to do it all." Dui grinned.

"Fart! Your life is gone. Why do you want the farm? Chen Dahu, listen carefully, and you all listen, I hope you can all live well. If you don't want to enjoy these lands with your life, you can go back to the mountain Give me a good training. If you have no skills, let alone the land, you don't even have a hair." Li Jing shouted.

"Yes!" All the bandits responded in unison.

"Master, I'll practice hard. If you give me more money, I'll be able to find a wife in a few years." Liu Er foolishly smiled.

"Er Leng, you don't know how to count. You don't count rewards. You have three taels of silver every month. What you eat, wear, and live in is all Lao Tzu's. You can save your salary for a year." I've found a wife, and in a few years, you can find several, but you can't go to the brothel to drink wine, or you won't find a wife." Li Jing laughed.

All the bandits laughed in unison.

Hearing that the bandits were paid three taels of silver a month, the officers and soldiers were shocked!
Is there any fucking reason for this? The bandits are actually paid!

And the pay is much higher than that of the officers and soldiers, so let people live?

According to the big man, these bandits have to train every day, and they will be rewarded if they practice well.Not to mention the quality of the training, the officers and soldiers may not be able to pay the rewards even if they have made meritorious service.No wonder they love being bandits so much, anyone would do it.

All the officers and soldiers were full of thoughts, thinking in their hearts, with envious expressions on their faces.

Looking at the fiery expressions on the faces of the officers and soldiers, Li Jing felt that he was much more sure of buying them. The principle that money can turn ghosts around has never changed. It is Li Jing's consistent policy to buy people first and then buy hearts.

When he arrived at Wang's farm, Li Jing ordered several officers and soldiers to carry the general flag into the house, and ordered the bandits and officers and soldiers to unload the vehicles.

Watching the bandits throw food casually on the ground, and then carry the heavy boxes into the house, the officers and soldiers knew that the boxes were full of silver even if they called their feet.These dozen or so carts cost at least tens of thousands of taels of silver. No wonder the bandit leader spoke so forcefully.

But they never imagined that the money did not belong to Li Jing, and Li Jing was just showing it to them.

After the bandits and officers and soldiers finished unloading the boxes, Li Jing asked shopkeeper Wang to find a few rooms for these people to rest first. After the bandits and officers and soldiers settled down, Li Jing helped Shen Zheng out of the car.When encountering officers and soldiers, Shen Zheng couldn't show his face casually. If the officers and soldiers saw Shen Zheng and Li Jing's gang of bandits together, it would be considered as a complete conviction of the Shen family's gangsters.

The Shen family's property has not been transferred yet, if this news gets out, the Shen family will lose at least half of their property.

"Uncle Shi has worked hard." Li Jing said.

"What's the trouble for me sitting in the car? It's hard work for you to fight outside. Nephew, what are you going to do with these officers and soldiers?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"I'm going to let these officers and soldiers help us transport the money. It's much more convenient for them to come forward than us..." Li Jing immediately told Shen Zheng his thoughts in detail.

"You have a good plan, but are these officers and soldiers willing to do it?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"Hey, you didn't see what they were like just now, as long as you are willing to spend some money and make them work hard, what a trivial matter." Li Jing laughed.

"That's fine, you can arrange these things. As for the money, you can do it yourself. You can fiddle with my Shen family's property as you like, but you have to help me earn it back in the future." Shen Zhengdao.

"Don't worry, if I can realize my ambition, I will not disappoint Uncle Shi." Li Jing smiled.

"Then go get busy. I'm a little tired. I've been tossing around with you. I haven't slept well for several days." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

"What do you mean by tossing around with me? I'm here to help you. It's all your money." Li Jingqi said.

"Go away, my family's money is real, but it's all for your use, and it's uncertain whether you can get it back in the future." Shen Zheng scolded with a smile.

"Come on, you should go to bed first. I'll go and see those bastards. I've been busy all night yesterday and I just rested now. I should give them some sweet dates." Li Jing laughed.

"Go, go, you can go all out with my little money." Shen Zheng smiled.

Li Jing bid farewell to Shen Zheng and came to the place where the bandits lived.

"Brothers, wait for a while before resting, Dahu, Erlang, go and bring a box of silver over here." Li Jing said.

"Oh, the big boss is going to give out reward money again." All the bandits cheered in unison.

"Damn it, when they hear about the money being distributed, everyone is in a f*cking spirit." Li Jing scolded with a smile.

"That's, that's, if you say it's better to be the head of the family, it's good to never forget the brothers." Liu Er said with a shy smile.

"Get out!" Li Jing kicked Liu Er Leng and shouted.

Chen Dahu and Liu Er were taken aback and hurriedly went to carry the box.

After a while, the two men carried the box.

