Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 489 Artillery Battle

Chapter 489 Artillery Battle
At this point, the sneak attack turned into a storm, and the storm turned into an artillery battle.

The result of the artillery battle was self-evident. When the heavy artillery on the island roared again, the shore instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames and blood.

The artillery that Zheng Zhilong had just arranged was blown to pieces before firing a few shots. In addition, the ammunition placed next to the artillery exploded, causing even greater destructive power. Countless soldiers died in the explosion of the artillery shells.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being dumbfounded.

How long did it take before dozens of cannons were blown up?

Although Zheng Zhilong felt sorry for the casualties of the soldiers, he felt even more distressed by not losing the cannon.Because soldiers can be recruited and trained, but artillery is not easy to get!

Zheng Zhilong has a shipyard and can build ships, but he can't make guns.Except for the cannons he snatched, the rest were bought from countries such as the Netherlands and Portugal, and what he could buy were not the most advanced cannons in these countries.

Zheng Zhilong can understand this point, because on the surface he is a trading partner with these countries, but in fact they are opposing militarily. These countries will never use the best weapons to arm their enemies.

Just like Zheng Zhilong's shipyard hired foreigners to guide the shipbuilding, he wanted to learn the shipbuilding technology of these countries, but in the end the ships he built were medium-sized or larger ships, and the manufacturing technology of the main warships of those countries was basically Do not teach him.

This time, dozens of artillery pieces were lost at once. If they want to replenish them, those western countries will definitely sharpen their knives and slaughter him.

Zheng Zhilong was in a daze, and the soldiers below were also in a daze.

These soldiers have participated in naval battles before, and the ships of both sides used artillery to bombard them. But today's artillery battle completely overturned their understanding of artillery. Their own artillery did not play any role and were beaten into a pile. Scrap iron, how can this not shock them?
Zheng Zhilong was in a daze, but Lin Shijie was not in a daze.

The middle and senior officers of Li Jing's various units have all received training in coordinated operations between arms, and infantry coordination is a basic subject of training.

The most critical point of infantry coordination is to ensure the safety of the artillery unit. When the artillery moves forward after clearing the enemy's firepower, it must be ensured that there are no hidden enemy firepower around the artillery unit.

The task of finding the enemy's hidden firepower is the responsibility of the infantry. After the infantry has cleared away the hidden enemy troops around and confirmed the safety of the artillery, the artillery will move forward, and then the infantry will continue to press forward.

The content of infantry coordination is difficult to say, simple to say, it mainly depends on the commander's ability to analyze and judge the battlefield.

The commander felt that the artillery had destroyed the enemy's long-range forces, so he could order the infantry to press on.

In fact, it is difficult to do this, because many terrains can ambush long-range firepower, and infantry may not be able to detect hidden enemies. (Note: If it can be found, artillery units will not be destroyed by hidden fire in many battles.)
At this time, it depends on the ability of the front-line commanders to perform on the spot. For the front-line commanders, this is definitely a test, because in most battles, whether they have destroyed the enemy's firepower and whether the enemy has ambushed, whether their own troops Safety all depends on the judgment of the front-line commander, which requires the commander to have a keen sense of smell or premonition of danger, and all those who can do this are famous generals who have experienced many battles.

It should be said that it is obviously a bit advanced for Li Jing to teach the military officers and even the soldiers such knowledge of war, because now when countries in the world fight, they still use formations to face the enemy head-on.

(Note: The infantry lined up in a neat formation to attack forward until the First World War, until the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Germany blocked the frontal attacking British army with a Maxim heavy machine gun every [-] meters. After killing [-] British troops in the attack and causing heavy damage to the British army, this method of attacking in formation completely withdrew from the stage of history.)
But Li Jing knew that the birth of every weapon would change the way of warfare.Li Jing is now using artillery that fires explosive shells on a large scale, and someone must come up with a way to deal with it.

This has already appeared during the Battle of Liaodong. Yue Tuo formulated a series of tactics against Cao Wenzhao's artillery. Although these tactics failed because of the weapon, if Yue Tuo had a weapon with the same power, So it is not certain who will win this battle.

Li Jing taught officers and soldiers this knowledge, not so much to reduce the casualties of soldiers as possible, but to prepare for a rainy day.

Sun Meng's troops had received systematic training in coordinated infantry and artillery combat. Since they had not participated in several decent battles, Sun Meng's troops carried out coordinated infantry and artillery combat more thoroughly.

Troops like Cao Wenzhao also used infantry and artillery to coordinate operations in actual combat, but this troop spent little energy to find out whether the enemy troops around the battlefield had ambushes with long-range firepower and whether they had arranged ambushes, because there was no need for that.

Under the bombardment of the powerful artillery, the enemy's souls had long been scattered, and even if there was an ambush, they would run away in fright.If you still dogmatically execute infantry and artillery coordinated operations, by the time this set of procedures is completed, the enemy will have already run away and disappeared.

However, Lin Shijie hadn't participated in actual combat much, so he still carried out the normative requirements during training meticulously.

