Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 360 1 Must Be a Girl

Chapter 360
"Brother Wenzhao, what's going on with these girls?" Li Jing pointed to the girls and asked doubtfully.

Cao Wenzhao didn't expect Li Jing to come back so early, he didn't know what to do for a while, and said after a long while: "Marshal, I brought these six girls to serve you. How can this work if you are not around and don’t even have a woman at home? I have no other intention, just let them take care of your daily life.”

"Aren't there children like Xiaowu? It's fine if I have them to take care of me, what kind of woman do I want?" Li Jing frowned and said.

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and said, "How can Xiaowu and the others know how to serve others? I've already asked, you are hungry and full all day long, you eat at irregular times, and you often go to bed in the middle of the night. How can it be done? Marshal, if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about the big guy! Tell me, if you get tired, what will you do, brothers?”

Hearing this, Li Jing pondered for a while and nodded lightly, looked at Cao Wenzhao and said with a smile: "Brother Wenzhao, you are getting better at talking now, and you actually know how to talk about your brothers. Okay! These girls I stayed here, for everyone, I have to take care of my health!"

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "But brother Wen Zhao, you are quite efficient! You have only been back to Beijing for a few days? Where did you find the girl?"

"Hehe, I let my wife figure it out, and I don't know where she found it." Cao Wenzhao laughed.

"Then I have to thank Madam Sister-in-law!" Li Jing said with a smile.

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Hehe, Marshal, what is this trivial matter! It's because Madam is not around. If Madam is here, how can I get her to worry about it?"

Li Jing smiled and continued: "You and my brother don't say these polite words. You came just in time. It's time for those Mongolian princes to meet. Let's discuss it and see what they say tomorrow."

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "If you have anything to say to them, you can tell them directly. If they dare not listen, Lao Cao will cut off their dog's head immediately."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled, "That's what you say, but things can't be done this way. These people have ruled the tribe for many years, and they still have prestige. If they can cooperate, they can save us a lot of trouble, so it's better not to overdo it."

Cao Wenzhao nodded, pondered for a while and said suddenly: "Marshal, why don't you leave this matter to me, and I'll tell them that it's too flattering for you to talk to them in person, and if they really don't understand Boy, it's not easy for you. I'll talk to them first, and if you can't agree, you can come forward, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Li Jing pondered for a while, then suddenly punched Cao Wenzhao hard, and then said with a smile: "Brother Wenzhao, this is a good idea, it seems that you are not only good at fighting, but also good at manipulating people.

I used to worry about who Mongolia would send to take care of it, but now it seems that no one needs it, you can.How about this, you can take care of the Mongolian affairs first, and wait until you find a suitable candidate. "

Cao Wenzhao shook his head again and again: "I don't know how to handle government affairs, don't you make fun of Lao Cao?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "You don't need to bother, you just need to keep an eye on those Mongols. What kind of waves can't make it? What are you supposed to do?"

After hearing this, Cao Wenzhao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought the commander asked me to manage Mongolia's government affairs, but Lao Cao really couldn't do it. If that's the case, then this task is simple, and Lao Cao will definitely be able to do it." Do it."

"I'm still pointing at you to destroy the Donglu, how can I tie you to Mongolia?" Li Jing shook his head and laughed.

After finishing speaking, Li Jing turned his head and said to Xiao Wu: "Your Uncle Cao has done a great job this time. I haven't invited him to drink alone. You go to Xianghe Tower to prepare a few dishes. I have time today to accompany you Cao." Uncle, have a drink."

"Okay!" Xiao Wu responded.

"Hey, the commander-in-chief invites me to drink and prepare any dishes, as long as there is wine. By the way, do you want these little girls to cook some dishes first, and you can try the taste?" Cao Wenzhao asked hurriedly.

Hearing this, Li Jing looked at the girls suspiciously: "They can also cook?"

Cao Wenzhao suddenly slapped himself on the head: "I'm so confused, I haven't explained the business. You guys kowtow to the commander in a hurry. From now on, you will all be in the commander's mansion. You must serve the commander well. .”

The girls knelt down to Li Jing after hearing this, kowtowed a few times and said, "Slaves pay homage to the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Get up, my family doesn't have so many rules, you don't have to kowtow when you see me in the future."

Those girls were taken aback, they didn't expect Li Jing to be so friendly, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Cao Wenzhao.

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said: "What the commander-in-chief says, you do what you want. Let me tell you, you will be blessed in the future. Our family's commander-in-chief treats people kindly. If you serve well, the commander-in-chief will give you instructions in the future." If you get married, you will be prosperous."

"Nonsense, what do I mean they will be prosperous with just one marriage, do you think I am a marriage bestowed by the emperor?" Li Jing laughed.

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Marshal, the marriage you promised is more effective than the marriage given by the emperor. Look at these soldiers under your command. If I have a daughter, I would also like to recruit a son-in-law."

"Hey, then you should try your best to make another one, and then we will get married." Li Jing laughed.

Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Marshal, you are not allowed to break your promise. To tell you the truth, my concubine is born again. If she gives birth to a girl, she will be your daughter-in-law."

"Hahaha, you should miss my second boy! Okay, if you want to give birth to a girl, we two brothers will get married." Li Jing laughed loudly.

"It's a deal?" Cao Wenzhao said hastily.

"There is absolutely no lie." Li Jing said with a smile.

Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed, got up and walked back and forth in the room for a few steps, then turned to the girls and said, "Quick, go and make two dishes, I'll celebrate with the commander in chief."

Li Jing looked at Cao Wenzhao with a smile and said, "I don't know what you were born with, but I'm making you anxious!"

"It must be a girl, it must be a girl." Cao Wenzhao said hurriedly.

"Okay, even if it's a girl, but can you sit down first, you turn back and forth like this, I'm dizzy." Li Jing smiled.

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Hey, I can't sit down, Marshal, let me tell you, I have made an agreement with Gao Qi and Ma Wu, whoever gives birth to a girl and can marry the Marshal , the rest of the people have to treat guests to drink, and this time, my old Cao took the lead."

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, then shook his head, pointed at Cao Wenzhao and said with a smile, "Are you guys betting like this?"

Li Jing suddenly remembered something, pointed at Cao Wenzhao and said, "Damn it, why do you guys go home at night? It turns out that you are in a hurry to go home and have a baby."

"Hahaha!" Cao Wenzhao laughed out loud upon hearing this.

After a while, the girls prepared the food and wine, and Xiao Wu returned with a food box.

During the dinner, Li Jing explained to Cao Wenzhao in detail the things that need to be paid attention to when meeting with the Mongolian prince, and then the two began to exchange glasses.

After drinking a few cups, considering that Li Jing's body needed to rest, Cao Wenzhao left on the grounds that he had something to do the next day.

Sending Cao Wenzhao away, Li Jing looked at the table full of wine and dishes and shook his head to Xiao Wu, saying: "This old Cao, he said he wanted to drink with me to celebrate, but he ran away halfway through the drink. It's too disrespectful to be a man. You come here Have a drink with dad, by the way, and you guys, let's eat together."

"Slaves don't dare." The girls were startled and said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's okay, our family doesn't have so many rules, you don't have to be restrained, just treat it as your own home, and treat me as your father."

Seeing the girls still hesitating, Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Did General Cao and Mrs. Cao tell you who our commander-in-chief is?"

The girls nodded and shook their heads.

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "It seems that I told you, but you don't know what the commander-in-chief does, do you?"

Several girls nodded quickly.

Xiao Wu turned to look at Li Jing, saw that Li Jing was smiling and did not stop him, and immediately said to the girls: "Remember, now Daming is under the control of our commander, and even the emperor has to listen to him. .I say so, do you understand?"

"Huh? Even the emperor listens to the commander?" a girl exclaimed.

Xiao Wu nodded and said with a smile: "In a few years, you will only hear the name of our commander-in-chief, and you won't hear the word emperor."

Li Jingwen frowned when he heard this, and waved his hand to stop Xiao Wu's words: "It's fair to say, why even the emperor listens to me, why only hears my name, what do you think I want to do?"

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "Isn't this at home! These girls have just arrived, and I don't know your identity, so let me remind them."

Li Jing nodded silently when he heard this, knowing that this was Xiao Wu's responsibility, and also understood what Xiao Wu meant by saying so.

Xiao Wu is Li Jing's personal bodyguard. He has only one responsibility, which is to protect Li Jing's safety.

These girls were sent by Cao Wenzhao, and since Li Jing agreed to accept them, Xiao Wu couldn't send them back, and it was difficult to ask them carefully in front of Li Jing, so he could only wake them up with words.

Xiao Wu's mention of Li Jing's identity was actually telling these girls that no matter how they got into Li's house, no matter what relationship they had, no matter what purpose they had, it was best to get rid of their previous relationship after arriving in Li's house. Serve Li Jing honestly and do whatever he asks.In a word, you must be obedient.Otherwise, even the emperor would have to listen to Li Jing, and it would be nothing to deal with them girls!
The girls were clever people, and when they heard Xiao Wu mentioning them, they immediately fell to their knees: "Your servant understands."

Xiao Wu waved his hands and said, "The commander-in-chief said that you don't need to kneel in the future, so you don't need to kneel, do you understand?"

"Slaves understand." Several girls hurriedly said.

Li Jing couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw Xiao Wuxue speaking, and then he heard Xiao Wu continue: "The affairs of our house are decided by the two wives, and the specific matters are handled by the two aunts. You will see it, so don’t neglect it then.”

"Yes!" several girls replied.

Seeing a few girls answering tremblingly, Li Jing smiled and said: "Okay, Xiaowu, don't scare them, these are children. Come on, you haven't eaten yet, eat with me, don't waste gone."

With Xiao Wu's order just now, the girls didn't hesitate any longer and pulled up a few stools to sit beside Li Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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