Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 349 1 pot end

Chapter 349
After sitting down again, I saw Li Jing flipping through the desk, found some papers and handed them to him, "Zhang Guogong, take a look at what's inside."

Zhang Wei greeted him and flipped through it for a while, then suddenly took a breath, and thought, "This Li Jing is too cruel, and he is going to take over those royal family members of Daming."

After pondering for a while, Zhang Weiying cupped his hands to Li Jinggong and said, "Governor, as long as these decrees are promulgated, Zhang will definitely follow them, but I don't know if the Great Governor has thought about it. How do many people live?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "You can think of this, which shows that you really read it and put your heart into it."

Shaking his head, Li Jing looked at Zhang Weiying and sighed: "Duke Zhang, let me ask you, you said that if the son succeeds your Duke in the future, how will his brothers live?"

Zhang Weiying hesitated for a moment and said, "I can only distribute some of the land and property under my name to them so that they will not be left without food."

Li Jing asked with a smile: "If you don't give it to them, what will happen to them?"

Zhang Weiying smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm afraid they will starve to death."

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "That is to say, your sons have no ability, they can only eat you, my father. Let me ask you, do you want your descendants to be like this forever?"

Zhang Weiying quickly shook his head and said: "Of course I don't want to. Who doesn't want their sons to be successful, and who doesn't want their sons to be able to beat their ancestors? But we have rules in Ming Dynasty, and children of people like us are not allowed to be officials. Even being an official is a vain job without real power, and to put it bluntly, it’s just a job.”

Li Jingjing nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "Now there are two ways, one is to let you pass on your family property to your descendants, but you will never come out to be an official or work, at most you can only take up a vain job, which is what you just said just to eat. Another one is not to leave them much property, but to allow them to come out to be officials and do things, which is the kind of real work that can make contributions. Which one do you think you would choose?"

Zhang Weiying was silent for a while and said: "From the bottom of my heart, as long as my children and grandchildren can live in peace and security, I am satisfied, but I know that my Zhang family will decline one day sooner or later. If the governor gave me such a chance, I would not Hold on, under the Nine Springs, I have no face to meet my ancestors, so I would rather not leave too much inheritance to my children and grandchildren, but also give them a chance to make progress."

Li Jing nodded lightly when he heard the words. It seems that it is not unreasonable for the British Zhang family to stand in Daming for more than two hundred years. This knowledge alone is far beyond the reach of those princes and nobles who only know how to eat and wait to die.

Patting Zhang Weiying's shoulder lightly, Li Jing continued: "I know that the Zhang family is very strict in education, and the children of the Zhang family can still do things. It's not as bad as what Zhang Guogong said just now. You think about it and see who can come out." To do things, I will ask the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Officials to report to you, let them follow and learn first, and come out to do things when they have practical experience."

Zhang Weiying was overjoyed when he heard the words, fell down on the ground, and kowtowed several times to Li Jingbang bang bang bang: "Thank you for the great governor's upholding, I won't say much about Zhang, but I have an order in the future, Zhang will do my best."

Li Jing smiled and pulled Zhang Weiying up and said: "These kneeling rituals will be canceled in the future. From now on, my son of Ming Dynasty will only kneel to the sky and the earth, and the next will only kneel to his parents and teachers, so you don't kneel to me when you see me, I don't like it either. "

"Yes!" Zhang Weiying hurriedly said.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said: "After you go back, first make up the tax arrears. As for the land, there is no rush. After my new decree is promulgated, you will set an example and hand over the land, understand?"

"I understand." Zhang Weiying hurriedly said.

Li Jing smiled, talking to smart people is good, and many things can be understood with one click.

I am very satisfied with the summoning of Li Jing this time, and the most satisfactory part is the performance of Xiaowu and other personal soldiers.

These children have really grown up, they have begun to know how to help themselves share some affairs, and know how to deal with affairs.

Li Jing knew that Xiao Wu and the others could not understand Zhang Weiying and other nobles, but they were able to suppress their dissatisfaction and deal with the problem in the correct way. Given their age, it was very rare for them to be able to do this.

Through this incident, Li Jing knew that these children could already be on their own.

After Zhang Weiying left, Li Jing roughly tidied up the files on the case, and then stretched a long way.

Seeing Xiao Wu looking at him with concern, Li Jing smiled, beckoned to Xiao Wu, and signaled him to sit down in front of him.

After Xiao Wu sat down, Li Jing looked at Xiao Wu carefully for a while, and then said with a smile: "Xiao Wu, you did a good job today, it seems that you have learned how to think about problems, and your brothers are also doing very well. Alright, I know how to handle it properly. I plan to let you and your brothers go to a place to practice and practice. How about it? Do you want to go?"

Xiao Wu was already a little embarrassed when he was seen by Li Jing. He didn't want Li Jing to praise him again, and he became even more embarrassed. However, when he heard that Li Jing wanted him to take his brother to a place for training, he immediately opened his eyes wide, surprised He said calmly: "Go to the place to experience? What are you going to do there? No, I just want to stay by Daddy's side and serve you."

