Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 484 Golden Gate Defense

Chapter 484 Golden Gate Defense
Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

As Liu Erlen said, they were really worried that Zheng Zhilong would harm the local area after his rebellion, because Zheng Zhilong had done such things before.

If Zheng Zhilong really destroyed Fujian or other places, Li Jing would be furious. Even if the two of them were not punished, a charge of ineffectiveness would not escape.If he was charged with incompetence, Li Jing would not be able to use them again in the future.

Sun Chuanting was not very familiar with Liu Erleng. He only knew that this man was so bold that there seemed to be nothing in the world that he would not dare to do. However, Li Jing had great trust in him and repeatedly entrusted him with important tasks.

Originally, Sun Chuanting looked down on Liu Erleng and Chen Dahu. He always felt that Liu Erleng and Chen Dahu were neither knowledgeable nor capable, and that they were able to reach their current position thanks to Li Jing's promotion.

But looking at it today, based on Liu Erleng's decisiveness, Sun Chuanting finally understood that it was not unreasonable for Liu Erleng to be valued by Li Jing.

But if Liu Er Leng is always so impulsive, it is basically impossible for his official position to be promoted.

Sun Meng didn't think much about it, he had known Liu Erleng for many years, and he knew Liu Erleng's character very well.No one could stop Liu Erleng's decision except Li Jing.

With a wry smile, Sun Meng said, "Since you have already figured out the countermeasures, Brother Boya and I will cooperate naturally. Come here, and I will serve you with pen and ink!"

As soon as Sun Meng finished speaking, his soldiers entered the room and began to spread paper and grind it.

Sun Meng thought for a while, and wrote a strongly worded letter to Zheng Zhilong.

Then, Sun Chuanting also wrote a letter to Zheng Zhilong.

After the two sealed the letter, Liu Erlen put the letter away and sealed it, and then called his own soldiers: "Send the letter to the Zheng Mansion in Quanzhou immediately. You tell the Zheng family, I will give them half a month." Inform Zheng Zhilong, half a month later, if I don't get a reply from Zheng Zhilong, don't blame me for being rude."

When the soldier heard the order, he didn't dare to be negligent. He took the letter and led his people to Quanzhou in a hurry.

As soon as Liu Erlen's soldiers left, Sun Meng's soldiers came in to report back. More than a dozen young military officers brought documents from the Military and Political Department to ask to see the governor and General Liu.

"A member of the Military and Political Department? Gao Qi's subordinate?" Liu Er wondered.

The personal soldier hurriedly said: "It's not General Gao's subordinates, these people have met in humble positions, they used to be the commander's bodyguards."

"The Marshal's bodyguard? Was it sent by the Marshal or the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs?" Liu Er was confused.

"How does he know? Wouldn't he understand if he called in and asked?" Sun Meng laughed.

Liu Er nodded in a daze, and waved to the soldiers.

When the soldier saw him, he hurried out and brought the man in.

After all the officers came in, they all saluted Sun Meng and the others.

"Damn it, it's you guys! Excuse me! Tell me, why did the commander send you here?" Liu Er laughed blankly.

"Returning to General Liu, it was General Gao who sent us here. We didn't see the commander in chief when we came." The leading officer clasped his fists and said.

Liu Er was taken aback and said in displeasure: "Stinky boy, what is your name like a general? Why don't you call him uncle."

The officer hurriedly said: "I don't dare to judge public affairs with personal interests."

"Damn it, the stinky boy is promising, and he's talking about business and personal matters with me." Liu Er cursed with a smile.

Sun Meng laughed and said, "You think everyone is just like you, regardless of public and private interests!"

As he said that, Sun Meng took the document from the officer, and after reading it, Sun Meng said happily: "Hahaha, I said that the commander-in-chief will not ignore us, look, didn't he send someone to help?"

"Send someone to help? How to help?" Liu Er took the document from Sun Meng in doubt and read it.

After reading it, Liu Er slapped his thigh in a daze and said, "Damn it, Gao Qi is so interesting!"

The officer smiled, took out a piece of paper from his bosom and handed it to Liu Erleng, "General Liu, this is a humble appointment order."

Liu Er was taken aback and glanced at it, and couldn't help but be taken aback: "Kinmen defense?"

"What Golden Gate defense?" Sun Meng wondered.

"Xiao Yi is hereby appointed as the guard of Jinmen, and he will arrive immediately without delay." Liu Er said in a daze.

Sun Meng was startled and said, "Gao Qi actually arranged for Little Sixteen to guard the Golden Gate? Is that what the Commander meant?"

Xiao Yi was the name of the leading officer. Like Li Dingguo, Xiaowu, Xiaojiu and others, this person was an orphan adopted by Li Jing back then.Since Xiao Yi was ranked sixteenth among the orphans, everyone called him Little Sixteen.

Later, the orphans grew older and always complained that it was inconvenient to rank, so Li Jing asked them to restore their real names.

But people like Sun Meng and Liu Erleng grew up watching this group of children, so they are still used to calling them rankings.

Hearing Sun Meng ask if it was an order from Li Jing himself, Liu Er shook his head in a daze: "It's the seal of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs and Gao Qi's seal, not the commander's seal."

Sun Meng nodded silently upon hearing this.

At this time, Xiao Yi waved his hands, and several officers behind him took out the appointment orders from their pockets and handed them to Liu Erleng.

