Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 306 Tai Chi Pushing Hands

Chapter 306 Tai Chi Pushing Hands
After the series of actions of Houjin was introduced to Ming Dynasty, there was an uproar in the Ming Dynasty.All the ministers and generals wrote letters one after another, asking Zhu Youjian to send troops to crusade.

Zhu Youjian could not help shaking his head slightly when he saw that the ministers and generals were so angry that they all seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

Normally speaking, if the ministers in the DPRK are so united, it will be too late for Zhu Youjian to be happy.

But Zhu Youjian knew that these people were just talking, and they really wanted to lead troops to crusade against Houjin, so that they could shrink their necks faster than a turtle.

From the bottom of my heart, Zhu Youjian wants to send troops to destroy the Qing Dynasty, which changed its name, more than anyone else.But if you think about it, can you destroy it?If it can be wiped out, do we have to wait until today?

Daming's manpower and material resources are more than a hundred times that of Houjin, and its military strength is more than ten times that of Houjin. If everyone is united, what is it worth fighting a small Houjin?
At the beginning, Mongolia was much stronger than the current Houjin, but was beaten by the Ming army and ran all the way to Beihai (in the area around Lake Baikal), but even if the Yuan army ran to Beihai, the Ming army did not let them go. Beihai destroyed the Mongolian gold family that once ruled the world.

But now, Houjin has a population of only one million or so, and its army is only about one hundred thousand, but hundreds of thousands of Ming troops have lost their helmets and armor, and their hearts are terrified.

Is it the general who commands the troops and fights below?Obviously not.

After Zhu Youjian ascended the throne, the generals under his command can be said to be full of talents. When Sun Chengzong, Yuan Chonghuan and others guarded Ningjin, they generally won more battles with Houjin than they lost. A unit like Guan Ning cavalry.

But for some reason, the Ming army failed at every critical moment. Either there was a problem here, or there was a problem there.Every time they lose a battle, the Ming army will be seriously injured.

So much so that now let alone actively attacking Houjin, as long as he can hold the line of defense, Zhu Youjian will be very popular.

It's not that Zhu Youjian didn't know the meaning of changing the country's name after the Jin Dynasty.Later Jin changed the name of the country, and at the same time imitated the system of the Han people, and established functional organizations at all levels. This is to regard its status as equal to that of Ming Dynasty.

The founding of the country means that Hou Jin is ready to fight against Ming Dynasty, or destroy Ming Dynasty, or be destroyed by Ming Dynasty.

Obviously, Hou Jin had seen that Ming had no ability to take the initiative to attack, and that he could not be wiped out, so he boldly established the country.

While listening to the impassioned speeches of the ministers, Zhu Youjian flipped through the statements on the ministers.

I saw that the speaker showed a posture of following the goldfish to die, and the statement also said that he would die to serve the country, but there was nothing useful, and no one said how to fight against the goldfish.

After looking through the memorials, Zhu Youjian suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed something. After thinking about it, Zhu Youjian read the memorials again. After reading it, Zhu Youjian discovered that there was no Cao Wenzhao in it. There is no memorial for Li Jing, and there is no memorial for Li Jing.

Zhu Youjian was very surprised about this. After such a major event as Hou Jin Jianguo, at the level of Cao Wenzhao and Li Jing, there should be a report anyway. Why are these two people silent?

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian coughed lightly, and the minister below who was still talking about fighting to the death with Hou Jin hurriedly shut up, his face full of embarrassment.

Tapping the memorial lightly, Zhu Youjian asked: "My dear friends, who knows what Cao Wenzhao is doing now?"

All the ministers couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay. How do they know what Cao Wenzhao is doing now?
But then the ministers showed a look of indifference, because what Cao Wenzhao did had nothing to do with them, and if they wanted to inquire about Cao Wenzhao's movements, they should ask the people in the Ministry of War.

And the people in the Ministry of War didn't take it seriously. There was a supervising army around Cao Wenzhao, and they would report to Zhu Youjian every now and then.
Of course, there are still smart people. Seeing the emperor knocking on the memorial and asking Cao Wenzhao what he was doing, he immediately understood that what Zhu Youjian really wanted to ask was why Cao Wenzhao didn't make the memorial.

Liu Lingyu is one of the smart people.

People who know Cao Wenzhao should have a little impression of this person. Cao Wenzhao and Liu Lingyu were neighbors when he was in Shanxi. Later, he may have offended Liu Lingyu because of his rude words. Later, when Cao Wenzhao went to Henan, it happened that Liu Lingyu was on tour in Henan. The two started to fight again after a disagreement. Given their cultural level, Liu Lingyu was probably scolded by Cao Wenzhao as a bloody sprinkler.

After suffering such a big loss, Liu Lingyu thought of Cao Wenzhao.

However, Liu Lingyu was the censor of Henan Province, and Cao Wenzhao was the commander-in-chief of Shanxi, and later the commander-in-chief of Datong. With the weight in his mind, the Shanxi Dao Yushi was naturally unwilling to stand up for Liu Lingyu, so Liu Lingyu had to hold back.

Liu Lingyu finally waited for the opportunity. Some time ago, Cao Wenzhao was transferred to Hong Chengchou's command to encircle and suppress the bandits. He is currently stationed in Zhengzhou, Henan. Liu Lingyu is the censor of Henan Province. Cao Wenzhao went to Henan and was under his supervision. .

However, Liu Lingyu did not dare to impeach Cao Wenzhao casually, especially at the beginning of the year, when Zhang Xianzhong dug the ancestral grave of the old Zhu's family, Cao Wenzhao killed Zhang Xianzhong and his subordinates, and relieved Zhu Youjian of his bad breath. There are many praises for Cao Wenzhao, and the impeachment of Cao Wenzhao at this time is purely to make himself uncomfortable.

