Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 446 Religion

Chapter 446 Religion
"Mr. Tang is good, I have long admired you, I have admired you for a long time." Sun Chuanting saluted.

"Hello, Mr. Sun, I have admired Mr. Sun's reputation for a long time." Tang Ruowang hurriedly saluted.

"Hehe, you're welcome, sit down." Li Jing waved his hand with a smile.

"Thank you, Marshal." Tang Ruowang and Sun Chuanting saluted Li Jing together.

Li Jing smiled, ordered Wen Qing to pour tea for the two of them, and then said, "Mr. Tang, I have a request to invite you here today."

"Whatever the commander-in-chief says, as long as the subordinates can do it, just do as you order." Tang Ruowang said hastily.

Hearing that Tang Ruowang spoke Chinese so fluently, Sun Chuanting was amazed, but he really didn't know where he got his pure Beijing accent.

But he didn't know that Tang Ruowang worked hard in Macao for four years in order to be able to preach in Daming, so he could speak Chinese so fluently.

Li Jing raised his hand and signaled Tang Ruowang to drink tea. After Tang Ruowang finished drinking the tea and put down the teacup, Li Jing said with a smile: "Mr. Tang, Mr. Sun is currently serving as the admiral of the navy, and he is suffering from shipbuilding. I have heard about it for a long time. China's shipbuilding skills are exquisite, I wonder if Mr. Tang can think of a way to help us hire a group of craftsmen who understand shipbuilding."

"This..." Tang Ruowang pondered for a while and said, "Marshal, it is not difficult to hire technicians, but let them travel across the ocean to build ships in Daming, the wages must be able to impress them. In addition, even if they can impress them, our country It is a long way from Daming, and it will take at least half a year to go back and forth, so this matter cannot be rushed."

Li Jing smiled and said: "I understand, the price is easy to negotiate, and it is enough to ensure that they are satisfied, and they must leave their homes and businesses to work in Daming, and they must be worried about it. Bring them together, I will bear all the expenses along the way, and when they arrive in Daming, I will help them solve all the affairs."

Tang Ruowang nodded, knowing that although Li Jing didn't offer a specific price, the underlying meaning is that as long as someone is willing to come, it doesn't matter how much it is.

Of course, the wages should be limited, not too much. Tang Ruowang had gotten to know Li Jing seriously, and Li Jing didn't rub the sand in his eyes. If he wanted Li Jing to be taken advantage of, he probably would not be far from bad luck.

Smiling, Tang Ruowang said: "The marshal offered such a good condition, there must be many technicians willing to come to Daming to work. In this way, I guess people from our church should also come to Beijing. When they go back, let them Help the handsome to recruit workers."

Looking at Sun Chuanting, Tang Ruowang continued: "If Mr. Sun is in a hurry, I can ask the church colleagues in Macau to come forward and recruit some workers from nearby Macau."

"It is of course better to recruit workers from Macau, but I know that most of the barbarians in Macau want to come to Daming for speculation, and there are not many with real talents and knowledge. This recruitment must be carefully selected." Li Jing pondered.

"Don't worry about this handsome man, I will tell my colleagues in Macau to screen carefully, and never let people make up for it." Tang Ruowang said hastily.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Mr. Tang could understand the meaning of the idiom suffocating. Sun admires it." Sun Chuanting said with a smile.

Hearing Sun Chuanting's praise, Tang Ruowang smiled complacently: "I have been in China for many years. While preaching, I devoted myself to studying Chinese culture. The Chinese language is extensive and profound, and I only know a little bit about it."

Li Jing laughed and said, "Hahaha, Mr. Tang is too modest."

After laughing for a while, Li Jinghu said: "Mr. Tang, I hope that Mr. Tang can spread our Ming culture to the West, and at the same time, I also hope that Mr. Tang can spread the Western culture to Daming. We can have cultural exchanges between the East and the West. "

"Cultural exchange?" Tang Ruowang couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

Li Jingjing nodded and smiled: "Yes, it is cultural exchange. In this way, while you ask the church to help us recruit workers, you can also invite a group of scholars, doctors, etc., in short, talents from all walks of life come to our Daming, and we conduct academic Exchange. After a while, I will also send our Daming talents to your country for academic exchanges."

"This..." Tang Ruowang hesitated for a moment and said, "To tell you the truth, most of the scholars in our country belong to the church. If you want to call scholars to Daming, you need the consent of the church. In addition, very few people in Daming believe in God. Religious beliefs are incompatible with our teachings, and I am afraid that they will be classified as heresy, so this academic exchange may be difficult to carry out."

"Oh! So that's the case." Li Jing nodded slightly.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing suddenly asked: "Mr. Tang, I heard that the pendulum principle used in the clock you designed was discovered by Galileo. I wonder if Mr. Galileo is still alive?"

"Have you ever heard of Mr. Galileo's name?" Tang Ruowang was startled.

Li Jing smiled, as a descendant, how could he not know Galileo's name?Galileo's experiment of two iron balls falling to the ground at the same time at the Leaning Tower of Pisa is known to all those who have studied in later generations.

