Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 463 The run on the storm

Chapter 463 The run on the storm
Li Jing smiled, patted Sun Meng's hand lightly and said, "Brother Sun, don't take too much burden on you. In fact, Zheng Zhilong is not our main target. Our ultimate goal in dealing with Zheng Zhilong is to take him down." For the fleet, as long as half of his ships can be left behind, it doesn’t matter if Zheng Zhilong runs away. So don’t spend your energy on how to catch Zheng Zhilong, but think about how to keep his ships.”

"Leave his boat? His boats are all at sea, I'm afraid I can't handle this." Sun Meng scratched his head and said.

Li Jing smiled and said, "A boat can stay at sea, but can a person stay at sea forever? His boat will eventually dock."

When Sun Meng heard the words, he suddenly said: "Hehe, I forgot about this problem. Of course, if we want to capture Zheng Zhilong's boat, we must wait until his boat docks."

Li Jingjing nodded and smiled: "Actually, Zheng Zhilong still has many weaknesses, his biggest weakness is his subordinates, don't forget, his subordinates also have family members.

Zheng Zhilong could take his family and escape to the sea, and then settle on a certain island, but he couldn't bring all the family members of his subordinates to the sea.As long as he can't take it away, his subordinates will have concerns, and it is impossible to wholeheartedly work for him. "

Sun Meng nodded repeatedly when he heard the words: "That's right, as long as the family members of Zheng Zhilong's subordinates are under control, his subordinates are likely to defect."

Li Jing said with a smile: "If it wasn't for Zheng Zhilong's weakness, I really wouldn't be able to deal with him."

Sun Meng pondered for a while and said: "Commander, since you trust Lao Sun, Lao Sun will not embarrass you, but to deal with Zheng Zhilong, I am afraid that Lao Sun's subordinates will not be able to do it alone. Lao Sun wants to ask Dashuai for some help." .”

Li Jing smiled and said: "As long as you can take Zheng Zhilong down, just say what manpower you need."

Sun Meng nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "First of all, I need the cooperation of Ma Wu's subordinates. I'm not familiar with Fuzhou, and I need people from the intelligence department to help me understand the situation in Fuzhou and Zheng Zhilong."

"No problem. Zong Chao is rushing back from Fuzhou now. When he comes back, I will let him go with you." Li Jing said with a smile.

"Zong Chao went to Fuzhou?" Sun Meng asked curiously.

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "Zong Chao has been in Fuzhou for more than half a year. After such a long time, he must have inquired about the situation in Fuzhou."

Sun Meng was overjoyed when he heard the words: "It turns out that the commander-in-chief has already started to make arrangements."

Li Jing said with a smile: "If you want to deal with someone like Zheng Zhilong, how can you not prepare early?"

Sun Meng nodded lightly, and then continued: "In addition to the people from the intelligence department, I also need Sun Chuanting's troops to cooperate with me."

Li Jingwen pondered for a while and said: "Sun Chuanting's army has just been formed, and it is already too difficult to deal with the Jurchens' naval army. I am afraid that we will be powerless to deal with Zheng Zhilong."

Sun Meng smiled and said: "I know, I don't want Sun Chuanting's people to fight Zheng Zhilong at sea, I want him to help me take over the ships. Because my subordinates don't know how to handle ships at all. If there is no one who knows how to control ships Even if I snatch Zheng Zhilong's boat, it will be easy for Zheng Zhilong to take it back."

Li Jing nodded with a smile and said, "That's right. Although Sun Chuanting's navy has only been trained for a short period of time, there is still no problem in controlling the ship."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing continued: "This is a rare opportunity to fight Zheng Zhilong, just to let Sun Chuanting's subordinates experience what a real naval battle is. Although they can't beat Zheng Zhilong in distant sea battles, they can still fight in the near sea. As long as If we don’t lose too badly, we will treat it as training.”

Sun Meng nodded and smiled, "That's exactly what it should be. Blind training will not make you a good soldier."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said: "The words you just said reminded me that not many of your subordinates have participated in actual combat. I am afraid that the soldiers will be nervous when they first enter the battlefield, so I have to arrange some combat experience for you. soldiers.

In this way, I will ask Cao Wenzhao to transfer some troops to you, and your troops will transfer some people to Cao Wenzhao, and some of your troops will be exchanged. With these veterans who have experienced actual combat, your troops will have combat effectiveness.

In addition, you can't send all your troops to Fujian, and you need to keep some people to guard Shandong. In this way, your troops may not be enough.I wrote a letter to Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng, and their troops are under your command for the time being, so your strength is almost enough. "

Sun Meng laughed and said, "It's still the commander who is considerate."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "Actually, I should have let your troops participate in several actual battles. You said I was considerate, why do I think you are scolding me?"

"Hey, Old Sun didn't mean that." Sun Meng laughed.

Li Jing smiled: "Brother Sun, this time you lead the troops yourself, you must keep a capable person in the family, who do you think is suitable to keep?"

"Well..." Sun Meng pondered for a while and said, "I think Zhou Huhu can take on this important task, but Zhou Huhu hasn't fought much before. If he stays at home, I'm afraid he won't like it."

Li Jing waved his hand and said: "It's okay, let Zhou Huhu lead the troops to fight next time, let him stay at home this time."

