Chapter 395
After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Although Xiaowu's words are rude, there is one point that is right. This Fushe really needs to be supervised, otherwise there will be troubles in the future."

"Is the commander-in-chief going to arrest them?" Yang Ai asked in surprise.

Li Jing shook his head: "I will not engage in any kind of literary inquisition against these people, nor will I kill them, so you can rest assured."

Waving his hand, Li Jing said, "Let's not talk about business today, just drink."

Yang Ai heard that Li Jing didn't want to say any more, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions at the moment, raised her glass and said, "Marshal, I'm toasting you, I just heard what Brother Wu said just now, so I realized that you are the real man, a great hero, and my servant has little knowledge. , the words are inappropriate, I hope the commander-in-chief will not remember the villain's mistakes, and forgive the servants for this."

"Hahaha!" Li Jing raised his wine glass and smiled, "My family eats and talks, there is nothing strange about it. In fact, I also want to hear what the outside world thinks of me. I hope to hear different voices. What you just said , I rarely hear it now."

Although Li Jing's laughter was hearty, there was an indescribable loneliness in his words.

Looking at Li Jing's slightly pale face, the women suddenly felt a little nervous in their hearts. They really couldn't imagine how much this man in front of them had paid for Daming's country.

Seeing the concerned expressions on the faces of all the women, Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes, I know what you are thinking. A man's vocation is to protect the family and the country, and a man should cultivate himself, govern the family, govern the country and the world. Think about it for yourself, and what big things you can accomplish."

"What the commander-in-chief said is true." Everyone said in unison.

"Marshal, the servants are fortunate to be able to eat and drink with him. It is really a blessing from the previous life. The slaves will offer a toast to Marshal. I wish him good health and a prosperous Ming Dynasty as soon as possible." Yang Ai raised his glass and said .

Li Jing smiled, raised his glass and drank it down. When Xiao Wu filled the glass, Li Jing held up the glass and said, "Come on, I'll toast you too. It's really commendable that you didn't feel afraid at all when you saw me for the first time. In this life, I have never seen a woman like you."

Yang Ai raised her wine glass and said with a sweet smile: "Actually, this servant is still very scared."

Li Jing laughed out loud.

Seeing Li Jingxiao's joy, Yang Ai continued: "Marshal, will the servants sing you a song? It's Chinese New Year, don't worry about the melody, just relax."

"Okay! Let's sing one!" Li Jing waved his hand and said.

Hearing Li Jing's consent, Yang Ai was overjoyed, and winked at Dong Bai and the others: "The servant girl is going to fetch the qin."

Dong Bai and the others were all smart, so they immediately understood Yang Ai's intentions, and immediately said, "The commander-in-chief can't just listen to Sister Yang's singing, we have to sing too."

Li Jing was startled, then smiled and said, "Then let's sing."

Seeing Xiao Lian and the others also looking forward to it, Li Jing smiled and said, "You guys sing too."

Xiao Lian and the others were overjoyed, they hurriedly got up and saluted Li Jing, and went back to the room to pick up the instruments.

After a while, several people turned around, each brought a musical instrument back, and then moved the coffee table and stool, and they were ready in a while.

Yang Ai bowed politely to Li Jing: "The servant girl is the first to show her ugliness."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand.

Yang Ai sat down, calmed down, and then gently plucked the guqin.

To be honest, Li Jing doesn't know much about rhythm, but he can tell if he plays well or not.In particular, Yang Ai's voice was mellow and melodious, and the tunes she sang were indescribably beautiful, and Li Jing couldn't help being intoxicated for a moment.

To be honest, Li Jing doesn't know anything about rhythm, and he can't tell whether Yang Ai's playing is good or bad.However, the sound of the piano was melodious and long, coupled with Yang Ai's mellow and melodious voice, Li Jing couldn't help being a little intoxicated.

Looking at Yang Ai's charming face, Li Jing smiled wryly in his heart, such a beauty, such a singing voice, as long as he has a three-point literary talent, those literati in the south of the Yangtze River will flock to her.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing picked up the wine glass, drank it, closed his eyes and thought deeply.

Li Jing began to pay attention to Fushe because Qian Qianyi led hundreds of Jiangnan students to Beijing more than three months ago to ask for an explanation.

Li Jing is not surprised that the students have the same views. After all, these people study stereotyped scriptures all day long, and it is normal to resist the new examination content.

But why are these people able to enter Beijing together?And why are most of the students who came to Beijing from the Wusu area in the south of the Yangtze River?Why don't so many students come to Beijing from other places?

You must know that communication in this era is extremely underdeveloped, and personnel are not so easy to contact.But these people actually went to Beijing at the same time and arrived in the capital almost in no particular order. If no one was in the middle to organize and dispatch them, they would not believe it even if they killed Li Jing.

In addition, according to Li Jing's analysis, even if someone is in the middle of the dispatch, these people should not gather together to go to Beijing so quickly. The only explanation is that these students usually live together or have close ties with each other.

If there are only a hundred or so people, this is not surprising, because the students may be studying in the same academy, and it is normal to have contacts with each other, but it is not normal for seven or eight hundred people to gather together.

It's not that there are no academies in other provinces, and it's not that there are no connections between students, but why do only a few dozen people come to Beijing from those places at most, and why only students from the Wusu area can come to so many people?

