Chapter 436
Similarly, the Qing army on the South Road finally tore through Chen Guozhu's line of defense after a fierce battle and forced Chen Guozhu to retreat.

Just when the Qing army thought the passage to the south was open, Sun Hutou led his troops back and immediately blocked the passage to the south.

The Battle of Shengjing lasted from morning to evening. The Qing army lost nearly [-] people, and the Ming army also lost nearly [-] people.Among them, Cao Wenzhao's department had more than [-] casualties, Chen Guozhu's department had more than [-] casualties, and Zu Dashou's department had more than [-] casualties.Li Dingguo and Sun Hu had only a few head casualties.

Judging from the comparison of casualties, the Qing army was at an absolute disadvantage, including Yuetuo's headquarters and the two Red Banner troops to which Daishan belonged were almost completely lost.But from a strategic point of view, Yuetuo has achieved his own strategic goals.Li Dingguo's and Sun Hu's heads, which formed a two-wing attack on the east, were successfully transferred back. So far, there is no Ming army on the east road.

Ordering the various ministries to rectify the remaining troops, Yue Tuo hurried into the city and entered the palace, asking Huang Taiji to evacuate the capital as soon as possible.

Although Huang Taiji was in the palace, he knew better than anyone in the bloody battle outside Shengjing that Huang Taiji knew that the passage to the east was bought by tens of thousands of soldiers with their lives.

Hearing Yue Tuo's request to evacuate himself, Huang Taiji did not hesitate, and hurried out of the palace with a group of guards. After getting on his horse, seeing Yue Tuo standing still, Huang Taiji couldn't help but wondered: "Yue Tuo, why are you still standing there? Hurry up." Come with me?"

Yue Tuo shook his head lightly and said: "Your Majesty, it is Yue Tuo's fault that tens of thousands of soldiers stained the battlefield with blood. Now there are tens of thousands of soldiers outside the city who don't know where to go. How can Yue Tuo leave them alone and escape alone? What's more, the emperor evacuated In Shengjing, there cannot be no one in the capital to take charge of the overall situation, and more importantly, someone needs to resist the Ming army in the city. At this time, Yue Tuo is willing to stay with his subordinates to resist the Ming army to the death and be loyal to the emperor.

There is only one thing that I am worried about, my father is old, and I ask the emperor to treat my father well because you are brothers. "

Hearing the words, Huang Taiji couldn't help tears from his eyes, and wiped away the tears with his sleeves, Huang Taiji nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry, I promise you, I will treat my second brother and your nephew well."

Yue Tuo kowtowed three times: "Your Majesty, take care!"

Huang Taiji stared at Yue Tuo, sighed softly, and then led his troops out of the city.

Huang Taiji and his entourage traveled smoothly all the way, and arrived in Fushun in less than two hours. Huang Taiji entered the city to rest for a while, and then headed towards Sarhu.

When Huang Taiji and others arrived at Sarhu, it was already the early morning of the next day. Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted, Huang Taiji immediately ordered to rest for a while.

Although the soldiers of Huang Taiji's Two Yellow Banners were elite, they marched more than [-] miles overnight, and they were all exhausted. After listening to Huang Taiji's order to rest, the soldiers did not set up camp, and fell asleep on the ground. After a while, they listened. Snoring everywhere.

No one could have imagined that in the darkness, there were thousands of eyes secretly watching the Qing army from a distance. When the Qing army gradually fell asleep, these people suddenly moved.

This group of people was the commando team led by Chen Erhu and the elite infantry selected by Xiao Wu from the army.

After learning about Cao Wenzhao's strategic arrangement, Chen Erhu finally gave up the idea of ​​sneaking into Shengjing and raiding the palace after careful consideration.

Because during the war, the Qing army must be highly vigilant, and the guards on the palace must be extremely strict.It is difficult for so many people to sneak into the city, and it is even more difficult to enter the palace. Even if you can enter the palace, the palace is so large, and Huang Taiji does not hide, so it is difficult to find him. Looking for Huang Taiji with such a small amount of manpower is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Unable to enter the city for a surprise attack, Chen Erhu prepared to ambush on the road from Shengjing to Fushun. However, considering that Fushun is only a hundred miles away from Shengjing, Huang Taiji will definitely take care of this section of the road. Just run, the commandos can't catch up at all.

In the end, Chen Erhu decided to place the ambush in the Sarhu area.Saerhu is more than two hundred miles away from Shengjing, the Qing army must be exhausted after walking for so long, and the Qing army never expected that the Ming army would lay an ambush in the rear of the Qing state.As long as the Qing army relaxes its vigilance and slacks off, it will cause drowsiness.When the Qing army fell asleep, it was easy to beat a group of sleeping Qing troops with the weapons of the commando.

But Chen Erhu didn't expect that Huang Taiji didn't rest in Saerhu's city, but walked several miles before stopping.

Chen Erhu also secretly admired Huang Taiji's cautiousness. Saarhu is a small city, and Huang Taiji's two yellow banners have nearly 2 elite soldiers. If so many people enter the city, if there is an attack by the Ming army, the city will be inconvenient to move. The only thing to do is to be beaten, and outside the city, the Qing army owns horses and can run away at any time.

Since the Qing army did not enter the city and had traveled more than ten miles, Chen Erhu's ambush plan had to be cancelled, and he could only hang the Qing army's team far away, waiting for them to rest.

