Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 351 Six Rectifications

Chapter 351 Six Rectifications
However, Jin Yiwei and the others have just completed their integration, and their hearts are not stable. If they want them to contribute, they must be at ease.

During this time, Ma Wu put all his energy on this.

Fortunately, with Luo Yangxing and the former commander of Jin Yiwei, these spies have agreed to continue to serve Daming, and have begun to go deep into the grassland.

However, finding the main force of the various Mongolian tribes is by no means a one-day effort, especially since the Monan Mongols are divided into several tribes, and it will take time to find them all.

Moreover, this matter cannot be coordinated between Ma Wu and Cao Wenzhao, that would be a waste of time, and the spies must report directly to Cao Wenzhao.

And for the spies to obey Cao Wenzhao's orders, they have to do work.

During this period of time, Ma Wuguang was busy with these messy things, and he was in a state of trouble.

But this time there is something about him in the exam.

Speaking of it, it was the work of the former Jinyiwei gang. The Jinyiwei gang used to be scattered all over the country, inquiring about all kinds of gossip all day long. This time the exam is a public exam, but the recruited talents are not all those who passed the exam. A large number of candidates are looking for gunmen to take the test or find someone to answer the questions, and then transcribe by themselves.

Li Jing actually wanted to admit these people, so someone needed to inquire about the candidates, so Jin Yiwei and his gang came in handy.

To say that Jin Yiwei and the gang were really not free, they really asked them to check the situation of the candidates for this exam. After the check, all kinds of information were collected and sent to Ma Wu.

After Ma Wu got the information, he went to inform Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu would select candidates based on this information.

As for Yu Leting coming along, it was because many officials participated in this time when the candidates were looking for someone to take the exam on their behalf. Yu Leting was in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and it was the officials who were investigating, so he, Ma Wu and Yuan Shu came together to find Li Jing.

After listening to the three people's reports, Li Jing nodded slightly. Li Jing knew that there were no talents in the country, so he made such a bad plan to select talents.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said to Yuan Shu: "I don't care about recruiting talents this time, Brother Bo Ying, you can choose by yourself, and after the selection, say hello to Heng Chen, how to use these people, you two discuss it. As for the examinees who find someone to take the exam for them, give them a warning. There is no need to punish them. You just have to tell them that if you want to be an official, you have to have real skills, otherwise even if they serve as an official for a while, they will not last long. As for those officials who violate discipline, they will all be marked down Once, all the exam results this year will be recorded as failed, and if you still fail in the next year, you will be demoted or dismissed."

Yuan Shu nodded silently upon hearing this.

Turning to look at Ma Wu, Li Jing continued: "Fifth Brother, you are too tired from doing this. I suggest you divide the Security and Vigilance Department into two parts, one in charge of the intelligence department and the other in charge of the national security department. I think Luo Yangxing You did a good job this time. The work of the Inspectorate is over. Give him the part of national security. You help him take charge, and then send some of your capable subordinates to him as his deputy. The part of intelligence You master it yourself, and with Yong Chao helping you, you don't have to be so tired. Fifth brother, you have to learn how to employ people and let your subordinates let go to do things."

Ma Wu laughed and said, "Brother entrusted me with such an important department, how dare I be negligent. If I don't keep an eye on it, I will always feel worried."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "You have to learn from me. You have to delegate power when you should. Otherwise, how can you handle so many things by yourself?"

"I can't compare to big brother, how can I have the skills of big brother?" Ma Wu said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled and said, "What do I have to do? Why don't I rely on you brothers to help me? Fifth brother, don't always do everything by yourself, and don't get tired. After a few years, when the country is stable, our brothers will also We are all old, we will step down together when the time comes, and then our old brothers will hang out and drink, you will be exhausted, who shall I ask for a drink?"

"Brother, I'll take care of it." Ma Wu said.

Seeing that Ma Wu was a little emotional, Li Jing patted Ma Wu's shoulder lightly, turned his head to look at Yuan Shu and Yu Leting and said, "It's the same with you, if you are exhausted, I can't find someone like you to help me , Take it easy, the country cannot be changed overnight, we will have a long time to come."

"Yes! Marshal." Yuan Shu and Yu Leting said hurriedly.


In the winter of the ninth year of Chongzhen, the first national examination held after Li Jing came to power ended. To the surprise of many people, most of the candidates were dismissed after passing the examination. was admitted.Then these people were enriched to various states and counties, and became officials.

Although most of the candidates were dissatisfied with this result, they did not make any noise.

Because they know what the admitted people do. These people are the gunmen and test takers.The so-called blind eat wontons with their hearts in mind, and it is a light punishment to depose them this time. If there is a big trouble and they are deprived of their qualifications for future exams, it will not be worth the candle.

If the students don't make trouble, the local government will save a lot of trouble, especially after recruiting this batch of officials with practical knowledge, the work efficiency of the local government will be greatly improved.

