Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 429 Changbai Mountain

Chapter 429 Changbai Mountain

Let's say Dorgon is loyal. The Qing Dynasty has reached this point, but Dorgon stayed in North Korea and did not return to his teacher for rescue.

Huang Taiji extremely suspected that Dorgon sent him a letter, hoping that he could cleanse at this time, thereby weakening his prestige and strength.

It was precisely because of his distrust of Dorgon that Huang Taiji decided to retreat to Changbai Mountain if Shengjing could not hold, instead of retreating to North Korea and joining forces with Dorgon.Huang Taiji was worried that he would retreat into North Korea, and Dorgon directly mutinied him while he was not gaining a stable foothold.

Although returning to Changbai Mountain will greatly damage Huang Taiji's prestige, but as long as Huang Taiji can gain a firm foothold, he can free up his hands to deal with those traitors, and then he can see Dorgon's true intentions.


In the Royal Palace of Seoul, North Korea, Dorgon looked at Azig and Duoduo with a tired face.

"Brother Fourteen, if it doesn't work, kill Li Zong, and Brother Fourteen can become king himself." Duoduo said.

Dorgon shook his head lightly: "It's not as simple as you think. If I become king, North Korea will definitely change drastically. The current situation in Qing Dynasty is so difficult that it can no longer stand the toss."

"If you want me to say that Huang Taiji should give up the throne to you, the Qing Dynasty has been made like this by him, what qualifications does he have to continue to be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty?" Duoduo said bitterly.

Dorgon shook his head with a bitter smile when he heard the words: "Do you think the emperor of the Qing Dynasty is a good job? If I don't become the emperor, I may live a few more years. If I become the emperor, I'm afraid I will die sooner."

"Then why? With the ability of Fourteenth Brother, it will take a few years to restore Daqing's vitality." Duoduo was puzzled.

"How many years? Do you think Li Jing will give you a few years?" Dorgon shook his head and said

Sighing, Dorgon continued: "Stop wishful thinking, let alone a few years, I estimate that in a few months, our Qing Dynasty may be about to perish."

"No way, our Qing Dynasty still has more than [-] soldiers and horses, so it won't be unstoppable for a few months?" Duoduo didn't believe it.

"More than 3 troops? Haoge brought the Zhenglan Banner's entire banner and almost [-] slave soldiers to attack Guangning. It took less than half a month from sending troops to the annihilation of the entire army. Tokyo is now besieged. Judging by the posture, it can't last for a few days. How many defenders are there in Tokyo? The attack speed of the Illumination Army, if our Qing Dynasty can last for a few months, it will be considered a high profile.

Don't say that Huang Taiji won't give me the throne, even if he gives me the throne, can I take the throne?I took over the throne, and Li Jing will deal with me immediately after dealing with Huang Taiji. Do you think Li Jing will let us go when we are in North Korea?

Do you know why all the princes and relatives in North Korea disappeared?Do you think they can fly or evade?Let me tell you, they were rescued by Li Jing's men.Li Jing already knew that we were going to attack North Korea, but he followed our wishes. Do you think he is stupid?

He asked us to attack North Korea, not only to disperse our forces and prepare for his attack on our Qing Dynasty, but also pave the way for him to use troops against North Korea.

Regardless of the fact that we control Li Zong now, as long as Li Jing controls those princes and nobles, we have to act cautiously.

Not only can we not kill Li Zong now, but we have to protect him well. If Li Zong is not dead, we can still control North Korea through Li Zong. If Li Zong dies, North Korea will have to listen to Li Jing. "

"Damn it, this Li Jing is very good at acting, but it's so far away." Duoduo cursed bitterly.

Dorgon sighed softly when he heard this, and said: "If he is not powerful, how can he stay dormant for ten years? Then he sneaked into the capital while we were attacking the capital of the Southern Dynasty, and finally seized power in one fell swoop. He is also good at seizing opportunities. The so-called "If you don't make a big deal, you're done." You're talking about people like Li Jing.

There were people like Li Jing in the Southern Dynasties, but our Qing Dynasty didn't know about it beforehand. When we knew about it, Li Jing's momentum had already been established. Not to mention that we couldn't do anything about him, even the emperor of the Southern Dynasty couldn't do anything about him.Therefore, when Li Jing was in trouble, the emperor of the Southern Dynasty could only bow his head and obey his orders. "

"Is there no one in our Qing Dynasty who can compete with him?" Duoduo asked.

Dorgon shook his head: "From the point of view of political skills or resourcefulness, Brother Huang will not lose to Li Jing, or even surpass him. From the point of view of military capabilities, it seems that Li Jing has not seen what he has used in commanding battles." The strategy is to win with stability.

But this stability is the most terrifying, because his stability is based on strength, and in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless, that is to say, as long as he does not make mistakes himself, there is no need for us to conspire with him usefulness.

In addition, if you look at the generals he uses, they are generally very calm. Cao Wenzhao likes to use intrigues and tricks, but that is also to destroy our troops to the greatest extent.

