Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 423 Reinforcement of Liaoyang

Chapter 423 Reinforcement of Liaoyang
"Let's talk about it, everyone, what should we do now?" Huang Taiji sat on the dragon chair and looked at the ministers and asked.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, I request you to lead your troops to reinforce Liaoyang." Hauge stood up and said.

Hauge was the eldest son of Huang Taiji. He was 29 years old at the time.It can be said that the Zhenglan Banner is the most elite army in the Qing Dynasty except for the Two Yellow Banners controlled by Huang Taiji, and Oboi, who is known as the number one warrior in Manchuria, was once his subordinate.

Seeing Hauge's initiative to fight, Huang Taiji nodded slightly, but did not say yes or no.

At this time, one person stood up and said: "Prince Su, the Ming army has sharp weapons, and Cao Wenzhao is even more courageous and strategic. If reinforcements from Liaoyang confront the Ming army head-on, it will only be a waste of troops. In my opinion, we should Send troops to harass the Ming army’s logistics and supply units, cut off their food supply, as long as the Ming army’s food supply is cut off, within a few days, the Ming army will be defeated without a fight.”

Huang Taiji took a closer look, but it was Rao Yubeile Abatai.

Abatai is Nurhachi's seventh son and Huang Taiji's half-brother.Since Abatai was born to a side concubine, he had a relatively humble status among his brothers, so he was often not treated fairly when rewarded for his meritorious deeds.

After Huang Taiji became emperor, all the brothers and nephews were named princes or county kings. Only Abatay was still named Baylor, but he added the word Raoyu (meaning rich in Manchu) in front of it to show that he was in line with other Baylors. different.

Abate is good at commanding troops and has outstanding military achievements. He participated in both the Battle of Datong three years ago and the Battle of Beijing two years ago. He lost both times, which made Abate deeply aware that he was absolutely invincible in a war against the Jishi Army.

Hearing Abate's words, Huang Taiji nodded. Although Abate complained about being unfair to him, he could still distinguish the importance of state affairs.

But before Huang Taiji could speak, Hauge sarcastically said, "Rao Yu Baylor, since you said that Cao Wenzhao is brave and resourceful, how can he not take strict precautions against his way of life? Even if Cao Wenzhao is negligent, The Ming Army’s supply route is not something that can be cut off, before the Ming Army’s supply route is broken, it will definitely attack Liaoyang with all its strength, if you don’t rescue, once Liaoyang is lost, can you afford it?”

Hearing this, Abatai sneered and said, "Prince Su, do you think your Zhenglan flag can stop the Ming army's artillery? I might as well tell you that to face the enemy head-on, the Ming army only needs one shot of artillery. I'm afraid there won't even be scum left in the flag.

You can say that I don't know how to fight, but Azig also doesn't know how to fight, and doesn't the emperor know how to fight?During the battle of Datong, the emperor was on the front line, so I don't need to tell you what the battle was like? "

Hearing Abatai bring up the Battle of Datong again, Huang Taiji frowned and said: "Now we are discussing how to deal with the current Ming army. What are you talking about those old things?"

Hearing that Huang Taiji was a little angry, Abatai remembered that the Battle of Datong was actually commanded by Huang Taiji, and mentioning the Battle of Datong at this time was tantamount to slapping Huang Taiji in the face in public.

Gazing at Hauge sheepishly, Abatai continued: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, cavalry should be sent to harass the logistics troops of the Ming army. As for Liaoyang, Kong Youde, the obedient king, can be sent to bring a batch of artillery and a Musketeers went to garrison. To deal with the Ming army, we can only defend the city with artillery and muskets.”

After hearing the words, Huang Taiji pondered for a while, then nodded silently.

Huang Taiji groaned for a while when he heard the words, then nodded silently: "What Rao Yubeile said is reasonable. The Ming army's weapons are sharp, and there are many damages when facing the enemy head-on. This is something that wise men don't take. Only by being a surprise soldier can we defeat the enemy."

