Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 299 Digging Ancestral Graves

Chapter 299 Digging Ancestral Graves

Li Dingguo hesitated for a while after listening to Cao Wenzhao's narration and said, "Uncle Cao, do you think it's important to kill Zhang Xianzhong, or my father's strategic layout?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said: "Naturally, the commander-in-chief's strategic layout is important. Zhang Xianzhong is only suffering from scabies. How can he ruin the commander-in-chief's strategic layout."

Li Dingguo laughed and said: "Since that's the case, why bother Uncle Cao, if it's not possible, let him go this time!"

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and smiled wryly when he heard the words, and said, "When the army built by your father-in-law is confronting the enemy head-on, to put it bluntly, even a dog with a pancake tied around its neck can command victory. It’s not that there is no one, so why do you value me so much? If you, Uncle Cao, and I want to deal with it like this, do you still have the face to go back to see the commander in chief?”

Li Dingguo shook his head and said: "Uncle Cao's words are not quite right. Soldiers are deceitful, and they use their tricks with one heart. You can't win a battle just by superiority in weapons. From my nephew's point of view, my father's commander What I value most about Uncle Cao is that Uncle Cao is able to adapt to changing circumstances. Moreover, Uncle Cao has experienced hundreds of battles, and his rich combat experience is unrivaled. Although my father's commander has a lot of talents, in terms of ability, there are not many people. As good as Uncle Cao, even Uncle Gao may not be as good as Uncle Cao."

Cao Wenzhao nodded slightly when he heard this, and lightly patted Li Dingguo's head and said: "Not bad! Not bad! Dingguo, you can understand this truth, and it is worthwhile for the commander to teach you. But you have to understand that manpower sometimes Poor, your Uncle Cao is helpless now."

Li Dingguo pondered for a while, looked at Cao Wenzhao and suddenly smiled and said, "Uncle Cao, are you troubled by my father's military order? I think Uncle Cao is thinking too much, and my father didn't let you see Zhang Xianzhong. Beat him to death, we have plenty of time, let’s observe their movements before it’s too late.”

Cao Wenzhao was taken aback when he heard this, and then he slapped his thigh and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, that's right, the commander didn't ask me to fight Zhang Xianzhong when I saw him, isn't it just that I'm on the tip of my horns?"

After laughing for a while, Cao Wenzhao continued: "Since we are not in a hurry to attack Zhang Xianzhong, let us analyze where Gao Yingxiang and the others are going to go now, and then we will make calculations."

Li Dingguo understood that it was Cao Wenzhao who wanted to test himself, so he pondered for a while and said, "Uncle Cao, according to my nephew, if Gao Yingxiang and others want to break the siege, they must lead their troops to attack Fengyang, the central capital."

"Oh? Why are you so sure?" Cao Wenzhao asked with a smile.

Li Dingguo smiled and said: "Uncle Cao, although the rogue bandits broke out from the encirclement of the officers and soldiers for the time being, the various departments of the officers and troops pursued closely, and the rogue bandits were not out of danger. If the attention is diverted to other places, sooner or later the bandits will be overtaken by the official army, and finally wiped out by the official army."

Seeing Cao Wenzhao nodded his head slightly, Li Dingguo continued: "But how can we divert the attention of the officers and soldiers? Then we have to attack the place where the officers and soldiers have to save.

In Daming, there were several places that the officers and soldiers had to save, but there were only three most important places, and that was the capital.However, both Beijing and Nanjing have high walls and fortified defenses, and the rogues cannot be defeated at all, especially Beijing. The rogues may be beaten down by the government before they reach Beijing.

Only Fengyang, the central capital, does not even have a city wall, and only a few thousand soldiers defend it. It is not difficult for the rogues to attack here. How can they let it go?Once Fengyang, the central capital, is captured by bandits, the emperor will be furious, and he will order all ministries to encircle and suppress the bandits who captured Fengyang.As long as the officers and soldiers march to Fengyang together, all the rogue tribes will naturally be out of trouble.

Therefore, my nephew thought that the purpose of Gao Yingxiang and others' trip must be Fengyang, and the purpose was to break the current predicament. "

Li Dingguo talked eloquently, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but nodded.

After Li Dingguo finished speaking, Cao Wenzhao asked, "In your opinion, how should we deal with it?"

Li Dingguo hesitated for a while and said: "In my nephew's opinion, let's wait and see what happens."

Cao Wenzhao asked with a smile, "Why?"

Li Dingguo said: "Gao Yingxiang and other troops captured Fengyang, and they will definitely stay in Fengyang for a few days. When the news spreads, when the officers and troops rush to Fengyang together, they will decide the next move according to the situation of the officers and troops. In this way, you can calmly avoid the officers and troops of various ministries.

And I concluded that Gao Yingxiang and others would definitely separate at that time, because after the bandits separated, the various ministries of the government and army would have to scatter to encircle and suppress them.

But at this time our chance came, as long as Zhang Xianzhong separated from Gao Yingxiang and others, then we would start to do it.This will not destroy my father's strategic layout, but also complete the tasks assigned by him. "

After Li Dingguo finished speaking, Cao Wenzhao smiled and patted Li Dingguo's shoulder lightly: "Dingguo, you can see the essence of the problem directly. It seems that the commander-in-chief's true teaching has been passed on. In a few years, we will be able to Commander-in-Chief of an army."

Li Dingguo said with a smile: "Uncle Cao has won the award. It is said that a wise man will lose a lot of money, and a fool will gain something after a lot of thinking. My nephew only gets something occasionally."

