Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 335 Official shortage

Chapter 335 Official shortage
Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Ma Wu frowned, but the tea was already cold.

Seeing Lian Cheng's rudeness, Zong Chao hurriedly took the teacup from Ma Wu's hand, poured out the tea in the cup, and then poured a new cup and handed it to Ma Wu.

Ma Wu took it, took a sip of tea and said, "I tell you this because the most important task of our department right now is to gather information for the army, and it is inevitable to contact these people in the future, so that you will not make mistakes if you get to know them. "

Luo Yanghe and Zong Chao hurriedly said: "Thank you for your advice, sir."

After pondering for a while, Zong Chao continued: "The people your lord commented on just now are called brothers and sisters. It can be seen that your position in the eyes of the general is by no means weaker than theirs. Why is your position not as high as theirs? They are even placed under the command of Mr. Gao." ?”

Ma Wu looked at Zong Chao and said with a smile: "In the past, Ma Wu just wanted to be a pawn by the commander's side. Ma Wu was satisfied if he could help the commander achieve great things. He never thought that one day he would be able to reach such a high position. Now the general Shuai entrusted Ma Wu with such a heavy responsibility, what else could Ma Wu be dissatisfied with?
Let me tell you, our commander-in-chief attaches great importance to friendship, and so do our old brothers. Not to mention that Ma Wu still has his current position, Ma Wu is a commoner, and they will not ignore me. "

After listening to Ma Wu's words, Luo Yanghe and Zong Chao understood why Li Jing respected Ma Wu so much, and they called out one after another.In fact, it is because the relationship between Ma Wu and Li Jing is not only a superior-subordinate relationship, but also a brotherhood for many years.

Smiling, Ma Wu continued: "Let me tell you one more thing. Our department is nominally under the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, but in fact it is only responsible to the commander in chief. I tell you this because I want you to understand that as long as we don't Illegal actions, even if they poke a hole in the sky, the general will fill it up for us. Therefore, you just have to do it boldly, as long as Ma Wu still holds this position, no one will dare to touch a hair of your hair."

"If that's the case, why did the commander assign our department to the Military and Political Department?" Zong Chao wondered.

Ma Wu sighed and said: "Our commander-in-chief wants to establish a perfect system. No one dares to destroy the commander-in-chief's system when the commander-in-chief is there. But if the commander-in-chief is gone, there is no guarantee that the person who takes over will not be able to do anything wrong." Thinking, the commander-in-chief is afraid that the future superintendent will be high in power and do something illegal, so he put the intelligence department under the jurisdiction of the military and political department."

Seeing that Luo Yang and Zong Chao were a little unclear, Ma Wu continued: "The Ministry of Military Affairs is responsible for the discipline and law enforcement of the army. It seems to have great authority, but in fact it is the weakest among the four departments directly under the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. In one department, the commander let the Military and Political Department take charge of the intelligence department. In this way, the strength of the Military and Political Department increased sharply, and it was already able to compete with the other three departments.

The commander-in-chief assigned the intelligence department to the military and political department in fact to prevent the imbalance of power.

In addition, there are five military districts under the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion and a naval force that will be established soon. With so many power departments, as long as half of them can adhere to the system formulated by the commander-in-chief, no one will dare to change the system formulated by the commander-in-chief. system. "

Luo Yang and Zong Chao looked at each other, thinking that Li Jing was so far-sighted, they couldn't help looking at each other awe-inspiringly.

After a pause, Ma Wu continued: "In addition, in order to prevent the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs from abusing their power, the Marshal stipulates that the intelligence department shall not supervise officials. All civilian officials are under the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the generals of the army are under the supervision of the Military Law Department."

Speaking of this, Ma Wu suddenly looked solemn, and said seriously: "Even the commander of our department is worried about too much power, let alone other departments? This is the reason why the commander abolished Jinyiwei this time.

However, the commander-in-chief said that Jin Yiwei still has many useful talents, and these talents should be retained.As for who can be retained and who can't, this is the task assigned to us by the commander in chief.Brother Luo, how to distinguish these people is up to you. "

Luo Yangxing nodded. He knew that he was appointed by Li Jing as the head of the investigation department.Check, check, of course he needs to check all the staff of Jin Yiwei.

After pondering for a while, Luo Yangxing clasped his fists and said: "Luo is trusted by the commander-in-chief and the admiral, and he will do his best to do this well, but it is impossible to rely on Luo to do this well. Luo needs to transfer some former subordinates." Come help."

Ma Wuwen laughed and said: "It's easy to say, brother Luo can use whoever he wants, not only people, but also how much money you need."

With a smile, Ma Wu suddenly said seriously: "Only one thing, the person you use must wipe off the old buttocks, otherwise once the commander finds out, maybe we will have to hang up."

Luo Yangxing clasped his fists at Ma Wu, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, my lord, Luo knows the pros and cons of it."

Ma Wu nodded, then turned to Zong Chao and said, "Yong Chao, you assist Brother Luo in supervising this matter. Many people in Jinyiwei are old friends of Brother Luo. Maybe Brother Luo can't forgive you. Help Brother Luo deal with these people."

"This subordinate understands." Zong Chao said hastily.

Ma Wu waved his hand: "It's not too late, you should start to act now."

Luo Yang and Zong Chao clasped their fists at Ma Wu, then got up and went out.

