Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 479 Will Be Out

Chapter 479 Will Be Out

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Brother Boya, in fact, Fifth Brother didn't treat you as an outsider, so he would directly ask. If it were someone else, he would have sent someone to investigate secretly."

Sun Chuanting was startled, and then remembered Ma Wu's identity and status.

In Daming, apart from Li Jing, there was no one Ma Wu dared not investigate, and this was even more incomparable to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Judging from Ma Wu's authority, asking in person is really a way to save face.

Although Sun Chuanting is a bit arrogant and doesn't give in to others, it depends on who he is. A nearly illiterate person like Ma Wu can get Li Jing's reuse. It's not just because of his relationship with Li Jing .

With Li Jing's personality and talent in employing people, if Ma Wu had no ability, Li Jing would never let Ma Wu take up such an important position. Sun Chuanting knew this very well.Because of this, Sun Chuanting admires Ma Wu quite a lot.

Sun Chuanting had a straightforward personality. After hearing Li Jing's words, he immediately clasped his fists at Ma Wu and said, "Master Ma, Chuan Ting is rude, so don't blame him."

Ma Wu hastily replied, "Your Majesty Sun is polite, Ma Wu's words were inappropriate, please forgive me."

Seeing the two apologizing to each other, Li Jing clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "That's right, both of you are my right-hand man, so just open up if you have something to say."

Ma Wu and Sun Chuanting hurriedly agreed.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "However, the matter is not as serious as what Brother Boya said. After all, you have mainly spent this year on building shipyards. As for the large warships you mentioned, wait for Tang Ruowang to hire someone with experience from foreign countries. After the boatman, we can build right away.

Moreover, we will build more shipyards. If one shipyard builds two main battleships a year, if we build five shipyards, we will have ten warships a year. After five years, we will have at least 40 main battleships.Although Zheng Zhilong has many ships, he does not have so many main battleships. "

(Note: The ships at this time were made of wood. As long as there are wood and boatmen, it is not difficult for one shipyard to build two warships. The shipyard built by Zheng Zhilong in his hometown in Shijing Township, Nan'an, Quanzhou can build three to five large military and merchant ships a year. And also repair dozens of ships.)
Sun Chuanting shook his head and said, "Marshal, I made a conservative estimate. It would take at least 20 taels of silver to build a large warship plus weapons. It will cost tens of millions of taels of silver. According to Daming's current financial resources, I am afraid that it will not be able to build it."

"That's right, we really can't afford to build it now, that's why I said we can't let foreigners participate in the war, and we can't let them destroy Zheng Zhilong's fleet. We need Zheng Zhilong's ships to defend Daming's waters, and we also need this fleet to provide Ming Conquer the barbarians." Li Jing said with a nod.

"But if foreigners join the war, what should we do?" Sun Chuanting asked after pondering for a while.

Sun Meng said, "Hmph! If they dare to join the war, they will beat their mother."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Yes, beat his mother! We will never allow them to act wildly in Daming's territory!"

Looking at Sun Chuanting, Li Jing said seriously: "I know you are worried that we won't be able to beat them, but let me tell you, even if we can't beat them, we have to fight! This is a matter of national dignity."

As he said that, Li Jing suddenly smiled: "Of course, I'm not asking you to risk your life with those foreigners. The heads of those foreign devils are only worth a few dollars, and it's not worth fighting with them. We have to fight the enemy with our strengths." short."

"Use your strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses?" Sun Chuanting repeated in a murmur.

Li Jingjing nodded and smiled: "That's right, but if we want to use our strengths to defeat the enemy's weaknesses, we must first know what our strengths are and what our weaknesses are.

What are our strengths?Our advantage is that the artillery is more powerful than them.Also, our boat is smaller and faster than theirs.

What are our weaknesses?Our shortcoming is that the ships are not as powerful as theirs, and the sailors are all recruits with little actual combat experience.

With our current strength, we are still unable to compete with foreign fleets at sea, so fighting against the enemy at sea is to use the short to attack the strong, then we will use our strengths to lure them to the sea and bombard them with shore bombardment. "

"Good advice, Commander!" Everyone said in unison.

"What's the point, there's no other way to fight like this. The main reason is to save our few main battleships." Li Jing shook his head and said.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Besides, even if we fight like this, we still have to understand the enemy's reality. Don't let us lure the enemy to go deep, and the enemy will attack us."

Everyone laughed at the same time.

Glancing at Ma Wu and then at Zong Chao, Li Jing continued, "It's up to you to investigate the enemy's reality. I guess the first to join the war were the Dutch stationed in Taiwan. My task for you is to investigate I want to know who the Dutch fleet commander is, how many warships they have, and how many soldiers they have. Only by knowing the actual situation of the enemy army can we make tactical arrangements.”

Ma Wu nodded, looked at Zong Chao, turned to Li Jing and said, "Commander, Yong Chao's investigation of Zheng Zhilong this time has fully demonstrated his ability, and after finishing this matter, those old guys from the Intelligence Department will not be ashamed of Yong Chao." Chao also began to be convinced, I think this errand should continue to be handed over to Yong Chao."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Fifth brother, Yong Chao is your subordinate, you look at the arrangement."