Fortunately, Lin Shijie's troops were defending islands, and Zheng Zhilong's troops were landing operations. Apart from the front, the attacking enemy did not need to search around.

Therefore, after the artillery destroyed Zheng Zhilong's artillery moved to the shore, the infantry immediately attacked the remnant enemy in front of them.

And at this time, it was the time when Zheng Zhilong's men were in a daze.

Using a rifle against a broadsword and spear is basically a one-sided massacre. The person killed may not even see the shadow of the enemy clearly before he dies.

Sudden enemy attack, Zheng Zhilong's troops finally woke up, and immediately turned and ran to the boat without saying a word.

It should be said that most of these people would not have been able to run back to the ship if they hadn't just carried the artillery ashore, because the beach just ebbed was not a little muddy, and the artillery was heavy, and it was impossible to carry it ashore on such a muddy beach.

In order to move the artillery to the shore, Zheng Zhilong ordered the soldiers to dismantle a large number of planks from the ship, and row the planks all the way to the shore before transporting the artillery ashore. Now the road paved with planks has become a The passage for these people to escape.

After Lin Shijie's troops chased to the shore, they stopped the pursuit.

Because if you continue to chase, you will be attacked by the artillery on the ship. Before the heavy artillery troops can keep up, the soldiers are trained not to continue chasing.

Seeing such a scene, Zheng Zhilong was depressed again, who the hell still fights like this?These soldiers are simply greedy for life and afraid of death to the extreme!Not willing to face any danger.It is really aggrieved to lose against such an enemy.

Zheng Zhilong wanted to fire a few shots to save his face, but after calculating the distance to the shore, he still didn't make this stupid decision.

Without him, because of the ebb tide, the ships were getting farther and farther away from the shore, and because of the large number of casualties, many small boats had to be abandoned because of insufficient sailors.In addition, when the artillery was disassembled and landed just now, several medium-sized ships could only be stranded on the beach, becoming the enemy's spoils of war.

Zheng Zhilong has fought naval battles for so many years, and he has never been so aggrieved.

Seeing the enemy push the heavy artillery to the shore, Zheng Zhilong's plan to wait for the high tide to pick up the stranded ship also failed.

Under the moonlight, Zheng Zhilong sighed dejectedly when he saw the enemy army waiting in formation, and ordered the soldiers to retreat with flags.

On the way back to the voyage, Zheng Zhilong thought more and more that something was wrong. Judging from tonight's battle, the defenders on the island must have been prepared in advance. After understanding, the number of defenders on the island is limited, and it is impossible to deploy them all around Penghu. Heavy defense, that is to say, the defenders on the island knew that they would sneak attack tonight, so they made arrangements in advance.

But how did the people on the island know that they would sneak attack tonight?
Could it be that there is a traitor?

But who would the traitor be?
Zheng Zhilong pondered for a while, and the name Li Guozhu suddenly appeared in his mind.

Li Guozhu has always believed that he made his fortune by stealing his father Li Dan's property through improper means, and has always held a grudge against himself.Over the years, due to his own power, Li Guozhu has never dared to act rashly. Now that the court wants to deal with him, how can Li Guozhu not seize this opportunity?
The more Zheng Zhilong thought about it, the more he felt that Li Guozhu was suspicious, and wanted to ask about Li Guozhu's movements in the past few days, but he was at sea now, so it was very inconvenient to ask someone to ask questions.

Since Zheng Zhilong suspected that Li Guozhu had informed him, he dared not return to the island where he was originally stationed.

This night they attacked Penghu until the end of the battle, and they retreated in embarrassment without seeing any sign of the Penghu navy. Where will this fleet be?
If they took advantage of their attack on Penghu to occupy the small island where they lived temporarily, set up an ambush on the island, and waited for them to go ashore, and then attacked them like they did just now on Penghu, then they would be miserable.

What Zheng Zhilong was worried about was not unreasonable. When Li Guozhu wanted Sun Chuanting to inform him, he did suggest to Sun Chuanting to set up an ambush on the small island where Zheng Zhilong temporarily lived.

But when it comes to fighting, Li Guozhu is far behind Sun Chuanting.

Zheng Zhilong attacked Penghu at night and was ambushed by someone. Even a pig brain should know that someone leaked the secret. After not seeing his own fleet, Zheng Zhilong must have suspected that he would go to ambush him. How could Zheng Zhilong return to his original small island?
Moreover, he could win by ambushing himself on the island. If Zheng Zhilong found his fleet and fought at sea, especially at night, Sun Chuanting knew that he was no match for Zheng Zhilong at all. Sun Chuanting would never take such a risk.Therefore, Sun Chuanting rejected Li Guozhu's proposal without hesitation.

Even Sun Chuanting rejected Li Guozhu's proposal to turn his back on him and join the war immediately.

Sun Chuanting knew that even with the addition of Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin's fleet, he was still no match for Zheng Zhilong. Instead of confronting Zheng Zhilong head-on now, it would be better to wait for the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

The success of attacking Zheng Zhilong is not great, but there is still a chance of attacking the other fleets.

(End of this chapter)

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