Li Jing opened the box, pointed to the silver and said to the gangsters: "This time the brothers have all suffered, and I, Li Jing, will not do anything wrong to the brothers. Each of you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. Put away my dog's paw, be careful I chop it up!" But Liu Erleng reached out to touch the silver and was seen by Li Jing.

"I'll just touch it, I've never seen so much silver before." Liu Er foolishly said with a playful smile.

"Do you know how much silver this is? How many do you know! Get the hell out of here." Li Jing scolded.

"Liu Er Leng, don't interrupt the master's speech." A bandit scolded.

"If you don't interrupt, don't interrupt. You who are in charge continue to talk." Liu Er scratched his head and said.

Li Jing ignored him, and continued: "You go out and do things seriously, and each of you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. The brothers who are training on the mountain are not idle, and each of you will be rewarded with five taels of silver. Uncle Chen and Ma Wu are each rewarded with 20 taels of silver." Silver. Pillar, count the silver, and take out the silver according to the amount I said."

Zhu Zi took out the silver as he said, and then covered the box.

"Gao Qi!" Li Jing shouted suddenly.

The officers and soldiers lived in a room next to the bandits for the convenience of guarding.

Just now, the officers and soldiers heard the noisy distribution of money here, so they looked at this side through the crack of the door. Unexpectedly, there were more people crowded, and the door was pushed open a little bit. Gao Qi was standing in the front, and was immediately spotted by Li Jing.

"The little one is here." After being discovered by Li Jing, Gao Qi was extremely embarrassed, but he could only reply honestly.

"Gao Qi, are you jealous when you see these coins? Do you want them?" Li Jing smiled.

"I think, oh no, I don't want to." Gao Qi nodded subconsciously, then felt something was wrong, and shook his head quickly.

"Thinking is thinking, you don't even dare to think, are you still a man?" Li Jing shouted.

"Think!" Gao Qi said loudly when he heard Li Jing say that he was not a man.

"I see you are holding a portrait. What are you doing? How did you find me?" Li Jing asked.

"If you go back to the big boss, the villain is the gate guard guarding the north gate of Zhengzhou. When he saw the big boss going out of the city in the morning, he felt that he looked more like the man in the portrait, so he found Zongqi Sun and led others to catch up with the big boss. .” Gao Qi replied.

"Why are you looking for Zongqi Sun? Don't you get more rewards if you lead your men to catch me?" Li Jing continued to ask.

"If you go back to the big head, the villain is just a small flag, and there are only ten brothers under his command. The big head has many people, and the small one is afraid that he will not be an opponent. In addition, the small one is responsible for guarding the gate, so he dare not transfer his subordinates without authorization. So I found Zongqi Sun." Gao Qi said.

"You are quite shrewd, and you are safe in doing things. I like people like you, Zhu Zi, and I will reward him with five taels of silver." Li Jing smiled.

"Thank you for the reward, but the villain dare not accept the reward." Gao Qi said.

"Why?" Li Jingqi asked.

"This time because of the villain, more than 50 brothers were arrested by the big boss. How dare the villain accept the reward. If the big boss wants a reward, the villain begs the big boss not to kill our brothers. The villain is willing to help the big brother." The head of the family leads the horse and stirrups to repay the kindness of the head of the family for not killing." Gao Qi said.

"Good man, with loyalty, just for what you said just now, I want to reward you, not only reward, but also more, Zhu Zi, reward him ten taels of silver." Li Jing laughed.

"This... this..." Gao Qi didn't know what to do for a moment.

Li Jing patted Gao Qi on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't kill your brothers."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing suddenly turned his head and shouted at the officers and soldiers outside the door: "Did you hear Gao Qi's words just now? He would rather lead the horse and stirrup for Lao Tzu than enjoy the reward for you. What are you willing to do for him?" ?”

"I would like to share life and death with Brother Gao Qi, and share adversity!" All the officers and soldiers shouted in unison.

"Okay! I hope you don't forget what you said today. In the future, if there are any of you who betray your friends for glory, greedy for life and afraid of death, you should gang up and punish them." Li Jing shouted.

"Yes!" All the officers and soldiers shouted.

"Get the fuck out of here for me. You are all good men. I like loyal men. Gao Qi doesn't want to receive the reward alone. He wants me to bleed a lot. Everyone should come and get three taels of silver." Li Jing smiled.

"Thank you for your reward, the villain is willing to die for you." Gao Qi hurriedly knelt down in front of Li Jing when he heard this.

"I am willing to die for the master." All the officers and soldiers knelt down and shouted in unison.

"You are soldiers, I am a bandit, what kind of ways are you doing for me? I see that you are all famous men, and I am happy to reward you with money. Don't fucking fool me." Li Jing said.

"The villain doesn't dare to fool the boss. The hero's arrogance is so powerful. The villain really admires him. The villain is sincerely willing to serve the boss." Gao Qi kowtowed and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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