Chapter 390

Hearing Zhang Ao mention the past, Li Jing sighed and said, "Why do you still mention the past? All these years, you only know that you have done your best and never asked me anything. If I don't reward you again, some people will say that I am unfair to you." up.

Among us old brothers, you are the only one who has never taken a concubine, and you have no children so far. Today I will make the decision for you and marry you a concubine.

Some time ago, Cao Wenzhao sent me a few maids. These maids are all from the family background. Whichever one you like, I will let you be my concubine. "

Zhang Ao was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Commander, Zhang Ao Wanwan can't afford such a big reward, please take back his life, Commander."

Zhang Ao knew that most of the maids and maids in Li Jing's mansion were betrothed by Li Jing to those subordinates who didn't have families, especially the family members of the soldiers, almost all of them came from Li's mansion. Over the years, the maids and maids in Li Jing's mansion had changed There were so many batches that Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu had no maids to use them, so they had to buy them in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

In addition, Li Jing married the maids as if they were his own daughters, that is to say, those who could marry the maids in Li Jing's mansion were definitely Li Jing's direct relatives.

Moreover, the maids in Li Jing's mansion had never served as concubine for others, and now they agreed to serve as concubine for Zhang Ao, that was really a great grace.

Hearing Zhang Ao's refusal, Li Jing smiled and said: "Brother, you are not young anymore, if you don't hurry up, will you delay your heirs? What's more, your wife is not around, you are in charge of such a big mess, if you are around How can the body bear it if no one takes care of it? It’s settled! I’ll take care of it for you later, and as for your wife, I’ll explain it for you.”

"Marshal!" Zhang Ao was choked up and speechless when he heard the words.

Patting Zhang Ao's shoulder lightly, Li Jing continued: "Don't think too much, you have to take care of your health, I still have important things for you to handle in the coming year."

"Please tell me, Commander," Zhang Ao hurriedly said.

"There has been no snow this winter. I am worried that there will be drought in the coming year. Therefore, preparations for farming must be made in advance. I want you to start preparing seeds immediately. After the beginning of spring, there will be large crops in Beizhili, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places. area to cultivate drought-resistant crops." Li Jing said.

Hearing that Li Jing asked him to prepare for spring plowing in the coming year, Zhang Ao understood why Li Jing asked about land statistics.

Knowing Li Jing's intentions, Zhang Ao immediately nodded emphatically and said, "Don't worry, Commander, Zhang Ao guarantees that all the above-mentioned provinces will be planted with drought-resistant crops next year."

Li Jingjing nodded, turned to look at Zhou Hengchen and said, "Hengchen, is there any suitable candidate for Huguang's political envoy? Only those who can understand our government orders will do."

"This..." Zhou Hengchen pondered for a moment.

You must know that since Li Jing came to power, the governor was abolished, and the chief minister became the highest official in the locality. Li Jing asked Zhou Hengchen to consider the candidates for the Huguang chief minister, which showed great trust.Then Zhou Hengchen must be cautious about this candidate.

Zhou Hengchen went through his favorite candidates in his mind, and couldn't help but shook his head secretly. Most of these people have little qualifications or no experience in governing. If they are promoted rashly, they can explain to Li Jing if they do well. If you don't do it well, you will lose points in Li Jing's heart.

After weighing things up, Zhou Hengchen slowly shook his head and said, "Marshal, the Ministry of Officials has no suitable candidate to serve as Huguang's political envoy."

Li Jing asked in surprise: "There are so many officials under the Ministry of Officials, so there is no suitable candidate?"

Zhou Hengchen smiled wryly and said: "The people we train have only worked as local officials in Pingyang Mansion, and have no experience in governing the country at all. I am afraid that these manpower will not be able to catch up with a big official like the chief minister.

As for the officials previously appointed by the court, there are many who have experience in governing, but I am afraid that these people will not understand the commander-in-chief's intentions at all, just like those officials in Jiangxi and Nanzhili areas, if it were not for General Chen and General Liu Sitting in town, I guess the two places will not implement the commander-in-chief's decree so far. "

Li Jing nodded slightly: "What you said is indeed true, but I don't believe that so many officials in Ming Dynasty can't see the benefits of the New Deal.

Hengchen, I know that you have some concerns about how many people use it, but according to me, you don't need to be so careful.

We must know that officials are human beings, and human beings have shortcomings and make mistakes.Could it be that you and I have no shortcomings, so we haven't made mistakes?
Therefore, when we employ people, we should not focus on the shortcomings of others. We must tolerate their shortcomings and make mistakes for them, as long as they can realize it and correct it.

I remember that when I went to Henan for disaster relief, the governor of Henan at that time was Mr. Wu Shengwu. I think this person is very good. Although he is a bit greedy for money, he still does things with all his heart and responsibility.

What's more, how many officials in our Ming Dynasty are not corrupt?We can't just focus on other people's faults, we also have to get to the bottom of why they are corrupt.

The reason I have said before is that the salaries of officials are too low to support their families.

