Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 301 Hidden Industry

Chapter 301 Hidden Industry

To say that Zhu Youjian's reaction was still very fast, Zhang Xianzhong broke through Fengyang on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the news spread, after confirmation, it would take ten and a half days to reach the capital, the emperor issued an edict to the world, It will take at least half a month.

It is now the beginning of March, that is to say, it only took Zhu Youjian half a month to make the decision to condemn himself.

Zhu Youjian can achieve such efficiency, but for the officials of the imperial court, it is really commendable.

Cao Wenzhao received the news of Zhu Youjian's criminal edict, and Li Jing of Pingyang Mansion naturally also received it.

Hearing that Zhu Youjian issued an edict of guilt, Li Jing was shocked for a while.

But after seeing the content of the Edict of Guilt, Li Jing finally understood Zhu Youjian's intentions.

Li Jing really admired Zhu Youjian's move.

Zhu Youjian said in the imperial edict that it was his responsibility to destroy the imperial mausoleum, and it was his responsibility to cause civil upheavals, even natural disasters. Zhu Youjian took all the faults on himself.

At first glance, Zhu Youjian has taken all the blame for his crimes, and the officials and generals below seem to be fine, but in fact this is not the case at all.

First of all, Zhu Youjian knew that almost all the most capable generals of Ming Dynasty had been mobilized in this encirclement and suppression of the bandits. If the responsibility for the destruction of the imperial mausoleum was shifted to these generals and they were chopped off, who would help him? Stratos?

And the generals below, like Hong Chengchou and Zuo Liangyu, are also very clear that this time Zhu Youjian was made to carry such a big scapegoat. Zhu Youjian was not sure why he was so angry. play life.

Zhu Youjian's approach is far more effective than reprimanding, disposing of, or even killing people.

However, Li Jing knew very well that in the current situation, it was too whimsical to wipe out the rogues with the current military strength of the imperial court.

Because the rogues have been surrounded by the officers and soldiers many times, and they already understand the tactical intentions of the officers and soldiers, it is too difficult to encircle the rogues, so now they can only fight against the rogues.

But the strength of the rogue bandits is several times that of the official army, and their combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger. The official army fights more with less, unless they win every battle, so that they can gradually eat up the rogue bandits.

But how can there be victory in a war?There are not many rogues, if you can win three or two out of ten battles, the officers and soldiers will be overwhelmed.

Unless Ji Shijun also joins the ranks of pursuit and suppression, but Li Jing's layout has not yet been completed, and it is not yet time to make a move.

Looking at the rogues in the east and west on the map, almost everywhere, Li Jing couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"Marshal, Master Wu is back." Li Jing was thinking, Xiao Wu said softly when he entered the room.

Hearing this, Li Jing frowned and said, "Why do you want to pass on the fifth brother? Please come in soon!"

Xiao Wu smiled wryly and said, "Master Wu wants to pass it on, how dare we not listen."

Li Jing sighed, shook his head lightly, and said, "We old brothers seem to be getting more and more unfamiliar, Gao Qi is like this, and Fifth Brother is also like this. Forget it, I'll go to greet him in person!"

Xiao Wu didn't know how to answer, but silently followed Li Jing out of the room.

When he arrived outside the mansion, he saw Ma Wu standing with his hands tied, waiting to be heard. Li Jing stepped forward quickly, took Ma Wu's hand and said, "Fifth brother, why don't you go directly into the house, why are you waiting outside?"

Ma Wu hurriedly bowed and said, "The commander-in-chief is busy with his affairs, how dare Ma Wu enter the mansion without a pass?"

Li Jing stretched out his hand to support Ma Wu's body, shook it vigorously and said, "Fifth brother, even if the big thing is too big, you can't wait until you come back, follow me into the house quickly."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing turned back to Xiao Wu and said, "Send someone to tell Gao Qi that Brother Wu is back, and ask him to call all our old brothers, and I invite everyone to get together tonight. Well, let them bring their family members, and let the female family members get together to have fun."

Xiao Wu responded and hurriedly arranged for someone to notify Gao Qi.

Back in the study, Xiao Wu made a cup of tea for Li Jing and Ma Wu, and Li Jing waved his hand. Knowing that Li Jing and Ma Wu had important matters to discuss, Xiao Wu hurried out of the study and called several guards to guard the door.

After Xiao Wu went out, Li Jing looked at Ma Wu for a while, then held up the tea cup and handed it to Ma Wu, saying, "Fifth brother, I haven't seen you for more than a year now, you are much thinner than before."

Ma Wu took the teacup and put it on the table, looked at Li Jing and sighed: "Brother, if you want to say thin, you are much thinner than Ma Wu. Big brother carries a heavy burden, so you must take care of yourself!"

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "My body has always been like this, and I didn't have much flesh before."

Ma Wu smiled, took a sip from the teacup, put away his smile and asked, "Brother, you asked Ma Wu to come back this time, but there is something important to do?"

Seeing Ma Wu mentioning the business, Li Jingzheng nodded emphatically: "Fifth brother, I am in a hurry to call you back this time. I really have important things to do."

"Brother, please order!" Ma Wu clasped his fists and said.

