Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 327 The Master and the Guest

Chapter 327 The Master and the Guest

Since Ming Chengzu Zhu Di became the emperor and moved the capital to Beijing (Yongle 19th year), Qianqing Palace became the palace of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.Later, thirteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty lived here.

The Qianqing Palace in the Ming Dynasty was a relatively lively place. Emperor Zhengde held song and dance performances here, Emperor Jiajing built an alchemy laboratory here, and Emperor Tianqi opened a carpentry shop here.

In the corner of Qianqing Palace, there were hundreds of Huanxi Buddhas placed between the beams of the house. It was not until Zhu Youjian became the emperor that all these Huanxi Buddhas were swept out.

To be able to hold so many programs, the area of ​​Qianqing Palace is obviously huge, and the rooms will not be too small.

In fact, there are nine Guangnuan Pavilions in Qianqing Palace, which are divided into upper and lower floors.

The place where Li Jing was waiting for the discussion this time was in Dongnuan Pavilion.

The upper floor of Dongnuange is Zhu Youjian's bedroom, and the lower floor is the study, where Zhu Youjian works daily.

Naturally, Wang Chengen would not arrange Li Jing to rest on Zhu Youjian's bed on the upper floor.

Under Xiao Wu's close watch, one of the two maids pressed Li Jing's head and the other beat Li Jing's leg.

To Wang Chengen's surprise, Li Jing fell asleep not long after lying down.

Turning around from behind the bookshelf, Wang Chengen made a silent gesture, and then said softly, "The commander is asleep."

"What? Asleep?" Zhu Youjian, Hong Chengchou and others were amazed.

Shen Zheng glanced at everyone and said, "You don't know, do you? The commander-in-chief hasn't had a good rest for many days."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of papers from his bosom, gently raised it and said: "This is the new regulations of the household department drawn up by the general, all written by the general himself, when the general wrote it, Shen was by his side .”

Then Yang Liufeng also took out a stack of papers from his bosom and said, "This is the regulations of the Ministry of Punishment."

Then Zhou Hengchen continued: "I still have the regulations of the Ministry of Officials here."

Then Yuan Shu said: "What I have here is the regulations of the Ministry of Rites."

Finally Yu Leting said: "There are also those from the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Seeing that everyone took out a stack of papers full of words, Zhu Youjian was shocked.

After thinking about it, he said to Zhou Hengchen: "Zhou Aiqing, can you show me the regulations of the Ministry of Officials?"

Zhou Hengchen handed the paper to Zhu Youjian and said, "Please look at it, Your Majesty."

Zhu Youjian reached out to take it, and just took a look at it for the first time, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

The subtle expression on Zhu Youjian's face naturally couldn't escape the eyes of Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng and others, and they asked casually, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Zhu Youjian shook his head and looked carefully.

After a long time, Zhu Youjian finally read it, but was lost in a daze for a while.

After a while, Zhu Youjian sighed: "Li Aiqing is really a great talent in governing the country. If the Ming Dynasty had used Li Aiqing early, why did the Ming Dynasty come to this?"

Saying that, Zhu Youjian sighed again, handed the paper back to Zhou Hengchen, looked at Yu Leting and said, "Let me also have a look at the regulations of the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Yu Leting did not hesitate, and handed the regulations to Zhu Youjian: "Please read, Your Majesty."

Obviously, there are more regulations in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Zhu Youjian took longer to read them. After reading them, Zhu Youjian smiled bitterly and said, "If I had adopted this method a few years earlier, how could the imperial court be so smoky, alas!"

Seeing Zhu Youjian sighing again and again, Hong Chengchou couldn't help being curious: "Your Majesty, can you let me take a look at what the general wrote?"

Zhu Youjian handed the charter to Hong Chengchou casually: "Let Hong Aiqing take a look."

Hong Chengchou hurried forward to take it, then shook the paper, and read it intently.

Just after taking a look, Hong Chengchou frowned slightly.

After reading it, Hong Chengchou sighed: "The talent of the commander-in-chief is really beyond the reach of my generation."

After a while, Hong Chengchou said with a smile: "Fortunately, there is one thing that the commander-in-chief can't compare to us, otherwise, we people really have no place to be ashamed."

Lu Xiangsheng was surprised when he heard the words: "What is the commander in chief who can't compare with us?"

Hong Chengchou pointed to the paper and said: "The handwriting of the general is really bad. If several adults said that it was written by the general, even if Hong was killed, he would not believe that these words were written by the general."

Lu Xiangsheng was even more surprised when he heard the words. He took the paper from Hong Chengchou, looked at it carefully, then shook his head and said with a smile: "How did you master this handwriting? It's too bad."

Shen Zheng heard the words and said with a smile: "Our marshal only started learning to read ten years ago. At that time, he learned characters from Shen. He was born as a businessman. How could he teach people how to read? Later, the marshal worshiped Jie Huan as his teacher. That’s when I really started to read and write.”

"The commander-in-chief seems to be 35 years old this year, right? He was 25 ten years ago, and he only started learning to write at the age of 25. It should be considered remarkable to be able to write at this level." Lu Xiangsheng said.

"Huh? That's not right! The commander-in-chief has only been on the scene for five years, but he has never heard of the commander-in-chief's name before. When did the commander-in-chief know Jie Huangong?" Hong Chengchou wondered.

