Chapter 402

After the beating was over, the guards pulled the two soldiers back to the stage. Li Jing looked at the two soldiers coldly and said, "I beat you this time to give you a better memory. Don't forget what your origins are, and don't forget when you were born." How did you feel when you were bullied? If you still remember the scene of being bullied back then, you wouldn’t be galloping your horses in the downtown today.”

"Yes, I would like to follow the instructions of the commander." The two soldiers hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "If you make a mistake, you will be punished, and if you make a contribution, you will also be rewarded. You two traveled thousands of miles back to Beijing to deliver the letter. This is your credit. I will not erase your credit just because you made a mistake. Xiao Wu, every time People reward you with 20 taels of silver, take it with you so you can rest."

"Thank you, Commander, for the reward." The two soldiers said happily.

After the two soldiers went down, Li Jingyang raised the letter in his hand and said loudly: "Fathers and folks, I'm sorry, Mr. Li came to work suddenly, so I can't accompany you for the festival. Here, Li Jing apologizes to all the folks, and we will meet again some other day." Let's have fun together."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing cupped his fists and bowed to the surroundings, and then said to Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, let's go back to the palace."

Zhu Youjian nodded, followed Li Jing's example and bowed to the common people and said: "I have something to deal with with the Duke of the State, and I will have fun with you with the Duke of the State someday."

Listening to Li Jing and Zhu Youjian's straightforward words, the common people rejoiced in their hearts and shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live. Long live the Duke, long live, long live."

Li Jing smiled bitterly, and waved to Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu immediately ordered the guards to open the way and escort Li Jing and Zhu Youjian back to the palace.

On the way, Li Jing asked all the guards to deliver letters to the heads of the ministries separately, ordering everyone to come to Dongnuan Pavilion to discuss matters.

When Li Jing and Zhu Youjian rushed back to Dongnuan Pavilion, Shen Zheng, Zhou Hengchen, Yang Liufeng and others were already waiting in Dongnuang Pavilion.

Greeting everyone, Li Jing took out the letter from his arms and put it on the table, saying: "Just received Cao Wenzhao's letter, Donglu sent envoys to discuss peace with us, and is now detained by Cao Wenzhao in Shanhaiguan, Cao Wenzhao Wen Zhao sent a letter to ask for instructions, whether to let the envoy go to Beijing or not."

Shen Zheng and the others were shocked when they heard the words, they looked at each other, and then they all showed joy.

After pondering for a while, Shen Zheng got up and said, "Commander, Donglu took the initiative to propose peace, which means that we were afraid of Donglu in the battle a few months ago, so we sent envoys to ask for peace. As for whether to negotiate peace with Donglu, we will wait." But the command of the commander-in-chief is obedient. If the commander-in-chief wants to talk, we will talk to them. If the commander-in-chief doesn't want to talk, then ignore them."

Li Jing sighed secretly when he heard the words, and shook his head slightly.Although Shen Zheng was in a high position, he was a businessman after all, and he was too tactful in his work.

After looking at Zhou Hengchen, then at Fang Fang and others, Li Jing continued, "What about you, what's your opinion?"

Zhou Hengchen and others said one after another: "We have the same opinion as Mr. Shen, but the Commander-in-Chief agrees."

Li Jing was taken aback when he heard this, he didn't expect that these people didn't have any ideas of their own.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing shook his head secretly. The people he carried up with him were all suddenly promoted, and it was okay to deal with the specific work of his original position, but when encountering such a major matter involving the national level, let them raise their positions. Suggestions are difficult for them.

After thinking about it, Li Jing decided to take this opportunity to use a group of officials originally appointed by the imperial court.

Li Jing intends to use the original officials. This idea actually came about after reading Yuan Keli's letter years ago.After reading Yuan Keli's letter, after several days of serious consideration, Li Jing found that he had some prejudices against the officials appointed by the imperial court. It should be said that there are still some officials above the imperial court who can do things.

These people may have made mistakes of one kind or another, but the atmosphere of the imperial court at that time was like this. If you want to be alone, you are tantamount to cutting off your official career. too heavy.

Although these people may even have some bad influence on Li Jing's government orders, the people Li Jing currently employs are obviously overheated, and it is good to have such a group of people blowing cold wind.

In addition, Li Jing's family is now the dominant family in the imperial court. From the perspective of political balance, it will also have adverse consequences, because the heavier the pressure, the stronger the rebound will be. It is appropriate to give the original officials some right to speak. This contradiction will be eased, which is conducive to the peace and stability of Ming Dynasty.

However, there needs to be a chance to activate these people. If you activate them rashly, you will give your old subordinates the illusion that you think they are not capable.

But now Donglu sent people to negotiate a peace, which happened to give Li Jing a chance.

None of Li Jing's subordinates had any experience in dealing with foreigners, so no one would have any doubts about using the former officials to do this.

As for negotiating peace with Donglu, Li Jing had no such idea at all, but in order to employ people, he had to give in.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said with a smile: "Negotiating peace is a good thing, it would be great if we can solve Donglu without bloodshed.