Therefore, the gap between us and Li Jing is not that we cannot match him in political skills, nor in wisdom, nor in command ability, but that his military strength is too strong.But we can't make up for this gap at all, and I still can't figure out how the weapons used by Li Jing's troops were made. "

"I heard that Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua, who are good at forging guns, work under Li Jing's subordinates. Could these weapons be made by them?" Dodo wondered.

Dorgon shook his head: "No, before Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua voted for Li Jing, his troops had already started using these weapons. The emperor and I both sent people to Pingyang Mansion to inquire. With only a few thousand troops, he drove away the bandits and occupied Pingyang Mansion when the bandits were making trouble in Shanxi. After that, his military strength grew stronger.

Moreover, there is a military factory in Pingyang Prefecture that specializes in the manufacture of weapons, but the military factory is heavily guarded, and people in the factory cannot enter at all. Our spies tried it many times, and were almost shot to death twice.

In addition, the spies also found out that when Li Jinggang arrived in Pingyang Mansion, the weapons he used were all shipped from other places, that is to say, Li Jing had a military factory elsewhere, but he did not find out where this military factory was. In a certain mountain in Henan, and Li Jing and his earliest subordinates lived in the mountain for many years. "

Duoduo and Azige were silent for a long time. They both knew that Huang Taiji and Dorgon sent spies to Pingyang Mansion not to find out about Li Jing's details, but to find out how the weapons used by Li Jing's troops were made. of.

Duoduo had never fought against Li Jing's troops, nor had he experienced the strength of Ji Shi's army, but Azig had suffered two big losses in Li Jing's hands, and he knew that such weapons were by no means unstoppable by manpower. To defeat the Ming army, one must have a weapon with comparable power.

Huang Taiji and Dorgon thought of sending people to Pingyang Mansion to spy on the secrets of Jishi Army's weapons after hearing what Azig and the retreating soldiers told them.

It's a pity that Li Jing has long issued a strict order not to spread the production method of weapons to outsiders, and even closed the management of the military factory, and outsiders cannot enter at all.

Therefore, Huang Taiji and Dorgon spent years and years, but they failed to discover the craftsmanship of Jishi Army's weapons.

After thinking about it, Azig asked: "Fourteenth brother, what should we do now? Have we stayed in North Korea and watched our Qing Dynasty perish?"

Dorgon smiled bitterly and said, "I really want to stay in North Korea like this, but Li Jing has to agree. Let me tell you the truth, we won't be able to stay in North Korea for long."

"Then what should we do? Since we won't be staying for long, we have to make plans early!" Duoduo said anxiously.

Dorgon smiled: "Why do you think I forcibly confiscated so much food and supplies from North Korea? It's to plan for the future.

Brother Huang may be wondering why I didn't go back to the teacher for rescue, why I haven't sent any supplies back to North Korea for so long.

In fact, it's not that I don't want to go back to the teacher to rescue him, nor that I don't want to deliver supplies to him, but what if we go back?Can it stop the Ming army?Now we can no longer think about how to repel the Ming army, but think about how to retreat.

If my guess is correct, Brother Huang is also thinking of retreating now.So where will our retreat be?In my opinion, there is only one place, and that is Changbai Mountain.Only in places like Changbai Mountain can we use the terrain to block the Ming army.

However, being able to stop the Ming army on Changbai Mountain is also a jeopardy for us, because Changbai Mountain cannot support so many of us.If I don't prepare food and other materials, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive this winter. "

Azig and Doduo looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Azige, Dorgon, and Duduo are brothers of the same mother. Among them, Azige is the oldest, but Azige and Dodo have always obeyed Dorgon's order. Dorgon considered everything carefully, but Azig and Duoduo knew that they were far behind.

At this time, after hearing what Dorgon said, the two brothers realized that Dorgon's foresight had come to this point.

After a pause, Dorgon continued: "Do you think that since I don't intend to stay in North Korea, why do I still value Li Zong so much?"

Without waiting for the two to answer, Dorgon continued with a smile: "Before the Ming army broke through Shengjing and the emperor retreated, North Korea was ours, and even before the Ming army completely pacified Liaodong, North Korea was still ours. Although North Korea’s land is barren, after all, it produces grain and cotton, which is what our Qing Dynasty needs. Therefore, I will not give up on North Korea until the Ming army has conquered Liaodong. Now we must control Li Zong and protect him at the same time. he."

After finishing speaking, Dorgon raised his eyes to look out the window, and after a moment of silence, he said: "My plan is good, but I don't know how Li Jing will plan in the future. Twelfth brother, just in case, the food we collected this time The materials must be transshipped immediately. You lead your troops to transport the materials to Heguan (the junction of Changbai Mountain and North Korea), and find a hidden place in Heguan to store the materials for emergencies.”

"Don't worry, brother fourteen, I know what to do." Azig said.

Dorgon looked at Azige and said, "The place where the materials are hoarded must be kept secret. Brother Twelfth, you killed too much. If you use North Koreans to escort the materials, you will kill all these civilians afterwards. This is an extraordinary period. We can't be too hard on North Koreans, so don't use North Koreans when delivering supplies."

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(End of this chapter)

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