Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 388: Qin Liangyu

Chapter 388: Qin Liangyu

Li Jing shook his head, and smiled wryly at Wang Chengen: "You can draw up the decree as the emperor says."

"Yes!" Wang Chengen said hurriedly.

After speaking, Wang Chengen took out four blank imperial edicts from the bookcase, wrote them down according to what Zhu Youjian said, and then copied them again according to the original text, and kept them for archives. (Note: The imperial decree is made in duplicate, one is sent to the recipient and the other is kept for reference.)
After Wang Chengen finished writing, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian had almost eaten their fill.

Beckoning to Xiao Wu, Li Jing said: "For Mr. Yuan's will, and the rhino horn cup in the box, send someone six hundred miles to Pingyang Mansion urgently, and another person to Xu Mansion."

Xiao Wuwen listened to Wang Chengen and took the imperial decree and the rhinoceros horn cup, went out and called several guards, gave a few instructions in a low voice, and then handed the imperial decree and the box to one of the guards, and the guard took it without hesitation, and beat it. Greeting, several guards hurried out of the palace.

Seeing that Li Jing asked the guards to pass the decree, but Zhu Youjian didn't ask, at this time, Qin Kegang finally knew that the orders from the cabinet he received a few months ago were true, and the emperor no longer interfered in government affairs.

In fact, Qin Kegang had two purposes for coming to Beijing this time. One was to see if the emperor really stopped governing and who he should listen to in the future.

Now Qin Kegang knew who was in charge of the court and whose orders he should obey.

Another purpose of Qin Kegang is to return to Beijing to report on his work.

Qin Kegang's term of office has expired, and he really doesn't want to stay in that poor place in Yunnan. He is going to make some arrangements to see if he can be transferred back to the capital. Even if he can't, he can serve as a magistrate in another place.

It now appears that this purpose must be hopeless.Through Li Jing's questioning just now, Qin Kegang knew that if he wanted to continue to be an official, he could only stay in Yunnan and follow Li Jing's orders.

It's just that Li Jing really wants to use troops against Myanmar?

Qin Kegang could see that Li Jing was very serious when he asked the question just now, but it is not that simple to use troops in Burma, and the suggestion he made should be the most practical, but judging by Li Jing's appearance, it seems that he does not agree with this proposal. dissatisfied.

Qin Kegang pondered Li Jing's words for a long time, but still felt that his suggestion was not a problem.

Li Jing put down his chopsticks, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. Seeing Qin Kegang's pensive expression, Li Jing smiled and said, "You're still thinking about what I just said, aren't you? Seeing as you look, you probably don't understand it."

Qin Kegang hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "My Lord, please give me some guidance."

Li Jing rubbed his teacup, pondered for a while and said: "First of all, just like what Xiao Wu said just now, you have to understand the purpose of my sending troops to Burma.

So what is my purpose?It's very simple, regain the lost land, restore my Ming territory.

In the past, Myanmar was ruled by my Ming Dynasty. Because the Ming Dynasty's national power was exhausted and unable to go south, this group of talents took advantage of the situation and rose up.

What are King Long and his ancestors?How dare you occupy the territory of our Great Ming Dynasty, establish a country and become king?
I sent troops to Burma to destroy this country and bring Burma back into the territory of Ming Dynasty.

Well, you know what my purpose is, so you should think about how to completely bring Myanmar into Ming's territory.

Could it be that the local tribal leaders were still appointed as consolation envoys as before?Wait until they become stronger and then turn against us?
Don't talk about anything else, let's talk about the consolation envoy in the car in Yunnan. He can't even listen to our Ming Dynasty's government orders, let alone Myanmar, which is farther away from the imperial court?
What should I do?
First of all, they can no longer hold military power, and their names have to be changed.What kind of consolation envoy, no need, it is a prefecture, which belongs to our Daming prefecture.Those leaders can only be local officials at most. If they want to support themselves, they have no way. If they don't obey, they will be killed by me. "

Seeing Qin Kegang's disapproval, Li Jing smiled and said, "Are you trying to say what to do if the common people are disobedient? We can't even kill the common people, right? Hehe, that's what I think. Kill the leader if the leader is disobedient. The common people are disobedient." Just kill the common people until they are obedient. If all the people there are killed, I will immigrate from Daming.”

With a smile, Li Jing continued: "Actually, I know that killing people can't solve the problem, and that's not the way to govern the country. Military suppression is just an auxiliary means. To make them willingly belong to Ming Dynasty, they still have to rely on moral education. And an enlightened and benevolent system. Let those Burmese people understand that after belonging to the Ming Dynasty, they will live better. They can eat enough, wear warm clothes, marry wives, and have children.”

"My lord, if we want to do what you said, those who go with the army have to bring a large number of officials. We, Daming, may not be able to afford the cost of this battle." Wang Chengen said suddenly.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "Do you all think that a place like Myanmar should be barren? In the words of the common people, it's a place where rabbits don't shit. Right?"

Hearing what Li Jing said was vulgar, Zhu Youjian and the others couldn't help laughing at the same time.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing continued: "In fact, Myanmar is a very rich place. It is rich in gold, jewelry, and jade, especially the emerald produced in Myanmar. Its value is comparable to the Hetian jade of our Ming Dynasty. There are officials in the palace who used to serve in Myanmar. Memorial, there are records of these above. Your Majesty, am I right?"

Zhu Youjian nodded.