Since Li Jing suspected that someone was in the middle of the organization, he would not take it lightly, and immediately asked Ma Wu to send people to investigate secretly.

After more than two months of investigation, Ma Wucai reported the results of the investigation to Li Jing.Sure enough, as Li Jing expected, these students in Jiangnan are really organized. This organization is Fushe, which has a huge number of members, and the energy contained in it cannot be underestimated.There are many officials in the court who come from Fushe, or claim to be people from Fushe. As for the local officials below, there are even more people from Fushe.

In the past, Li Jing only knew that there was a Donglin Party in the imperial court, but he didn't want a Fushe to pop up now. Hearing this news, Li Jing suddenly felt dizzy.

In the south of the Yangtze River, Li Jing's power is already very weak, and it can even be said that it has no foundation (this is why Li Jing didn't send civil officials, but sent Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng, two generals, to serve in Nanzhili and Jiangxi. One of the reasons), if there is another organization like Fushe, the implementation of the New Deal will be hindered even more.

Although Li Jing temporarily managed the ideological work of those students in the Guozijian, when it came to their fundamental interests, these people would never compromise.

Why are most of the candidates admitted this time and the officials sent down to the grassroots level are illiterate or semi-literate, so that Yuan Keli worried about the character and quality of officials.The reason is very simple. Apart from the fact that some people really failed the exam, another big reason is that the students gave up the exam.

In this exam, these people are just fighting silently, but sooner or later these people will make a sound. Once they make a sound, with the energy of these people, Da Ming will definitely cause great turmoil.

In fact, it is not difficult for Li Jing to appease these people. He only needs to use a few leaders of Fushe to appease these students, but in that way, it is tantamount to a compromise between Li Jing and the students.

It's not that Li Jing can't compromise, but for whom the score is for, for Zhu Youjian, Li Jing can compromise on some things, because no matter what, Zhu Youjian is right under his nose and cannot escape his control.

But the Fushe organization is different. The more they compromise with them, the more arrogant and uncontrollable these people become.In the words of ordinary people, these people can't give them face, and if they give face, they will be shameless.

Therefore, Li Jing knew that Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, and others had some talents, and he was unwilling to use them.

But these people can't let them go. Once Tu Shaoying's newspaper is published, these people will definitely use this platform to comment on the government. Li Jing hopes to hear different voices, but he doesn't want to hear overwhelming criticism.

Of course, Li Jing will never suppress Fushe like Wei Zhongxian suppressed the Donglin Party. Li Jing doesn't want to give future generations a bad name like Wei Zhongxian, so how to deal with these people must be carefully considered.

Gently tapping on the table, Li Jing was thinking about how to deal with those people in Fushe, when he suddenly felt the sound of the piano getting softer, but Yang Ai had already finished singing.

"Okay, good singing." Li Jing clapped his hands and praised.

"Thank you, Marshal, for your compliment." Yang Ai got up and said with a blessing.

Li Jing smiled and nodded, signaling Yang Ai to sit back at the wine table.

After Yang Ai sat down, Li Xiang got up and said, "The slaves also sing a song for the commander."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

"Please give me advice, Commander-in-Chief and all the elder sisters." Li Xiang sat down a few steps away, tried out the notes on Yang Ai's Yaoqin, and then began to sing while playing.

"Caixiu held the jade bell diligently, but he was drunk when he fought hard. Dancing to the heart of the willow building, singing to the wind of the peach blossom fan. After farewell, we meet each other, and the soul and dream are the same as the king. , I'm afraid that the reunion is a dream."

Even though Li Xiang is the youngest, she looks pretty and cute, but her voice is indescribably charming.

Li Jing couldn't help nodding when he heard the first half of the question, but he was startled when he heard the second half, and then frowned slightly.

Although Li Jing has never heard of this song, he can still understand the lyrics. He wondered how Li Xiang could understand the lovesickness in the lyrics at such a young age.

Seeing Li Jing frowned, Yang Ai hurriedly said, "Does the Commander think Li Xiang's sister sings well?"

Li Jing shook his head: "The singing is excellent, but can she understand the meaning of this song?"

Yang Ai smiled and said, "What do you not understand? This poem is the name "Partridge Sky" written by Yan Xiaoshan (Yan Jidao), the son of Yan Shu, the Prime Minister of the former Song Dynasty. Speaking of which, there is another allusion to this poem.

Back then, Yan Xiaoshan fell in love with a brothel singer, and the two had a lingering relationship. Later, the two separated for a while for some reason. This poem was written by Yan Xiaoshan after the two reunited.

Those of us singers who were born in brothels all hope that one day we can meet a gifted scholar who values ​​love and affection like Yan Xiaoshan. "

Li Jing nodded slightly: "I see, this allusion is a bit touching."

Suddenly Li Jing was taken aback, and repeated in a murmur: "Allusions?"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Yang Aiqi asked.

Li Jing waved his hand, pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "What do you think is the greatest wish of those literati and celebrities?"

"Naturally, the name will remain in history." Yang Ai said without thinking.

"Then how can we keep our name in history?" Li Jing then asked.

Yang Ai said with a smile: "For literati, the best way to leave their name in history is to write books and talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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