Seeing Xiao Wu's head shaking like a rattle, Li Jing secretly laughed, but was moved in his heart.

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed and said: "Xiao Wu, you can only be the head of the bodyguard when you are with Dad, but after going to the local area for a few years and accumulating some experience, you may have the opportunity to take charge of the government in the future. And you always It's not a problem to be separated from Xing'er. When you get to the place, you take Xing'er with you, reunite your husband and wife, and give birth to a big fat grandson for Daddy. Daddy will be happy when he sees it. Think about it, is this reasonable?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wu didn't even think about it, and said bluntly: "No, I won't go anywhere, I will protect your old man by Daddy's side, children don't feel at ease when others are by your side!"

Li Jingwen pretended to be angry and said: "I taught you all the skills of your kid, does your father still need you to protect him? Why don't you give in to us and have a competition."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu laughed and said: "I don't compare with you. You are not as good as you were back then. Back then, my boy was definitely no match for you, but now your physical strength is no match for my boy. If you kill people with real knives and guns, my boy has no experience like you." Rich, I'm afraid it's not as good as you, but if you simply compete, you will definitely lose."

Li Jing was silent when he heard the words.

In recent years, his affairs have been complicated, and his physical strength has indeed declined a lot. In addition, he has not exercised for a long time, and his skills are indeed not as good as in previous years.

Seeing that Li Jing looked a little depressed, Xiao Wu said solemnly: "Father, you don't like to listen to what is in your heart. You are now focusing on national affairs, and you are exhausted every day. If someone really assassinates, Your reaction must be much slower. You are now in danger of the country, if you make any mistakes, the child will be dead forever."

Li Jing nodded silently upon hearing this.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said: "However, you brothers should be released as well. Now that the country is employing people, don't stay by my side. You can discuss it with your brothers later and let half of them go. work."

"It's not impossible to let half of the people go down, but in this way, there will not be enough people to protect you. I have to transfer another group of people from the old village to Beijing." Xiao Wu said seriously.

"It's up to you, everything is up to you. You are my head guard now, and you can do whatever you want!" Li Jing shook his head and said helplessly.

Xiao Wu was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Then I will do it right away."

Seeing Xiao Wu going out happily, Li Jing couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, not long after Xiao Wu went out, he turned around and came back again. Li Jing was about to ask him what happened, but he saw Shen Zheng and Zhang Li following Xiao Wu.

Li Jing shook his head, this Xiaowu is too serious in his work, do these two people still need you to accompany them to meet?
He waved at Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu scratched his head and had no choice but to run out again.

"Marshal, what's wrong with Xiao Wu? Is there any happy event?" Shen Zhengjian asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Li Jing smiled and said: "This kid rejected my suggestion just now, and I feel very proud."

"He rejected your suggestion, this kid is quite courageous!" Zhang Li laughed.

"Hehe, Xiao Wu is sensible and has started to have his own opinions." Li Jing laughed.

After speaking, Li Jing greeted the two of them to sit down, brought them a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "My father-in-law and Mr. Zhang must be here for the sake of Zhang Weiying and Zhou Kui, right?"

"Nothing can be hidden from the handsome eyes." Zhang Li took the teacup and smiled.

"Stop flattering me. Zhou Kui and Tian Hongyu were dismissed from office by me. I'm afraid the news has already spread throughout the capital. I guess the yamen of the household department in Shuntian Prefecture is almost full of people?" Li Jing laughed.

Zhang Li stretched out his thumb: "Everything is as the commander-in-chief said, it is strange to be an official, how did the commander-in-chief do it?"

Li Jing glared at Zhang Li and said, "How many tricks are you giving them to pretend that I can't see it?"

Zhang Li smiled awkwardly upon hearing this.

Li Jing picked up the teacup and made a gesture of invitation to the two, took a sip of tea and said, "Zhang Li, you don't need to mind, you did the right thing, this set up is good, otherwise you really can't reach the goal." What is the effect now?

Sometimes you have to use your mind to do things, especially when dealing with stingy and stubborn people like Zhou Kui and Tian Hongyu, if they are tough at the beginning, if they give in directly, then we can't find a reason to take them down .Taking them down now shows our toughness without damaging our reputation, which is justified.The most interesting thing is that Zhang Weiying's cooperation is just right, one piece and one relaxation, which is the way of governing. "

"That was well arranged by the commander. I really can't imagine how the commander made Zhang Weiying obey." Zhang Li laughed.

Li Jing said with a smile: "I didn't arrange this time, it was arranged by Xiao Wu himself. This child understands my thoughts now, and he handles things very skillfully. I just planned to release these children to practice in other places." After a while, who knows that Xiao Wu will not go down alive or dead. No, I just found out a bunch of reasons and rejected me."

 Monthly pass, monthly pass! !
(End of this chapter)

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