Chapter 329

Jinyiwei, founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, formerly known as Gongweisi, is under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

In order to abolish the prime minister system and centralize the imperial power, Zhu Yuanzhang changed the Gongwei commander to the Jinyi pro-army commander, responsible for the guarding of the palace, the integrity of court officials, and intelligence. All work is only responsible to the emperor.

After the case of Hu Weiyong and Lan Yu, Zhu Yuanzhang saw that the imperial power was unshakable, and also saw that Jinyiwei had too much power, so he abolished Jinyiwei.

After Zhu Di became emperor, in order to consolidate his power, Jinyiwei was re-established, and under Jinyiwei, two towns in the north and south were added. One of the few powerful departments in the Ming Dynasty, countless officials changed their faces when they heard the word Jinyiwei.

Later, Zhu Di felt that Jinyiwei had too much power. In addition, most of the members of Jinyiwei were meritorious officials. These people had many ties to the courtiers. Zhu Di did not trust these people from the bottom of his heart. So in order to limit the power of Jinyiwei and monitor Jinyiwei at the same time, Zhu Di established the Dongchang, the Dongjishichang, which was in charge of the eunuchs in the palace.

The eunuch in charge of the East Factory was originally the eunuch who was in charge of the Ritual Supervisor, and later changed to the second or third person in the Rites Supervisor (the first one was the eunuch who was in charge of the Rites). The eunuch in charge of the school", referred to as the factory owner or supervisor.

Wang Zhen, Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian and others have all held this position, but the reason why these three people are so pissed is because they are in charge of the East Factory Superintendent as the eunuch in charge of the ceremony.

The two major spy organizations, Dongchang and Jinyiwei, have been in the Ming Dynasty for nearly 300 years. It can be said that everyone knows it, but today their good days are finally over.

Imperial City Jinyiwei Commander Si Yamen.

Ma Wuduan sat in the main hall of the yamen, and a group of subordinates stood on both sides of the hall with knives, watching coldly the leaders of the Jinyiwei who used to be invincible.

Jinyiwei set up one commander (the third rank), two commanders of Tongzhi (the third rank), two commanders (the fourth rank), two governors from the north and the south (the fourth rank), and ten thousand households and deputy thousand households. Yu people.

In the past, when these people went out randomly and stamped their feet, the capital would tremble three times, but now, these people stood in front of the hall like eggplants beaten by frost, bowing their heads and waiting for Ma Wu's disposal.

Ma Wu raised the appointment order in his hand, looked at these people with a smile, and said, "My lords, have you read carefully? If there is no objection, Ma will carry out the commander's order."

Luo Yangxing, the commander of Jinyiwei, hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, Brother Ma, these years Luo has treated you well, but whenever there is something wrong with the brother, Luo has never been difficult for the brother, and now you are the admiral... the admiral of the Security and Security Department, is it true Then forget the old relationship, do you want to start with me?"

Ma Wu smiled and said: "Hehe, Commander Luo, you have never felt sorry for Ma Wu, but Ma Wu has given you a lot of filial piety these years, and it is not a debt to you."

Luo Yangxing was silent when he heard this.

Seeing that Luo Yangxing remained silent, Ma Wu smiled and said, "Commander Luo, although Ma Wu doesn't owe you any favors, you and I have known each other for many years after all, and you are a kind person, so Ma Wu made a point of paying attention to you at the university. Shuai begged for you in front of him, there is no great evil in missing you, so let me show you extra mercy and let you go."

Luo Yangxing was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, Brother Ma Wu, no, thank you, Admiral."

Ma Wu waved his hand: "Commander Luo, the commander's kindness does not mean that he will not punish you. You have been greedy for money these years, right? Spit out how much you have been greedy!"

Luo Yangxing nodded hastily: "Don't worry, Lord Admiral. Luo will count the family property after returning, keep a lot of money, and hand it over."

Ma Wu nodded and said: "Commander Luo, the commander said, 'If Luo Yangxing fully cooperates, then he can be properly assigned a position. After all, Commander Luo also has to support his family, so he has to leave a way for Commander Luo to survive'. Commander Luo, you Do you understand?"

Luo Yangxing hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Lord Admiral, for pleading. On behalf of Luo's family, I would like to thank Lord Admiral for leaving a way for Luo's family to survive."

Ma Wu shook his head and said, "It's not thanking me, it's thanking the Marshal. You have to know that if the Marshal hadn't been kind, Ma Wu would not have dared to let you go even if he had the guts to let you go."

Luo Yangxing nodded, knowing that what Ma Wu said was true, the so-called one emperor and one courtier. Now that Li Jing is in power, the emperor has been completely excluded. Normally, a close minister of the emperor like him is the first to be punished. Object.If Li Jing hadn't spoken, how would Ma Wu dare to let him go?

Wanting to understand this point, Luo Yangxing hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed three times in the direction of the palace, and then said: "Sinner Luo Yangxing, thank you for your kindness, Commander."

Ma Wu smiled and said: "Commander Luo, you already understand what the commander-in-chief means, so go home and do some business first, and come to me to accept a new appointment after you're done."

Luo Yangxing hurriedly said: "Admiral, please send a few brothers to go home with Luo to see if Luo is hiding something."

When Ma Wu heard this, he suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, the commander-in-chief is really good at seeing people."

