Chapter 455
"Let's go back to the palace." Li Jing waved his hand.

Xiao Jiu heard the words and hurriedly called the guards to escort Li Jing back to the palace.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Jiu turned to look at Wen Qing who was following behind, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Marshal, why did you ask Wen Qing to record your words and deeds?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Many of what I say now involves Ming's national policies, and many of them will be recorded in the history books. If I don't make records now, when the historian records it afterwards, it may be different from the facts. , so that future generations will not know under what circumstances I made such a decision.

I asked Wenqing to record my words and deeds, which is not only responsible for future generations, but also responsible for myself.This is like the living notes around the emperor, and it is the basis for historians to write history in the future.

In addition, the emperor did not have the right to check the daily notes before. Am I more domineering than the emperor?Can future generations write history according to their own wishes? "

Smiling, Li Jing continued: "So, I will look at the details about the right and wrong of government orders, and I will not look at other things."

Xiao Jiu nodded lightly when she heard this, turned her head to look at Wen Qing, saw that Wen Qing was memorizing what Li Jing said just now, Xiao Jiu suddenly smiled and said: "Brother Wen, I heard that the pen of history is like a knife. What kind of person Shuai is in the eyes of future generations depends on the pen in your hand, so you don't want to scribble some things."

Wen Qing hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Brother Nine, I'll meet you later."

Li Jing glared at Xiao Jiu: "Jing nonsense, what kind of person am I in the eyes of future generations, can we impose on them? Wen Qing, don't listen to Xiao Jiu's nonsense, record everything according to the facts."

Wen Qing nodded silently, then frowned again, wondering if he should also record this passage.

Seeing Wen Qing's hesitation, Li Jing smiled and said: "I asked you to come to me because I wanted you to write the documents for me. Later, when I saw that you had recorded many of my words and deeds, I thought, you can't just write for me. The things that sing praises, and some things that I did not necessarily do right should also be recorded.

I don't mind you recording my bad things. As the saying goes, there is no gold and no man is perfect. After all, I am a human being and not a god. There must be something wrong.

If you write about my good side, later generations will know that many things have been covered up by us.Since I asked you to record it, I can't resort to deceit, otherwise I will be deceiving myself and others.Therefore, you must record truthfully. "

Wen Qing nodded heavily upon hearing the words.


When he came to the gate of the imperial palace, he suddenly saw Yiqi holding a letter box, galloping and shouting: "Hurry up six hundred miles, and the idlers wait to get out of the way."

Li Jingwen heard that Liubaili was in a hurry, so he hurriedly ordered the driver to stop the carriage and said to Xiaojiu, "Stop him."

Xiao Jiu received the order and immediately shouted: "Xingguo Gong Li Jing is here, send the letter quickly."

Hearing this, the messenger hurriedly reined in his mount, jumped off the horse, and then walked towards Li Jing's carriage with the letter box in his arms.

Xiao Jiu stepped forward, took out the token and handed it to the man, the man took it and looked at it carefully, then handed the token together with the letter box to Xiao Jiu and said: "This letter was written by Master Zong Chaozong, please immediately Give it to the commander."

When Li Jingwen heard that it was the letter sent back by Zong Chao, he couldn't help being shocked. He lifted the curtain of the car and shouted anxiously, "Where is Yong Chao now? What happened?"

The messenger hurriedly said: "My lord Zong is now in Fujian. A few days ago, my lord Zong learned that the barbarians in Luzon are crowding out the Chinese again. Many Chinese have died at the hands of the barbarians. The current situation in Luzon is extremely unfavorable to the Chinese. Maybe there will be another massacre like the 31st year of Wanli."

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly took the letter box from Xiaojiu's hand and opened it, then hurriedly read it.

After reading the letter, Li Jing frowned, pondered for a long time and said to the messenger: "You go back immediately and tell Yong Chao to return to Beijing quickly, I have something to discuss with him."

The messenger took the order and turned around to get on his horse. Li Jing suddenly said: "Your horse is exhausted and you can't ride any more. Xiao Jiu, give him two of your horses, and also the order talisman of Jingji Chariot and Horse Company." give him."

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu hurriedly ordered the two guards to dismount, and at the same time took out a token and handed it to the messenger.

The messenger took the talisman, and his hands trembled slightly.

Seeing the envoy took over the order talisman, Li Jing said in a deep voice: "On this road, you can requisition all the horses and horses, and at the same time, the Jingji shops along the road will properly arrange your board and lodging. You must remember one thing. Notify Yong Chao as quickly as possible, and then protect him to come back safely."

"I obey!" the messenger clasped his fists.

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at the sky and said, "Xiao Jiu, take him to Xianghe Tower to have a meal and rest, and then go on the road after eating."

"Thank you, Marshal." The messenger choked up.

Li Jing waved his hand, lowered the curtain of the carriage, and ordered the coachman to hurry back to the palace.

When I arrived at Dongnuange, I saw Zhu Youjian waiting in the house.

Seeing Li Jing coming back, Zhu Youjian scolded: "Brother Li, you saw Huang Taiji's woman, why didn't you take me there?"

