Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 500 The Tobacco Business

Chapter 500 The Tobacco Business
After coughing twice, Li Jing continued: "Besides, Sun Huacheng is very filial. If I don't smoke, I will not let him down."

"Then you can't know that it's harmful to your body, and still fulfill his filial piety, can you? This kid, I'll let Big Brother Sun teach him a lesson later." Gao Qi said anxiously.

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled, "It's okay, don't make a big deal out of it."

But Li Jing finally stopped smoking.

Seeing Li Jing put out the pipe and put it back into the brocade box, Gao Qi finally felt relieved.

But at this moment, Li Jing's heart suddenly moved.

Tobacco, this is an important source of income for the country's finances!

In later generations, tobacco, alcohol, salt, and sugar are businesses exclusively controlled by the state, especially tobacco and alcohol, which contribute to the state's finances every year.

Although Li Jing doesn't smoke, he still knows the price of cigarettes. Not to mention the sky-high price of cigarettes in later generations, even ordinary cigarettes cost several yuan a box. Even the smallest cigarette factory may have assets worth hundreds of millions.

Although tobacco is harmful to people, it is not like drugs after all, and even drugs cannot be banned, let alone tobacco?

Since tobacco cannot be banned, it is better to let tobacco create tax revenue for the country.

However, tobacco planting must be done carefully and well planned. It cannot be planted casually, let alone use fertile land to grow tobacco.

After contemplating for a while, Li Jing suddenly said to Xiao Jiu: "Send someone to call Zhang Ao, I have something to tell him."

Xiao Jiu took the order and told people to invite Zhang Ao.

Seeing Li Jing come back to his senses, Gao Qi said: "Brother, if Brother Sun transfers another five battalions of troops to Taiwan, then the troops in Fujian may not be enough, should we transfer some troops to Brother Sun from other places?" past?"

"Are the troops in Fujian insufficient?" Li Jing asked.

Gao Qi shook his head: "Fujian has a lot of troops, but the original soldiers are useless. When we actually fight, we have to rely on the troops we have trained.

When Brother Sun and Erleng Liu were stationed in Fujian, they brought a total of less than two divisions of troops to garrison various fortresses along the coast. Brother Sun and Erleng divided five battalions of troops into the children, and another battalion was stationed in Penghu. , and gave Sun Huacheng two battalions to sneak into Taiwan.

With this arrangement, the troops in Fujian are relatively abundant, but some time ago Zheng Zhilong raided Penghu, Kinmen and other places, and these fortresses were almost lost. Brother Sun and Liu Er saw that these places were short of troops, so they sent an additional battalion to each fortress.

As a result, Brother Sun and Liu Erlen had less than seven battalions of mobile troops left. If they sent another five battalions to Taiwan, Brother Sun and Liu Erlen would have no soldiers to use. "

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "Our troops are scattered around the garrison, and now we don't have any mobile troops to dispatch. The only way for us now is to draw troops from Liaodong."

Hearing that Li Jing wanted to draw troops from Liaodong, Gao Qi hurriedly said: "Brother, no, Liaodong is not yet completely stable, and the North Korean side is also starting to use troops. The withdrawal of troops at this time may affect the battle situation!"

Li Jing sneered and said, "I originally wanted to smoothly incorporate North Korea into Ming's territory, but these Koryo sticks are too ignorant. Seeing that we have started stationing troops on the North Korean border, they didn't even write a letter asking for it to be included.

Now that we are fighting in two places, the pressure on the national treasury is increasing. If this continues, Daming will definitely be dragged down.

Since the Koryo stick is unwilling to be included, you are welcome.

I want Cao Wenzhao to attack Dorgon's troops immediately, and take the opportunity to wipe out North Korea. All Goryeo sticks that don't obey Daming's orders will be wiped out together with Dorgon. "

Gao Qi was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Brother should have done this a long time ago. In order to wait for North Korea's letter to be attached, our army has been stagnant on the Liaodong border for more than three months, and countless food and wages have been spent."

Li Jing sighed and said, "I have spent so much money, but I have not gained anything. I guess some ministers and generals in the court have a lot of opinions on me."

Gao Qi hurriedly said: "Brother wants to bring North Korea into the territory of Ming Dynasty through normal means, and the ministers in the DPRK and China understand his intentions, so how can they have any objections to him?"

Li Jing shook his head: "If North Korea takes the initiative to attach itself, we will have a lot less trouble in the future. For the future, my approach is indeed correct, but I ignored the current situation of the Ming treasury, and we can't delay it for so long.

Someone in North Korea must have seen this, and they know that we will never allow Dorgon to favor North Korea, and sooner or later we will use troops against Dorgon, so they did not submit a request to enclose it.Damn, I underestimated these Goryeo sticks.

However, we have not waited in vain for the past three months. At least we have surveyed almost all the terrain in North Korea, which will make it much more convenient for us to use our troops. "

Gao Qi nodded: "Brother, I don't think Cao Wenzhao's entire army should be dispatched to use troops against North Korea, with Tiger Head or Dingguo Department as the main force to deal with Dorgon, and then Zu Dashou or Wu Sangui Department as partial divisions to deal with the North Koreans. "

As he spoke, Gao Qi raised his hand and slowly made a pushing movement.

The so-called knowing the elegant meaning by hearing the strings, seeing Gao Qi's action, Li Jing immediately understood Gao Qi's meaning.

"Hehe, that's a good idea. We forced Dorgon to flee in North Korea. We can blame Dorgon for anything that happens in North Korea." Li Jing clapped his hands and smiled.

