Chapter 482
"This... I really don't understand what's the use of doing this." Zheng Sen asked doubtfully.

Zheng Zhilong said with a smile: "Li Jing values ​​people's hearts and cares about our Zheng family's prestige in Quanzhou, as long as I obey his orders, he will not order me.

As for his desire to trade with foreigners, I only need to send ships out pretending to be pirates to rob these merchant ships, so as to destroy his order to lift the sea ban, and then I will lead troops to sea in the name of eliminating pirates.

I asked your fifth uncle to prepare more food and supplies in the islands at sea, just to spend time with them at sea, so that we can still earn money, and the officials will also be treated accordingly.

I definitely can't hide Li Jing from doing these things, and there's no need to hide it from him, but at sea, he can't catch me at all. Just bow to me.

Even if Li Jing turns against me, I can drag them to death at sea with the materials in storage.In short, when dealing with Li Jing, there is only one sentence: delay with him! "

"Procrastinate? Can we delay the court?" Zheng Sen wondered.

Zheng Zhilong smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you just now that the imperial court also has a weakness, that is, it has no money. Li Jing is now using troops everywhere, and the treasury is increasingly empty. When the money runs out, that's when he dies."

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's confident look, Zheng Sen felt a little uneasy: "Is Li Jing so easy to deal with? If it is so easy to deal with, can he sit in this position? Could it be that Li Jing can't think of things that father can think of? "

After thinking for a long time, Zheng Sen suddenly asked: "Father, you said that Li Jing lifted the sea ban and opened up trade just to force you to rebel and then fight you? Even if we are completely defeated, what good will he gain? "

"Uh..." Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

After receiving Li Jing's order, Zheng Zhilong only thought about how to protect his own interests, and didn't think about it at all. At this moment, he woke up after hearing Zheng Sen's words.

If Li Jing did such a big thing just to eliminate his own power, wouldn't he be full?

Gently tapping on the table, Zheng Zhilong pondered for a long time, looked up at Zheng Sen and said, "What do you think about this?"

"My boy didn't think much about it at first, but just now my father said that the court has no money, and Li Jing did not hesitate to search the vassal king in order to deal with us. Only then did my boy realize that Li Jing's actions this time may not be just to deal with us. My boy thinks The reason why Li Jing sent heavy troops was actually to prevent us from rebelling, not to force us to rebel." Zheng Sen said.

"If he didn't force us to rebel, why didn't he allow us to trade with foreign countries? Didn't this cut off our source of income? Without money, how can I support so many ships and so many brothers?" Zheng Zhilong pondered.

"Has father forgotten the promotion order that Li Jing sent half a month ago?" Zheng Sen said.

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong took out the order from his pocket and read it again.

After reading it, Zheng Zhilong frowned slightly: "This order seems to be just an ordinary promotion order, but after listening to your analysis, looking at it again, I feel that it contains a deep intention."

Zheng Sen looked at Zheng Zhilong and sighed: "Although these people under my father are in the name of officers and soldiers, in fact the court did not allocate much military salary, and they mainly depend on my father to support them. This army is regarded as the private soldiers of the Zheng family, even we think so.

But since Li Jing came to power, he has abolished the guard post, the local army, and the private soldiers of the generals. What is the purpose?It is to prevent the generals from supporting their own self-respect and not obeying the orders of the court.

And we are typical self-respecting soldiers, Li Jing will not sit idly by.The reason why Li Jing didn't move us in the past was that he had no energy, and the other was that he had no foundation in the south.

But now Liaodong is basically pacified, and if Dorgon is destroyed in one or two more battles, Liaodong will be completely stable.

Last year, Li Jing arranged Liu Erleng and Chen Dahu in Jiangxi and the other in Nanzhili. After a year of operation, the two have established a firm foothold in the south.

Now, Li Jing has the energy and the ability to deal with us.

Li Jingjin appointed his father as General Fengguo, and at the same time made Yin Haier a lieutenant of Zhongwu. In fact, he had already told his father what he meant.General Fengguo, he naturally hoped that his father would hand over the army to the imperial court and at the same time obey the imperial court's orders.

Otherwise, according to his father's rank, how could Li Jing only give his father a third-rank Sanjie?
If the father handed over the army to the court, the court would naturally be responsible for the soldiers' salaries in the future, and the father would no longer need to bear them.

Father, Li Jing will not know that the treasury is in trouble. I guess it is because Li Jing knows that the treasury is in trouble, and at the same time he knows how much money we can make every year, so he opened the sea ban.

Hai'er believes that Li Jing does all these things for one purpose, which is to increase taxes. "

"If that's the case, then why didn't he say so, but instead sent troops to threaten me?" Zheng Zhilong pondered.

Zheng Sen smiled wryly: "Father, if you don't send troops and don't talk about your father, is there anyone under your father who can listen to him? When Li Jing comes back again If you send troops, you will fall behind, how can you be as calm as you are now?"

Zheng Zhilong nodded silently.