Li Jing was very pleased to see the orderly operation of the local government, but he also knew that the country could not always use this method in selecting talents, and had to rely on the country's cultivation.

After discussing with the court officials, Li Jing began to carry out drastic rectification of the six yamen.

The Ministry of Household Affairs is divided into three parts, namely the Ministry of Finance, the Daming Bank and the Ministry of Population and Land. The Ministry of Finance has the Daming Tax Administration.

The Ministry of Rites is divided into Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Propaganda.

The Ministry of Industry was divided into the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Communications, the Engineering Bureau and the Ordnance Bureau.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is divided into two parts, one is still called the Metropolitan Procuratorate (consisting of the original Metropolitan Procuratorate and the original six divisions), and the other part is changed to the Ministry of Supervision (that is, those in charge of Yu Leting).

The Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Punishment will not move for the time being.

The original six ministers were promoted to cabinet members, that is, deputy prime ministers.

However, since Li Jing did not appoint six ministers after he came to power, the ministers of each ministry were promoted, that is, Shen Zheng, Yang Liufeng, Zhou Hengchen, Yang Liufeng, Fang Fang, Yuan Shu and Yu Leting.

In addition, the status of generals has been greatly improved this time. Gao Qi, Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng were also promoted to the cabinet.

As a result, there are a total of 14 cabinet members, among which Yuan Keli and Xu Guangqi are the first and second assistants, but because they are not directors, there are actually only 12 cabinet members.

However, because Li Jing had too few senior officials available, most of Shen Zheng and others worked part-time.

Shen Zheng is also the Minister of Finance and the President of Daming Bank, and Zhang Ao is the Minister of Population and Land and Director of the State Administration of Taxation.

Yuan Shu concurrently served as the Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs, and Fang Fang concurrently served as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and the Director of the Bureau.

Yu Leting concurrently serves as Minister of Supervision.

The Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the head of the Propaganda Department are concurrently held by Li Jing himself.

Resetting the Metropolitan Procuratorate and resetting the original positions, Li Jing has carefully considered.

All along, Li Jingzhong has been using his direct descendants, and there is a problem, that is, these people he uses are not dared to manage them, and even if he dares to manage them, they are lower-level officials.

These people don't dare to mess around now, it doesn't mean they don't want to, they are really afraid of Li Jing's majesty.

But once Li Jing is gone, no one can control these senior officials, unless Li Jing takes them all down before then,
But in this way, Zhu Yuanzhang's mistakes will be repeated, and he will inevitably leave a reputation that cannot tolerate heroes.And emotionally speaking, Li Jing didn't want to do that either.

Then there must be a department that can restrain these heroes, and this department is the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

In addition to the high position of the highest officer of the Metropolitan Procuratorate (the second grade), the positions of the remaining thirteen metropolitan censors and the six divisions are very low. It is Zhu Yuanzhang's pioneering work to let low-level officials supervise high-level officials. It is said that the position set up by Zhu Yuanzhang still has its cleverness.Due to the low level of these people, normally speaking, they would not dare to mess around without real evidence.Therefore, as long as they come out to speak, the evidence is basically conclusive.

In fact, when Zhu Yuanzhang was there, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was of great use to the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but later on the emperor became more and more incompetent. Reduced to a tool for courtiers to struggle.

Even so, the system of giving low-level officials the right to speak is still very remarkable, and it is actually inappropriate for Li Jing to cut this institution.

And if the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Propaganda Department are separated, even if you encounter a powerful person, there will be impeachment by the Metropolitan Procuratorate and public opinion propaganda, then even the most powerful people will have to resign. As long as they can resign, it will be easier in the future .

Of course, this weapon, Li Jing, must be in his own hands now, because Li Jing has offended too many people, and he does not dare to say that he has made no mistakes. no.

Therefore, before the system is perfected, Li Jing will not let these two departments out of his control.

Although some people did not understand Li Jing's re-establishment of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they still received great support, especially those literati.

Li Jing did not expect this result.

If the Metropolitan Procuratorate has won the support of the literati, then the establishment of the Ministry of Education has won the support of everyone.

Although there were many academies in the Ming Dynasty, only some of them were borne by the government, and most of them were borne by private individuals.

The first rule after the establishment of the Ministry of Education is that all the academies in Ming Dynasty will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. That is to say, the expenses of all academies will be borne by the state, and at the same time, a large number of schools will be opened to allow more people to receive education.

Of course, the school opened by Li Jing will not only teach Chinese studies, but also teach other subjects.

Considering the state of science in the world at that time, many subjects could not be taught, only some more practical subjects, such as hydraulics, engineering, architecture, mathematics, medicine and so on.

Li Jing believes that after a few years, through the education of colleges, the country will inevitably cultivate a large number of professional talents.

And in order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, Li Jing required that each province must open schools that include these subjects.

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(End of this chapter)

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