Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 502 Negotiations

Chapter 502 Negotiations
Fuzhou Governor's Mansion.

Sun Meng, Liu Erleng and Sun Chuanting sat in the living room without speaking for half an hour.

It's not that the three of them don't want to talk, but they really don't know what to say.

A few days ago, Sun Huacheng suddenly captured the city of Zeelandia, and the three of them were at a loss for a while.

The three of them never expected that Sun Huacheng would capture the city of Zeelandia just before the Dutch sent out the fleet and had no specific movements.

The three of them had no choice but to do what Sun Huacheng did, because Sun Huacheng did this based on Sun Meng's order.

When Sun Meng sent Sun Huacheng to sneak into Taiwan, the order he gave was that once the Dutch fleet left the port, they would attack the city of Zeelandia.

But the three of them didn't expect that the Dutch were so good that Sun Huacheng defeated Zeelandia City in a single battle with such a strong defense.For this result, the three of them were completely unprepared.

The three of them don't even know how Li Jing will react after hearing the news. You must know that Fujian's military strength is already somewhat insufficient to deal with Zheng Zhilong. If the Dutch join Zheng Zhilong's camp, Fujian's garrison may not be enough. use.If this reverses the war, the three really don't know how to face Li Jing.

But how dare the three of them hide something so big?

After the three discussed for a while, Sun Meng wrote a letter to Li Jing, informing Li Jing of the matter.

What the three of them didn't expect was that Li Jing not only didn't get angry when he heard the news, but praised Sun Huacheng heavily, and then ordered Sun Meng to immediately send five additional battalions to Taiwan, and quickly mobilized troops from the capital to reinforce Fujian.

Needless to say, Li Jing's actions alone showed Li Jing's attitude.

Sun Meng, Sun Chuanting, and Liu Erleng are all militants, but now it seems that they are still far behind Li Jing.

Sun Meng flicked the letter in his hand, sighed and said: "General Gao said in the letter that reinforcements and logistics supplies will arrive soon, which shows that the commander is not afraid of fighting, but we can't do foolish things, and we can't just think about military merits." , regardless of the overall situation of the imperial court. We still have to be steady during this time, and we can wait until the reinforcements arrive."

Sun Chuanting nodded and said: "What the governor said is very true. The commander-in-chief will not only take military actions. In the current situation, we will eventually negotiate with the Dutch. I guess the commander-in-chief will definitely send someone to follow the reinforcements. It is to preside over the negotiations.”

"Damn, you guys have nothing to do now, but I've come up with some shitty things. The commander-in-chief wants to set up prefectures and counties in Taiwan, and the officials at the county level below will definitely fall on my head." Liu Er cursed in a daze. .

Sun Meng laughed and said, "Who told you that you are the chief envoy of Fujian? You don't care who is in charge of this matter?"

"You are still the governor of Fujian! I have never seen you caring about Fujian's political affairs, so I let Lao Tzu do the work alone." Liu Er was dissatisfied.

Sun Meng laughed and said, "Don't talk nonsense with me. I, the governor, don't care about government affairs. Anyway, you have been a political envoy in Jiangxi for a year. I have never been in contact with government affairs, and I don't know anything about government affairs. Let me take care of me. "

"Crap, then come to Fujian to fuck!" Liu Er cursed in a daze.

"Hey, the commander asked me to come to Fujian to coordinate the war between you and Mr. Sun." Sun Meng laughed.

"Fuck off, do you need to coordinate?" Liu Er cursed in a daze.

Sun Meng shook his head: "With your temper, if I were not in Fujian, would you be able to cooperate well with Master Sun?"

"Crap! Old Sun, do you think we can cooperate well?" Liu Er turned to look at Sun Chuanting in a daze and asked.

Sun Chuanting smiled wryly and said, "General Liu, if you ask me that, I think it will be difficult for me to cooperate well."

"Your mother, don't give me any face. Well, I won't argue with you two. From now on, I will ignore the military and concentrate on government affairs. Don't bother me in the future. His grandma, who has been in Fujian for so long, should Rectify the administration of officials." Liu Er cursed in a daze.

As soon as Liu Erlen finished speaking, he suddenly heard a soldier knocking on the door and said, "Report! There are people outside begging to see you, saying that they are here at the command of the commander-in-chief."

"Why didn't the commander-in-chief send someone over with the messenger?" Sun Meng wondered.

"I'm sorry, the lower official is weak, so he hurried slowly, but he still couldn't pass the messenger." At this time, a person smiled and pushed the door.

Immediately, the man bowed to the three of them and said: "I am an official, Lin Yuji, and see you, my lords."

"Lin Yuji? But the young secretary of the Honglu Temple newly promoted by the Marshal to preside over foreign affairs?" Sun Chuanting asked doubtfully.

Lin Yuji smiled and said, "It's the official, but the Honghe Temple has been renamed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. May I ask you, but is the Navy Admiral Sun Boya Sun?"

Sun Chuanting hurriedly said: "Don't dare, my official is Sun Chuanting."

"This is Governor Sun, right?" Lin Yuji smiled and said to Sun Meng who was in the middle.

"My governor, Sun Meng, Mr. Lin, you are very polite." Sun Meng laughed.

