Chapter 339
To say that Qian Qianyi's reaction was really not slow, as soon as Li Jing's words fell, he immediately knelt down on the ground, knocked his head several times, and then said: "Qian Qianyi, the guilty minister, see Long live my emperor, long live , long live."

Seeing Qian Qianyi kneeling, Li Jing immediately turned sideways so as not to make people think that he was receiving the gift in front of Zhu Youjian.

Seeing this, Zhu Youjian nodded secretly, pointed at Qian Qianyi and said, "You should have been severely punished for being rude in front of the emperor. I think you are also loyal to the emperor. This time the punishment will be spared. Get up and answer."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Qian Qianyi kowtowed three more times before getting up.

Seeing Li Jing glanced at him with a smile, Qian Qianyi immediately became angry, pointed at Li Jing and shouted: "Who are you, how dare you stand in front of the emperor?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled at Qian Qianyi: "Mr. Qian seems to be quite old, right? Why is he so angry? Such a personality..."

Speaking of this, Li Jing shook his head again and again, and made a tsk-tsk sound in his mouth.

Listening to Li Jing teasing Qian Qianyi, all the ministers naturally wanted to join in the fun. Yang Liufeng has followed Li Jing for many years and understands Li Jing's thoughts best. Hearing Li Jing's tone of voice, he knows that Li Jing doesn't want to see Qian Qianyi. The first two steps said: "Marshal, I heard that Mr. Qian is one of the three great masters in Jiangzuo, and he is also the leader of the Donglin Party. With this temper, can he teach students?"

As Yang Liufeng said, he gave Zhu Youjian a salute and said: "Your Majesty, I have never met Mr. Qian before, and I don't know him. I heard that he was an official in the court before. Your Majesty should know this person. Your Majesty can get it." Look carefully, don't let someone impersonate you."

After hearing Yang Liufeng's words, Zhu Youjian turned around, smiled and said, "It's Mr. Qian, it's true, but he didn't seem to have such a temper a few years ago!"

Then he turned to Qian Qianyi and said, "Mr. Qian, it's not good for you to be so angry all the time, you have to take care of yourself!"

Yang Liufeng didn't expect Zhu Youjian to speak up for him, so he bowed to Zhu Youjian and said, "What the emperor said is very true."

Then all the ministers talked about each other, teasing Qian Qianyi one after another, treating this leader of the literary world as a child's play.

Hearing the sarcasm and sarcasm of the courtiers, Qian Qianyi's face was as red as a pig's liver, but he couldn't speak a word.

Seeing that Qian Qianyi would die of anger if the ministers continued to talk, Li Jing coughed hastily.

Hearing Li Jing coughing, everyone remembered that Li Jing came to meet Qian Qianyi this time, not to humiliate him. Just now, he teased Qian Qianyi just to break Qian Qianyi's spirit.

Wanting to understand this verse, all the ministers immediately kept silent.

Although Qian Qianyi had not been an official for a long time, he had contacted quite a few officials. Seeing that Li Jing just coughed lightly, all the officials were silent. At this time, they knew that this person was Li Jing.

Seeing that Li Jing was only in his 30s, Qian Qianyi was quite depressed. He wondered how Li Jing could get to where he is today at such an age, and although he is known as a leader in the literary world, he has no official position.

Qian Qianyi is familiar with history books, he knows that it is not difficult to change a dynasty, but the difficulty is to establish a new system.It took Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty only seven years from rebellion to becoming emperor, and most of the time was not fighting against the Qin Dynasty but fighting with Xiang Yu.The system of the Han Dynasty was basically perfected from Liu Bang until Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

It was easier for Zhao Kuangyin to be the emperor in the Song Dynasty. Chen Qiao changed into a yellow robe and became the emperor. However, it took Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi two emperors to establish the system of the Song Dynasty.

It took Zhu Yuanzhang a longer time to be emperor, because his opponents Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng were far stronger than Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang spent most of his time dealing with these two people. After they were beaten down, Zhu Yuanzhang was free to overthrow them. Yuan Dynasty.

It took Zhu Yuanzhang more than ten years from rebellion to becoming emperor, but it took Zhu Yuanzhang almost his entire life to establish the Ming system.

Li Jing didn't rebel to become emperor, but judging by Li Jing's posture, if Li Jing wanted to become emperor, it would probably take a few days to get it done, but Li Jing has only been in power for a few months, and he has introduced a series of new policies.

The systems formulated by the former people were all improved on the basis of the previous dynasty, but Li Jing was completely overthrowing the previous system.

Qian Qianyi really didn't know how Li Jing got to where he is today, let alone how Li Jing came up with those systems.

Looking at the group of people used by Li Jing, most of them are in the age group of 30 to 40 years old, and only a few people are 50 years old and above.

In other words, Li Jing's generation will be able to work for at least 20 or even 30 years.

If the system formulated by Li Jing hadn't completely deprived Qian Qianyi of the interests of this class, Qian Qianyi really wanted to bow his head and admit defeat.

However, for his own benefit, Qian Qianyi had to fight. In addition, Qian Qianyi also wanted to take this opportunity to show his talent in front of Li Jing, in order to gain Li Jing's attention and become an official.

If Qian Qianyi knew that Li Jing had already determined him, and was going to completely eradicate the Donglin Party political group, he might not come if he was killed.