Luo Yangxing had served as the commander of Jinyiwei for many years, and he knew all the departments of Jinyiwei well. After receiving Ma Wu's order, he immediately called the chief officer of Jinyiwei's experience department.

All members of Jinyiwei are registered by the experience department. It can be said that mastering the experience department is equivalent to mastering Jinyiwei.

After Luo Yangxing got the roster, he began to investigate.

In fact, although Jin Yiwei and his gang are notorious, they are not all bad guys. Some of them are not only not bad guys, but even heroes of the country.

For example, Jin Yiwei stationed spies in foreign countries. These spies really made great contributions to Daming.

According to records, during the Wanli period when Japan invaded and occupied North Korea, the Ming Dynasty sent troops into North Korea to fight against Japan. The information was reported to the former enemy commander, and the Ming army was able to win more with less in North Korea and defeat the Japanese army.

Jin Yiwei's secret agents also often went in and out of the Houjin and Mongol territory, closely monitoring the movements of these enemies of the Ming Dynasty.

During the reign of Chongzhen, Houjin invaded several times. In fact, the imperial court had obtained accurate information in advance, but due to various reasons, the Ming army suffered repeated defeats, which made Jinyiwei's spies to no avail.

Needless to say, these spies must be the ones Li Jing wants to keep.

In addition, Jin Yiwei also has some spies responsible for inquiring about the integrity of local officials. These people are familiar with the various methods of corruption by officials, and these people are also retained by Li Jing.

These spies, Li Jing is going to add them to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, let them play their strengths, and investigate whether the officials are clean. Of course, Li Jing will definitely eliminate those spies who use the investigation to blackmail officials.

As for those who relied on the privileges of Jin Yiwei to bully the people, extort money, and commit crimes, they were the targets of Li Jing's thorough investigation.

If it was in the previous dynasty, during the heyday of the Jinyiwei, it would definitely be a big project to investigate the Jinyiwei.According to records, when Jinyiwei was at its peak, there were more than [-] people including non-staff personnel, spread all over the country.If you want to check so many people, it won't take a year or so.

However, during the reign of Chongzhen, the strength of the Jinyiwei was not as good as before, and the number of members of the Jinyiwei was far less than that of the previous dynasty (mainly because of lack of money, they could not support so many people, and the official number of Jinyiwei was not enough).Coupled with the fact that Luo Yangxing, the former commander, was in charge, the investigation of Jinyiwei was carried out very quickly. In just over a month, the inspection of Jinyiwei in various places in Ming Dynasty was completed.

At this time, Ma Wu finally showed his butcher knife, beheaded more than [-] members of Jinyiwei who had committed the most heinous crimes, arrested more than [-] people and imprisoned more than [-] people who ransacked their homes and confiscated their properties.

Just when Daming was astonished by Ma Wu's thunderous move, Ma Wu struck again: investigate Dongchang!

In fact, when Jin Yiwei finished the investigation, the East Factory basically did the same.

Although Dongchang is more powerful than Jinyiwei, the head of Dongchang is mainly held by eunuchs, and most of the members below are selected from Jinyiwei.Therefore, dealing with Dongchang is actually much easier than dealing with Jinyiwei.

There are three forces that must be controlled when Li Jing enters Beijing to control the center.

The first is the capital army, the second is the palace guards (some of them are Jinyiwei, who are responsible for supervising the entry and exit of the Meridian Gate, and the guards from the Meridian Gate to the Huangji Hall are also Jinyiwei), and finally the eunuchs.

After Li Jing entered the palace, almost all the prominent eunuchs in the palace were brought under control. It can be said that the leader of the East Factory had been wiped out at this time.In addition, Wang Chengen, the chief spy, took refuge in Li Jing, and basically the East Factory could declare its closure after Li Jing entered the palace.

Because without a leader, it is tantamount to losing the organization, and it is only a matter of time before the members of the East Factory are cleaned up.

While Ma Wu was investigating Jinyiwei, he also dug out the members of the East Factory by the way.

Ma Wu was more ruthless in dealing with the people of Dongchang than Jinyiwei. Nearly half of the direct members of Dongchang were executed by Ma Wu, and most of the other half were imprisoned for questioning.

After Ma Wu punched these two heavy punches, the Ming officials who had been in a state of white terror finally let out a long sigh of relief.

It's a pity that before they could recover from this, a shocking thunderbolt exploded on their heads.

Since a large number of members of Dongchang and Jinyiwei were taken down, along with countless evidence of officials' corruption in ink, Ma Wu grasped it, so the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate came out.

In the past, the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were all speech officers, and all of these people's efforts were in their mouths. The impeachment of officials was all about talking, and in fact it could only satisfy their appetite, but now they are finally going to start doing it.

But this time the actual work is really not so easy, because there are too many people to be arrested this time, and the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate are sent to all over the country, and the arrests are so weak that they have not finished.

Numerous officials have been sacked, and countless job vacancies have followed.

Just when the Ming Dynasty was about to experience an official shortage, Li Jing's long-awaited new system of selecting officials was finally promulgated. At the same time as the promulgation of the system, Li Jing announced that the Ming Dynasty's talent selection ceremony had begun in the ninth year of Chongzhen.

 I wish you all a happy and healthy Year of the Horse!

(End of this chapter)

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