Chapter 371

Seeing the terrified expressions of the two, Li Jing smiled and said: "You two gentlemen don't need to be nervous, just treat this as your home. The emperor and I are not tigers, and we don't know how to eat people."

"Hehe, yes, you two lovers don't have to be cautious, Mr. Xingguo is very talkative." Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

Song Yingxing and the bookseller repeatedly said yes, but how could they let go?

Smiling, Li Jing looked at Song Yingxing and said, "It is said that I should invite you to Beijing after the Chinese New Year, but I am impatient, and I really can't afford to wait for such a long time, so I have to let my husband go to Beijing after the New Year."

"Don't dare, dare not, the Duke of the country is summoned, how dare you not come." Song Yingxing said hastily.

Waving his hand, Li Jing said with a smile: "Mr. Song, you will be a second-rank official in the imperial court in the future, and you are much older than me. Don't be so cautious. By the way, sir, you will be fifty this year, right?"

Song Yingxing hurriedly said: "Xiaguan will be [-] this year."

Li Jingjing nodded, sighed and said, "It's 51, it's a pity that a talent like Mr. Song has been neglected for so many years. But it's not too late now, as long as we work hard, there is still time."

Song Yingxing didn't know what Li Jing was sighing, and couldn't explain it well, so he nodded silently.

Seeing this, Li Jing smiled and said, "Actually, with Mr.'s wisdom, he should understand my intentions."

Speaking of which, Li Jing picked up a book from the desk, handed it to Song Yingxing and said, "Please look, sir, this is the "Heavenly Creation" compiled by you. To be honest, I have been waiting for this book for five years. Otherwise, five years ago, I should have invited you out of the mountain."

Seeing that Li Jing actually took out a copy of "Heavenly Craftsmanship", Song Yingxing was amazed: "My lord, where did you buy this book? Also, how did you know that I was going to write this book? Could it be that you Know me?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "Do you know that the equation in charge of the Ministry of Industry has no solution?"

Song Yingxing nodded hurriedly: "Yes, when I went to Beijing to take the exam, I hit it off with Brother Wujie, and he never gave up, and treated me like a half-master."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Five years ago, Wujie recommended you to me. At that time, he told me that you had the idea of ​​writing this book."

Song Yingxing was relieved after hearing the words.

Turning his head to look at the bookseller, Li Jing smiled and said, "Your name is Tu Shaoying, right? I remember that you are from Henan Runan Bingbeidao."

The bookseller hurriedly said: "It's the next official. It's hard for the general to remember me."

Li Jing smiled and said: "When I went to Henan for disaster relief, you did a lot of hard work. I don't want to make another contribution this time. Mr. Song's book can be published, and you deserve the greatest credit."

Tu Shaoying hurriedly said: "It's all thanks to the commander in chief, I'm just doing my best."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "I have no credit for publishing this book, so please don't put color on my face."

Tu Shaoyun was puzzled when he heard the words: "I heard that the commander-in-chief ordered to confiscate all this book. Since the commander-in-chief valued this book, why did he confiscate it?"

Li Jing smiled, looked at Song Yingxing and said, "Are you also wondering why I confiscated this book, sir?"

"Yes! To tell you the truth, the lower officials do have doubts." Song Yingxing replied honestly.

Li Jing nodded slightly, flipped through the book and sighed: "If the production technology recorded in this book can be promoted, any country can become strong within a few years. Foreign."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "You must remember that advanced technology must be in your own hands, and others will have to pay a price if they want to learn it."

Seeing Tu Shaoying opened his mouth, Li Jing smiled and said: "I know what you want to say, do you want to ask, if all this book is confiscated, then how can we, Ming Dynasty, promote these technologies?"

Tu Shaoying nodded repeatedly when he heard the words.

Li Jing said with a smile: "In Daming, this book must be published, but it must be printed separately according to various technologies, and this book is not allowed to circulate in the world.

Let me give you an example. This book contains a lot of technology in agriculture, handicrafts, industry, machinery, ceramics, etc. We will print out those related to agriculture separately and hand them over to the Ministry of Agriculture for use. This book guides farmers in farming.

Industrial technology is also published separately, and then delivered to the people of the Ministry of Industry for use, and the people of the Ministry of Industry go to the factory to guide the workers in production.

In other words, the technology in this book is only circulated in the hands of our grassroots officials who are in charge of technology. In this way, the technology cannot be spread to foreign countries. This is called technology blockade. "

Song Yingxing and Tu Shaoying thought about it for a while, then nodded slightly.

Seeing that the two of them understood what he meant, Li Jing continued: "Through this incident, it rang a bell for all of us, which is about how to keep the technology we have researched confidential.

I think so, after the Academy of Sciences has researched results, they are not allowed to disseminate the results without authorization, and must report the research results to the cabinet and relevant competent departments, and then the competent departments will conduct actual inspections.