After pondering for a while, Zheng Zhilong then asked: "Then how do you think this matter should be dealt with?"

Zheng Sen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It still depends on what the father thinks, how can the child be the master?"

Zheng Zhilong waved his hand: "But it's okay to say, I also want to hear your opinion."

Zheng Sen pondered for a while and said: "In my opinion, Li Jing appointed his father as the admiral of the Fujian Navy, which is to tell his father that after his father handed over the fleet to the court, Li Jing will let his father continue to be the commander of the fleet."

Zheng Zhilong looked at Zheng Sen: "You mean me to hand over the fleet to Li Jing? Fu Song, this fleet has been worked hard for my father for more than ten years. It was built by countless brothers. Father can't bear it! Besides, without this fleet, our family would have no source of income."

Zheng Sen nodded silently. He can completely understand Zheng Zhilong's thoughts. Whoever it is, he is unwilling to give away the family business he has accumulated over the past ten years.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Sen said: "If father is really reluctant to part with this foundation, then he can't do too much. If there is such a day, we still have room for maneuver when we meet Li Jingzhi."

Zheng Zhilong nodded, and lightly patted Zheng Sen on the shoulder: "Father, I understand. First, follow my arrangement, and don't tear yourself apart with Li Jing for the time being."

Looking at Zheng Sen, Zheng Zhilong suddenly smiled and said, "Fu Song, your knowledge has improved a lot. It seems that this book was not in vain."

Zheng Sen said with a smile: "It's not that reading books has improved your knowledge, but that my boy has made a friend. We talk about state affairs all day long, and my boy has benefited a lot."

"Oh? The person you're talking about is the young man who came to you for money more than a month ago?" Zheng Zhilong laughed.

"Yes!" Zheng Sen nodded.

Zheng Zhilong nodded, pondered for a while and said: "I have sent someone to investigate this person. It is true that his package was lost before he came to you, and he is indeed a student of Yuan Shu, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this young man. You and Be careful with him."

Zheng Sen was taken aback: "Father thinks there is something wrong?"

Zheng Zhilong shook his head: "I haven't found the problem yet, but I have doubts in my heart. This person is only 19 years old, and his life experience is limited, but he dares to travel far alone. Why is he so confident?"

Hearing this, Zheng Sen said with a smile: "I once asked Brother Dongsheng this question, it's funny to say, Brother Dongsheng said that when he first came out, he was also apprehensive, and it was not until he got out of Henan and was farther and farther away from home that he gradually began to adapt. "

Zheng Zhilong nodded slightly.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Zhilong said: "With the knowledge you have now, I think you can come out and do something. You choose a big ship yourself, and add a few small boats. From now on, you will be in charge of this fleet."

Zheng Sen was overjoyed when he heard the words: "I want to match the best soldiers."

Zheng Zhilong smiled and said: "Of course, you are now the court's Zhongwu Captain, so of course you must use the most elite soldiers."

Zheng Sen said impatiently: "I'm going to choose a boat right now, um, I'll ask Uncle Shi to help me choose a boat."

Zheng Zhilong smiled and waved.


Shuiyun Pavilion in Xiyuan, Beijing.

Under the gazebo, Li Jing and Gao Qi each hold a pole and are fishing.

But Li Jing's mind was obviously not on fishing, because the buoy on the water's surface shook uncontrollably, indicating that a fish had already been hooked, but Li Jing didn't seem to see it.

"Brother, the fish has been hooked, why can't you return the rod?" Gao Qi reminded.

"This fish is not easy to handle. He is playing Tai Chi push hands with me now." Li Jing said casually.

Gao Qi was taken aback when he heard this: "Play Tai Chi pushing hands with you? What about Zheng Zhilong?"

"Ah? Did the fish take the bait?" Li Jing woke up with a start and hurriedly raised his rod. Unfortunately, after so long, the fish had already escaped from the hook.

Seeing this, Gao Qi shook his head and sighed: "You are the one who wants to drag me over to fish, but you yourself are absent-minded. Well, stop fishing, let's discuss how to deal with Zheng Zhilong."

Li Jing waved his hand: "There's nothing to discuss, Zheng Zhilong did this to drag us down, so naturally we can't do what he wants."

"But now we can't find an excuse to attack Zheng Zhilong!" Gao Qi sighed softly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Excuses, excuses are all people come up with, Lao Sun and Chuanting can't even think of an excuse, right?"

"Brother, you really don't intend to ask about this matter? Are you so relieved of Brother Sun and Sun Chuanting?" Gao Qi said.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Of course don't worry, don't worry that I can entrust them with such an important errand? Don't worry, Fuzhou and Liu Erlang are helping them, there must be a way."

Gao Qi shook his head and said, "What idea can Liu Erlang come up with?"

"Hehe, you are wrong. I guess the person who can figure out a way to deal with Zheng Zhilong must be Liu Erleng." Li Jing laughed.

"No way?" Gao Qi asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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