Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 452 Plunder

Chapter 452 Plunder
When he saw Huang Taiji again, Li Jing couldn't help being startled. After only one day, Huang Taiji seemed to be ten years old.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing ordered someone to move a chair for Huang Taiji, and ordered someone to pour a cup of tea for Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji took a sip from the teacup, and suddenly sighed: "Li Jing, you won, I promise you, in the future, the Manchus will return to the rule of Ming Dynasty, and I will order that all Manchus shall not fight against Daming again. But , I am now a prisoner of the Ming Dynasty, not the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and I don’t know if I can still follow my orders as before, and if someone doesn’t obey my orders, there is nothing I can do.”

Li Jingjing nodded: "I understand, even if someone doesn't obey your order, I won't blame you, and I won't blame your clansmen. Well, let's call them Manchus from now on."

"Thank you." Huang Taiji said, clasping his fists.

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "You're welcome, tell me, what are your plans in the future, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to meet your requirements."

Huang Taiji shook his head: "Although I promised you to let the Manchus surrender to Daming, I myself will not surrender to Daming."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Huang Taiji, the Manchus have surrendered to Daming, what's the point of you still obsessing over whether or not to surrender?"

Huang Taiji shook his head and said: "Li Jing, you and I are actually the same kind of people. Although you keep saying that you will treat Manchus like Han people in the future, if Manchus hold a hostile attitude towards Han people or Ming Dynasty, you You will never be soft-hearted, and you will not let anyone who deserves to be killed. I let the Manchus submit to Daming, just because I don’t want the Manchus to be slaughtered by you.”

Li Jing heard the words and sighed: "That's right, I will not leave a nation that hates the Han people in the world. But I really don't want to kill people anymore, so I hope you can help me solve this problem.

Now that you have helped me solve this problem, you have contributed to both the Manchus and Daming, so I asked you what your future plans are, and I am going to try my best to meet your requirements. "

Huang Taiji sneered after hearing this: "I want to go back to Liaodong, do you dare to let me go back?"

Li Jing smiled: "There's nothing you dare to do. If you want to go back to Liaodong, I'll let you go back. Not only do I dare to let you go back to Liaodong, but I can even appoint you to manage Liaodong."

Huang Taiji was shocked when he heard the words: "Aren't you afraid that I will rebel again after a few years of gaining momentum?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "If you want to rebel, can I still stop you? But you have to understand that you can't rebel alone, you have to have someone rebel against you. So, in order to prevent people from rebelling against you, How to govern Liaodong in the future, you have to listen to me, I want you to manage Liaodong according to the system I formulated, if you can do it, I will let you serve as Liaodong's chief envoy."

Hearing the words, Huang Taiji stared at Li Jing fiercely, hoping to judge whether Li Jing's words just now were true or false through Li Jing's expression.

But Huang Taiji was disappointed, Li Jing's eyes were clear, he didn't seem to be lying at all.

After a while, Huang Taiji sighed softly and said: "Li Jing, you are much younger than me, but Huang Taiji is ashamed of himself for having such courage. If it were me, I would only dare to give it to you. As a vain prince, I will never dare to give you any real power."

Li Jing smiled: "So you agreed."

Huang Taiji shook his head: "I don't dare to agree, because I'm afraid that if I can't control myself, I will hurt my clansmen, so I can only appreciate your kindness."

Li Jing nodded silently and sighed softly.

After a while, Li Jing said, "Then tell me what you want to do."

Huang Taiji pondered for a while and said: "I have nothing else to ask for in this life, I just want to find a secluded place and live in seclusion with my wife."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "What kind of request is this? I originally planned to arrange you like this when you would not surrender or help me persuade the tribe, but now, your request is a bit lower. You said just now that we are the same Man, are you going to spend the rest of your life like this? You're only 47 years old?"

Huang Taiji suddenly raised his head: "Are you really planning to use me?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you? Do you think I'm so idle?" Li Jing smiled.

Huang Taiji fell silent when he heard the words.

After a long time, Huang Taiji said: "Li Jing, it's not impossible if you want me to help you, but I have one condition."

"Say." Li Jing said.

"If you can spare Fan Wencheng and others, I will promise to do things for you, and I promise you that I will never betray you." Huang Taiji said slowly.

Li Jingwen was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Huang Taiji, if you are still the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, if there are Manchus who betray the Qing Dynasty, give advice to your enemies and help your enemies against you, when you catch them What will you do when you live with these people?"

Huang Taiji was stunned for a while, and finally sighed softly: "I understand what you mean, Fan Wencheng and others must die."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Yes, they must die. If I don't kill them, it is tantamount to allowing or condoning future generations to betray their country."

