Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 465 Vulnerability

Chapter 465 Vulnerability
Shen Zhengwen nodded repeatedly.

Turning his head to look at Du Laojiu, Li Jing smiled and said: "Lao Jiu, although this incident has caused great losses to the common people, you are not responsible, but we did not expect such a thing to happen before. , and no emergency measures were prepared.

And you can quickly discover the problem, send people to investigate and find out the truth at the first time, this is a good job and deserves praise.But right now is not the time for rewards, I will reward you after you finish handling the follow-up matters. "

Du Laojiu hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, Commander."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand.

Shen Zheng and Du Laojiu got up to leave.

After Shen Zheng and Du Laojiu left, Li Jing sighed softly.

Although Li Jing came from later generations, he was born in the military and didn't know much about finance. It would be nice to know that the issuance of banknotes requires hard currency for endorsement.

As for the depreciation of the currency by means of a run, he doesn't know how to operate it, he doesn't even know how to operate it, so naturally he doesn't know how to prevent it.

However, Li Jing really admired the person who caused this incident. Li Jing really couldn't figure out how this person saw that the currency depreciation was caused by running on the currency.

What Li Jing admired the most was that this man was able to mobilize so much money and resources, especially that he could persuade a large group of people to act with him.

This person is definitely a talent. Although he caused great losses to the common people by doing this, Li Jing did not intend to pursue his fault. On the contrary, Li Jing still wanted to use this person.

Li Jing knew very well that if he didn't know where the bank's loophole was and didn't fix it, then sooner or later someone would discover the bank's loophole and use it to make huge profits, and this incident would happen again.

Moreover, Li Jing believed that the people who acted next time would definitely be more careful, and would never leave the government with a handle to arrest people like this time. At that time, the loss would be great.

Sitting in the courtyard, Li Jing thought for a long time, and finally heaved a deep sigh. Manpower is sometimes poor, and he is not omnipotent after all, and he doesn't know everything.

It seems that we can only ask the person in charge, how he discovered the bank's loopholes, and then made the layout.

Shen Zheng moved quickly, and after he came out from Li Jing, he let Luo Yangxing start arresting people.

In fact, when Shenzheng was reporting to Li Jing, he was a little distracted. He didn't tell Li Jing, but he had already notified Luo Yangxing's security department.

As Shen Zhenglai, who is in charge of the Ming Dynasty's financial power, this time someone took advantage of such a big loophole. Even if Li Jing didn't say anything, Shen Zheng himself would feel ashamed. Therefore, after he received Du Laojiu's report, he immediately let Luo Yangxing sent people to keep an eye on those businessmen.

No matter what, Shen Zheng couldn't let these people take the money away.

If these people were allowed to take away the money, then Shen Zheng would really be dereliction of duty.Shen Zheng was even prepared to forcibly arrest people if he couldn't do it.

But when reporting to Li Jing, Shen Zheng didn't dare to tell Li Jing the truth, because the Ministry of State Security to which Luo Yangxing belonged was not something that Shen Zheng could casually transfer.

Although the Ministry of National Security is affiliated with the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, and its nominal boss is Gao Qi, it is actually directly under the jurisdiction of Li Jing. Except for Li Jing and Ma Wu, no one else has the right to dictate to the Ministry of Security.

Even if Shen is Li Jing's father-in-law, if Li Jing knows that he has exceeded his authority, Li Jing will feel resentful.

Because the Ministry of Security does all secret things, and some things may involve officials, such a department naturally cannot be managed by too many people. If there are more people in charge, the possibility of leaks will increase.

If the security department can't keep it secret, what's the point of setting up this department?
But Shen Zheng is Li Jing's father-in-law after all, and even Luo Yangxing is so courageous that he dare not disobey Shen Zheng's order, not to mention that these businessmen have stole so much money this time, Luo Yangxing is afraid that he will not obey Shen Zheng's order to order those The businessman fled, and finally Li Jing ordered him to arrest him. At that time, things were even more troublesome than now.

But after all, Shen Zheng didn't dare to let Luo Yangxing arrest people directly, but asked Luo Yangxing's people to guard those businessmen, and make a decision after he consulted Li Jing, which left a way out for both of them.

Now Li Jing asked Shen Zheng to directly use the people from the security department to arrest people. The people Shen Zheng had arranged for Luo Yangxing were immediately put to use. Arrest him and escort him to Beijing.

Li Jing didn't expect Luo Yangxing to arrest him so soon. Judging from the time from when the order was issued in the capital to when Luo Yangxing took him to the capital, it was obvious that he had already made preparations, and he was only waiting for his order to arrest him.

After Li Jinglue thought about it, he knew that Shen Zheng had prepared Luo Yangxing before asking him for instructions, but he didn't tell him the truth, because he was afraid that he might think something about him.

Shaking his head, Li Jing smiled wryly. Shen Zheng had always been cautious and kept his duty in front of him, but sometimes he overdid it.The so-called exaggeration is too much, but it is not in line with the status of the cabinet's second assistant to act like this.

