Chapter 48
Fortunately, the distance Li Jing asked them to move was not too far, only more than 20 miles away from the main peak of Hongshanling.

In fact, Li Jing discovered this place by accident when surveying the terrain around Hongshanling in order to draw a map of Hongshanling.

The place is desolate and uninhabited, and the terrain is extremely harsh, but there is a natural cave.

After Li Jing discovered this place, he had the idea of ​​transferring Shen Zheng's family wealth.

However, Li Jing has been busy with various matters since then, and Li Jing is really worried about the newly joined bandits, and he dare not use these people to transfer property.It wasn't until this time that the cottage was facing a major event that it decided to transfer the property overnight.

Shen Zheng led Chen Dahu and others to transport all the silver taels after several times of transportation. After a short rest, he continued to transport the grain.

The sky was getting brighter, and when the last batch of food was delivered, Chen Dahu and others were as tired as dead dogs, and fell asleep when they returned to their residence.

Over one hundred thousand taels of silver were transported overnight, and several hundred shi of grain were transported. Li Jing was already very satisfied with this result.

And that night, Ma Wu and Sun Meng also went down the mountain overnight.

Although I knew that the officers and soldiers did not move so fast, it was better to be prepared in advance than to react hastily.

Gao Qi expected that the efficiency of officers and soldiers in the guards was indeed very low. It was not until the fourth day that news came from Ma Wu's side that the officers and soldiers of Zhangde and Weihui finally started to act.

After getting the news, Li Jing immediately called Gao Qi and others together.

Unfolding the map, Li Jing pointed to the locations of Lin County and Weihui Mansion and said, "Everyone, please see that the distance from Lin County to Hongshanling is about 120 miles. Gao Qi, please estimate how long it will take for the officers and soldiers to reach Hongshanling ?”

"Hehe, the officers and soldiers in the guard station are slow to move, and the mountain road is difficult. I estimate that it will take a day and a half at the earliest to reach the outer edge of Hongshan Ridge, and it will take at least half a day for the troops to deploy." Gao Qi looked at it. Map, thought for a while and said.

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that fighting with cold weapons and fighting with hot weapons are completely two concepts. In the era of cold weapons, the two armies first need to form an formation against the enemy. Even when attacking, the movements are very slow. One is to stabilize the formation, and the other is to save money. physical strength.

But this way of fighting is not what Li Jing is good at, and he doesn't like to fight in this way.Although it has been half a year since he came to the Ming Dynasty, Li Jing still has the combat concept of a modern soldier in his bones.

Moreover, the officers and soldiers were so powerful that it was impossible for Li Jing to fight head-on with the officers and soldiers, killing one thousand enemies and injuring himself eight hundred. Li Jing would never do such a stupid thing.

"Then do the math again, how much time does it take to get from Weihui Mansion to our place." Li Jing then asked.

Gao Qi nodded, pointed at the map and said, "The distance between Weihui Mansion and Hongshanling seems to be about the same, but the road is even more difficult. I believe that the officers and soldiers must come from Qi County. In this way, the officers and soldiers of Weihui Mansion It's about half a day later than that in Lin County."

After thinking for a while, Gao Qi continued: "However, this time the Zhangde and Weihui guards are fighting together, I guess the officers and soldiers from Lin County will wait for the troops from Weihui Mansion. The officers and soldiers of the army will even wait for Wei Hui's soldiers to strike first."

Li Jing nodded after hearing this. This is a problem of coordination. With the current quality of officers and soldiers and means of communication, it is not surprising that such a problem occurs.

Even his subordinates have such problems, but since Li Jing knows it, of course he must avoid this situation.

How to deal with the encirclement and suppression by the officers and soldiers, Li Jing already has a secret case in the past few days, and now he just needs to confirm the action time of the officers and soldiers.

Li Jing's plan was to attack whichever route the officers and soldiers arrived first.

Of course, Li Jing will never confront the officers and soldiers head-on. What he wants to fight is the supply troops of the officers and soldiers, that is to say, the logistics supplies of the officers and soldiers.

Normally, any army attaches great importance to its own logistics.

But this time the officers and soldiers were fighting bandits. From the bottom of their hearts, officers and soldiers looked down on bandits, so they must underestimate the enemy.

Fighting with cold weapons, without supplies such as food and grass, the officers and soldiers will inevitably be in chaos. The result of this battle is self-evident.

However, there are no absolutes in the world, and no one can guarantee whether the officers and soldiers will retreat after losing their logistics supplies. After all, the distance between the officers and soldiers and the garrison is too close. If the officers and soldiers do not retreat, Li Jing has to arrange a retreat.

"Uncle Shen, are the brothers' families ready?" Li Jing looked at Shen Zheng and asked.

"All preparations are ready. According to the order of the head of the family, everyone prepared in secret, and there was no great panic. Now we only wait for the order of the head of the house." Shen Zheng said.

On such a formal occasion, Shen Zheng never used the title of nephew.

This is Li Jing's time to show his authority. By calling Li Jingxian's nephew, is he trying to raise his status or lose Li Jing's face?Shen Zheng would not do such a stupid thing.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Uncle Shen, the speed of the officers and soldiers is not fast, but the movements of our family members are not too fast. To be safe, we have to leave immediately. In this way, when Gao Qi starts his operation, you will organize everyone to leave. The goal is here."

Li Jing pointed at the map, swiped upwards, and then tapped lightly.