If the research results achieve a certain effect, the competent department will promote the technology and reward researchers, which is equivalent to the country buying technology from researchers.

In this way, researchers will have the motivation to continue to study technology, and after the country has mastered the technology, it can also promote the technology at the fastest speed.

Of course, it is inevitable that there will be technicians or officials selling technology to foreigners for profit. This requires someone to supervise. The supervision is handed over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Supervision, the Intelligence Bureau, and the National Security Bureau. Severe punishment.

With so many companies monitoring together, I think the possibility of leaks will be greatly reduced. "

Tu Shaoying laughed and said, "Commander, foresight and foresight are beyond my generation's capabilities."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's not so evil, I just set a framework, how it works, we need to discuss it carefully. Boju, I let you come to Beijing this time mainly because I want to give you an errand."

Tu Shaoying was overjoyed, he hurriedly got up and clasped his fists and said, "Please order from the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing waved his hand and pressed it, motioning for Tu Shaoying to sit down.

After taking Tu Shaoying to sit down, Li Jing said: "I set up a Civil Affairs Bureau in Pingyang Mansion, you know? It should be said that the effect is good. The common people reported many things to the government through this organization. After the government dealt with it, they were very supported by the people. In my spare time, I consult the files of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and I can know what the common people think and what they are dissatisfied with.

I plan to promote this Civil Affairs Bureau throughout the country, but now I have no time to read the files of the Civil Affairs Bureau, including the cabinet and the heads of various ministries. At first glance, it is impossible to do what Pingyang Mansion did.

But if we don't know what the people are thinking, how can we formulate government orders that are beneficial to the people?

Then how can we get the fastest and most accurate understanding of the situation of the common people? This is what I think. If there is any major event in the imperial court, it will be sent to the provinces in the form of mansion newspapers, and then the provinces will send pond newspapers down. Can we do another one? How about a newspaper that collects private information?Then these people in the court can use this newspaper to learn about the situation in all parts of the country. "

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "In addition, through this newspaper, we can also let the common people know about the state of the country and the government's decrees. I have already thought of the name of the newspaper, and it will be called Daming Minsheng Daily."

Tu Shaoying thought for a while after hearing the words: "Is the commander-in-chief going to let me get this newspaper?"

Li Jing nodded lightly: "If you can help Mr. Chang Geng publish books, engraving and proofreading should not be a problem for you. In addition, you have also served as a local official, and you have a better understanding of people's livelihood and the thoughts of ordinary people. I think it's more appropriate for you to do this."

"This..." Tu Shaoying pondered for a while and said: "It is said that the commander-in-chief has orders, and the subordinate officials should obey them, but now that the subordinate officials have lost their mother, Ding You, it may be inconvenient for them to come out to do things."

Li Jingjing nodded and said with a smile: "Filial piety comes first, and you should be filial to your mother. But I think filial piety should not be judged by whether you have mourned at home, but by your usual behavior. If you don't know how to be filial to your father Mother, I don’t think it’s considered filial piety if you only show yourself to others after your parents passed away.

If you can be filial to your parents and let the elderly spend their old age happily and comfortably, then no one will say that you are not filial after a hundred years.

Boju, I still understand how you are, and there is nothing to say about respecting the elderly.Therefore, I don't think it is necessary to stay at home for three years of filial piety.

And I think the purpose of the old man raising you and teaching you is to hope that you will become famous in the future and be able to serve as an official to benefit the people. It is also a way of filial piety when you come out to do things for the country. "

After hearing what Li Jing said, everyone present couldn't help but nodded silently.

After thinking about it, Tu Shaoying said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief said so, if the subordinate officials don't obey, they will become unfilial sons, and it seems that they can't do anything if they don't come out to do things."

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Since you agree, you will be the first president of our Daming Minsheng Daily. You used to be a Henan councilor and concurrently served as a military officer in Runan. You came from the fourth grade. I will mention two rank, leading the rank of the third rank."

Tu Shaoying was overjoyed, got up hastily and said: "Your official will not disgrace your mission."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "Don't worry, let me tell you about the structure of this newspaper. Our Daming has 150 provinces, more than 400 state capitals (referring to Zhili Prefecture, which is on the same level as the government), and more than [-] Counties (states under the jurisdiction of the prefecture). There will definitely be various things happening in so many places. If we collect all the information, I guess it will be enough to print it directly into a book."

Song Yingxing and others laughed lightly when they heard the words.

Li Jing laughed for a while and continued: "Moreover, to collect so much information requires a lot of manpower. We don't have so many people to do so many things now. Therefore, we must grasp the key points. The content we publish should be in line with the big Things that are closely related to most ordinary people.

But even so, there are quite a few people who need it. I think you can ask the spokespersons of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to help you with this. They impeach at will. "

Zhu Youjian suddenly laughed and said, "I said, why did you separate the Metropolitan Procuratorate and set up the Propaganda Department, so it was to foreshadow this."

(End of this chapter)

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