"Marshal, why don't you tell Tiger yourself, I'm afraid he will be dissatisfied with me." Sun Meng laughed.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Okay, I will give you this order."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "We have a lot to do and time is running out. You have to make arrangements quickly. When Zong Chao comes back, we should send troops."

Hearing this, Sun Meng stood up and cupped his fists and said, "I'm going back to Shandong right away."

Li Jingjing nodded, got up and said: "Brother Sun, it is said that you came back after a long time. I should treat you to a drink, but I really don't have time to drink now. How about this, when you come back triumphantly, I will treat you to a drink again." pause."

Sun Meng smiled and said: "With the words of the commander-in-chief, old Sun is more comfortable than drinking."

Li Jing sighed, and patted Sun Meng's shoulder lightly.

Sun Meng didn't say much, he cupped his fists at Li Jing, turned around and left.

After Sun Meng left, Li Jinglue pondered for a while, and immediately spread paper to grind, and wrote a letter to Cao Wenzhao, ordering him to quickly dispatch 3000 people by sea to Shandong, and put them under Sun Meng's command.

Then he wrote a letter to Zhou Huhu, ordering him to stay in Shandong after Sun Meng left.

Then he wrote a letter to Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng, ordering them to be under Sun Meng's command temporarily, and when Sun Meng went south, the two would lead their troops to join the Eastern Army.

At the same time, Li Jing emphasized in the letter that Zheng Zhilong's use of troops this time is of great importance, and that the two should obey Sun Meng's orders and not be neglected.

After sealing the envelope, Li Jing called Xiao Jiu and asked him to send the letter quickly.

Rubbing his forehead, Li Jing got up and walked into the courtyard.

On the third day after Li Jing moved into his new residence, the newly built cabinet office was officially put into use. Under Li Jing's leadership, the cabinet and officials from various ministries moved into the new office space.

After moving into the new yamen, officials reported to Li Jing, which saved a lot of time.

Because Li Jing used to work in the East Nuan Pavilion of the Qianqing Palace, officials had to pass through several palace gates to enter and exit the palace, and guards would inquire and interrogate each gate.

It's not that Li Jing deliberately set up obstacles for the officials, it's just that there are too many women living in the palace, making it inconvenient for men to come in and out.

In the past, when Zhu Youjian was in power, the only people who could report to him at Dongnuan Pavilion were cabinet ministers, ministers of various ministries, or officials above the level of minister.

Li Jing was different. Although Li Jing didn't always do everything himself, he preferred to go directly to the person in charge instead of the supervisor when dealing with matters. As a result, many low-level officials had to go in and out of the palace.

It was difficult for officials of this level to enter the imperial palace before, and they were completely unqualified to report to the emperor's bedroom.Of course, when Li Jing called these people into the palace, he had to be questioned carefully, otherwise, even if Zhu Youjian didn't say anything, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't mutter in his heart that Li Jing called all cats and dogs into the palace.

After moving to Xiyuan, there will be no such troubles. Of course, not everyone can enter Li Jing's office, and there will still be some interrogation.

The location chosen by Equation for Li Jingjian's office is an excellent environment, close to the lake and facing the Shuiyun Pavilion to the west.

Shuiyun Pavilion is actually a pavilion built on the water. It was built in the Jin Dynasty in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The water surface around the Yunshui Pavilion is covered with lotus leaves. It is summer and the lotus flowers are in full bloom. Looking from a distance, the red and green alternates are really refreshing.

After watching by the lake for a while and taking a breath of fresh air, Li Jing felt very happy.

Li Jing was walking around in the courtyard when he suddenly saw Xiao Jiu rushing over with Shen Zheng and Du Lao Jiu.

Seeing Shen Zheng and Du Laojiu coming together, Li Jing couldn't help but startled.

Du Laojiu was born as a small businessman. By chance, he saw someone exchanging banknotes at Jingji Bank and saw a business opportunity from it. He ventured to Hongshanling to seek Li Jing.

Seeing that Du Laojiu was quite knowledgeable, Li Jing appointed him to promote banknotes and exchange them for copper coins in the counties around Hongshanling.

It can be said that when Li Jing was able to solve the currency shortage problem in Hongshanling and surrounding counties, Du Laojiu made great contributions.

Later, Li Jing saw that Du Laojiu was serious and excellent in his work, and he was very insightful in the management of financial currency, so he appointed him to be in charge of the banknote issuance of Daming Bank.

However, after the Daming Bank tried out common banknotes in the capital and several trade markets outside the country, it greatly eased the currency pressure in these places.

During this period of time, Li Jingzheng was planning to promote the banknote business to the surrounding areas of Gyeonggi, but he didn't expect Du Laojiu to come here with Shen Zheng.

Seeing Shen Zheng's serious face and Du Laojiu's anxious expression, Li Jing knew that something serious might happen.

Stopping the two of them from saluting, Li Jing led them to a gazebo in the courtyard.

After calling the two of them to sit down on the stone bench, Li Jing said, "Judging from the expressions of the two of you, something must have happened. Don't worry, just speak slowly."

Shen Zheng looked at Du Laojiu and said, "Come and tell the commander."

Du Laojiu responded, cupped his fists at Li Jing and said, "That's right, a few days ago, suddenly many merchants from the south went to the bank to exchange a large amount of silver."

Li Jingwen frowned: "Isn't it normal to exchange silver? Why? Don't we have enough silver reserves?"

(End of this chapter)

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