Chapter 367

Liu Er Leng laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahaha, I don't even look down on the emperor. The prince and county king are nothing. It's best for these bastards to resist taxes for me. Then I will let them talk to their ancestors." Go beg for food."

After finishing his speech, Liu Er suddenly thought of something: "By the way, it seems that Chen Dahu doesn't have any royal relatives there. I'm afraid this kid chose the wrong place this time."

"Hehe, although there are no royal relatives in Nanzhili, there are two dukes of the state. In addition, Nanjing, like the capital, has six yamen and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Therefore, the affairs of Mr. Chen are worse than ours. Deal with it." The secretary laughed.

Liu Er Leng curled his lips and smiled when he heard the words: "It's not easy to deal with? Just wait and see, after Chen Dahu accepted my letter, you can see how he will deal with these guys. This kid is ruthless. If this kid starts fighting , I reckon that all the officials over there will be out of luck."

The book office was silent for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I understand why the commander sent you and General Chen to Liangjiang as the chief envoys."

"Why?" Liu Er asked in amazement.

"The commander-in-chief used the ruthless words of you and Mr. Chen." The book office sighed, and then continued: "The commander-in-chief is really clever in employing people. His old man knows that Nanzhili and Jiangxi are officials and The relationship between wealthy businessmen is intricate, and if you want to straighten it out, you don't know how long it will take. The commander obviously doesn't want to waste time and energy on this aspect, so he sent you and General Chen. I hope you two will calm down with thunderous wrists. These people. Sigh, if Wansheng could have understood the commander-in-chief's thoughts earlier, why would it take so long."

Liu Er waved his hand in a daze: "You don't need to blame yourself. In the final analysis, I didn't understand the commander-in-chief's thoughts. In addition, we haven't done nothing in the past two months. At least during this time, we have learned about the situation in Jiangxi. Cleared up, now I feel more confident when I move my hands.”

The secretary nodded silently upon hearing this.

Liu Er Leng's behavior was rough and rough, and he seemed careless and careless when dealing with things, but he was by no means a fool.

He is very clear that if he wants to complete the tasks assigned by Li Jing in Jiangxi, he must rely on the help of the people below him, and if he wants his subordinates to do things conscientiously, he must protect the interests of his subordinates.

Liu Erleng just said that it was just a joke that the book office was blamed, but when the book office really blamed himself, Liu Erleng would try his best to clear up the responsibility of his subordinates.

Liu Er Leng's style of dealing with people made him deeply loved by his subordinates.

However, when many people first came into contact with Liu Erleng, most of them could not accept his words and deeds.Including this book office, when he first arrived in Jiangxi with Liu Er Leng, he couldn't accept this old man who opened his mouth, shut up his fucking savage, but after a period of contact with the book office, he realized that Liu Er Leng was definitely a Good boss.

As a subordinate, to receive such love from the boss, the only thing the book office can repay is to do things with heart.

After arguing with Liu Erleng, the book office immediately recruited a group of people to help write the official documents.

What's more interesting is that the people recruited by the book office were not officials in the yamen, but a group of literati who were temporarily recruited from the street to write letters for others for a living.There's no way around that. Given the conduct of the officials in the yamen, they would absolutely refuse to write such official documents.

Of course, Liu Erleng is not the only official in the chief envoy's office. There are also a series of officials below him who participate in politics and so on.

However, Li Jing's roots in the southern region are not deep. The officials trained in Pingyang Mansion are mainly arranged to serve in the central government and the provinces within Li Jing's reach, such as Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Beizhili and Shandong. There are not many.

This is because there have been too many natural and man-made disasters in these provinces in recent years, and they are already in a mess. If we want to change the current situation, we need to make great efforts to rectify it. After that, there were hardly a few people left, and Pingyang Mansion was Li Jing's headquarters, so it was impossible to transfer all the talents.

Therefore, although a large number of corrupt officials were captured in several southern provinces a few months ago, since there was no one to send, they could only select local people with good reputations for promotion.

But in the final analysis, these people are not in the same way as Li Jing. It is impossible for them to help Li Jing carry out the New Deal. If they don't help Li Jing carry out the New Deal, naturally they won't really listen to Liu Erleng's words.In fact, Liu Er Leng was almost alone in Jiangxi.

Fortunately, when Liu Erleng took office, he still had 5000 troops from his headquarters, backed by such a heavy force, the original officials did not dare to confront Liu Erleng openly, they only dared to obedience and disobedience, pushing back and forth.

Of course, there is another reason why these officials dared to do this, that is, they saw that Liu Erleng didn't know how to manage the place at all.

It's a pity that what they don't know is that Li Jingyuan knows Liu Erlen better than they do, and he told Liu Erlen before leaving, just do it boldly according to his own wishes.

