Chapter 356

Seeing that everyone understood his intentions, Li Jing smiled and looked at Shen Zhengdao: "Father-in-law, have you got the regulations on trading with the Mongolians?"

With a smile, Shen Zheng took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to Li Jing, saying, "It's done, take a look."

Li Jing took it and looked it over carefully, pondered for a while and said: "I think it's feasible, but your handwriting is a bit small. I think Datong, Xuanfu's market can be bigger. Brother Wenzhao didn't catch it this time. Are there many Mongolian captives? Let them build bazaars. In addition, I think Shaanxi can also build a few bazaars. You can think about it. If it is feasible, tell Hong Chengchou to let him build a few bazaars in Shaanxi. .”

Shen Zheng nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll think about it when I go back."

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "I see it this way, you ask Ji to transfer a batch of supplies to Datong and Xuanfu first, open a few shops there, and then transfer Du Laojiu to open two stores in Datong and Xuanfu. Silver number."

"Hehe, this is planning to move the Pingyang mansion to Datong and Xuan mansions." Shen Zheng smiled.

Li Jing shook his head and said: "This time, the bank that Du Laojiu opened cannot be in the name of Jingji Bank, but should be opened in the name of Daming Bank. Give him a job. Du Laojiu is a good hand in running Qianzhuang Bank, don't waste it." talent."

"Then what about the bank in Pingyang Mansion? You don't care about your own property?" Shen Zheng hesitated and said.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Why do I need so many industries? I also plan to merge Jingji Bank into Daming Bank."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "But now Jingji Bank has a good reputation, especially for bank notes. Merchants like to carry bank notes to go out to do business. If they merged into Daming Bank rashly, I'm afraid the merchants won't trust the imperial court to run it. The bank will draw out the money, and in this case, the gain will outweigh the loss. After Daming’s bank has a good reputation, I will merge Jingji Bank into Daming Bank.”

"This... this is the marshal's hard work for many years!" Shen Zheng said unwillingly.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not hard work, everything I do is for Daming. Not only the bank, but I will donate other properties to the country in the future. I am in a high position now, and I own so many properties under my name." What's the matter?"

Li Jing waved his hand and stopped everyone from talking: "I know what you want to say! But I don't know if you have thought about it. I am in a high position and power now. No matter what, my business will inevitably be affected by me. Even if I have no selfish intentions, there are people would think I was using power for personal gain."

Seeing that Li Jing didn't even want to listen to everyone's opinions, Yang Liufeng said anxiously: "But Marshal, you pay more taxes than anyone else, and your property supports more people than anyone else, countless people rely on you to support their families! To be honest, these industries are not just your own business.

Let me say something you don't like to hear. Those properties are not your own. They were founded and developed by the two ladies. If you do this, where will you put the two ladies?
In addition, if you donate your property to the country, who will manage these properties in the future?Is it the imperial court or the local government?May I ask whether there are people in the imperial court and local government who know how to manage those industries?Or do you intend to continue to let Mrs. manage?If that's the case, what difference does it make if you donate to the country or not? "

"This..." Li Jing didn't think of this part, and was immediately speechless after being asked a series of rhetorical questions by Yang Liufeng.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing finally figured out why Yang Liufeng didn't let him donate his family property.On the surface, Yang Liufeng seemed to be discouraging Li Jing from donating his family property, but it was actually for their own benefit.

Because the family members of these officials have more or less some property, people like Yang Liufeng, Fang Fang and others still have shares in their own property. If you donate your property to the country, it is equivalent to donating their shares to the country. What about the other industries in which they operate?To donate or not to donate?
If you don't donate, Li Jing will set an example in front of you. If you don't donate, you won't give Li Jing face, and you even mean to oppose Li Jing.

If they donate, these people are not just like themselves. They have parents, brothers and sisters, and they are all members of a big family. How can these people live if they donate their property to the country?Their personal salaries certainly cannot support so many family members.

Therefore, whether to donate or not to donate is tantamount to a problem for them.

Lightly tapping on the table, Li Jing closed his eyes and began to think.

Li Jing knew very well what the purpose of these people following him was.Although these people are in high positions, it is impossible for them to have the awareness that they can disregard self-interest for the sake of the country. These people follow themselves, and to put it bluntly, they just want to live a good life.

But taking the lead in donating property by yourself is tantamount to forcing them to donate property too, which not only does not want them to have a good life, but also creates a great burden for them.Who would want to hang out with him then?It's better to hang out with Zhu Youjian than to hang out with him.

Li Jing's original intention was to set an example through his actions so that the family members of officials would no longer engage in commercial activities, thereby cutting off the chain of interests between public and private, but now it seems that this idea is still immature.

Li Jing knew that if he insisted on going his own way, he might push these people in front of him to the opposite of him.

Even if they don't have the guts to challenge themselves, but as long as they are obedient and obedient, they can't do anything.

