Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 319 Telescope

Chapter 319 Telescope

Yang Liufeng, Shen Zheng, and Ma Wu searched according to the general book, ransacked a family, took one person, and soon all officials suspected of corruption and bribery in the palace were arrested and imprisoned.

After the high-level ones were taken, the lower-level officials followed. In just two days, more than half of the more than [-] officials in Beijing were arrested and imprisoned.

With so many officials arrested, the capital was naturally a sensation. However, since Li Jing had made arrangements in advance, except for a few people who came out to make trouble, most people were still on the sidelines.

In addition, Cao Wenzhao's troops had also entered Beijing at this time, and the 3000 people who drove from Pingyang Mansion to the capital also arrived near the capital.

If Li Jing's number was insufficient two days ago, by this time, the capital was completely under Li Jing's control.

On the day Cao Wenzhao entered Beijing, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian met Cao Wenzhao in the palace, and then Zhu Youjian issued an edict: Yujia personally conscripted.

Zhu Youjian's personal conquest may be the emperor with the least number of troops in history.

There were only 2 troops dispatched in Beijing, of which 1 were from the original Ming army in the Beijing camp.

Of course, Li Jing actually used more troops than these. Cao Bianjiao, Sun Hutou, and Ma Ke were leading more than [-] people to ambush outside Dushikou.

In addition, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng and others have also led their troops to the capital. The total strength of the Ming army is more than [-].


In the school grounds in the northern suburbs of the capital, Zhu Youjian, Li Jing and a group of civil servants and military generals were inspecting the troops on the school grounds.

Seeing the expressions of disapproval on the faces of some ministers, Li Jing knew that they thought he had dispatched too few troops, and even suspected that he had the idea of ​​murdering the emperor.

With a smile, Li Jing turned his head and said to Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, whether or not the Donglu can be wiped out in this expedition is actually not on the frontal battlefield, but depends on the cooperation of the generals. As long as the generals can seal the Donglu Let them run around, drive them to the direction of Dushikou, and it will be easy to wipe out the Donglu."

"You sound good. If you can't defeat the Donglu army on the frontal battlefield, is it so easy to stop the Donglu army?" One person said.

Li Jing turned his head and saw that the speaker was Sun Chuanting, the new governor of Shaanxi.

Sun Chuanting, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng and others led troops into King Qinqin, and they were not allowed to enter the capital. However, Li Jing considered that these people would be useful for the encirclement and annihilation of Donglu. In addition, in order to dispel some bad ideas of these people, Li Jing Jing naturally wants to suppress these people, so during the military parade, Zhu Youjian specially asked these people to come to the military parade together.

Li Jing knew that Sun Chuanting had just killed Gao Yingxiang, and he was very angry at this moment.Moreover, people like Sun Chuanting have always been unconvinced. It is useless to convince such a person by talking, you have to let him see real swords and guns.

With a smile, Li Jing said: "Governor Sun, I will deal with the frontal battlefield. You just need to stop Donglu's defeated army. I don't need you to stop for a long time, as long as you can guarantee that you will not be defeated by Donglu. .I know you don't believe my words, and there is no basis for empty words, so Li will let you see it, Chen Dazhuang!"

"The last general is here!" Hearing this, Chen Dazhuang hastily stepped out from the front of the army.

"Two miles behind you, a target has been set up. Twenty rapid-fire cannons will destroy the target and strengthen our Ming army!" Li Jing shouted.

"I would like to obey the commander's order!" Chen Dazhuang raised his chest and cupped his fists.

Then Chen Dazhuang turned around, unfolded the command flag in his hand, and shouted in his mouth: "The ninth heavy artillery, the tenth team obeys the order, the commander has an order, the target two miles due north, twenty rapid-fire artillery, destroy it!"

"Yes!" The two artillery teams standing at the back responded in unison.

After all, the two artillery teams quickly took off the gun coats, and then began to adjust the angle of the muzzle.

After a while, the two team officers shouted loudly: "Report to the general town, the adjustment of Zhu Yuan has been completed, please give the order from the general town."

Chen Dazhuang waved his flag and shouted, "Fire!"

As Chen Dazhuang ordered the flag to fall, all the artillerymen pulled the ropes in their hands vigorously, only heard a loud noise, and then saw a small hillside shaking in the distance.

Immediately, the artillerymen opened the back door of the barrel, unloaded the shell casings, and then pushed the shells in again.

After closing the rear door, the rope was pulled again, followed by another roar.

Seeing that Zhu Youjian and the other officials all looked ashen, Li Jing patted Zhu Youjian's back lightly: "The emperor is frightened!"

Zhu Youjian shook his head, and said with a surprised expression: "Li Aiqing, what kind of cannon is this? It's so powerful?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "This is the new type of artillery developed by Master Sun Yuanhua. There are now more than [-] pieces of this type of artillery. This time, [-] pieces of this type of artillery were installed in the Beijing camp, and [-] pieces were arranged outside Dushikou. "

"It doesn't seem like a lot? Why don't you make more?" Zhu Youjian wondered.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled wryly, "Your Majesty, you can't afford to consume shells! Although Pingyang Mansion produces copper, it doesn't produce saltpeter. I bought the materials for these shells from other places."

In fact, Li Jing was talking nonsense with his eyes open. How could there be no nitrate in the place where salt is produced?Li Jing didn't want to hand over to Zhu Youjian the truth.

Zhu Youjian didn't understand, so he naturally believed it after hearing it.