We can't expect all officials to be the same as Hai Rui, so I increase the salary of officials, and the more local officials are at the grassroots level, the higher the salary.Why?Just let them have enough money to spend and stop embezzlement.

If the officials understand this and stop corrupting in the future, why can't we use these people?

Of course, some people's desires cannot be filled, but don't we still have severe punishments there?
I think high salaries and severe punishments will make officials realize that the amount of money they receive for corruption and bribery is not commensurate with the punishment they receive, and gradually officials will not dare to embezzle.

So, some people have to use it when they should, so don't be so scruples. "

Zhou Hengchen nodded silently upon hearing the words.

After a while, Zhou Hengchen suddenly laughed and said, "The commander-in-chief values ​​Master Wu so much, I think it's better to use Master Wu as the political envoy of Huguang?"

Li Jing pondered for a while: "That's fine, where does Wu Tong work now? Let him come to Beijing. I have some things to explain to him."

Zhou Hengchen smiled bitterly and said, "Master Wu is recuperating at home."

"Ill? When did it happen?" Li Jingqi asked.

"Ahem, Wu Yan resigned on the pretext of illness at the beginning of this year." Zhu Youjian continued.

"Resign due to illness?" Li Jing repeated in doubt.

Seeing Zhu Youjian's embarrassing expression, Li Jing remembered that Zhu Youjian suspected that Wu Zhen had been with him too closely, so he transferred Wu Zhen to the capital.Thinking about it, after Wu Tong came to Beijing, he must have been severely suppressed by Wen Tiren in the past two years, and he was depressed, so he excused his illness and resigned.

Li Jing would never bring up these old things with Zhu Youjian again. After thinking about it, Li Jing said with a smile: "Master Wu has been recuperating for almost a year. I think his body should be almost recuperated. Let him come out to do things."

"Then I can post a message to let Wu Tong come to Beijing." Zhou Hengchen said.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Hengchen, there are still many people like Wu Tong who come to Daming, so learn more about it, use those who should be used, and don't waste talents."

"Yes! Marshal." Zhou Hengchen replied.

Li Jing got up and took a few steps in the room, and then continued: "In the coming year, we only have two military goals. The first is to solve the Eastern captives. We have Wenzhao and Zhuzi in command. As long as the logistics supplies can keep up, we will It is estimated that this battle will be over in a few months. Therefore, we must ensure that there will be no problems with the logistics. If the progress of the battle is affected due to logistical reasons, please don’t blame me for not being sympathetic.”

Seeing Li Jing's serious face, Shen Zheng and Zhang Ao hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Commander, there will never be any problems with logistics supplies."

Li Jing waved his hand and said: "The second target is the rogues. To deal with the rogues, we must use both suppression and suppression, mainly to appease them. Therefore, in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan and other places where there are rogues, the local government must closely cooperate with the troops to appease them." Work.

The rogues can't surrender, because they didn't settle down well, and they turned back in the end. If this happens, I won't show mercy. "

Zhou Hengchen hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Li Jing continued: "Actually, I'm not worried about the military. Whether it's a bandit or a captive from the East, they are vulnerable to our guns and can be wiped out with a simple gesture. What I'm worried about is the internal affairs. .

Natural disasters, the biggest problem we face now is natural disasters.If the provinces in the Northwest and the Central Plains are still as dry and rainless as in previous years, the life of the common people will be difficult again.

Therefore, before spring plowing in the coming year, we must ensure that the water conservancy facilities under construction in the northwest provinces are completed. We cannot guarantee all of them, at least we must ensure that the land where there are rivers has a harvest. This matter must be regarded as the most urgent thing.

In addition, the reason for the current situation in the Ming Dynasty was due to natural disasters on the one hand, and man-made disasters on the other.

Let me go down from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and all law enforcement departments. I will take down all officials who do not seriously deal with people's livelihood issues, and punish each one.

The last point is the issue of taxation. If there is a disaster and the treasury has no money, how will we buy food for disaster relief?Therefore, you must continue to urge all localities to collect taxes, and those who fail to complete tax collection on time will be dismissed on the spot.Later, I will ask Luo Yangxing to transfer manpower to cooperate with your work. "

Shen Zheng and the others nodded silently when they heard the words, and then Zhang Ao picked up a pen to write down what Li Jing said just now.

In fact, the matters for the coming year that Li Jing just explained involved many departments, not the departments in charge of Shen Zheng, Zhou Hengchen, and Zhang Ao, who could undertake it alone.But obviously, these matters need to be led by the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households, which means that these matters must be led by three people.

Zhang Ao naturally wanted to record such an important arrangement.

After Zhang Ao finished writing, Li Jing took it over and read it, and handed it over to Shen Zheng: "You discuss the specific matters with Yang Liufeng and Fang Fang, and then draw up a charter. I will give you two months , draw up the details."

Hearing Li Jing say that there is a two-month schedule, Shen Zheng, Zhou Hengchen and Zhang Ao looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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