Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 397 Unruly

Chapter 397 Unruly

Ma Wu said with a smile: "At first, I thought that elder brother was in a good mood, and I didn't want to talk about business today, but you insisted on bringing it up."

Li Jing waved his hand: "You came to my house just after you came back, just wanting to report to me the situation in Liaodong, how could I not ask."

Ma Wu nodded: "The situation in Liaodong is not very good. This time I went to Jinzhou personally, and I finally know why our Ming Dynasty always loses."

After a pause, Ma Wu continued: "Jinzhou Zu Dashou is indeed a general, but he is a bit rebellious and does not obey the dispatch. In addition, I sent someone to investigate secretly. Most of the generals in Jinzhou are empty. In fact, there are not as many people as there are in the report, and the same is true for Wu Sangui in Shanhaiguan.

I estimated that Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan had a maximum of 12 troops, and less than half of them could actually fight. "

Li Jingjing nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "You send someone to tell Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui that I already know about it. As long as these two people are not stupid, after they get the news, they will immediately give the total number of people." clear."

"What if they are disobedient?" Ma Wu asked.

"Disobedient?" Li Jing pondered for a while and said, "If they are really disobedient, then there is no need to keep these two people. I will inform Cao Wenzhao and Zhuzi later. If Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui don't repent, wait for the army When we enter Jinzhou, take these two people down."

After waving his hand, Li Jing continued: "These two are smart people, as long as you tell them what to do, they will naturally know what to do. Let's not talk about them, let's talk about Donglu's movements."

Ma Wu nodded, drank a glass of wine, and said: "The Donglu is now making guns and cannons, and there are signs that they may use troops against North Korea in the coming year."

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "The last time the Eastern captives suffered a big loss in Gyeonggi, and several major Mongolian tribes surrendered to us. Their soldiers and supplies are seriously insufficient, and the use of troops in North Korea is also the meaning of the problem. As for making Guns cast cannons, hehe, it may be too late to think about it now."

Ma Wu nodded and said with a smile: "Huang Taiji would never have thought that we would launch an attack on them next spring. It is indeed too late to start making guns and cannons now. But I still reminded Cao Wenzhao and Zhuzi, although The time is short, but I guess they can still cast a few cannons, but don't underestimate the enemy and suffer a hidden loss, it won't be worth it."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Actually, the Eastern Captives are not difficult to deal with. The Jurchens together have a total of only a hundred thousand people, and their weapons are outdated. The population of our Ming Dynasty is more than a hundred times that of the Jurchens, and our weapons are far more advanced than them. The reason why we always fight The defeat was mainly due to the imperial court and the leading generals.

In addition, those Han people who were captured in the past are also helping the Jurchens, especially those scholars and the Han army who surrendered in the past.This time it was Kong Youde, the rebel general from Shandong, who helped the Jurchens make artificial guns, right? "

"Yes, big brother is amazing, we all know that." Ma Wuzan said.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "It's hard to guess. Kong Youde used to be a general in Denglai, and he was Mr. Sun Yuanhua's subordinate. How can you learn something with a pig's brain."

Ma Wu nodded: "Yes, Huang Taiji now attaches great importance to Kong Youde, allocated a lot of manpower and material resources, and ordered Kong Youde to go all out to make guns and cannons, and Kong Youde also worked extremely hard. I heard that the prototype of the cannon has been made. As a result of the test, the people below didn’t find out, so I don’t know how powerful it is, but I think it’s no match for our cannons anyway, as long as Cao Wenzhao pays attention when fighting, he won’t be at a disadvantage.”

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't worry about this. Cao Wenzhao has experienced hundreds of battles and has extremely rich combat experience. With the support of the pillars, he will definitely not make rash advances underestimating the enemy."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Actually, I'm not worried about the land route. What I'm worried about is the water route. Originally, the water route was the shortcoming of Donglu, but during Kong Youde's rebellion, the Denglai Navy suffered heavy losses. After Kong Youde surrendered to the enemy, Lushun was also occupied by Dongludao last year, and now we are at a disadvantage in terms of naval forces. I am worried that when Cao Wenzhao launches an attack, Dongludao will bypass Huludao by water and harass our logistics supplies."

"This...our supply troops should be able to prevent the raids of the Donglu, right?" Ma Wu pondered.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "It's only a thousand days to be a thief. How can there be a reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days? The Eastern captives are all cavalry, and they come and go like the wind. As long as the Eastern captives keep harassing, the speed of logistics will be delayed, and even Being able to hold back the progress of the logistics troops is what worries me."

"Can we send cavalry for protection?" Ma Wu asked suspiciously.

Li Jing said with a smile: "It's not as simple as you think. Wars are not something we just slap our heads and think about it."

Ma Wu smiled: "I don't know anything about wars, I just collect information for you."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Actually, to solve this problem, it is best to eliminate the Donglu navy first. It's a pity that we have no ships now, how can we eliminate them?"

"Why don't Zheng Zhilong's navy come over? If this kid leads troops to help in the battle, what's the point of Donglu's navy?" Ma Wu suddenly said.

