Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 468 Into the Tiger's Den

Chapter 468 Into the Tiger's Den
Gu Bingyou's own troubles haven't been resolved yet, but when he saw his colleagues in an embarrassing situation, he stepped forward. This kind of loyalty, this nostalgia for nostalgia, can make him respected by his colleagues. It is unreasonable for a person not to be the leader.

Seeing Gu Bing looking at him eagerly, Li Jing suddenly smiled: "Since everyone has the heart to serve the court, I will naturally help everyone. But as you said just now, even if you spend all your wealth, I'm afraid It’s also beyond our capabilities. I don’t think it’s better than this. You can cooperate with Shen Kee Company. They have experience in promoting banknotes. ?”

Gu Bingyou was overjoyed when he heard the words. Although he knew that Li Jing asked Shen Ji Company to participate in order to prevent these people from tripping him up, but being able to cooperate with Shen Ji Company was equivalent to climbing onto Li Jing's thigh.

Who doesn't know that the owner of Shen Ji Company is Li Jing's brother-in-law?Who would dare to embarrass them when they can partner with Li Jing's brother-in-law to do business and open a store?Even if it is to share some profits less!

Wanting to understand this verse, Gu Bingyou hurriedly said: "Thank you, Lord Guo, for giving the villains a chance."

A group of businessmen saw that Gu Bingyou was talking to Li Jing, and they also hurriedly bowed and said: "The villain will definitely do his best to help the Duke of the country to promote paper money in Zhejiang."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Since that's the case, then you are ready to go, but before you go, go to Master Shen and Master Du to clear up the whole thing that happened this time."

"Yes!" Gu Bingyou and others hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand. Seeing this, Shen Zheng and Du Laojiu waved to everyone, who hurriedly saluted Li Jing and said goodbye.

When Shen Zheng and others left, Li Jing waved to Luo Yangxing and said, "Come and sit down, I have something to tell you."

When Luo Yangxing heard this, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Please command, Commander."

Li Jing pointed to the teacup and signaled Luo Yangxing to pour the tea himself.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Jing said: "This time such a big incident happened, and the people in the security department only got the news from Du Laojiu's notification. It should be said that they have neglected their duties."

"Yes! Dereliction of duty, please punish me." Luo Yangxing said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head: "Don't be cautious, since you have been working with me, you have been doing your best and never slack off, and you have never done anything out of line. I am very satisfied with you.

Moreover, the people in the Ministry of Security don't know how to do business. Even if they find out what these people are doing, I'm afraid they don't know what their purpose is, so I can't completely blame you.

But this incident sounded a wake-up call for us. People in the security department can no longer be just spies like before. If they don't understand the professional knowledge of various industries, they may not know what they mean when they hear some news.In that case, how can the Ministry of Security guard the security of the country? "

Luo Yangxing immediately showed embarrassment when he heard the words, and said after a while: "Marshal, most of the people below me have never read books, and they don't even know the words. It is already reluctant to be a spy. Let them study. Professional knowledge, I'm afraid it's a bit embarrassing."

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "If you just say that they are not the material, it will be over!"

Luo Yangxing scratched his head, then chuckled twice.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing said: "Brother Luo, the Ministry of Security has already set up its stalls. All provinces in Ming Dynasty have subordinate departments of the Ministry of Security. The foundation is already established, and now there is a shortage of talents. To recruit ready-made talents, I'm afraid It's not easy, you can only cultivate it yourself.

Most of the people under your command are from Jinyiwei, and their family background is relatively good. Let me give you an idea. You organize the young children of those under your command, and let them learn various knowledge according to the needs of the Ministry of Security.

For example, you can send some children to the bank as apprentices, so that they can learn how the bank handles business, and know what to guard against, so that if we encounter this incident in the future, we can respond early .

For another example, if you want to investigate whether the people in the bank have done anything harmful to the interests of the country, you can put some people in the bank, which will make the investigation much more convenient.

Of course, their true identities are still members of the security department. After the matter is over, whether you want them to stay in the bank or transfer them back to the security department, it doesn't matter.

According to this model, you can place people in all walks of life.Of course, some irrelevant industries should not be arranged. "

Luo Yangxing was overjoyed, bowed to Li Jingchang and said: "What the commander said is really a good strategy, and if those bastards below know that the commander is so gracious, they will definitely feel sorry for the commander."

Li Jing shook his head: "People in the Ministry of Security do private things, and they will inevitably take various risks, and they may even die. It is our duty to them to arrange errands for their descendants. Grace?"

Luo Yangxing sighed softly when he heard the words: "Marshal, I am afraid that no emperor in the Ming Dynasty can match your kindness, and I am really convinced by your humility."

Li Jing shook his head, sighed and said: "Brother Luo, many of the things I do are completely different from the rules of the predecessors. Without everyone's support, it is impossible to succeed at all. So, you can say that I win people's hearts or serve the public wholeheartedly , in the end, it’s all about rejuvenating Daming.”

Luo Yangxing heard it silently, and after a while he said: "I understand, I am willing to follow the commander to the death in this life, and assist the commander in realizing his wish."

Hearing this, Li Jing patted Luo Yangxing's shoulder lightly.