But today the opportunity came.

Liu Lingyu could see that Zhu Youjian was dissatisfied with Cao Wenzhao's failure to submit a memorial. It was no wonder that, even if Cao Wenzhao didn't dare to take the initiative to invite Ying after such a big event happened, he should at least show his loyalty by presenting a memorial.

If you don't show your loyalty, isn't that the same as supporting Hou Jin Jianguo?

Wanting to understand this point, Liu Lingyu had no hesitation, and immediately stepped out, bowed deeply to Zhu Youjian, and then said: "My Majesty, I know what Cao Wenzhao is doing now?"

"Oh? What is Cao Wenzhao doing?" Zhu Youjian asked casually.

Liu Lingyu continued: "Your Majesty, since Cao Wenzhao wiped out Zhang Xianzhong's troops, he has been stationed in the Zhengzhou area of ​​Kaifeng Prefecture. He has not taken any action except to cooperate with Zuo Liangyu's general army to eliminate a few small groups of bandits."

Hearing this, Zhu Youjian looked at Liu Lingyu sideways, and cursed inwardly: "Who doesn't know that Cao Wenzhao stopped his troops in Zhengzhou, do you need to tell me?"

However, Zhu Youjian immediately remembered Liu Lingyu's position, and immediately knew that Liu Lingyu must have a follow-up.

Sure enough, Liu Lingyu continued: "Your Majesty, I impeach Cao Wenzhao for being disloyal to Ming Dynasty!"

As soon as Liu Lingyu's words came out, there was an uproar among civil and military officials in the court, and they all looked sideways at Liu Lingyu, thinking in their hearts: Liu Lingyu is really a fucking kid, if even Cao Wenzhao is disloyal to Daming, does Daming still have a loyal minister?The emperor now attaches great importance to Cao Wenzhao. If you avenge your personal revenge and impeach Cao Wenzhao, you may be unable to eat and walk around.

Immediately, everyone looked at Zhu Youjian, wondering how Zhu Youjian would deal with Liu Lingyu.

Seeing Zhu Youjian's face sinking like water, he looked at Liu Lingyu and asked solemnly, "Do you have evidence to impeach Cao Wenzhao for being unfaithful?"

Seeing that Zhu Youjian's expression was not right, Liu Lingyu panicked inexplicably, and thought to himself, "Could it be that I was wrong in my guess just now? Is the emperor not dissatisfied with Cao Wenzhao?"

But now that Zhu Youjian is asking questions, he is no longer allowed to think about it, not to mention that he is hard to get off at this time, even if he bites the bullet, he will get on.

After pondering his words, Liu Lingyu bowed and said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, the founding of the country by the eastern captives is really an act of rebellion. As a general, Cao Wenzhao should offer advice and suggestions to the emperor. However, Cao Wenzhao is indifferent. I don't know what his intentions are. ?”

As soon as Liu Lingyu finished speaking, all the courtiers secretly admired him. Liu Lingyu's impeachment of Cao Wenzhao with this reason was indeed justified, and no one could find any faults.

It's just that everyone obviously underestimated Zhu Youjian's level, let alone understand Zhu Youjian's thoughts.

What Zhu Youjian hates the most is when the officials come out to make trouble when talking about serious matters, and things that were originally discussed well will be messed up by these guys.

Of course, Zhu Youjian will never send Liu Lingyu down casually. Zhu Youjian is very clear that according to the ancestral system, even if the officials say something wrong, they cannot be punished, and these officials are all in the same group. If Liu Lingyu is sent down rashly, all the speech officials will inevitably be attacked, and Zhu Youjian will never do things that make trouble for himself.

As soon as Zhu Youjian thought about it, he found out the flaws in Liu Lingyu's words, so he smiled and said: "Liu Aiqing just said that Cao Wenzhao, as a general, should offer advice and suggestions for me, so should all the ministers in the court also Would you like to offer advice to me?
But today the court meeting has been going on for so long, I don't know which minister will offer me a plan?These articles are full of words denouncing Donglu, but no one said how to use troops against Donglu.

War is not a child's play. It is not a matter of sending tens of thousands of soldiers out. The military supplies, food and grass must be prepared before the troops can be launched.

But how should the military supplies be allocated, who will lead the army to fight, and how should the ministries coordinate?Why didn't I hear all the ministers say these things, why didn't any one of these articles write about these things?
You said that Cao Wenzhao was disloyal to Daming for not offering advice and suggestions for me, so are the Manchu officials also disloyal to Daming and me? "

As soon as Zhu Youjian said this, all the officials in the court immediately looked at Liu Lingyu angrily.

It is estimated that if he was not in the court, he was afraid of being disrespectful to the emperor, afraid of shocking the holy driver, he would have punched Liu Lingyu with old fists.

You must know that the most taboo thing for an official is to dismantle the platform of his colleagues. After Zhu Youjian's analysis of Liu Lingyu's words, it is tantamount to telling the officials in the palace that while Liu Lingyu impeached Cao Wenzhao, he was actually talking about the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. No one offered advice and suggestions for Zhu Youjian, which was tantamount to impeaching the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty for being disloyal to the Ming Dynasty and the emperor.

This attack area is too wide, and the hatred it attracts is too high, which immediately makes Liu Lingyu the target of public criticism.

Zhu Youjian pushed Liu Lingyu to the opposite side of the officials with a light Tai Chi push hand. He not only saved Cao Wenzhao from the siege, but at the same time did not offend the officials. .

After listening to Zhu Youjian's words, Liu Lingyu saw the expressions of his colleagues, and immediately knew that he had committed public outrage.I also know that if I don't figure out a way to save myself immediately, countless people will impeach myself immediately.

Liu Lingyu's mind changed quickly, the so-called quick thinking made him come up with an idea in a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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