Qian Qianyi didn't know that Li Jing had already seen through the Donglin party members headed by Qian Qianyi. In Li Jing's view, these Donglin party members are typical traitorous literati who have no kind. In their eyes, their own life and interests, and the righteousness of the nation are bullshit. In order to survive, he would do it even if he asked him to pick up his ancestors and sell them.

This group of people is the scum among the literati of the Ming Dynasty, the scum among the literati of the Ming Dynasty.If the Qing army occupies Daming now, these people will definitely betray Daming and surrender to the Qing army. (The fact is also the same. After the Qing army entered the customs, the Donglin party members who surrendered the most among the literati of Ming Dynasty were those who were impassioned all day long.)
In fact, Li Jing also knew that it was biased for him to treat the Donglin party members in this way, but Li Jing was really tired of these guys who could only play tricks.

Even if these people had half the practical spirit of Yuan Keli, Xu Guangqi and others, Li Jing would not treat them like this.

In fact, Li Jing is not only disgusted with the Donglin party members, but also disgusted with all the literati who do not do practical things.

Li Jing knows that everyone can tell the truth, and it is not the patent of literati. Even ordinary people who don't know a single word can tell some truth.

What Li Jing valued were literati who could both speak the truth and be willing to do things. It didn't matter even if they couldn't do things, but you had to have the character of a literati.

Li Jing, a literati with backbone, actually admires him very much. When the new policy was implemented in Pingyang Mansion, Li Jing was often scolded by those literati. Some literati are not afraid of death at all. In Pingyang Mansion, Li Jing was pointed at the nose scolded.

But Li Jing has never punished these people. In Li Jing's view, although these people are a bit pedantic, the backbone of the Chinese nation is always straight because of these talents.

For these people, Li Jingfei not only did not punish them, but assigned them positions, of course, the positions of teaching.

Li Jing needs them to spread that unyielding spirit and culture.

In fact, Li Jing's attitude towards literati is very contradictory. Sometimes Li Jing is magnanimous, and sometimes he hates it to the bone.

Li Jing also knew that his attitude was wrong, but he just couldn't control himself.

Sometimes Li Jing would tell people with a wry smile that it might take a few years until he was older and more mature before he could treat literati fairly.

Fortunately, Li Jing knew one thing, that is, no matter what, he could not use a knife on these people, even the Donglin party members.

Li Jing knew very well that once he started to kill himself, it would be out of control, and Daming would be full of blood and blood.

Li Jing was quite happy about Zhu Youjian's initiative to ask Ying to explain the national exam to Qian Qianyi.

In fact, when Li Jing and Zhu Youjian met Qian Qianyi together, they wanted to play the emperor's card. In Li Jing's mind, the emperor would definitely be able to easily dismiss these people.

But Li Jing was wrong, Li Jing ignored the purpose of Qian Qianyi and his gang.

Qian Qianyi seems to be maintaining the inherent system, but in fact it is to protect his own vested interests.

For the sake of profit, Qian Qianyi will never compromise easily.

Seeing that Zhu Youjian and Qian Qianyi were arguing and arguing non-stop, Li Jing shook his head secretly. Zhu Youjian was not Qian Qianyi's opponent at all. In front of Qian Qianyi, Zhu Youjian Basically tantamount to being illiterate.

When Qian Qianyi spoke, he was citing scriptures, using the past to describe the present, and he opened his mouth and said, "Sage who keeps his mouth shut, Li Jing has read a lot in recent years, but some of what Qian Qianyi said, Li Jing couldn't understand at all, Zhu Youjian was not much better than Li Jing, and often Qian Qianyi had to say a long paragraph before Zhu Youjian would answer.

On the scene, Qian Qianyi had the upper hand, while Zhu Youjian retreated steadily.

With a wry smile, Li Jing knew that he was wrong again. When Zhu Youjian was in power, he didn't dare to argue with those civil servants in the court. older opponents.Let Zhu Youjian come forward and explain to these people, how can the explanation make sense?
To deal with this group of literati, you can't use literati methods at all, you have to use hooligan methods.

Li Jing always corrects his mistakes when he knows his mistakes. Seeing that Zhu Youjian is no match, he immediately prepares to fight in person.

Coughing lightly, drawing Zhu Youjian's attention, Li Jing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I shouldn't have disturbed you when you were talking to Mr. Qian, but I found it really funny, because this Qian Sir can't speak at all."

"Li Jing, you actually humiliated me?" Qian Qianyi was furious when he heard this.

Li Jing smiled and said, "How did I humiliate you?"

"You said that I can't speak at all, how can you not humiliate me?" Qian Qianyi said angrily.

Li Jingme looked at Qian Qianyi for a while, then smiled and said: "You open your mouth and say it, but you shut it up, and none of your words are your own. How can you be called a good speaker?"

"I'm quoting the words of a sage, how can I say that I didn't say it?" Qian Qianyi said angrily.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "Are all the saints right? Do saints understand everything?"

Qian Qianyi was furious: "How can the saint say anything wrong? What is the saint not understanding?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "Not everything the sage said is correct, and there are things the sage doesn't understand. You can fool the emperor with the words of the sage, but you can't fool me."

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(End of this chapter)

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