Now that the Qing army was asleep, Chen Erhu's chance finally came. What was even more beneficial to the commando was that the Qing army did not set up camp.

If the Qing army set up camp, a camp of more than [-] people, with Chen Erhu's manpower, would stand one person every few dozen steps, and would not be able to encircle it. However, the Qing army did not set up camp, and many people would sleep together in groups. This made the area much smaller, and Chen Erhu ordered his team members to disperse, forming a simple encirclement.

However, after the formation of the encirclement circle, Chen Erhu did not immediately order to launch an attack, because Li Jing's order was to capture Huang Taiji alive, if he launched an attack directly, Huang Taiji might die in the chaos.

Although Chen Erhu didn't understand why Li Jing wanted to capture Huang Taiji alive, but Chen Erhu would never question Li Jing's order.

After finishing off a few sleepy sentries around the camp, Chen Erhu took Xiao Wu and a few elite team members to the center of the camp quietly.

Although the Qing army did not set up camp, Huang Taiji, as an emperor, would never sleep in the open air. In the middle of the camp, the guards set up a tent for Huang Taiji, and this tent just exposed Huang Taiji's identity.

Among the soldiers sleeping soundly everywhere, Chen Erhu and others cautiously approached the camp.

Although Huang Taiji was sleepy, after being a sweater for so many years and being an emperor for another two years, he was used to living a pampered life. Suddenly, in the wild, under such simple conditions, coupled with sudden changes, Huang Taiji Where can I sleep?

At some point, Huang Taiji suddenly became alert. Huang Taiji has fought for many years, and it is impossible for every battle to go smoothly. He has experienced many dangers in his life, but every time he can save himself from danger, it is because he has a keen sense of danger. sense of smell.

"Who is outside?" Huang Taiji suddenly sat up and shouted.

After a while, a guard rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked, "Your Majesty, are you calling us?"

"What was the sound outside just now?" Huang Taiji asked.

The guard shook his head: "Your Majesty, there is no other sound outside except the wind."

"Oh." Huang Taiji responded, and waved his hand to signal the guards to leave the tent.

When the guards came out of the tent, Huang Taiji smiled wryly, feeling that he was a little out of control.

Shaking his head, Huang Taiji lay down again.

Not long after I lay down, I suddenly heard two popping sounds from outside.

Huang Taiji was startled, and quickly sat up. Just as he was about to draw out the golden knife beside him, he saw the tent door slammed open, and then several men in black clothes rushed in.

Then one person pointed a gun at Huang Taiji and said: "Don't move, we don't want to hurt you."

Hearing this, Huang Taiji gently put down the golden knife, looked at the man in black and asked, "Who are you?"

The leading man in black smiled and said: "Who are we, you will know when you arrive in Beijing and meet my handsome man."

"You were sent by Li Jing? How did you know that I would be here?" Huang Taiji asked suspiciously.

The leading man in black smiled and said, "We arrived in Shengjing two months ago. As for how we knew you were here, he will tell you when you meet General Cao Wenzhao."

Huang Taiji was silent for a while when he heard the words, and suddenly sighed softly: "Cao Wenzhao made a good move, it seems that the two groups of people he arranged on the East Road were just to confuse Yue Tuo, and the real killing move is you people .”

The man in black didn't expect Huang Taiji to figure out Cao Wenzhao's arrangement so quickly, he was startled, and then sighed: "No wonder my commander-in-chief praised you for being an outstanding person of your generation. It's a pity that you understand it too late."

Huang Taiji smiled wryly and said: "It's not that I understood too late, but because of the situation at that time, I couldn't do it if I didn't take this path. Li Jing, Cao Wenzhao has good means, and it's not wrong for me to lose in your hands. "

After a pause, Huang Taiji looked at the few people and suddenly said: "I still have 2 horses outside the tent, you are just these few people, are you confident that you can take me away?"

The man in black smiled and said: "With your amulet, your subordinates will not mess around. And of course we are more than these few people. If the commander only sends us a few to capture you, it would be too small for you. To be honest, there are still our people on the outskirts of your camp, but in fact you are already surrounded by us. We sneaked into the camp because we were afraid of accidentally injuring your life during the chaotic battle."

Huang Taiji shook his head: "I don't believe that you have already surrounded the camp. I still know how many people there are in the Ming army. Cao Wenzhao doesn't have any extra troops to ambush here."

The man in black suddenly smiled when he heard this: "You are right. General Cao does not have any spare troops to surround you. Your news is indeed accurate. It is a pity that we are not under General Cao. Let me introduce you. This is Xiao Wu, the personal bodyguard of my Marshal."

Huang Taiji looked at Xiao Wu and nodded lightly: "Sure enough, a young hero, but although he is Li Jing's personal bodyguard, he is not the person in charge. Who are you?"

"My servant is Chen Erhu." The man in black said.

"Chen Erhu?" Huang Taiji looked at Chen Erhu, then nodded lightly: "I heard that Li Jing has such a person under his command, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Chen Erhu smiled: "Huang Taiji, I've told you everything you asked just now, if you want to ask anything, you can wait until Beijing to ask my commander-in-chief."

Huang Taiji shook his head: "As the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, how can I be a prisoner? Kill me if you have the ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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