"Surrounded by mountains, the roads are difficult to walk. A large number of officers and soldiers will never enter, and twenty miles to the north is the border of Shanxi. Even if the officers and soldiers come in, we only need to retreat a little more, and the officers and soldiers will not dare to cross the border to pursue." Gao Qi looked at it. Seeing where Li Jing pointed, he nodded and said.

"That's exactly what I mean. Gao Qi, I intend to attack the soldiers and horses of Lin County first, but there are traitors on the mountain, and my actions must be hidden, so you have to lead your troops to start operations in advance. Let's use the traitors to spread false news to confuse the officers and soldiers .” Li Jing continued.

"Hehe! Big brother is brilliant." Gao Qi laughed.

Li Jing smiled, his eyes swept over the people around him, the smile on his face gradually faded, and then his eyes sharpened.

"Chen Dahu!" Li Jing shouted suddenly.

"Here!" Chen Dahu was overjoyed when he heard Li Jing call his name first, he straightened his chest and responded.

"You lead the second team and the sixth team, a total of [-] brothers, to follow Uncle Shen. Your task is to help the elderly and children who have limited mobility and not let them fall behind." Li Jing said solemnly.

The second team that Li Jing said were all old brothers from Jinniuling, while the sixth team was composed of old brothers from Jinniuling and several officers and soldiers.

At the beginning, there were only 68 people in Jinniuling, and the six older ones were removed to form the Huotou Army, and the rest formed a total of six teams.

The captain was not appointed when the team was first formed, and the appointment was not started until after a period of training.

These captains are Liu Erleng, Chen Dahu, Zhou Huhu, Chen Erzhuang, Wang Ermao and Zhuzi.Among them, the pillars lead a team composed of the youngest people in Jinniuling.

It's not that Li Jing employs cronyism. Three of the six captains came out with him. In fact, it was Chen Dahu and others who made him look good. These other people knew how to behave and got along very well with the gangsters. They became small captains. The bandits are convinced.

In the Battle of Jinniuling, five people were lost, and several people were disabled. The six teams were no longer full. After Gao Qi and Sun Meng led troops to join, there were fifty more people on the mountain. After the integration, they were organized into ten teams. However, Sun Meng went down the mountain and took away more than 20 people. In fact, there were only eight teams on the mountain.

After the remnants of Boss Zhou's troops were incorporated and the bandits surrendered in the surrounding areas, the number of people on the mountain increased suddenly, reaching more than five hundred.

At this time, the establishment of the team also increased, reaching more than 50.

Of course, Li Jing knew that it was inconvenient for more than 500 people to use the lowest establishment of a small team.Once something happens, it is very troublesome to transfer.

However, Li Jing is very self-aware. He knows that he has not had the experience of commanding too many people before, and in order to exercise his ability, he would rather troublesome, because only in this way can he learn how to control the team, so Li Jing did not Upgrade to a larger system.

Although Li Jing used a stupid method, the effect was obvious.

He memorizes the names of all the team leaders on the mountain, and he has a complete grasp of the training level of each team.He knows exactly which team has the strongest combat effectiveness and which captain has the ability.

It is indeed inconvenient to command a small team like this, but apart from Gao Qi who can command a team of more than a hundred people, Li Jing's subordinates, such as Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng, do not have that ability for the time being.

Of course, Sun Meng also has this ability, but Sun Meng has more important things to do. What Li Jing arranged for Sun Meng to do is much more important than being the captain of a hundred people.

Chen Dahu is the captain of the second team. On the mountain, the higher the captain's ranking, the higher the status.

In the minds of the gangsters, Li Jing, the leader of the family, undoubtedly ranked first, Ma Wu could be ranked second, and Gao Qi might be ranked third.The next ones who spoke hard were Liu Erleng, the captain of the first team, and Chen Dahu, the captain of the second team.

Although Li Jing hasn't upgraded his staff for the time being, he will definitely upgrade in the future.At that time, the top-ranked team captains will definitely be promoted first.

Chen Dahu was the second-ranked captain of the team, and many people took it for granted that Chen Dahu would be the captain of the centurion in the future.

In fact, since Shen Zheng was only in charge of logistics and other matters, except for the old brothers in Jinniuling and the officers and soldiers led by Gao Qi who knew his details, most of the later bandits did not know that Shen Zheng was the God of Wealth in the cottage, so Shen Zheng was among the bandits. The ranking in my heart is not high.

As for the old man Chen, who had already retired from the position of team officer, the later bandits didn't take this old man seriously at all. If they didn't know that he was Chen Dahu's father, they probably wouldn't pay him any attention.

In the minds of the bandits, Chen Dahu is considered the fifth person on the mountain, sometimes even Chen Dahu thinks so.

Chen Dahu never expected that Li Jing, the fifth person in the cottage, would arrange such a task for him.

"What? Let me give it away?" Chen Dahu said with his eyes widened.

"Yes, this matter is of great importance, and I don't feel at ease about using others." Li Jingjing nodded.

"Then can I come back immediately after sending the person?" Chen Dahu asked.

Li Jing shook his head and said: "No! After you escort people to the designated location, you must not move without authorization. If you find a small group of officers and soldiers, you can destroy them if you can. If you can't, you must report to me quickly. My position was not here at that time, but in the Here!" Li Jing pointed to the two locations on the map and said.

Fortunately, there are words on Li Jing's map, and Chen Dahu has learned a few words under Li Jing's supervision during this period, and knows where the two scenic spots in Li are.

(End of this chapter)

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