Looking at the cannon from a distance, Zhu Youjian suddenly pointed at the cannon and said, "Would it be too troublesome to move such a big guy?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "If there are wheels, when they need to be transported, they can be transported away at any time by putting them on a carriage. The emperor is far away, so he didn't see the wheels."

"Oh!" Zhu Youjian nodded slightly.

At this time, the people who were going to inspect the target galloped back, came to the parade stand, knelt down on one knee, and said to Zhu Youjian: "My lord, the surrounding earth hill where the target was laid has been razed to the ground, except for a large mountain in the middle. pit, no target."

Zhu Youjian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Good! Good! Daming has this sharp weapon, why worry about the injustice!"

Li Jing smiled, turned his head to look at Sun Chuanting and said, "Governor Sun saw this cannon, what do you think?"

Sun Chuanting shook his head and said, "Although these fifty cannons are powerful, but with just fifty cannons, they want to wipe out Donglu. Does General Li think that Donglu is an idiot? Will they stand there and wait for you to bombard them?" ?”

Li Jing said with a smile: "Of course Donglu is not stupid. I didn't think I could wipe out Donglu with only these fifty heavy artillery pieces."

After speaking, Li Jing turned to Chen Dazhuang and said, "Order the Second Artillery Battalion to set up the artillery!"

"Yes!" Chen Dazhuang replied, then turned around and shouted: "The Second Artillery Battalion set up artillery."

Following Chen Dazhuang's order, there was a sound of iron objects intersecting in the school grounds.

After a while, the sound disappeared, and there were rows of small cannons neatly arranged in front of the soldiers.

Pointing to the school yard, Li Jing turned to look at Zhu Youjian and said, "Your Majesty, this kind of gunner is called a portable artillery. This gun seems small, but if it is used intensively, its power should not be underestimated. During the Datong Battle , Cao Wenzhao set up an ambush in Guantunbao, and within half an hour, he wiped out nearly [-] Eastern captives, relying on this cannon."

Zhu Youjian was shocked when he heard the words: "Destroy ten thousand people in half an hour? How many such artillery will be used?"

Li Jing smiled and said to Cao Wenzhao: "Brother Wenzhao, tell the emperor."

Hearing the words, Cao Wenzhao bowed to Zhu Youjian, then clasped his fists to Li Jing, and then said: "Your Majesty, when the commander handed over [-] cannons to my minister, I used [-] of them to block the attack. It took two hundred shots. Hehe, that battle was really easy. Our army wiped out nearly ten thousand enemies without wounding a single soldier. I have led the army for many years, and I have never won such a beautiful battle."

Zhu Youjian nodded, and suddenly said after a while: "I remember that during the Datong Battle, the number of deaths you reported was about [-] people. How did you get so many deaths when you attacked the enemy with this artillery?"

Cao Wenzhao said embarrassingly: "It's all my fault that I didn't obey the command of the commander in chief, and chased too close to the remnant enemy. Those soldiers were shot and killed by Donglu's bows and arrows while chasing the enemy."

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while, then turned to look at Li Jing and said, "When chasing the remnant enemy, why can't you chase too close?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled wryly, and clasped his fists at Zhu Youjian and said, "Your Majesty, the new rifle equipped by the commander-in-chief can kill the enemy within 150 paces, while Donglu's bow and arrow can only kill the enemy within [-] paces." Therefore, when our army chases the enemy, we only need to control the distance and will not be injured at all."

"You can kill the enemy in 150 steps? Can you show me?" Zhu Youjian asked doubtfully.

"No problem, I will order the soldiers to demonstrate it to His Majesty." Cao Wenzhao clasped his fists and said.

After finishing speaking, Cao Wenzhao immediately ordered the soldiers to set up the target, and then ordered a hundred soldiers to go out and shoot the target.

Cao Wenzhao's subordinates are the most elite troops of the Jishi Army, with superb archery skills. To them, 150 steps is no different from what they see in front of them. At this time, they are demonstrating in front of Li Jing and the emperor, and they are even more energetic. Five shots, the guns hit the target.

After shooting the target, Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "The troops of the minister are cavalry. When fighting, they shoot on horseback. They may not be so accurate, but relying on intensive shooting, the Donglu still has no power to fight back."

Zhu Youjian nodded, looked at Li Jing, and thought to himself: "No wonder Wang Chengen let Li Jing enter the city. Li Jing's military strength is so strong that it may take less than an hour to attack the capital. It seems that Li Jing said before that It's all true."

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian suddenly said: "Li Aiqing, Cao Aiqing, our army's attack distance is so far, how can we see the enemy's movements clearly when we are in battle?"

Li Jingchong stretched out his thumb to Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, your question is on the right point. In the face of battle, it is the key for the general to grasp the enemy's situation. Brother Wen Zhao, show your treasure to the Emperor for a look!"

Cao Wenzhao smiled embarrassedly, took out something from his bosom and handed it to Zhu Youjian, saying: "Please look at it, Your Majesty."

Zhu Youjian took the thing and looked at it for a while and said: "How to use this thing?"

Cao Wenzhao pointed to the object and said: "This object can be pulled apart, the emperor only needs to take a close look at it."

Zhu Youjian took a look, pulled the thing away, took a closer look, and suddenly said in surprise: "Why is it just as it is in front of you?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "This thing was designed by the commander-in-chief. It is called a telescope, and it can see things far away."

"Oh? Li Aiqing still has such skills? This is amazing!" Zhu Youjian looked at Li Jing and smiled.

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "Your Majesty, don't listen to brother Wen Zhao's nonsense, how could I make this thing? It was bought from a foreigner in Macau. I just made a slight modification to make this thing look farther and clearer." That's all."

(End of this chapter)

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