Ma Wu smiled, turned his head and said to Zong Chao: "Yong Chao, since the commander-in-chief has no objections, then you will be in charge of the intelligence work this time, and you will allocate your own staff to set up an exclusive department."

Zong Chao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and bowed to Li Jingchang: "Thank you, Commander, for your appreciation."

He bowed to Ma Wuchang again: "Thank you, Fifth Master, for your attention."

After thinking about it, he turned around and bowed to Luo Yangxing again: "Thank you Brother Luo for your help."

When everyone saw it, they laughed at the same time.

After laughing for a while, Zong Chao bowed to Li Jing and said, "Commander, this time to investigate the military situation of the Dutch, I want to continue to use people from the Ministry of Security stationed in Fujian. These people are familiar with the local situation and know many maritime merchants." , I feel that they can be allowed to enter Taiwan with the merchant's ship and conduct investigations."

Li Jing waved his hand: "The matter is up to you, and you can arrange how to do things yourself. As for mobilizing the staff from the security department to help, you can negotiate with Brother Luo yourself."

Zong Chao nodded with a smile.

At this time, Gao Qi looked at the map carefully, and suddenly said: "I think we should also send people to Luzon, Malacca (that is, Malacca, in the area of ​​the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, which was colonized by Portugal at that time) and so on. Pay close attention to the movements of Francophone countries (Portugal, Spain, etc.).”

As he said that, Gao Qi clicked on the map and said: "Look, these places seem to be far away from Fujian, but if you take a boat, it will not take you many days. Now that we have lifted the sea ban, these countries must want to share a cup Geng, we must prevent them from sending troops against Zheng Zhilong at the same time."

Li Jingning pondered for a while, then finally nodded lightly, turned to look at Zong Chao and said, "Is there enough manpower to investigate so many places at the same time?"

Zong Chao looked at the map, frowned and said: "There are enough manpower, it is not difficult to send people to sneak into these places, just let people pretend to be sea merchants to sneak into these places, what is difficult is that our people don't understand this languages ​​of several countries.

If it is interpreted, it is easy to reveal their identities. If they rely on maritime merchants... most of the maritime merchants have connections with Zheng Zhilong. Once we start a war with Zheng Zhilong, these people will definitely be on Zheng Zhilong's side. Our people also have the possibility of revealing their identities. "

Li Jing sighed and said, "At the end of the day, we have no roots in Fujian and Guangdong. In addition, the intelligence agencies did not expect to learn some foreign languages. We should take this as a warning and train talents in this area in the future. "

Zong Chao cupped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Commander, Yong Chao will do his best to get this job done."

Li Jing smiled: "If you need to spend money, ask Brother Wu to solve it. I guess the money can't be spent this time."

Ma Wu nodded and smiled, "I'll give Yong Chao 1 taels of silver first."

Zong Chao hurriedly said, "Thank you, Marshal and Fifth Master, for your support."

Li Jing waved his hand: "You do things for the country, of course the country will strongly support you, is there any need to thank you?"

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Yong Chao, in this battle, your intelligence department will cooperate closely with the two Sun adults, and all the information should be told to them first, so as not to delay the military situation and delay the battle opportunity."

Looking at Sun Meng, then at Sun Chuanting, Li Jing smiled and said, "Well, let Yong Chao temporarily take up a position in the Governor's Mansion and the Naval Office, it will be much more convenient to do things like this."

Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting were overjoyed, and at the same time clasped their fists at Li Jing and said, "Thank you for your trust, Commander."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, when the general is outside, the king's life will not be tolerated. I am so far behind, so I won't cause trouble for you."

Waving his hands, Li Jing stopped the two of them talking: "Okay, you guys go back now, I will issue the order to open the sea ban in a few days later, you must hurry up and act."

When Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting heard the words, they got up and hugged Li Jing, then they cupped their hands at Gao Qi and the others, and they both left.

Seeing that Zong Chao hadn't moved, Li Jing smiled at Ma Wu and said, "Fifth brother, Yong Chao is waiting for your money, so go too."

Ma Wuwen laughed immediately when he heard this, and waved to Zong Chao and Luo Yangxing, and the three got up to say goodbye to Li Jing.

After everyone left, Li Jing saw that Gao Qi seemed to have something to say, smiled and said, "Brother Gao, let's go fishing."

Gao Qi nodded with a smile.

After walking a few steps, Li Jing suddenly turned his head and said to Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing: "The promotion order and transfer order will be sent out immediately, and Zhou Daqing's transfer order will be sent to him in six hundred miles, so that he can rush to Guangdong as quickly as possible. "

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "Zheng Zhilong's promotion order was also sent out together, but the two of you drafted a new order about foreign trade, and issued it to him together with the ban in a few days."

Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing nodded hurriedly, sorted out the orders they just wrote, and handed them to Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu took out Li Jing's seal and stamped it, Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing quickly sealed the letter, and then sent someone to pass the order.

(End of this chapter)

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