Chapter 393
Thinking of Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng sitting on one side, sharing worries and solving problems for him, Li Jing couldn't help being a little crazy. Ten years ago, these two people hid with him in the mountains as bandits, and now they have become big officials of one side.

Thinking about the people around him again, Shen Zheng was just a businessman before, when he knew him, he was almost cornered by the Xu family, but now he is the cabinet minister and household secretary.

Ma Wu was just a bandit leader on a small hill, but now he is the director of the two most mysterious departments in Ming Dynasty.

Zhuzi was still an ignorant boy back then, but now he has become the governor of the capital guarding the capital, and in the coming year he will be one of the chief generals who will use troops against the Eastern Captives.

Sun Meng used to be just a general banner, but now he is also the governor who holds military power, and he is helping Sun Chuanting to form a naval force in Shandong.

Gao Qi was just a small banner before, and now he is sitting in the Central Plains to encircle and suppress the bandits.

Back then when Yuan Keli was disheartened, he returned home and went up the mountain to become a bandit at his own instigation. The old man wholeheartedly assisted him.


Back then, these people surrounded him all day long, but now they haven't seen each other for several months. Thinking of this, Li Jing suddenly felt bitter. How long ago did he become a loner?
"I am a stranger in a foreign land, and I miss my relatives a lot during the festive season. I know from a distance that my brother climbed to a high place, and there is one less person planted with dogwood. Xiao Wu, bring the altar wine. I want to drink some wine." Li Jing said suddenly.

Xiao Wu didn't know what Li Jing said just now, seeing that Li Jing's face was a bit grim, he didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly asked someone to arrange food and drinks.

"Marshal, do you miss your family?" A girl sent by Chen Dahu asked suddenly.

Hearing the girl's question, Li Jing was taken aback, and then remembered that the four women hadn't been arranged yet.

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed and said, "I'm really confused. You guys are still here. I'll send you home later."

"The commander-in-chief doesn't like our sisters?" the girl asked just now.

Li Jing smiled. This girl was only thirteen or fourteen years old, but she asked herself if she liked them. Without asking, she must have been sold to a brothel song shop since she was a child.

"What's your name?" Li Jingxiao asked.

"Slave servant Li Xiang." The girl said with a blessing.

Li Jing turned to look at the other three women: "What about you? What's your name?"

"Slave Yang Ai." The slightly older girl Fu Liao Fu said.

"Slave Dong Bai." A girl who was about the same age as Li Xiang replied.

"Servant Gu Mei." The girl who was about the same age as Yang Ai said.

Seeing that the four girls were not stage-frightened at all when they replied, Li Jing nodded slightly: "Tell me, did Chen Dahu send someone to buy you with money? Or did you grab them?"

"It's our blessing to be chosen by General Chen to serve the commander-in-chief, and we are all willing." Li Xiang said.

Li Jing looked at Li Xiang and was amazed: "This little girl is lovely, she is so young, but she speaks so eloquently."

But through the girl's words, Li Jing knew that the four girls were probably snatched by Chen Dahu's subordinates.

Li Jing pondered for a while and said, "Where are you all from? Who else is there in the family?"

The four girls looked at each other, while lowering their heads and shaking slightly.

Li Jing frowned slightly, there are several homeless girls, how can we arrange them?Sending him back to Nanjing would mean that he would fall into prostitution again, but if he takes him in, once this example is opened, it will probably be out of control in the future.

Seeing that Li Xiang and Dong Bai were both thirteen or fourteen years old, Li Jing thought for a while and said, "If you want to go back to Nanjing, I will arrange for someone to take you back. Send them to my wife for resettlement, as for Yang Ai and Dong Bai, you have reached the age to leave the cabinet, I don't know if you are willing to let me choose a husband for you."

These four girls are all celebrities in the Qinhuai song workshop, and they are not available to countless talents. When Chen Dahu ordered them to be forcibly snatched from the hands of the bustard and adoptive mother, they were scolded by countless people.When they were sent to the capital, Li Jing didn't even look at them carefully. As for the literary talents and singing skills, he wanted to send them away without even listening to them. From a certain point of view, it was an insult to these girls .

Seeing the four girls hesitate to answer, Li Jing smiled and said: "Why? Don't believe it? Or don't you want to? Don't worry, you are just children in my eyes. If you want anything, just say it, as long as I can do it , will do our best to meet your requirements.”

Hearing Li Jing's gentle words, Yang Ai hesitated and said: "The commander-in-chief has all the power in the court, and he keeps his promises. The servant has a small request. The servant will not marry if he is not talented in this life. If the commander chooses a son-in-law for the servant, he will give him The servant is looking for a talented person."

Li Jingwen frowned.

wit?The civilian officials under him are all from practical backgrounds, and in terms of literary talents, there are really not many literary talents.Even if there are so few, the youngest of these people is 40 to [-] years old, and they are all married and established. Where can I find talented people who don't have families?

