Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 343 New Office Location

Chapter 343 New Office Location

Qian Qianyi hurriedly said: "General Governor, what I just said started from the time when Taizu founded the country."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Then let me ask you, who were the gentry class at the beginning of Taizu's founding of the country?"

"Ah!" Qian Qianyi was completely speechless.

Without him, because after Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor, the initial gentry class was mainly generals and literati who followed him when he raised troops. Not to mention the literati, those generals were almost all poor enough to eat and rebelled with Zhu Yuanzhang.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that these people are eight generations of poor peasants, but within three generations, few of them are certainly gentry.But in the eyes of the literati in Ming Dynasty, it was hard to imagine that warriors were regarded as a class of gentry.

But those who are regarded as gentry by the literati are almost all sent to the bottom, without paying money?Little boy, I can't kill you!

Seeing that Qian Qianyi wanted to say more, Li Jing waved his hand and stopped him and said, "I know you want to say that those who became gentry would also not pay money and food later, I really don't want to argue with you on this issue anymore, I I just want to tell you one thing, that is, in the period of Taizu, you can only become gentlemen if you are allowed to become gentlemen, and if you are not allowed to become gentlemen, you are bullshit. Do you understand what I said?"

Qian Qianyi was silent when he heard the words, how could he not know how ruthless Zhu Yuanzhang was killing him?It really echoed Li Jing's words just now: You have to be what you are called.

And Li Jing's killing and attacking was by no means inferior to Zhu Yuanzhang's, and he might even be worse. Against such a powerful figure, even if all the gentry in Ming Dynasty were tied together, they would not be worthy.

At this time, Qian Qianyi had fully understood Li Jing's meaning. If the gentry did not want to pay grain and taxes, Li Jing might drive the gentry class to the bottom of the valley. Gentlemen hit rock bottom.

Wanting to understand this verse, Qian Qianyi didn't know what to do for a while.

People like Qian Qianyi have no morals. On the premise that they have no losses, they are often righteous and full of righteousness, but in front of their interests, their true face is revealed, but if they are asked to sacrifice their lives for their own interests If not, they would never do it.

Seeing Qian Qianyi's confused face, Li Jing patted Qian Qianyi's shoulder lightly, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Qian, what is the purpose of you and all the students studying for? Isn't it just to serve the country? Now What Daming needs most is money, food and taxes, and this is the time for you to set an example. When the new taxation system is promulgated, you must publicize it more. Daming will not forget what you did today, and I, Li Jing, will not forget yours either. Credit."

Qian Qianyi and the students lost their voices. At this time, Li Jing would not be silent. The so-called "remnant bravery should be chased after the poor." Appropriately encourage it.When should be tight and when should be loose, Li Jing will still grasp the heat.

Sure enough, after hearing what Li Jing said, Qian Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I understand."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Although Qian Qianyi's character is not good, he is indeed a smart person. When he knew that he could not stop himself, he immediately surrendered obediently.

Looking at the sky, Li Jing smiled and said, "Mr. Qian, it's getting late, and I still have to prepare for the emperor's visit to Shanxi, so I won't keep you guys here today. When you set an example in the future, Li Jing will treat everyone to a banquet to show it." grateful."

"Don't dare, dare not. Then I'll take my leave." Qian Qianyi said hastily.

After finishing speaking, Qian Qianyi led all the students to salute Zhu Youjian, and then left the Imperial College under the escort of his own soldiers.

Watching Qian Qianyi and others leave, Li Jing shook his head and sighed softly.

"The commander is tired, sit down and rest." Yang Liufeng walked to Li Jing and said.

Li Jing waved his hand and sighed, "I'm so tired! These scholars seem to understand the truth, but in fact it's not the case at all. It's better to talk to the common people than to talk to them."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing turned his head to look at Shen Zhengdao: "I originally thought about promulgating the new tax system after a while, but now it seems that I can't wait anymore. I guess these people will definitely publicize it when they go back. The rich businessmen and gentry in Jiangnan may What a moth. Father-in-law, Zhang Ao and Zhuzi have handled the affairs of the Beijing camp well?"

Shen Zheng hurriedly said: "The resettlement is almost done, and most of the 7 people who have been eliminated have been allocated land."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Let Zhang Ao hand over the rest of the work to the people below, and let him fully implement the new tax system. It is a bit difficult to implement the new tax system all at once. Let's start with the capital first, and then advance to the south of Shandong. "

After looking at Yang Liufeng, Li Jing continued: "Careful Xing, you tell Jun Yang that the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate must closely cooperate with the Ministry of Household Affairs. In addition, I guess there will be violent tax resistance. I will ask Zhuzi to transfer one." Troops assist you in your operations."

"Understood." Shen Zheng and Yang Liufeng said in unison.

Li Jing waved his hand and said to Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, let's go back to the palace."

After walking a few steps, Li Jing suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Fang Fang and said: "No solution, after the emperor leaves Beijing, I will not be able to handle official business in the Qianqing Palace. Clean up the original cabinet where official business is handled, and I will be here later." Cabinet office."