After a while, Li Jing said solemnly: "What the Ministry of Security does must be kept strictly confidential. Except for a few people, irrelevant people are not allowed to intervene. You have to keep this close. If someone from the Ministry of Security leaks secrets, you don't have to." Shall I teach you how to do it?"

Luo Yangxing hurriedly said: "The humble officer knows that if the people below leak the secret, the humble officer will directly cut off their dog's head."

Li Jing nodded lightly: "The Ministry of Security has a very important issue, and the law enforcement must be strict. It is better to punish severely than to punish lightly. But when dealing with it, don't make it known to everyone, as long as the insiders know it, it will serve as a warning."

"Yes!" Luo Yangxing replied.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip of tea and said, "I'm planning to use troops against Zheng Zhilong, you must already know that, right?"

Luo Yangxing nodded: "During the time Mr. Zong was in Fujian, he used all my subordinates."

Li Jing smiled: "These people are capable in their work, you should give them a good compliment when you come back."

Luo Yangxing nodded with a smile.

Luo Yangxing knew that Li Jing attached great importance to Zong Chao, and was always worried about Zong Chao's safety. At the beginning of the year, he even asked Ma Wu to call Zong Chao back.

However, Zong Chao wanted to find out the details of Zheng Zhilong and refused to come back. Li Jing was also very helpless about this, so he had to order people to closely protect Zong Chao's safety.

And Zong Chao's safety after staying in Fujian for so long depends on the protection of the Ministry of Security.

Of course, Luo Yangxing knew exactly what Zong Chao had done in Fujian, because Zong Chao asked the security department to investigate many things.

Luo Yangxing really admired Zong Chao's ability. This person is a literati, but he dared to go deep into the tiger's den to investigate Zheng Zhilong. With this courage, Luo Yangxing knew that he was far behind.

Luo Yangxing especially admires Zong Chao's analytical ability, this person can always find useful information from some very ordinary things and then make judgments.

For example, Zong Chao told him years ago that Li Jing was going to use troops against Zheng Zhilong. At that time, Luo Yangxing didn't believe it at all. From Luo Yangxing's point of view, Ming's navy was already in bad shape. How could he dare to fight Zheng Zhilong?
To take action against Zheng Zhilong, it will have to be a few years later, when Daming's navy has a fleet that can compete with Zheng Zhilong.Moreover, Li Jing's strategic target at the time was the Jurchens in Liaodong, and he would have to recuperate for a few years after defeating the Jurchens.

But after Zong Chao carefully analyzed Luo Yangxing, Luo Yangxing believed it.

Zong Chao only told Luo Yangxing two things, one was the financial situation of Ming Dynasty, and the other was Li Jing's character.

Zong Chao told Luo Yangxing that Daming's finances are so difficult now, and with Li Jing's character, he can't tolerate the monopoly of Daming's overseas trade by Zheng Zhilong, seeing the loss of tens of millions of taxes every year.

Although the strength of Ming's navy is far inferior to that of Zheng Zhilong, the strength of its ground troops is also far beyond that of Zheng Zhilong, and no matter how powerful the sea is, it cannot be separated from land, especially because most of Zheng Zhilong's subordinates are natives of Fujian, and it is impossible for these people to abandon their families The one who gave up his career wandered at sea with Zheng Zhilong.Therefore, Li Jing still has a great chance of winning against Zheng Zhilong.

But if you want to grasp more, you must carefully understand the situation of Zheng Zhilong and his subordinates, and find out something that can be used.

Because Zheng Zhilong's army is not monolithic, most of his subordinates are pirates, and many of them were recruited after annexing other pirates. Among them are the subordinates of Zheng Zhilong's old enemy Liu Xiang. Among these people, there will inevitably be nostalgia The Lord is dissatisfied with Zheng Zhilong.

If these people can be found and lured to the court, it will disintegrate part of Zheng Zhilong's strength.Under the ebb and flow, the imperial court's odds of winning have increased a bit.

After listening to Zong Chao's analysis, Luo Yangxing was completely convinced of Zong Chao.

Sure enough, not long after, Li Jing asked Zong Chao to investigate Zheng Zhilong in Fujian. Before leaving, Zong Chao asked Luo Yangxing for help. Luo Yangxing immediately promised to provide Zong Chao with the greatest help, and ordered the people from the Fujian Ministry of Security to fully obey Zong Chao's dispatch. .

This is also something that can't be helped. Although Zong Chao's position is high, his grade is much worse.

This is mainly because Zong Chao's qualifications are too shallow.

Moreover, because Zong Chao's qualifications are too low, Li Jing worried that he would not be able to convince the public. Therefore, although he was appointed as the second in command of the intelligence department, he did not assign specific powers to him.In the eyes of most people, he is still Ma Wu's aide.

Zong Chao also knew that the people in the intelligence department were all old men who had followed Ma for more than five years, so he would definitely not want to listen to his second-in-command who had just arrived and had no specific power.

Although Zong Chao investigated Zheng Zhilong under Li Jing's order, the people below did not dare to be disobedient.But investigating Zheng Zhilong's secret matter, how dare Zong Chao not convince his subordinates?

(End of this chapter)

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