"Huh!" Li Jing snorted coldly: "If Zheng Zhilong had the heart, he should have volunteered to fight. After all these years, when did he consider the court besides managing his own three-acre land?"

Ma Wu pondered for a while and said, "Should we send someone to arrest Zheng Zhilong first?"

Li Jing shook his head: "If we catch him, we can't mobilize his navy, let alone we can't catch him. He can't stay on land and he can go to sea. How can we catch him? At sea, he is his world. Therefore, in our navy Before it is established, I will not do anything to him."

Lightly tapping on the table, Li Jing suddenly said, "Fifth Brother, which of Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui do you think is more stable in doing things and dares to fight?"

Ma Wu pondered for a while and said, "In terms of daring to fight, I think Wu Sangui seems to be braver, but in terms of doing things calmly, I think Zu Dashou is the one."

Li Jingwen nodded slightly.

"Brother wants to transfer the two of them to deal with Donglu's harassment?" Ma Wu pondered for a while and suddenly asked.

Li Jingting nodded and said: "To prevent the invasion of the Eastern Captives, we can't rely entirely on the Jishi Army. The Jishi Army's strength is not enough, and it is even more insufficient to divide the troops. Therefore, we have to rely on the frontier army. It's just that this person is selected carefully. Row."

With a smile, Li Jing waved his hand and said, "There is no rush for this matter. I will discuss it with Cao Wenzhao and the others before dispatching troops. Let's not talk about it. This time your men went to Donglu to inquire about news. It’s dangerous and hard work, just tell them that I remember their achievements, and besides, you should donate as much as you want, and don’t be stingy with money.”

Ma Wuwen laughed and said: "Hehe, the words of big brother may be more effective than my reward silver. Don't worry, I will reward everything that should be rewarded. I will not let the brothers suffer."

Li Jingjing nodded, suddenly patted his head and said: "I almost forgot if I didn't mention the reward. You will ask someone to send some silver to my house. During this time, my housekeeper will withdraw money from your shop." , the maids in the mansion haven’t paid out the monthly payment for several months, this matter is serious, if it gets out, people will think I’m stingy.”

"Huh? The branches in the capital haven't sent money to the mansion in the past few months?" Ma Wu was surprised.

Li Jing shook his head: "In the past, it was handed over to my wife. I don't have time to take care of that. In addition, I have already asked my wife to distribute some shops in Beijing to everyone. So many people come to Beijing to buy houses and households. There is not much money left in the village. Give them the store, and with this income, they can live better and avoid corruption and bribery.”

"Ah? Is it all distributed to the brothers? Why don't I know?" Ma Wu was surprised.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Hey, you haven't asked about the shop for a few months? How do you know this? It's okay, your sister-in-law didn't treat you badly. I have given you all the properties in Beijing and the best restaurants and shops. You, otherwise how could Xiao Wu let the housekeeper come to your shop to spend money."

Ma Wu smiled and said: "Brother, how do you want me to say hello? You care about your brothers' family affairs, but you forget your own family affairs."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm all about clothes now, stretching out my hands and opening my mouth for food. How could I think of that? Just wait until your sister-in-law comes to Beijing, and I don't have to worry about these things."

Ma Wu looked at Li Jinghu and said: "If you want me to say, elder brother should bring a wife to Beijing, even if he doesn't bring one, there should be another room in Beijing."

As he said that, Ma Wu pointed to the outside: "I think these girls are all very beautiful. Don't you think the eldest brother is interested?"

Li Jing smiled: "Don't say that I don't have the heart, even if I have the heart, can I touch these women?"

"Which woman in this world can't be touched by a big brother, not to mention a few little girls, even if you have a crush on the queen, my brother will sleep with you." Ma Wu said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense." Li Jing scolded.

Shaking his head, Li Jing continued: "The four girls together with Xiao Lian are the family members of the prisoner. You and Yang Liufeng sent them to the Jiaofang Division because they had no money to pay the fine. You said that if I sent any of them After being brought into the mansion, what should I do with those criminals? If Xiaolian hadn’t had a relatively simple family, I wouldn’t have dared to promise her to Zhang Ao. I’m afraid that the people below will speculate wildly and bend the law for personal gain.”

"Oh, that's right, then you really can't make up your mind about these girls." Ma Wu said in a little bit.

Li Jing glared at Ma Wu when he heard the words: "What are you trying to do to them? Is your elder brother so unbearable to me?"

Ma Wu smiled and said: "Hey, the eldest brother is also a man, the two wives have not been around for so long, what's so great about hitting other women."

Seeing that Li Jing was a little annoyed, Ma Wu hurriedly said: "Okay, I won't talk about them, then there are four more girls. I think these four are more beautiful, but you don't like these four?"

Li Jing shook his head and said: "To be honest, these four girls are really good, but Chen Dahu sent someone to get them from the flower boat in Qinhuai's song workshop. Do you know how he got them?"

(End of this chapter)

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