"Brother Li, what will I do when you work in the cabinet in the future? I think Dongnuange is a good place, so don't move." Zhu Youjian laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and said, "Dongnuange is the place where the emperor lives. The emperor is at home. No one will gossip when I handle official business by the emperor's side. But the emperor is away from Beijing. How can I continue to work in Dongnuange? The emperor wants to see me handle official business. Wait until I return." After Beijing, the minister will go there again."

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly when he heard the words.

After sending Zhu Youjian back to the palace, Li Jing followed Fang Fang to the original cabinet office.

In fact, the offices of the cabinet and the six ministries are located in the imperial palace, to the east of the Meridian Gate, next to the Wenhua Hall.

Because the offices of these departments are all in the imperial city, after Li Jing led his troops to occupy the Meridian Gate, it was tantamount to killing all the officials of the imperial court, thus quickly controlling the situation in the capital.

After walking around the cabinet and the yamen of various ministries, Li Jing shook his head.

It should be said that the conditions of these offices are still very good, but the difference is that these offices are in the palace.

In the past, it was the emperor who dealt with state affairs, and the emperor placed courtiers in the palace for the convenience of meeting with ministers, but in the future, the emperor no longer interfered with political affairs, and it was obviously inappropriate to place various government offices in the palace.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said to Fang Fang: "There is no solution. Choose a place outside the imperial city to build the office space of the cabinet and various ministries. In the future, you will not be able to work in the imperial palace."

Fang Fang nodded, knowing that Li Jing wanted to cut off the connection between the emperor and the officials, so that the emperor would not have access to government affairs in the future.

Thinking about the equation, he said: "Marshal, in my opinion, the new office location should not be too far away from the imperial city. I think the lakes in the west of the city are good. I will choose a place with better scenery in a few days. .”

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Okay, I will do as you said. I also think the places you just mentioned are good, not far from the imperial city and not in the downtown area."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "The layout is as it is here, and the scale can be larger. In addition, the residence of the officials should also be considered. I think the houses where the officials live can be built together."

Fang Fang said: "Then I have to think hard about it, how about this, I will choose the location first, and then ask someone to draw a picture for the commander to see."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "I don't know much about these things, so you can handle them yourself."

Fang Fang smiled and nodded.

Li Jing was chatting with Fang Fang when Xiao Wu came to report that Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng were asking to see him outside.

Hearing that Chen Dahu and Liu Er were begging to see each other, Li Jing was taken aback, why did they come here?
Before Li Jing entered the capital, he ordered Chen Dahu to guard Yuncheng, Liu Erleng to guard Lingchuan, and Gao Qi to support him in the middle, which was equivalent to guarding the gate for Li Jing. Unexpectedly, they came to the capital.

Li Jing is not worried about whether there is a change in Pingyang Mansion. If there is a change, Yuan Keli, Gao Qi and others have already told him in the letter. If these two people come to the capital to report to him, the day lily will be cold. .

After thinking about it for a while, Li Jing smiled. The two must have come to meet him by taking this opportunity to meet him.

Wanting to understand this point, Li Jing beckoned to Fang Fang and others. When Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng came, Li Jing himself wanted to greet him personally.

Going out of the room and passing through a few corridors, you can see Chen Dahu and Liu Er in a pavilion looking around, probably because they don't know the way, otherwise, they would have broken in a long time ago.

"Hahaha! Dahu, be taken aback, how did you two find this place?" Li Jing laughed when he saw Yuanyuan.

Chen Dahu and Liu Er were overjoyed when they heard Li Jing's voice, they rushed to Li Jing's side, held Li Jing's arms and said, "Brother, I really miss my brother."

Li Jing shook his arms and said with emotion: "I miss you too!"

Chen Dahu and Liu Er were stunned to shake Li Jing's arm, but their eyes were fixed on Li Jing's face, and after watching for a while, they suddenly choked up and said, "Brother, why are you so thin?"

Li Jing firmly held the hands of the two of them and said: "It's okay, I just came to Beijing and I have a lot of things to do, it will be fine after a while."

Chen Dahu nodded vigorously, and in a blink of an eye saw Xiao Wu standing behind Li Jing, Chen Dahu suddenly pointed at Xiao Wu and cursed: "You little bastard, you just take care of the commander-in-chief? See if I don't turn around and slap you. "

Xiao Wu scratched his head and looked at Chen Dahu with a wry smile, "Uncle Dahu, you still don't know my godfather's temper? No wonder he listens to my son's words!"

Chen Dahu was taken aback when he heard the words: "Godfather? Brother promised to take you in as a godson?"

Turning his head to look at Li Jing, Chen Dahu suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha! Okay! Later, Uncle Dahu invites you to drink to celebrate! Sigh! You guys were raised by the handsome, and the handsome treats you It’s no different from your own sons, but you have never been given a title, and I didn’t expect you to finally get what you wanted today.”

"Uncle Big Tiger, the children have never been less taken care of by the uncles since they were young, and the children will never forget the kindness of the uncles." Xiao Wu continued.

"Hey, you brat hasn't forgotten your roots! Xiao Wu, I'll talk to your father first, and we'll talk later." Chen Dahu said with a smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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