Li Jing would not tell Tang Ruowang how he knew Galileo's name, but just smiled lightly: "I heard that Mr. Galileo is a very remarkable scientist."

Tang Ruowang nodded slightly: "Mr. Galileo is indeed a great scientist. To tell the truth, the "Treatise on the Telescope" written by the official is actually an explanation of the principle and manufacturing method of the telescope invented by Mr. Galileo.

However, although Mr. Galileo was a devout Catholic, he was labeled a heretic by the church and placed under house arrest because of his promotion of the heliocentric theory. In addition, the officials heard that he was blind in both eyes. "

"What? Blind?" Li Jing was shocked.

"Yes!" Tang Ruowang said with a sigh: "In fact, even if Mr. Galileo was not blind, I'm afraid he would not be able to come to China. He is over 70 years old and cannot withstand the rough seas."

Li Jing sighed softly when he heard this: "It's a pity that it's a pity that I can't meet this great scientist."

Lightly tapping on the table, Li Jing suddenly said, "Mr. Tang, I want to trouble you with something."

"Speak, Commander." Tang Ruowang said with a bow.

Li Jing waved his hand, signaling to Tang Ruowang that there is no need to be too polite, and then continued: "Mr. Tang, I would like to ask you to help me collect Mr. Galileo's works and his inventions. Hmm... Since he is under house arrest, some works will not be published. Yes, you write a letter to Mr. Galileo for me, saying that I admire his theories very much and hope to get his teachings, and ask him to write down those unpublishable works and theories and send them to Daming, where I will publish his works theory."

"I'm afraid the church will not agree." Tang Ruowang said.

Li Jing smiled: "Don't worry, the church will agree. Tell your pope that as long as they can meet my requirements, I will not only allow you to build churches in Beijing, but you can also build churches in Nanjing and Shanghai." Mission. If you don’t agree to my request, I’m afraid you won’t be able to spread your teachings in Daming.”

Looking at Tang Ruowang, Li Jing continued with a smile: "In addition, I can also tell you how to quickly let the people of Ming Dynasty accept your teachings."

"Really?" Tang Ruowang was overjoyed when he heard that.

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Tang Ruowang believed in what Li Jing said. It has been 16 years since Tang Ruowang came to Ming Dynasty. The two emperors together are not as powerful as Li Jing alone. In Daming, there is nothing Li Jing can't do.The man in front of him can be said to be the most powerful man in the world.With one word from Li Jing, countless people in Daming would be willing to join the religion and be baptized.

As if seeing through Tang Ruowang's thoughts, Li Jing shook his head with a smile and said: "I will not order the people of Ming Dynasty to accept your teachings through government orders. It is their freedom to believe in any religion, and I will not forcefully interfere. "

Tang Ruowang smiled awkwardly: "The commander-in-chief has to deal with so many things every day, how can he have time to care what religion the people believe in? As for the commander-in-chief to promulgate government orders, the lower officials dare not ask extravagantly."

Li Jing smiled: "It's good if you understand. To be honest, I don't object to the people's belief in any religion. Whether it's Buddhism, Taoism or your Catholicism, the core teachings of these religions are to persuade people to be good. I agree with that." Very much agree.

But religion cannot be connected with politics. If religion is connected with politics, then religion will be reduced to a tool of politics, and its nature will deteriorate.

In addition, religions cannot impose their own doctrines on scholars, which will hinder the progress of science.In your country, I don't care about how religion works, and I don't want to care about it, but in Daming, religion is just religion. I don't allow your pope to interfere with scientific research, nor allow you to interfere with the belief and freedom of the congregation. "

"Yes! I understand." Tang Ruowang said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Now let me talk about how to make the people of Ming Dynasty believe in your religion. We know that no matter what kind of religion it is, it preaches that there is an omnipotent god. The god of Buddhism is Tathagata Buddha, and the god of Taoism God is the Taishang Laojun, and the God of Catholicism is Jesus, right?

But who has seen these gods?I don't know if you guys have seen it, anyway, I haven't seen it, and I haven't heard from the people below that they have.Since they have never seen it before, how can people believe in the existence of these gods?

In Daming, Buddhism and Taoism undoubtedly have more advantages than your Catholicism, because after nearly a thousand years of preaching, although the people of Daming have never seen these gods, they already believe in the existence of these gods.

But what about your Catholicism?You have only come to Daming for a few decades, if Jesus does not appear, it may not be easy for the people of Daming to accept your god, I guess you are not capable of bringing Jesus to appear, so what should you do?
Here I want to talk about the circumstances under which people believe in God, or are willing to believe in God. Generally speaking, when people are in despair, they will pray for the appearance of gods to save them.

There are many hopeless things, but there are only two most common and most common ones, one is disease and the other is poverty.If you can cure the disease of the dying sick, and lift the desperate poor out of poverty, then you are gods in the eyes of these people.

If even you become gods in the eyes of these people, then the gods you believe in will undoubtedly be accepted by them, do you understand me when I say this? "

(End of this chapter)

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