"Hey, as long as we can find a jade mine, all the expenses will be paid out. If we win another gold mine, then we will make a steady profit. What is the cost of the expedition? In fact, no matter how we occupy Myanmar It's not a loss." Li Jing said with a smile.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "But what Lord Qin said just now is indeed the truth, if the road is difficult for a large army to go on an expedition, it will inevitably take time and effort.

Fortunately, we are not going to use troops against Myanmar now. Our main combat targets in the past few years have been the Jurchens and Mongols, and the Myanmar side is only doing preparatory work.

Qin Kegang, after you return to Yunnan, I want you to do two things: first, make every effort to repair the road from Cheli to Myanmar, and build a warehouse every [-] miles to store food, linen, medicine and other materials.The second thing is to send people to Burma to survey the topography and people's conditions. This matter is of great importance. You should do your best. If this matter is done well, I will remember your first contribution to conquer Burma in the future. "

Qin Kegang hesitated when he heard the words and said: "My lord, I'm afraid I can't do so many things with the power of a single official. In addition, I can't command the local tribal people. Can you send the consolation department in the car?" A person who can hold the field, as long as this person can support the subordinates, the subordinates will definitely complete the tasks assigned by the Duke."

Li Jingjing nodded, pondered for a while and said: "It's reasonable to do such a big thing, you should arrange someone who can live in it, but this person is not a good choice.

Ordinarily, Mu Tianbo, Duke of the State of Qian, should be a suitable candidate. During the Mu family's time guarding the southwest, Mu Tianbo was born in the shadow of his ancestors, and was well-known in the eyes of the chieftains.It's a pity that Mu Tianbo's military ability is not good enough. If he is allowed to sit in charge, if something happens, hesitation will ruin the big thing. "

Tapping on the table lightly, Li Jing wondered if there was any suitable candidate.

In fact, the most suitable candidate in Li Jing's mind was Gao Qi, because the war against Burma didn't require any tricks or tricks, nor did it need to fight fiercely. It only needed to fight steadily, occupy a place, and digest a place.This requires the generals commanding the battle to be as stable as possible. Undoubtedly, this way of fighting is most suitable for Gao Qi's style.

However, Gao Qi's rank is too high, and Gao Qi is currently sitting in the Central Plains to direct the encirclement and suppression of bandits. Yunnan has been doing preparations for a long time, so there is absolutely no need for Gao Qi to be in Yunnan so early.

The second candidate is Zhang Chu. Zhang Chu has followed Gao Qi for many years, and his work is extremely stable, which is highly valued by Li Jing and Gao Qi.In the case that Gao Qi cannot go, Zhang Chu is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

However, when Zhang Chu led his army to sit in Yunnan, he still faced the biggest problem.

That is, most of the members of the Jishi Army are from Henan and Shanxi. When they arrive in Yunnan, they may not be able to adapt to the hot and humid environment in the southwest, and it is even more difficult to adapt to the altitude sickness in the southwest.If all of them are sick and sick, what deterrent is there?Not to mention Qin Kegang's suppression, it would be nice not to be laughed at.

That is to say, it is possible to let Zhang Chu lead his troops to Yunnan to adapt to the environment in advance, but before he adapts to the environment, he cannot be assigned too many tasks.

Seeing that Li Jing frowned, obviously unable to think of a suitable candidate, Zhu Youjian's heart moved slightly: "Brother Li, how about I recommend someone for you?"

"Who?" Li Jing asked suspiciously.

"Shi Jie Xuanfu envoy, Zhendong General Qin Liangyu, what do you think?" Zhu Youjian said.

Hearing that Zhu Youjian recommended Qin Liangyu, Li Jing couldn't help but nodded slightly.

During the reign of Chongzhen, there were not many famous generals who could really admire Li Jing, but Qin Liangyu was undoubtedly one of them.

Qin Liangyu is a rare woman in history with both civil and military skills (the only female general who was enshrined as a marquis in history, and the only woman who wrote a biography alone in the 24th history).

Qin Kui, Qin Liangyu's father, once sighed to her: "It's a pity that you are a girl, otherwise, you will definitely be able to become a marquis and win the championship in the future."

And Qin Liangyu said: "If my daughter gets the military power, she will definitely not lose to Princess Pingyang (the daughter of Li Yuan in the Tang Dynasty) and Mrs. Xian (the leader of the ethnic minorities)."

After Qin Liangyu became an adult, he married Ma Qiancheng, chieftain of Shijie.

In the 27th year of Wanli, Yang Yinglong, chieftain of Bozhou, rebelled, and Ma Qiancheng led 500 Shiba soldiers to join the conscript. Then Qin Liangyu led [-] people to help in the battle, and defeated the bandit army in Dengkan.Li Hualong, the governor at the time, was so amazed that he ordered someone to make a silver medal with "husband of a woman" engraved on it, and presented it to Qin Liangyu.

Afterwards, Qin Liangyu and his wife cooperated with the officers and soldiers in the battle, winning consecutive battles, and Yang Yinglong was desperate, committing suicide and died.

After the war, Qin Liangyu and Ma Qiancheng were rated as "the first meritorious service on Nanchuan Road".

In the 41st year of Wanli, Ma Qiancheng died of illness and was in prison. Qin Liangyu succeeded her husband as chieftain of Shijiao. There are thousands of enemies, which makes the Jurchens terrified.However, due to the disparity in numbers, his brother died in battle, his younger brother broke through in blood, and two thousand white soldiers under his command died in battle.

Later, the chieftain of Yongning She Chongming rebelled, and Qin Liangyu led his troops to suppress the rebels and put down the rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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