Even the officers under his command rarely have families. As for the soldiers, there are some who are of the same age and have no families. But how can there be any talents among these big soldiers?It's nice to be able to write your own name.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing suddenly said, "Do you have someone you like in your heart?"

Yang Ai shook her head hastily.

"Then what kind of talented person do you think?" Li Jing asked.

"Qian Qianyi, a person like Mr. Qian." Yang Ai said.

Li Jingwen was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously said, "Such as Qian Qianyi? Such a talented person?"

Seeing Yang Ai nodded solemnly, Li Jing suddenly burst out laughing.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing turned to look at the other three girls: "Do you think people like Qian Qianyi are talented?"

The three girls looked at each other and nodded slowly.

Li Jing suddenly became silent when he saw it.

Suddenly he realized that although the north of the Ming Dynasty was a mess, no one in the south had any sense of crisis at all, especially those literati who lingered in the karaoke halls all day long, groaning without illness, and occasionally said empty words, which made these ignorant girls think These people are all talented people with real talents.

After being silent for a while, Li Jing said softly: "When you entered the mansion, you wanted to come and meet the four maids in my mansion. There is nothing in my mansion, so why do I need someone to serve them? They are idle all day, and I am about to send them away. They are leaving the house. How about this, you live with them for the time being, and I will make arrangements after a year, if you feel bored, you can go out and have a look around. "

Hearing that Li Jing didn't mention the topic just now, the four girls didn't know what Li Jing's intention was, so they nodded slightly.

At this time, Xiao Wu came over and said, "Marshal, the food and drink are ready."

Li Jingjing nodded and waved to Xiao Wu: "Come have a drink with me."

After looking at the four girls, Li Jing continued, "You guys should come together too."

As he spoke, he went ahead and came to the next hall.

Seeing that the four maids had already laid out the dishes and wine, Li Jing smiled and said, "Get a few more sets of tableware, let's eat together."

The four maids had dinner with Li Jing before, and they knew that Li Jing was approachable, but the four new girls were horrified, they never expected that Li Jing would let them eat with them.

"Sit down, four new sisters. Our commander-in-chief is a rare good person. He treats us like his own family members. You don't have to restrain yourself. After a few days, you will be familiar with the commander-in-chief's personality. We just arrived At that time, I couldn’t believe it just like you.” A maid laughed.

Li Jing smiled and gave the maid a thumbs up to show her approval.

Taking all the girls to sit down carefully, Li Jing suddenly said to one of the maids: "Xiao Lian, I forgot to tell you something, I promised you a family, Zhang Ao who often comes to our house, I will take you Let him be his concubine, what do you think?"

"It's all up to the commander-in-chief." Xiao Lian hurriedly got up and said.

Li Jing waved his hand, sighed and said: "Brother Zhang has been with me for nearly ten years, and I know him very well. You are my betrothed, he will not neglect you, even his wife will not make things difficult for you, only There is a fly in the ointment, that is, brother Zhang is a bit older than you, I hope you don't mind."

Xiao Lian hurriedly said: "Marshal, the servants and their family are able to have today, thanks to the Marshal's grace, not to mention Master Zhang is an important minister of the court, the Marshal's confidant, even if he is worthless, the slaves will obey the Marshal's arrangement."

Li Jing nodded slightly: "You came to Zhang Ao's side not as a concubine, but as a concubine, and you must be sealed in the future. One thing you have to remember, no matter when, don't be pampered, don't neglect the mistress .Home and everything will be prosperous, I hope you can remember my words."

"Your servant obeys." Xiao Lian said.

Looking at the other three maids, Li Jing said with a smile: "Xiao Lian has a good home, don't you congratulate her, toast her, and let everyone be happy for her."

Hearing this, the third daughter hurriedly picked up the wine glass and said, "You should, Sister Xiaolian, congratulations on finding a good home, sisters toast you."

After saying that, the four girls raised their glasses and drank it down.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "You three, don't worry, let me find you a good family slowly, maybe not as high as Zhang Ao's status, but I will never treat you badly."

"I'm leaving, who will serve the commander in the future." The three maids said in unison.

Li Jing shook his head: "Girls are going to marry when they reach their age. Can I still keep you by my side for the rest of my life? It's not in vain for you to serve me for so long if I find you a good home."

Seeing that Li Jing looked a little lonely, several maids asked in unison: "Is there anything you are unhappy about, Commander?"

Li Jing sighed, raised his glass and drank it down: "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. At this time in previous years, my house is so lively. This year, my husband is sick, and everyone is busy with their own work. I'm afraid there are not many people there."

"Why didn't the commander-in-chief bring Mr. to live in the capital?" Yang Ai suddenly said.

Li Jing shook his head: "Mr. is old and sick again. I can't stand the long-distance travel. I wanted to go back and see the old man, but I was so busy that I couldn't spare time. Fortunately, the two wives were by my side. Do your filial piety at my husband's knees for me. Otherwise, how can I handle government affairs with peace of mind?"

Speaking of which, Li Jing sighed, raised his wine glass and drank another glass.

(End of this chapter)

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