Speaking of which, Huang Taiji looked at Kong Youde and said: "King Gongshun, I will send you a hundred cannons and [-] muskets, and quickly reinforce Tokyo. I hope you will live up to my expectations and guard the gate of Shengjing."

"My minister, Kong Youde, took the decree, the emperor can rest assured, I will definitely guard Tokyo for the emperor." Kong Youde said hurriedly.

Huang Taiji nodded, looked at Hauge and said, "Hauge, you lead the bannerman Ma Xi out of the Liaohe River, avoid the main force of Cao Wenzhao, and attack the Zu Dashou Department in the direction of Guangning, and go around to Xiping Fort after regaining Guangning Cut off the supplies of the Ming army from behind.

From my point of view, the Ming army’s supplies must be hoarded in Xiping Fort, and the Ming army must deploy heavy troops to defend. You are all cavalry. It would be best if you can capture Xiping Fort. If you can’t, you must not use force , Just lock the line from Jinzhou to Xipingbao, so that the supplies of the Ming army cannot be transported to the front line.

Hauge, this operation is of great importance, and you must not act recklessly on the spur of the moment. "

Hao Ge heard Su Rong said: "Don't worry, Huang Ama, I will take care of you."

Huang Taiji nodded, turned to look at Abatei and said: "Abate, your headquarters is short of troops, I will assign you twelve Niulu troops, and you will lead your troops down the Hunhe River, cutting off Xiping Fort and Tokyo Ming Army. supply."

Upon hearing this, Abatai hurriedly said: "My minister, Abatai, took the order."

Huang Taiji nodded, looked at Yue Tuo, the eldest son of Daishan, and said, "Yue Tuo, you led the troops of your banner to harass Cao Wenzhao's troops in front of you. Remember, Cao Wenzhao is experienced in using troops, and you must not underestimate the enemy. To face it head-on, we only need to delay the actions of Cao Wenzhao's troops."

Hearing the words, Yue Tuo stood up and said: "Chen Yue Tuo leads the order."

Huang Taiji looked at Yue Tuo, and suddenly sighed: "Yue Tuo, you misbehaved last time, I demoted you to Baylor, today I first promote you as King of Keqin County, if you can restrain Cao Wenzhao, Make it impossible to march, and I will restore your prince."

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will fulfill my mission."

Huang Taiji waved his hand, looked at the ministers and said, "Order Lushun Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming's troops to lead the navy out of Liaodong Bay, land on Juehua Island at a suitable location, and attack the logistics troops of the Ming army from Shanhaiguan to Jinzhou. .”

After a pause, Huang Taiji turned his head to look at Dai Shan and continued: "Brother Huang, the Han Army Banner is not strong enough, you send a son to lead a part of the Banner to act together with Shang Kexi and others."

Dai Shan nodded, thought for a while and said, "Let Shuo Tuo go."

Huang Taiji pondered for a while and nodded slightly.

Sighing, Huang Taiji continued: "It's a pity that it's too late to call the fourteenth brother back to help. Otherwise, why would the military deployment be so stretched this time. Li Jing, what a good idea."

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Huang Taiji smiled wryly and said: "This time, the purpose of negotiating peace with the Southern Dynasty was to buy time for the pacification of North Korea. The Southern Dynasty agreed to negotiate a peace. I thought Li Jing was doing it to free up time to rectify the internal affairs of the Southern Dynasty. Looking at it now, The Southern Dynasty has seen through our purpose. The purpose of the peace talks with us is to allow us to attack North Korea with peace of mind, let us divide our forces, and then act when our troops are insufficient. It seems that I still underestimated Li Jing. This person often acts out of others Meaning, cannot be measured by common sense.”

Dai Shan hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, you don't need to blame yourself. Southerners have always been cunning and dishonest. No one would have thought that the Southern Dynasty would brazenly send troops during the peace talks. However, it is impossible for Fan Wencheng not to get any information about such a big matter as the Southern Dynasty's dispatch of troops." , I don’t know why you didn’t send someone back to remind you?”