It's just that Liu Er was stunned to understand Li Jing's meaning, and since he had just arrived in Jiangxi, he had to learn about the specific situation in Jiangxi, so it was delayed for so long.

Now that Liu Er is stunned, he will not be polite.

After the book office finished drafting the official document, Liu Erleng sent out the troops immediately. The soldiers got Liu Erleng's military order, so they were naturally more impolite. For a while, the whole city of Nanchang was flying like dogs and dogs, and countless soldiers walked around the streets, Issue official documents to those rich and powerful families.

Thousands of soldiers acted at the same time, and the efficiency was astonishingly high. In less than half a day, all the shops in Nanchang City, as well as those rich merchants and landlords, all received Liu Er's stunned announcement.

Seeing that the bulletin was full of words like "Lao Tzu" and "Fuck", everyone who received the bulletin was dumbfounded.

But these people immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and now Liu Erleng has mobilized all his troops, which shows that he is ready to take action.

What is Liu Erleng's background? These people have already inquired about it. Everyone knows that Liu Erleng was once a bandit, and Liu Erleng was pissed off. If he really brought troops to collect money, I'm afraid he won't think about it this year. .

Businessmen are the most crisis-conscious. When they feel that their lives may be threatened, they immediately know that this problem should be solved as soon as possible.So on the second day after receiving the announcement, these people began to raise money, and then hurried to the chief envoy's yamen.

When these people came to the yamen, they saw that the gate of the yamen was open, and two groups of soldiers lined up from the gate to the main hall of the yamen. Yamen officials.

Seeing a large number of businessmen arriving, Liu Er gave a sneer, and said to the book office next to him, "A bunch of scumbags, if I don't show off my power, they just want to fool them. Now that I'm angry, they will obediently send money right away."

The book office laughed and said: "In the future, they will know how powerful your lord is. At that time, even if your lord farts, they have to come and listen to it."

"Damn it, I don't think it's right to hear what you say? You're burying me!" Liu Er scolded with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm just complimenting you, don't think about it." The secretary said with a smile.

Liu Er stared blankly at the book office: "Is there anyone who praises you so much? Do you think I'm being fooled if I haven't read a book?"

"Ahem, my lord, I have to collect the money and reconcile the account. You should sit down first." The book office said hurriedly.

"Be careful, you can't miss a penny." Liu Er said in a daze.

The secretary said with a smile: "My lord, don't worry, Wansheng understands that the safekeeping won't let them fool us."

From the main gate to the main hall, there is a huge courtyard between the chief minister's yamen. The book office led dozens of people to set up more than [-] desks on both sides of the courtyard, and began to register and collect taxes.

To say that the book office is very organized, these people are divided into three parts by him, the first part is based on the names of those merchants and shops, and then reports the amount of money and taxes that need to be paid according to the projects they operate.Then the second part is to count the silver taels handed in by the merchants, and the third part is to register in the booklet.

Immediately after registration, soldiers put the checked silver into boxes.

Seeing how organized the book office was, Liu Er couldn't help but secretly nodded.

The left and right political participants sitting on both sides of Liu Erlian were stunned. They were supposed to take care of things like taxation, but now Liu Erlen was clearly ignoring them.The two wanted to argue with Liu Erleng, but seeing the murderous soldiers in the yard, how dare they talk?
But just sitting like this is not a problem. The two of them wanted to have a few words with Liu Erleng, but Liu Erleng ignored them at all, and just drank tea by themselves. Finally held back not to make a sound.

While everyone was sitting dryly, a soldier hurried into the main hall, looked at the officials on both sides of Liu Erlen, the soldier paused for a moment, then hurried to Liu Erlen, whispered a few words in his ear .

I didn't want Liu Er to be stunned and didn't care at all. Instead, he asked: "Who is Zong Chao? And that Luo Yangxing, why is he looking for Lao Tzu?"

Liu Erling's voice was a bit loud, and everyone on both sides heard the words clearly. When they heard that Luo Yangxing had come, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Who is Luo Yangxing? No one in the Ming Dynasty knows from top to bottom. This person used to be the commander of the Jin Yiwei, and he can be said to be extremely powerful.

After Li Jing came to power, Jinyiwei was withdrawn, and Luo Yangxing was also taken down. However, within a few months, Luo Yangxing was appointed as the director of the Daming National Security Bureau. It's half a grade higher.

Although everyone didn't know what kind of organization the National Security Bureau was, after learning that most of the people in the Security Bureau were members of the former Jinyiwei, even if they were fools, they knew that this department was still working for the Jinyiwei.

As for Zong Chao, he is now the deputy director of the Daming Intelligence Bureau, and the people under him are also members of the Jinyiwei, which shows that this department is also doing the work of secret agents.

The two suddenly came to Jiangxi at the same time. Could it be that Li Jing wanted to take Liu Erling down?

(End of this chapter)

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