Huang Taiji looked at Li Jing, sighed and said: "Li Jing, you think about everything for future generations, and you rarely think about yourself. It's amazing, I'm really not as good as you."

Li Jing smiled: "Huang Taiji, I also hope that you and I can work together to achieve great things. You think about it. I will reserve the position of Liaodong Chief Envoy for you for the time being."

"Can you tell me how you plan to govern Liaodong?" Huang Taiji asked without answering.

Li Jing smiled: "To govern Liaodong, the first thing is to change the living habits of the Manchus. The Manchus are used to hunting for a living, but hunting is impossible for a long time, because as the population of the Manchus increases, hunting cannot maintain satisfaction. People’s livelihood. Therefore, the Manchus must learn to farm.”

Waving his hand, Li Jing stopped Huang Taiji from speaking: "I know what you want to say. No one in this world is born knowing it. If you don't learn it, you will never do it. It is a habit of Manchus to hunt for a living, so In my opinion, as long as the Manchus are willing to put down their bows and arrows, there is no problem in learning how to farm.”

After a pause, Li Jing smiled and said: "Of course, it doesn't mean that all the Manchus stop hunting. There is a saying that people who live near the mountains and forests don't need to come out of the mountains to follow them." People learn to farm.”

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "But we must control the number of people living in the mountains and forests. Only by controlling the number of people who live by hunting can these people who rely on the mountains live a prosperous life.

If there are too many people who rely on hunting for a living, it will be impossible, because the output in the mountains and forests is not endless, and it is impossible to support so many people. If hunting is forced, everyone knows what the consequences will be.There is a saying that there will be no fish for three years when the lake is exhausted. In fact, you Manchus also understand this truth, so most Manchus do not make a living by hunting. "

Huang Taiji nodded silently when he heard the words.

Huang Taiji knew that Li Jing still had something to say, and he also knew what Li Jing said.

If they don't live by hunting or farming, how can the Manchu people live?Only by one means: plunder!

And if you want to rely on plunder to make a living, you must absolutely attach importance to force.Since we must attach importance to force, the Manchus must not put down their swords, guns, bows and arrows, and pick up hoes to farm.

The so-called sounding the drum does not require a heavy hammer. Everyone understands people, and some things don't need to be said so straightforwardly.

Both Li Jing and Huang Taiji understood that the reason why the Manchus refused to change their living habits was not that they could not learn how to farm, but that hunting was related to the survival plan of the Manchus.

This is the same as the Huns in the Han Dynasty. The Huns also did not live by farming, they lived by herding.

But relying on grazing for a living depends on whether God will take care of it. If there is a severe drought and the grassland is not flourishing, the cattle and sheep will have nothing to eat, or the weather is too cold, and the cattle and sheep will freeze to death. At this time, the herdsmen We are going to be unlucky. At this time, in order to survive, the herdsmen can only go out to rob.Grab the Han people who know how to farm, and grab the grain they store.

When the Huns found that what they robbed was far more than what they paid for their labor, at this time, plundering became a habit.

Moreover, the Huns know what their advantage is over the Han people, because they will never lose their advantage, and their living habits can enable them to maintain this advantage.

The same is true for the Jurchens. The two living habits of hunting and grazing are similar. If there is a difference, hunting is more insecure than grazing.

Therefore, after the founding of the country, the Jurchens plundered the Han people far more frequently than the Huns.

Moreover, the population of the Jurchens is smaller. If they want to survive in an environment surrounded by powerful enemies, they must pay more attention to armaments.

In terms of living habits, hunting can exercise people better than grazing, so Nurhachi and Huang Taiji will conduct regular hunting activities to train those Jurchen soldiers through hunting.

At the same time, they also instilled a concept in the Jurchens, that is, if you want to live a good life, you have to fight. The braver the battle, the richer the harvest will be, and the better the life will be.

In all fairness, under the influence of such a concept, the Jurchens are all soldiers, and they are indeed less afraid of death than Han soldiers, and they fight more bravely.

Huang Taiji knew very well that it was for military purposes that the Jurchens were kept in the habit of hunting.

And Li Jing obviously saw this too, so when Huang Taiji asked, the first article pointed out that the Jurchens should change this habit.

As long as the Jurchens can change this habit and learn to farm, within a few years, the comfortable life will wear down the blood that the Jurchens have cultivated.

This is the second time for Huang Taiji and Li Jing to meet. When they met for the first time, Huang Taiji did not have the opportunity to discuss political issues with Li Jing, but what Li Jing said just now, Huang Taiji had to admit that Li Jing's vision was really vicious , These remarks pointed to the key to stabilizing Liaodong.

After pondering for a while, Huang Taiji said: "The Manchus in Liaodong have a population of more than 100 million. It may not be easy for so many people to learn how to farm immediately. I wonder how you plan to solve this problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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