Huang Taiji shook his head: "Since Li Jing is going to send troops, he will definitely prevent Fan Wencheng from sending someone back to report. How can Fan Wencheng know? If he can send someone back to report, Li Jing will not be able to sit in his current position. I just don't know what Li Jing will do. How to deal with Fan Wencheng."

Hearing that Huang Taiji valued Li Jing so much, everyone sighed inwardly.


On March 21, the tenth year of Chongzhen, Dongnuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace in Beijing.

Li Jing looked at the battle report sent back by Cao Wenzhao, and smiled at Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, Cao Wenzhao sent a letter saying that more than ten counties including Guangning have been recovered, and more than [-] enemies have been wiped out."

"Ah? So fast?" Zhu Youjian asked in surprise.

Li Jing handed the battle report to Zhu Youjian and said, "Please read, Your Majesty."

Zhu Youjian took it, and after reading it, he was pleasantly surprised: "This letter was written seven days ago. At this speed, I am afraid that Cao Wenzhao will be able to reach Shenyang in a few days, right?"

Li Jing shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy. Huang Taiji has already figured it out now. This person has suffered a big loss from us, and he will definitely not confront the enemy head-on. If my prediction is correct, Huang Taiji will definitely send troops to cut off my food supply." .I am now worried that the troops of Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui will not be able to defend the food road."

Lightly tapping on the table, Li Jing turned to Xiao Jiu and said, "Go and bring me the map of Liaodong."

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu hurriedly took out the map from the cabinet and put it on the table.

Li Jing looked at the map intently for a while, and drew a circle from Guangning to Xipingbao: "Here, Huang Taiji will definitely send heavy troops to intercept here. I hope Cao Wen can see this and don't advance too fast. Hehe, if It would be great if Cao Wenzhao and Zhuzi can return to their teachers."

"Return to the teacher? Why do you return to the teacher? Why don't you go straight to Shenyang?" Zhu Youjian was puzzled.

Li Jing smiled: "The purpose of returning to the teacher is naturally to eat this shareholder. Your Majesty, you have to understand that our purpose is not to take down Shenyang, but to capture Huang Taiji and destroy his army. If Huang Taiji What's the use of taking down Shenyang if we lead the army to escape? Huang Taiji is very talented, as long as he has an army in hand, it will be a serious problem.

In the same way, if Huang Taiji could wipe out Donglu's army, even if he had great abilities, he would be powerless.The purpose of our battle is actually to destroy the army of Donglu. Now I am worried that Cao Wenzhao will abandon Donglu's army for the sake of merit and focus on attacking Shenyang. "

Shaking his head, Li Jing smiled and said, "Cao Wenzhao is not a fool, he should be able to see this clearly."

Zhu Youjian sighed and said: "I hope so, I hope Cao Wenzhao will not worry about occupying the enemy's capital and making meritorious deeds."

Li Jing waved his hand and was about to speak when he heard the guard outside the door reporting to Lin Yuji to see him.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I estimate that Mr. Lin's head is several times bigger these days than before. Look, those people from North Korea must have come to ask us to send troops to rescue North Korea."

Zhu Youjian laughed and said: "Those North Korean guys really don't know how to play. If you let Lin Yuji wake them up so quickly, they just don't know how to understand."

Li Jing said with a smile: "If you don't know what to do, just wait. It just so happens that we don't have time to care about North Korea's nonsense."

While talking, Lin Yuji entered the room with a bitter face, and after seeing Li Jing and Zhu Youjian, Lin Yuji said helplessly: "My lord, those Korean sticks are too uninteresting! Stop me every day and let me show them to you." You, I said that you are not in good health these days, and you have no energy to take care of North Korea's affairs for the time being, so I asked them to wait for a few days, but they just didn't listen. Lord, please help me find a way. How can I make them stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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