Shen Zheng smiled: "Hehe, when the commander-in-chief met Duke Jie Huan, he was still a bandit on the mountain. At that time, there were only a few hundred people under his command. How could Master Hong have heard of it? The Governor, who is in charge of encircling and suppressing the bandits, should know that no matter how violent the bandits are, they have never appeared in the area from Lin County to Weihui Mansion, right?"

Hong Chengchou nodded and said, "I've always wondered about this matter? Rogue bandits are all over Henan, why don't they make trouble in Lin County and Weihui Mansion?"

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "That's because the commander-in-chief started his business there. After the commander-in-chief arrived at Hongshanling, he wiped out all the bandits and bandits between the two mansions. Under the protection of the Marshal, all local tyrants and wealthy gentry at that time had to pay taxes to the Marshal.

These people paid their taxes, and the commander-in-chief will protect them. In the fourth year of Chongzhen, the trespassers and other troops were chased by General Cao and entered the boundary of Lingchuan. The commander-in-chief was afraid that the bandits would enter Henan, so he led his troops to attack and stop the bandits in the mausoleum. In the north of Sichuan, the commander-in-chief later ordered Commander Sun of Lin County to garrison troops in the north of Lin County, and Liu Qianhu of Weihui Mansion to garrison troops in the south of Weihui. Working together, how could the rogues enter the territory of Weihui Mansion! "

When Zhu Youjian heard the words, he suddenly burst into foul language: "Damn it, I was deceived by the officials below. Zhangde and Weihui have been well-taxed and peaceful all these years. I have rewarded these two people a lot. Officials of the government, it turns out that all this is due to Li Aiqing.

Back then, even if the officials of these two prefectures mentioned Li Aiqing to me, I would not have buried the talent so far.Come to think of it, Li Aiqing must have felt extremely chilled towards me. "

Shen Zheng shook his head and said with a smile: "The emperor did not promote the general, but it was actually good for him. It was in those few years that the general began to seriously study the government's maladministration and gradually found a solution. That's why the Pingyang Mansion came into existence. The New Deal, and after several years of improvement, has made the system more and more comprehensive.”

"It's a pity that Pingyang Mansion is too small. These systems are easy to implement in Pingyang Mansion. It takes a lot of effort to implement them across the country. I'm sorry, I just fell asleep for some reason. Your Majesty and your lords are waiting. Li Jing is rude." At this time Li Jing suddenly walked in and said.

"Ah! Li Aiqing is awake? Why don't you take a rest?" Zhu Youjian asked hurriedly.

Li Jing sighed and said: "Time is waiting for me, how can I sleep!"

"Marshal! You must take care of your health!" Shen Zheng and others suddenly choked up.

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's okay, Eunuch Wang, I'm a little hungry, but do you have anything to eat?"

"It's ready, just wait for the commander-in-chief." Wang Chengen said hurriedly.

"How can I let the emperor and all the lords wait alone? It must not be like this next time." Li Jing frowned and said.

Hong Chengchou and others hurriedly said: "The commander-in-chief has worked so hard, I should wait for the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing shook his head: "There won't be so many rules in the future. Could it be that because I'm sleeping, I will delay everyone from eating? Especially if the emperor is still here, let the emperor wait for me, then who am I?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Li Aiqing has worked hard and made great achievements, and I should wait for Li Aiqing." Zhu Youjian said hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "It seems that I won't be able to come to the palace to eat in the future."

While talking, several young eunuchs and court ladies came in with food boxes.

Li Jing opened a food box and saw that although the food was rich, there were not many dishes. He nodded immediately: "Very good, that's how it should be. It doesn't matter if you eat something good, but it shouldn't be extravagant. Come on, everyone do it yourself."

"Marshal, what do you want to eat? I'll give it to you!" Wang Chengen smiled.

Li Jing smiled: "Give me a bowl of rice, is that chicken soup? Get some chicken soup and soak it."

"How do you eat this?" Wang Chengen was taken aback.

"That's good. I usually eat like that. All right, don't look at me like that. What's that? Check it out a bit too. I guess if I don't eat it, you won't be able to eat it either." Li Jing laughed.

Hearing this, Wang Chengen silently served Li Jing a bowl of rice, soaked it in chicken soup, put a few chopsticks in the bowl, and handed it to Li Jing.

Li Jing took it with a smile, took a bite of the dish, tasted it, and then stretched out his thumb: "The chef of the imperial dining room is very skilled. I have never eaten such a delicious dish."

After finishing speaking, I went to two times, and a bowl of rice was pulled into my stomach.

Passed the bowl to Wang Chengen and said, "Give me another bowl."

Wang Chengen took it and gave Li Jingsheng another bowl.

Soon Li Jing ate the second bowl of rice.

Passing the bowl and chopsticks to Wang Chengen, Li Jing waved his hand: "You guys take it easy, I'll walk around."

Zhu Youjian, Hong Chengchou and others looked at Li Jing in silence for a moment.

These few people all knew that Li Jing said that going for a stroll was just an excuse, but since Li Jing was here, everyone probably wouldn't be able to eat well.

These people don't have Li Jing's ability to eat. They eat a bowl of rice as soon as they say it is eaten. After eating it, Li Jing must have scolded them for wasting it.

For Zhu Youjian, this meal may be the worst meal in his life, and it is also the fastest meal.

For Hong Chengchou and others, this meal may be the strangest meal they have ever eaten in their lives.

Eating with the emperor in the palace is like a homely routine, which was completely unimaginable before.

At this moment, Hong Chengchou and others had the illusion that Li Jing was the owner of the palace, while Zhu Youjian seemed like a guest.

(End of this chapter)

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