Li Jing stretched out his hand and pressed twice, signaling to Ma Wu that there is no need to be polite, and then continued: "I think you already know that I transferred Sun Meng's troops to the vicinity of Dezhou."

Ma Wu nodded: "I know, but I can't figure out what the big brother's move is meaningful."

Li Jing smiled, picked up a map from his desk and unfolded it, pointed to the location of Texas and said, "Look carefully."

After hearing the words, Ma Wu watched intently, and after a while, Ma Wu pondered: "Dezhou is the main road leading to the south from the capital. Brother asked Sun Meng to station his troops here, could it be...?"

Li Jing nodded silently.

Ma Wu was overjoyed when he saw him, and suddenly got up and said, "Brother, brothers have been looking forward to this day for a long time, what do you need me to do?"

Li Jing smiled, pointed at Ma Wu and said, "You! You are still the impatient person you were back then, and you haven't changed a bit over the years. This matter is not so fast, and many things are not ready yet, why are you so anxious!"

Ma Wu smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words, and sat down gently.

After Ma Wu sat back to his original seat, Li Jing continued, "I called you back this time to make preparations. I want you to find a way to arrange 5000 people to enter the capital, and then find a place to house them."

Ma Wu nodded emphatically after hearing this: "Brother, don't worry, let alone 5000 people, even if there are more, there is no problem. But 5000 people can't be brought into the capital all at once, they need to be batched."

Ma Wu is very clear about the purpose of Li Jing arranging 5000 people to Beijing. To be honest, if he just arranged people to come to Beijing, it would not be so troublesome at all, but Li Jing asked him to arrange 5000 people to Beijing, of course it would not be empty-handed. Carry a lot of weapons and ammo.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I know the difficulties, I understand even if you don't tell me, half a year is all right?"

Hearing that Li Jing gave a half-year deadline, Ma Wu immediately replied: "No problem."

Li Jingjing nodded and continued: "This is one thing, and there is another thing that is of great importance. After you return to Beijing, send all your subordinates out to collect illegal evidence from those officials in the court, including those relatives of the emperor. , all must be collected.”

Hearing this, Ma Wu clasped his hands together and said, "Brother, are you going to cook them up?"

Li Jing sneered: "Those guys who eat vegetarian meals with corpses will only get in the way, so why keep them?"

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "However, this matter must be done in secret, and the order must be well grasped. It must first be small and then big. Start with small officials first, so as not to alarm people."

Ma Wuzhong nodded emphatically and said, "Don't worry, brother, I know what to do."

Li Jing smiled: "Fifth brother, of course I am assured of you. These years, without you, how could I have grasped so much information."

After hearing this, Ma Wu laughed and said, "That's also due to the eldest brother. If it weren't for the guidance of the elder brother back then, how would Ma Wu know about this?"

Li Jing shook his head, pointed at Ma Wu and said with a smile, "Don't be like others who flatter me, we brothers don't do this."

Ma Wu smiled and said: "I'm telling the truth, not only me, which of our old brothers was not taught by the eldest brother?"

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "The main thing is for the brothers to strive for themselves."

Speaking of which, Li Jing picked up the teacup and gestured to Ma Wu.

After drinking a sip of tea, Li Jing continued: "The third thing, Donglu must pay close attention to their movements. I estimate that within this year and next, Donglu will make a big move. At that time, it will be the time for us to act." .”

Ma Wuzheng nodded emphatically and said, "I'll send some more people to Donglu right away."

Speaking of this, Ma Wu suddenly smiled and said: "By the way, last time Fan Wencheng arranged four people to come to Pingyang Mansion to assassinate elder brother. Did elder brother arrest them?"

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "You knew that they came to assassinate me, but you didn't arrest them. How could I not understand the intention? I have to make use of these four boys, and I can't make Fan Wencheng busy. "

"Hey, I wanted to kill those four boys at the time, but I guessed that these four boys could be of some use, so I let them go." Ma Wu said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled lightly and said, "This brat Fan Wencheng never imagined that his place in the capital is actually our property."

Ma Wu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that Fan Wencheng is not wary of us. He already knows that the eldest brother has a lot of properties, so he specially found a time-honored inn and learned about it carefully when he stayed in the inn, but he absolutely didn't Come to think of it, that inn was also bought by me."

"Hey, why did I say that you can do things with confidence? You are called Gao Ming, let alone Fan Wencheng, even the officials in Beijing would never have thought that we still have a hidden property." Li Jing laughed. .

Ma Wu smiled and said, "I can't help it, my brother has been in the limelight for the past two years, many people know that Jingji Company is the property of my brother, and it was only in desperation that I thought of buying a few properties that did not carry the Jingji brand. "

Li Jing nodded and smiled after listening, "Fifth brother, I said that you are suitable for this job, and I was right."

Lifting his eyes to look at the sky, Li Jing continued: "You haven't come home this time, you should go home and have a look, come and have dinner with me later."

Ma Wu laughed and said, "No, I'll go to see Mr. Yuan. I haven't seen Mr. Yuan for more than a year. I don't know how the old man is doing."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Okay, then you can go to Mr.'s place and have lunch with Mr. at noon."

Ma Wu nodded and got up to say goodbye.

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(End of this chapter)

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