After laughing for a while, Ma Wu continued: "The appointment given to you by the commander-in-chief has already come down. The commander-in-chief said, 'Luo Yangxing is a cautious person, and it is beyond his ability to serve as a commander. The ability is still competent', Commander Luo, the commander asked me to appoint you as the inspector of the inspection department first, and asked you to check all the members of the Jinyiwei first, and after the inspection is completed, another appointment will be made."

Luo Yangxing didn't know how big the inspector was, and he didn't know what the purpose of checking all the members of Jinyiwei was. He only knew that since he was appointed, his life would be saved.

Luo Yangxing didn't hesitate at the moment, he clasped his fists at Ma Wu and said, "Thank you, Marshal, thank you, Admiral, Luo will go home and count the property."

Ma Wu nodded, casually ordered a few of his subordinates, and let them go home with Luo Yangxing.

After Luo Yangxing left, Ma Wu swept the rest of the people, and suddenly took out an account book from his arms and threw it in front of the hall: "Look at it for yourself. After reading it, tell me how to deal with you?"

Naturally, the two commanders of Jin Yiwei were the first to get started. They didn't even look at other people's names. They found their own names and hurriedly read them carefully.

Most of the evil things written on this account book were the evil things they did a few years ago. The two were the chiefs of Jin Yiwei's secret agents, but they didn't want to be investigated by Ma Wu without knowing it.

Commander Tongzhi read it, then came the commander's affairs, then the north and south emissaries, and finally it was the turn of those thousands of households.

After everyone finished watching, Ma Wu sneered and said, "Let me tell you, how should I deal with you?"

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly they all knelt down in front of Ma Wu: "Master Admiral, please forgive me, I have indeed done some things, but it was also following orders, and I hope that Lord Admiral will show mercy."

Ma Wu stretched out his hand, and one of them hurriedly handed over the account book.

Ma Wu took it, flipped through the account books casually, then shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "Speaking of which, you and I are doing the same thing, and we are following orders, but my marshal often tells Ma Wu In a word, it is 'people are doing it, the sky is watching, and nothing can be done absolutely.' Ma Wu always remembers the teachings of the commander, so he always leaves a little room for others when doing things.

what about you?When have you ever given room to others?Look at what you have done, most of the people who fall into your hands are bankrupt, and if you have any grudges against you, you will even kill them.

I know that a lot of this is the meaning of the above, but there are also many things that you do for your own sake, right?
Do you know why the commander let Luo Yangxing go?Because Jin Yiwei really restrained a lot in Luo Yangxing's hands, many people who could be saved from death were let go by him, and many people who should not be dealt with were not ordered to be dealt with.Due to Luo Yangxing's generosity, you have not done many evil things in these years. "

Shaking his head, Ma Wu continued: "According to what you have done, it is not an exaggeration to ransack your home, but my family's commander-in-chief is lenient, and he is going to punish you lightly. How about this? Turn in your savings, and then I will deal with you as appropriate."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, they kowtowed to Ma Wulian several times, and then hurriedly said: "Thank you, Admiral, for your kindness."

Ma Wu waved his hand, and a group of subordinates immediately pushed everyone down to the hall.

After everyone in the hall retreated, Ma Wu opened the screen behind him, and said to a man dressed as a scribe behind the screen: "Have you remembered it all? If you remember it, let me have a look, and then send it to the commander-in-chief for review."

The man nodded, bowed his head and blew on the ink on the paper, then folded the paper into a fold and handed it to Ma Wudao: "I've written it all down, please read it, Lord Admiral."

Ma Wu took the booklet, opened it and read it from the beginning to the end, and felt that it was the same as what he said just now, so he nodded immediately and said to the man: "Thank you, you can take five taels of silver from the cashier."

The man was overjoyed, and gave Ma Wu a deep bow: "Thank you, Admiral, for your reward."

After saying that, the man turned around and walked to the back of the hall. After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and cupped his hands at Ma Wuwu and said, "Master Admiral, Wan Sheng thinks that what Your Excellency did and said just now is not very appropriate, I suggest that Your Excellency should consider it carefully." Then report it to the commander-in-chief."

"Oh?" Ma Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, then pondered for a while and said, "What's wrong? Please give me some pointers."

The man hurriedly said: "Don't dare to take it, late birth is just a humble opinion, I don't dare to take it as a word of advice."

Ma Wu frowned: "Ma Wu is a straightforward person, and he doesn't like these empty words. If you think there is something wrong with Ma Wu, please point it out directly."

The man hurriedly said: "Then Wansheng will point out some inappropriate points of the adult. If the adult thinks that what Wansheng said is wrong, please don't blame Wansheng."

Ma Wu waved his hand: "But it's okay to say it, even if it's wrong, Ma won't blame you."

The man nodded, gave a salute to Ma Wu, and then continued: "The first thing that Mr. Wan said is wrong with your lord. Today, your lord is in the hall, and you speak a lot of frivolous and complacent words. Even though you don't know what your lord's job is What, but since he can manage Jin Yiwei and his group, he must have a high position, such a high position, it is not appropriate for adults to speak frivolously."

Ma Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, recalling his words and performance just now, it was indeed as the person in front of him said, he had just ascended to a high position, and saw that the few ruthless characters in the capital who could call the wind and rain all acted according to his face. A little carried away, speaking quite complacently.

(End of this chapter)

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