Li Jing waved his hand, found a chair and sat down, picked up Zong Chao's letter and read it again.

Seeing Li Jing's face sinking like water, Zhu Youjian was startled: "What? Huang Taiji..."

Li Jing shook his head: "Huang Taiji has agreed to submit to Daming, and is willing to help us manage Liaodong."

Zhu Youjian was surprised when he heard the words: "This is a good thing, why do you look unhappy?"

Li Jing sighed softly, handed the letter sent by Zong Chao to Zhu Youjian and said, "You will understand after reading it."

Zhu Youjian took the letter and read it hastily, his face suddenly darkened.

After a while, Zhu Youjian said in a deep voice, "Brother Li, what are you going to do?"

Li Jing sighed and said: "I intend to send a boat to bring back the Chinese in Luzon, but the only one of my naval forces in Ming Dynasty that can go on an expedition is Zheng Zhilong. Let Zheng Zhilong be appeased."

"Are you going to use troops against Zheng Zhilong?" Zhu Youjian asked in surprise.

Li Jing said in a deep voice: "Zheng Zhilong is in the name of Admiral of the Fuzhou Navy of Daming, but does not work for Daming. What's the use of keeping him?"

"It's just that the war in Liaodong is not over yet. If we use troops against Zheng Zhilong, the treasury won't be able to afford it if we fight on two fronts!" Zhu Youjian said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head: "If you can't bear it, you have to bear it. Otherwise, the Chinese in Luzon will inevitably repeat the mistakes of the 31st year of Wanli."

"Can it be so serious?" Zhu Youjian asked in surprise.

Li Jing nodded silently.

Zhu Youjian was silent when he heard this.

The massacre of China in Lu Song in the 31st year of Wanli was a national humiliation for Ming Dynasty, and it was recorded in detail in the palace.

At that time, about 5000 to [-] Chinese died, and the Chinese lost countless properties.At that time, because the Ming Dynasty had just carried out three large-scale battles (that is, the three major campaigns of Wanli).

These three battles followed one after another. Although all three battles were won, these three battles also greatly consumed Ming's military and financial capabilities.

According to statistics, the Battle of Ningxia cost more than 180 million, the Battle of North Korea cost more than 780 million, and the Battle of Bozhou cost more than 200 million.The military expenditure of the three battles reached more than 160 million taels of silver.

Therefore, after hearing the news of the Luzon Massacre, although Emperor Wanli wanted to question the Spaniards stationed in Luzon, since the Ming Dynasty had just finished the three major battles, it was really unable to launch large-scale military operations. The Spaniards can only be blamed by posting.

It should be said that the Ming government has done its best. In fact, if it is not for the national responsibility and the dignity of Ming, the Ming government can completely ignore these maritime merchants.

Because Ming's commercial tax is extremely low, and maritime merchants don't even want to pay this commercial tax, in order to evade taxes, most maritime merchants engage in smuggling, which means that maritime merchants actually don't make much economic contribution to the Ming government.

Both Zhu Youjian and Li Jing are very clear about this period of history. From Zhu Youjian's heart, these maritime merchants are not worthy of pity at all, but because he is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, his people were slaughtered, which is equivalent to beating him. It's the same as a slap in the face, so it's impossible for Zhu Youjian not to be angry.

But the anger is the anger, it really makes Zhu Youjian go to war, Zhu Youjian must calculate whether it is worth it.

But Li Jing is different. Li Jing is a pure nationalist. His strategic goals of pacifying Mongolia and Liaodong and recovering the lost land in the southwest are all for the honor of the country and the dignity of the nation.To apply the words of the predecessors, those who offend China's heavenly power will be punished no matter how far away they are.

However, more than 31 years have passed since the incident in the 30st year of Wanli, and Daming or Li Jing's current strength at sea is too weak, even if he wants to compete with Xiyi at sea, he is still powerless.

Before building a powerful navy, Li Jing does not want to use force against the Dutch who invaded Taiwan and the Spaniards who occupied Luzon for the time being.

It’s just that Li Jing didn’t expect the Spaniards to show signs of slaughtering Hua again. Zong Chao said in the letter that the Spaniards are repeating their old tricks to provoke conflicts between the Chinese and the locals. In some places, there have been conflicts between the locals and the Chinese. , many Chinese were beaten to death by locals.And as the conflict escalates, the Spaniards will inevitably intervene, and Tu Hua will be inevitable by then.

In fact, if Zong Chao didn't know Li Jing's overseas trade policy, Zong Chao would definitely not care about the life and death of maritime merchants, and it would be impossible for him to write this letter to Li Jing. But since Zong Chao knew Li Jing's overseas trade policy, Naturally, he knew how much these sea merchants meant to Li Jing, so he expedited the letter to Li Jing with six hundred miles.

It should be said that Zong Chao really knows Li Jing better. He knows that Li Jing will never sit back and watch overseas Chinese businessmen be massacred, and he knows that Li Jing does not have the ability to expedition to Luzon for the time being.

But Zong Chao knew that Daming still had a powerful naval force, and that was the fleet under Zheng Zhilong's command.

(End of this chapter)

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