Li Jing weighed the pros and cons for a moment, and finally decided to cancel his plan to donate his family property.

Opening his eyes, Li Jing looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "I didn't think carefully about this matter and ignored everyone's feelings. Here I admit my mistake to everyone. Hehe, as I said before, as long as we are human, we will make mistakes. I am no exception, only by conspiring together can we reduce the occurrence of mistakes. Be careful, you reminded me well!"

Yang Liufeng hurriedly said: "Marshal, everything in Wansheng is given to you. Without you, Wansheng would not be where he is today. Wansheng has already thought about it, and I will sell my life to you in this life."

Hearing that Yang Liufeng suddenly called himself a late student, Li Jing was slightly taken aback. He vaguely remembered that this was what he called himself when he first met Yang Liufeng.

Thinking of this, Li Jing couldn't help feeling secretly, Yang Liufeng was indeed smart, it seemed that he already understood that he had seen through his thoughts, and this was showing his loyalty to himself.

Sighing, Li Jing waved his hands and said, "Careful, you are overthinking. I know you and everyone are doing it for my own good."

After a pause, Li Jing continued with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about these, now let's talk about the military arrangements, brother Wen Zhao and father-in-law will stay, Shen Xing and you will stay, and the rest will go to their own business Let's go."

"Yes." Seeing that Li Jing issued the order to evict the guests, everyone hurriedly got up and said goodbye.

After everyone left, Li Jingchong waved to Wang Cheng'en: "Eunuch Wang, this time you and the emperor went around Shanxi, and you must have been exhausted. You stood for a long time just now, come and sit together."

"Marshal! It's my blessing to serve you and the emperor here." Wang Chengen laughed.

"Hehe, there are so many people here, you don't need to do it yourself. Come on, sit down." Li Jing waved his hand.

Seeing that Li Jing was not polite, Wang Chengen thanked them, poured a cup of tea for everyone, and then sat down.

Li Jing picked up his teacup, took a sip, pondered for a while and said, "Datong and the Mongolian tribes north of Xuanhua have been pacified, and the next step is to attack the Eastern captives. Brother Wenzhao, how are you going to fight this battle?"

Cao Wenzhao pondered for a while and said: "Commander, the weather is already cold now. Besides, the soldiers have been tossing in the vast grassland for more than a month, and their bodies are already exhausted. I plan to use troops against Donglu after the spring of next year. As for the winter period Time, let's do some logistical preparations first."

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at Cao Wenzhao and said with a smile: "Brother Wenzhao, if you have the talent of a general, just being a confidant is far beyond the reach of others. You just said it well. The soldiers fought against Mongolia this time. I am exhausted, and I am afraid that the soldiers will not be able to hold on if they continue to fight, so let everyone rest this winter."

After a pause, Li Jing continued, "But how do you plan to arrange the logistical matters? Where do you think it is more convenient to arrange food, grass and ammunition?"

Cao Wenzhao thought for a while and said: "I plan to arrange the logistics supplies at Xingzhouwei (Chengde) and Shanhaiguan, and transfer all the troops from these two places to Jinzhou and Songshan. I will take the army to Xingzhouwei and Shanhaiguan. rest."

"Oh?" Li Jing was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought to himself: It seems that Cao Wenzhao understands his thoughts.

Smiling, Li Jing said, "Which troops are you going to use this time?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said: "Let's go to the Mongolian army this time. 3 people are enough."

Li Jing pondered for a while, then shook his head slightly: "Brother Wenzhao, I'm afraid it won't work, Datong and Xuanfu need strong generals to sit in command, and Bianjiao and Ma Ke can't move. I'm going to appoint Bianjiao as General Shanxi also served as the commander-in-chief of Datong to guard Datong, and Ma Ke guarded Xuanfu as the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu.

In this way, you only have Dingguo, Hutou and Zhou Huhu in your hands, and you only have 2 people left in your headquarters.Although attacking Donglu with [-] people can win, it is far from enough to wipe them all out.

How about this, I will ask Gao Qi to transfer the troops of Zhang Chu and Zhou Daqing to your army. In addition, part of Sun Meng’s army will also be assigned to your command, and some of the garrison troops in the capital will be drawn. I estimate that there should be about 5 people. "

Cao Wenzhao was startled when he heard the words, hesitated and said: "Well... Although this manpower is enough, but so many troops are under my command, I am afraid that I am not capable enough, Commander, Lao Cao dares to ask you for someone. "

"Huh? Are you kidding me! If your ability is insufficient, does our Ming Dynasty still have capable generals?" Li Jing asked suspiciously.

Seeing Cao Wenzhao's embarrassed expression, Li Jing suddenly woke up.

The few people Li Jing mobilized just now are old people who have followed Li Jing for many years. Cao Wenzhao was afraid that he could not command these people.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said, "Who do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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