Sun Tzu said: The law of using soldiers is that the whole country is the top, followed by breaking the country; the whole army is the top, and the breaking army is the second; On the top, followed by Po Wu.That's why winning a hundred battles is not goodness; defeating the enemy's soldiers without fighting is the goodness of goodness.Therefore, the upper army attacked the plan, the next was the attack on the cross, the second was the attack on the soldiers, and the second was to attack the city.

If we can subdue the eastern captives through diplomatic means, we can save a lot of military expenses and save many soldiers from being killed or injured.Therefore, I plan to talk to Donglu.

But there is a problem right now. You have a lot of things to do, and you have no experience in negotiating with other countries. Another point is that asking you to negotiate with Donglu is somewhat flattering Donglu's envoy. Therefore, the negotiation Candidates can be a headache. "

Shen Zheng and the others nodded after hearing this.

"That's true. If we can solve Donglu through judgment, we can save a lot of money. But we can neither raise the identity of Donglu's envoy, nor can we find someone who doesn't understand anything to deal with Donglu. The prisoner looked at it and thought there was no one in our Ming Dynasty." Yang Liufeng continued.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "That's right. Negotiations with Donglu are of great importance. The chief envoy must have rich negotiating experience. Therefore, we must be cautious in choosing this candidate. I wonder if you have a suitable candidate to recommend."

Shen Zheng and the others hurriedly shook their heads. Although they have many confidants who want to recommend them, the negotiation is too important. Once the person they recommend fails to negotiate well, the points will be greatly reduced in Li Jing's mind, and they will recommend it later It's hard for people to open their mouths.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Jing pondered for a while and said, "Since you don't have any suitable candidates, you should choose from among the officials in the whole country."

Turning his head to look at Zhou Hengchen, he said: "Hengchen, you order someone to bring me the roster and resumes of the officials who are currently in office, have been released, and who have been dismissed before. They are from both Beijing and South."

Zhou Hengchen nodded, and asked Xiao Wu to arrange a guard to send a letter to the Ministry of Officials, asking for the roster of officials to be delivered.

After a while, the Lang Zhong of the Ministry of Officials' Wenxuan Qingli Division brought people to Dongnuan Pavilion with several stacks of rosters.

Seeing so many rosters, Li Jing frowned and said, "So many?"

The doctor smiled wryly and said: "There are not many people here in Beijing, mainly because there are many people in Nanjing. The commander-in-chief wanted the roster of officials from the two capitals, so I had to move them all here."

Li Jingjing nodded, asked someone to put the roster on the table, and then beckoned: "Let's take a look together, and record whoever you think is suitable for this job."

When everyone heard the words, they hurried forward, and each of them took a roster and read it carefully.

After a while, Yang Liufeng suddenly said: "Commander, please take a look at this person's profile."

Hearing this, Li Jing put down the roster in his hand, took the roster handed over by Yang Liufeng, and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't say it, this Lin Yuji is a suitable candidate."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "This man Jieyuan in the 31st year of Wanli, a Jinshi in the 35th year of Wanli, was later elected as a scholar, served as editor of the Imperial Academy, and later served as a daily life note historian. In the first year of Tianqi, he was promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. In the early years, he was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of rites.

This man is very clear about things, when Yuan Chonghuan wanted to kill Mao Wenlong, Lin Yuji refused to say anything, and he wrote thirteen memorials. "

After reading this, Li Jing looked at Zhu Youjian and saw that Zhu Youjian's face was slightly red. Li Jing continued to read: "Later, he was expelled from the court for three years because he disobeyed the cabinet ministers. Later, the emperor brought him back, Serve as the examination examiner and the teaching librarian."

Hearing that Li Jing saved face for himself, Zhu Youjian breathed a sigh of relief.

Putting down Lin Yuji's dossier, Li Jing sighed and said, "This Lin Yuji used to be a secretary of the Ministry of Rites, so he must understand diplomatic matters, and this person is dedicated to his duties and can abide by his reputation. Be the negotiator."

Zhou Hengchen nodded and said, "Lin Yuji is indeed a suitable candidate, but what position and grade should we arrange for him?"

Li Jing pondered for a while and smiled: "I think we should appoint Lin Yuji as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For the time being, he will be given the title of the third rank. After the negotiation, if we can achieve our expected goals, it will not be too late to be promoted."

"Hehe, it seems that the commander-in-chief intentionally lowered Lin Yuji's rank so as not to elevate the status of the envoy from the Eastern Captives." Yang Liufeng laughed after hearing this.

Li Jing smiled, pointed to the roster and said: "Go ahead and look for it. There are chief envoys and deputy envoys. In addition, people like this are found. There is a lack of officials everywhere in Ming Dynasty. These people are just in use. "

Everyone heard the words and continued to check.

After a long time, everyone found some available people.Li Jing ordered Zhou Hengchen to transcribe the names of these people, and then leave the resumes of these people, planning to read them carefully in his spare time.

Seeing that everyone was a bit tired, Li Jing waved his hands and said, "Go back and rest, Hengchen, send someone to invite Lin Yuji, I have something to say to him."

Everyone knew that Li Jing wanted to tell Lin Yuji some negotiating matters, so they hurriedly got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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