Cao Wenzhao gently waved Li Dingguo's shoulder and sighed: "Dingguo, you don't need to be too modest, your future achievements will definitely be higher than Uncle Cao's."

Li Dingguo smiled embarrassedly: "If my nephew achieves success in the future, it will be due to the good teaching of my father and uncles."

Cao Wenzhao heard the words, looked at Li Dingguo for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing.

After laughing for a while, Cao Wenzhao continued: "Since we have determined the rogue's next move, there is no need to rush to attack Zhang Xianzhong. Hehe, with Zhang Xianzhong's character, I guess he won't make any noise this time. Too young, maybe Zhang Xianzhong will do the commander a big favor this time."

"Zhang Xianzhong will help my father-in-law? How do you say that?" Li Dingguo wondered.

Cao Wenzhao looked at Li Dingguo and said with a smile: "This is a matter of strategic consideration. I won't tell you for the time being. You can think about it yourself."

Seeing Li Dingguo contemplating, Cao Wenzhao patted Li Dingguo on the shoulder lightly: "Let me remind you. Remember, strategy is about the overall situation, not the one in front of you. Think about your father's strategy." I'm afraid you can figure out what the layout is."

Hearing this, Li Dingguo's heart skipped a beat, as if he understood something, but after thinking about it for a while, he was finally at a loss.

Cao Wenzhao smiled, patted Li Dingguo's head lightly and said, "Don't worry, your father is far-sighted, far beyond what people can imagine! You are too young to understand your father's strategic layout." , Actually, if I hadn't been informed by your father, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought so far."

Li Dingguo nodded silently upon hearing this.

Cao Wenzhao and Li Dingguo discussed for a while, and then ordered the troops to slow down and start a day's journey with Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong's troops.

Seeing that Cao Wenzhao suddenly slowed down his pursuit, Gao Yingxiang and others were overjoyed and accelerated their pace towards Fengyang, the central capital.

Fengyang is located in Anhui (at that time it was under the jurisdiction of Nanzhili). The reason why this place was regarded as Chengdu was because Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was from Fengyang.

After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, he decided to build his capital in Fengyang, his hometown, out of the idea of ​​returning to his hometown in good clothes and with the support of Huaixi faction heroes.

At that time, the financial and material resources of the whole country were mobilized, and millions of people were mobilized. It took six years to build, and when it was about to be completed, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly decided to give up building the capital in Fengyang.

There are two reasons for giving up: one is that Fengyang's geographical location is not good, and it is a flooded area of ​​the Yellow River (in 1194 AD, the Yellow River broke through Yangwu and took the Huai River into the sea. At that time, the course of the Yellow River was not the current course).

There are a few lyrics in the Fengyang Flower Drum Opera: "Talk about Fengyang, talk about Fengyang, Fengyang is a good place, since Emperor Zhu was born, there will be nine years of drought in ten years..."

The occurrence of such a situation in Fengyang has something to do with Zhu Yuanzhang's waste of money and construction, but it is not the main reason. It is mainly the impact of the Yellow River's capture of the Huaihe River into the sea.

The second reason for giving up building the capital in Fengyang is the theory of Longmai, because Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestral tomb is in Fengyang, and building a city wall on the ancestral tomb is afraid of destroying the Fengshui of the old Zhu's family.

Therefore, although Fengyang has a city, it does not have an outer city wall.

Fengyang did not become the capital city in the end, and with the fact that there will be nine years of drought in ten years, one can imagine how poor it will be.

But if you are poor, you still have to display the music score. After all, it is the place where the old Zhu’s family thrives. When it comes to the Lantern Festival, there will be lanterns or something.

Everyone went to watch the lanterns, so the defenses were naturally lax, so the rogues took advantage of the night and swaggered into Fengyang City, and it was Zhang Xianzhong who led the troops into Fengyang City.

Zhang Xianzhong led his troops into Fengyang, and even with his toes, he could imagine what Fengyang would look like: the thousands of officers and troops guarding Fengyang City were wiped out, and all government offices and tens of thousands of private houses were destroyed.

This was not enough, Zhang Xianzhong also did a more wicked thing, he destroyed Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestral grave, and then erected a banner on the grave, and wrote six characters: "Gu Yuan Zhenlong Emperor".

In China from ancient times to the present, the most ruthless words of swearing are: Dig your family's grave!
Generally speaking, scolding is scolding, and there are not many people who really do it, especially the emperor's grave. Even if the dynasty has died, the next dynasty will rarely dig the grave of the previous emperor (not all of them were dug, the Republic of China Warlord Sun Dianying dug over the graves of Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty).As for the dynasty still in existence, the emperor's ancestral graves were only dug up in the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, people who did such immoral things as digging people's ancestral graves would try their best to cover them up, but the news of the old Zhu family's ancestral graves being dug up quickly spread.It is not known whether Zhang Xianzhong spread it on purpose, but he erected a flag on Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestral grave, presumably that was the intention.

Those generals still know Zhu Youjian's temper quite well. Everyone knows that anyone who offends Emperor Chongzhen will basically end badly.

In the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led his troops to the city of Beijing. Before anything happened, Zhu Youjian chopped off Wang Qia, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and then chopped off Yuan Chonghuan, who was passive and idle.In the next few years, countless ministers were imprisoned and dismissed.

Now that the ancestral grave of Old Zhu's family has been dug up, what's the matter?Generals from all walks of life, including Hong Chengchou, did not wait for Zhu Youjian's order, and immediately let go of the pursuing enemy, and turned around and went straight to Fengyang.

(End of this chapter)

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