Moreover, Shen Zheng was not only the cabinet assistant, but also Li Jing's father-in-law, doing things for the country, or in Shen Zheng's heart, doing things for Li Jing. At such a time, Li Jing didn't think it was a problem to use his privilege.

Li Jing originally wanted to mention a few words about Shen Zheng, thinking of Shen Zheng's character, after talking about it, he was afraid that his actions would be even more tied up in the future.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing sighed lightly. Shen Zhengjing had helped him all these years, and he basically didn't bother with the Shen family's affairs. He really owed Shen Zheng too much.

Moreover, Shen Zheng was already over sixty years old, and his health had been deteriorating in recent years, so it was time for him to be filial to him.

While Li Jing was pondering, Xiao Jiu came in from the door and said, "Marshal, Mr. Shen sent someone to ask, should we bring him here, or temporarily put him in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice?"

Li Jing thought for a while and said to Xiaojiu: "Bring the person here. By the way, has Du Laojiu come back with Master Shen? If he comes back, let him come with Master Shen, and Luo Yangxing, too. .”

Xiao Jiu heard the words and hurriedly sent someone to send a message.

After a while, Shen Zheng, Du Laojiu and Luo Yangxing rushed over.

Seeing that the three of them were busy in the world, especially Shen Zheng's tired face, Li Jing hurriedly asked the three of them to sit down.

Li Jing handed Shen Zheng a cup of tea: "Father-in-law, you have worked hard. I heard that you went out of the mouth yourself? Don't work so hard in the future, just let the people below handle such trivial matters as arresting people. What are you going to do by yourself?"

With that said, Li Jing pointed to the teacups in front of Luo Yanghe and Du Laojiu, and asked them to pour tea by themselves.

Shen Zheng took a sip from the teacup and said with a smile: "Such a big thing happened this time, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, how could I rest assured?"

Li Jing shook his head: "You are old, you still have to pay attention to your body."

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "With your words, it doesn't matter if I work a little harder."

"That can't be done. I'm exhausting you. Ying'er can't spare me. By the way, Ying'er has returned to Beijing. Can you and your mother-in-law live with me?" Li Jing smiled.

Shen Zheng waved his hand and said, "This is not suitable. You are the Prime Minister and I am the Deputy Prime Minister. If we live together, people will gossip about it. After two years I can't work anymore. I will move to you after I resign from the official position." live there."

Li Jing sighed softly when he heard the words: "Jixian is away all year round, and your elders don't have any relatives to take care of them. If it doesn't work, let Jixian come back."

Shen Zheng shook his head and said with a smile: "Jixian has so many things to do now, how can he come back? Besides, he is young now, so he should experience more. If you have this heart, I will be satisfied."

Smiling, Shen Zheng continued: "I said, you called us here because you wanted to tell me these homely things, right?"

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "It's a matter of caring about your old age, isn't it?"

Shen Zheng said with a smile: "Come on, it's more important to get down to business. When can't we talk about family affairs?"

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Turning to look at Xiao Jiu, he said, "Bring people in."

Xiao Jiu took the order and went out to call the guards to bring him into the house.

After entering the house, Xiao Jiu shouted: "I still don't pay my respects to the Duke!"

When a group of businessmen heard the words, they hurriedly fell to their knees and kowtowed.

Li Jing waved his hands and said, "Get up, I don't have the custom of kneeling and kowtowing here. Besides, I have already issued a decree to cancel the ritual of kneeling and prostrating."

"The villain doesn't dare." The leader said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I know, you may not be used to it for a while, but when you get used to it gradually, these stereotypes and bad habits will be changed." "

The businessmen didn't expect Li Jing to be so kind, and they couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Jing smiled and said, "I've arrested you this time, you must know why?"

The leading businessman hurriedly said: "We haven't violated the law. I don't know why the Duke ordered people to arrest us?"

Li Jing smiled: "You said that you didn't break the law. If you look at it according to the current Daming Law, you are right, but when you were doing business, you didn't pay taxes according to the regulations. It should be right. According to the New Deal, I will It’s not too much to punish you for ruining your family.”

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Also, everyone knows whether what you have done is illegal or not. If I insist on sentencing you, there is nothing you can do."

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

Li Jing is now extremely powerful. He said that whoever is guilty is guilty. If he is really unreasonable, they have no room to resist.

Looking at the leading businessman, Li Jing said, "I think you are the leader of these people. What's your name and where are you from?"

Seeing that Li Jing's words were harsh, but his expression was not serious, the businessman felt relieved and said hurriedly: "The villain's surname is Gu, and his name is Bingyou. He is from Huzhou, Zhejiang."

"Huzhou? Huzhou is a good place. Husi, Hubi, and Hucha are the best in the world." Li Jing laughed.

"The Duke is very knowledgeable." Gu Bingyou said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "There are so many good things in Huzhou, so you must be running these businesses?"

"Yes!" Gu Bingyou hurriedly said.

Li Jing swept everyone away and said with a smile: "Tell me, how did you come up with a way to run?"

(End of this chapter)

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