"The key is that we don't have many troops to encircle Dorgon. Even if the North Koreans know our intentions, they have nothing to say." Gao Qi laughed.

After a pause, Gao Qi continued: "In addition, this way we can free up part of our troops and transfer them to Fujian."

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "Yes, but the Northern Army cannot be transferred to Fujian. I am afraid that these arrogant soldiers will not be under control when they arrive in Fujian. Moreover, these people are not directly subordinates of Lao Sun, so it is not easy for Lao Sun to control them too strictly. , I will definitely have a headache at that time. Why don’t we transfer the Northern Army to the capital for garrison, reinforce the troops in Fujian, and draw from the garrison. Zhuzi once served as the deputy commander of the Liao Dynasty, and these arrogant soldiers dare not be disobedient when they are under Zhuzi’s hands.”

Gao Qi laughed and said, "No matter how arrogant these guys are, under the nose of the commander-in-chief, they have to behave with their tails between their legs."

Li Jing smiled and said, "I'm afraid I can't control these guys anymore."

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Brother, you are joking. There are still soldiers in the army who dare not listen to what you say. The military police who went to Liaodong to clean up military discipline the day before yesterday came back and said that the soldiers in Liaodong worshiped you as a god. They all said that it was in the hands of you." If you serve as a soldier and fight at the bottom, then it is not in vain to serve as a soldier."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand.

Li Jing knew that Gao Qi sent people to Liaodong to purge military discipline, and Li Jing also knew Gao Qi's intentions.

Cao Wenzhao's troops fought so many victories, and their arrogance is certain. Gao Qi sent people down to remediate the arrogance of the Liaodong Army. Let these people not forget that Cao Wenzhao also has a commander above him.

However, Li Jing knew that Gao Qi was overthinking. Cao Wenzhao was very measured. When he formed the cavalry division, he asked Li Jing to send his adopted sons Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo to be the commanders of the cavalry division.
Now Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo have become Cao Wenzhao's most effective deputies, commanding the most elite troops of the Northern Army. How can Cao Wenzhao allow the people below to only know that there is Cao Wenzhao but not that there is Li Jing?Isn't that making yourself uncomfortable?

Of course, in front of other generals, Cao Wenzhao's eyes are definitely higher than the top. After all, in terms of military achievements and strength, the Northern Army led by Cao Wenzhao is the highest.

Moreover, Cao Wenzhao and Li Jing are still future in-laws. Cao Wenzhao sent Geng Tie to Li's Mansion when his daughter was a hundred days old, and the two families have already formed a baby relationship.

With this level of relationship, and the fact that Li Jing attached great importance to Cao Wenzhao, it can be said that Cao Wenzhao was already the third person in the army.

However, Gao Qi's cleansing of the northern army's military discipline was entirely for Li Jing's consideration, and of course Li Jing could not object.

If Li Jing objected, it would be tantamount to telling Gao Qi that he trusted Cao Wenzhao more. Gao Qi did not fight for power or profit these years, and he was at ease assisting Li Jing in managing the army. Li Jing suddenly said that he trusted Cao Wenzhao more. What would Gao Qi be? What kind of mood?
Therefore, Li Jingfei not only did not object to Gao Qi sending people to Liaodong to clean up the military discipline of the Northern Army, but instead strongly supported it.

Li Jing's support for Gao Qi was tantamount to telling everyone that in Li Jing's heart, Gao Qi would always be number two in the army.

Li Jing and Gao Qi have known each other for many years, and they cooperate with each other tacitly, and there is no need to say some things directly.

Seeing Xiao Jiu brought Zhang Ao to Shuiyun Pavilion, Gao Qi got up and said, "Brother, I'll go back and make arrangements."

Li Jingjing nodded, then turned to Li Anguo who was fishing and said, "Your Uncle Gao is going back, you can see Uncle Gao off for me."

Hearing this, Li Anguo put down his fishing rod and ran over.

After saluting Gao Qi, Li Anguo smiled and said, "Uncle Gao, just now my nephew didn't come to greet you, don't blame me. The main reason is that you talked with my father about business when you came, and my nephew came over if my father didn't speak Afraid of disturbing you."

Gao Qi smiled and patted Li Anguo's head: "Uncle knows, come on, let's walk with uncle, are you bored by your father's side?"

Li Anguo glanced at Li Jing, and said in a low voice, "It's boring, but I know my father is doing it for my own good."

Gao Qi laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Good boy! Good boy!"

After laughing for a while, Gao Qi turned to Li Jing and said, "Brother, Mr. Yuan has passed away for so long, and it's time to find another teacher for Anguo. Leave this to me, and I will definitely find the best teacher for Anguo. Good teacher."

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "Then Brother Lao will worry about it."

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Brother's words are off the mark. Finding a teacher for my nephew is a matter of brotherhood."

Li Jing smiled: "In my opinion, there is no need to look for others, you are more suitable than anyone else."

Gao Qi waved his hands again and again: "Brother, aren't you making fun of me? Brother only knows a few words, how can he teach Anguo?"

Li Jingwen couldn't help laughing: "Do you think I asked you to teach him knowledge? I forced you to learn your knowledge. I asked you to teach Anguo military things."

"Do you still need me to teach you about military affairs? Big brother uses soldiers like a god, and brother An dare to fight with an ax in front of big brother." Gao Qi laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't praise me too much. I still have this self-knowledge. How dare I say that I am like a god in soldiers? When it comes to commanding and fighting, I am not as good as my brother, nor is it as good as Cao Wenzhao. Your words make people listen , aren’t you kidding me to death?”

(End of this chapter)

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