Liu Er took it in a daze, and after reading them one by one, he said to Sun Meng in surprise: "His grandma, Gao Qi is such a big hand. He appointed so many guards all at once. This is Zheng Zhilong's boss!"

Startled, Sun Meng hurriedly took the letter of appointment from Liu Erleng and read it.

"Good method, this is really going to cut off Zheng Zhilong's way out." Sun Meng said in shock.

Xiao Yi took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and handed them to the three of them respectively: "General Gao asked the three generals to hand over the humble positions. General Gao said that the three generals should choose suitable candidates for these positions."

Sun Meng took it and looked at it, but there were several blank appointment orders, with only the position written on it.

Looking at Sun Chuanting and Liu Erling, Sun Meng smiled wryly and said, "Brother Gao Qi is getting better at being a human being, but I don't know how to repay this kindness."

Sun Chuanting nodded repeatedly when he heard the words.

The appointment orders that Gao Qi sent to them were all garrison and below garrison positions. Naturally, this position was nothing to Sun Meng and others. If they wanted to arrange their subordinates to take up such mid-level and low-level official positions, it would only be a matter of one sentence. , but the premise is that there must be such a job vacancy.

Sun Meng used to garrison troops in Shandong, and since there was no war in Shandong, he only arranged troops to garrison in a few important places, which meant that the positions Sun Meng could assign were very limited.

Because the general (due to the fact that there were too many generals in the Ming Dynasty and the sources of subordinates were extremely mixed, Li Jing canceled the position of the general and changed it to a general, and only one general was placed in each province), the deputy general and the participating general belonged to the general. Only Li Jing has the right to appoint high-level officers, and the governors of the five major military regions and the navy commanders only have the right to appoint mid-level officers below guerrillas. In this way, due to the jurisdiction of Sun Meng, many generals who have followed him for many years have no corresponding positions to arrange. .

Sun Meng has always had a headache on how to place these confidant generals. He didn't want Gao Qi to provide him with several places this time. Although the positions given were not very high, but after all, there was a real job vacancy. It was much better than those people who only had ranks but no positions. .

Like Sun Meng, Sun Chuanting also suffers from the lack of places to place his subordinates. Although the navy has ships, he can arrange captains, but now he mainly has small and medium-sized ships (at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Chinese ships were comparable to those of the Netherlands, etc.) The displacement of the ships of the maritime powers is quite different, even Zheng Zhilong’s ships are not as big as the ships of the Netherlands and other countries).

A medium-sized ship can only carry 150 people. With such a small number of troops, it is the highest level in the army.As for small boats, they can only carry dozens of people, which is equivalent to a hundred people.

Such a level obviously cannot meet the needs, and Gao Qi unexpectedly provided him with a few places for him to place his confidants.

Among the three, Liu Erleng actually didn't need any quota. Liu Erleng was the chief envoy, in charge of local affairs, and he had plenty of confidantes for position arrangements.

Seeing Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting pondering how to place their subordinates, Liu Er snorted in a daze: "Damn it, Gao Qi knows how to be a man. Don't bother you two. I'll give you the places in my hand, but you The two of you will decide who to take up the post later, let's get rid of these boys first."

Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting smiled at each other when they heard the words, and put the appointment order into their arms.

Liu Er looked at Xiao Yi in a daze and said, "How many soldiers did Gao Qi arrange for you this time?"

Xiao Yi hurriedly said: "I only brought my followers, not any troops."

Liu Er looked at Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting in a daze, and said, "Have you heard that, Gao Qi is not so kind, these children need some support from us if they want to secure their positions, but there are so many of them, I don't know With so many soldiers for them, I can only send two hundred soldiers for each of them, and you two can make up for the rest."

Sun Chuanting hurriedly said: "I can't help you with this matter. I have only brought less than [-] soldiers. If I distribute them to them, then I won't be able to fight anymore."

"Damn it, you can't bring more soldiers over here, where are your original soldiers?" Liu Er gave Sun Chuanting a blank look.

"Those soldiers are not used to fighting at sea. Why should I bring them here with you on land?" Sun Chuanting retorted.

Seeing that Liu Erling wanted to say more, Sun Meng hurriedly said: "That's enough, I'll give them three hundred soldiers each. There are five hundred soldiers, and they will be able to hold down those people."

Xiao Yi and others were overjoyed when they heard this, and hurriedly saluted Sun Meng and Liu Erleng: "Thank you two uncles."

"Get lost, little bastard, now I know I'm called uncle!" Liu Er cursed in a daze.

"Hey, Uncle Liu, don't be surprised. Just now we talked about business matters, but now we are talking about housework. Of course we have to call you uncle." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Damn it, it's been less than a year since I went out to practice, and I've learned to be glib, wait until I tell your father to spank your ass!" Liu Er cursed with a smile.

Xiao Yi laughed a few times, and suddenly said: "Three uncles, you have to help with weapons, and don't have too many nephews. Each person can give ten heavy guns, and twenty small guns each."

"Damn it, it's no wonder Er Leng scolded you. How dare you open your mouth? You don't want too much. If you don't want more, you need ten heavy artillery pieces. If you want more, how much are you going to want? I'll give you all the heavy artillery pieces in my battalion." ?" Sun Meng scolded with his eyes wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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