Lin Yuji smiled and saluted Liu Erleng, "This must be Master Liu."

Liu Er was stunned but didn't return the gift. He looked Lin Yuji up and down for a while and said, "I heard that when you were negotiating peace with the Jurchens, you took the Jurchens' foolishness seriously. You have a lot of eyes!"

Lin Yuji smiled and said: "What do you know about this officer, but you are only following the orders of the commander in chief. I am ashamed to say that the commander asked me to persuade the Koreans to join me, but I failed to do so. I am really ashamed of the commander in chief's expectations. "

"Then you are not in Beijing and continue to fool the Koreans, why are you coming to Fujian?" Liu Er asked in a daze.

Lin Yuji smiled wryly and said: "The commander-in-chief has lost patience with the Koreans, and he doesn't want to procrastinate any longer. He has ordered General Cao Wenzhao to lead his troops to launch a full-scale attack on Dorgon and the Koreans who have taken refuge in Dorgon. The officer is fine now. The commander-in-chief then sent officials to Fujian to preside over the diplomatic affairs with Hongyi."

As he spoke, Lin Yuji took out a letter from his bosom: "This is a letter from the commander-in-chief."

When the three of them saw it, they hurriedly adjusted their clothes and looked solemn.

After looking at Sun Meng, Sun Chuanting and Liu Erleng, Lin Yuji opened his handbook and said: "I order Lin Yuji to go to Fujian to preside over the diplomatic affairs with the Netherlands. I hope that Brother Sun, Brother Boya, and Brother Erleng will cooperate with each other."

After reading, Lin Yuji handed the letter to Sun Meng and said, "Governor Sun, please have a look."

Sun Meng took it and looked at it, then handed it to Sun Chuanting, and Sun Chuanting handed it to Liu Erlang after reading it.

"Since it is an order from the commander-in-chief, if Mr. Lin needs us to do anything, just tell us." Liu Er said in a daze.

Lin Yuji hurriedly said: "Don't dare, dare not, the commander-in-chief explained before leaving that the subordinate officer is only responsible for negotiating matters with the Dutch, and the military affairs are completely decided by the three adults. In addition, the commander-in-chief said that military affairs The three adults know how to do things."

Sun Chuanting looked at Sun Meng, then at Liu Erlen, and said, "Did the commander tell us not to interfere with the negotiation?"

Lin Yuji smiled and said: "How could it be? The commander-in-chief said, let's negotiate with officials, but the three adults need to grasp the direction of the situation."

Sun Meng and the others could not help but frown upon hearing this.

Seeing that Sun Meng and the others were puzzled, Lin Yuji smiled and said: "The three adults only need to listen to the commander-in-chief's conditions to know the commander-in-chief's intentions.

First, Taiwan and Taiwan's surrounding islands are the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and no foreign forces are allowed to station troops in Taiwan and Taiwan's waters.In view of the unrest at sea, the powers of various countries allow escorts in the Daming sea area, but the number of escort ships cannot exceed three.

Second, Ming opened the sea ban and traded with other countries. Countries can send envoys to contact with Ming. Envoys can be stationed in Beijing or in other places. However, countries are not allowed to send military personnel there.Daming is responsible for safety matters.

Third, countries can send trading companies to various places in Ming Dynasty to conduct trade, but they must abide by the laws of Ming Dynasty and pay taxes according to the tax rate of Ming Dynasty.

Fourth, Ryukyu, Luzon, Manga, Annan, Burma, Siam and other countries have been the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty since ancient times. Countries are not allowed to station troops in the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty.If you do not return within a time limit and you are considered an enemy of Ming, Ming has the right to resort to force.

Fifth, when countries trade with Ming, they need to use Ming currency, or trade in gold and silver, and barter is not allowed. "

After a pause, Lin Yuji continued: "The above five items are the bottom line set by the commander-in-chief and cannot be changed. The rest of the details can be discussed and decided by the three adults and the lower officials depending on the situation."

"I don't care, if these terms are finalized, those countries will not be like grandchildren in front of Daming? Can they agree to such terms?" Liu Er was surprised.

Lin Yuji smiled and said, "It depends on the three adults whether you agree or not."

Sun Meng nodded solemnly: "I know how to do it, Brother Boya, you immediately mobilize the ships and transport the soldiers to Taiwan, Taiwan is the top priority, there must be no mistakes.

First, I assigned Sun Huacheng fifty heavy artillery pieces with three thousand shells, and one hundred portable guns with five thousand shells.Wait for the supplies from the logistics department to arrive, and then send a batch of shells to Taiwan.

In addition, I will ask the commander to dispatch a batch of landmines. In short, we must defend Taiwan. As long as Taiwan is in our hands, countries who want to send fleets to our Ming Dynasty have to weigh it carefully. "

"That's right. In addition, Penghu is the gateway to Taiwan. To defend Taiwan, we must first defend Penghu. The military strength of Penghu should also be strengthened. All the major islands should be stationed with troops." Sun Chuanting continued.

Lin Yuji said: "When your lords are ready, you can let the governor of the Netherlands stationed in Taiwan come to negotiate."

Sun Meng nodded: "It's not too late, Brother Bo Ya, let's prepare now. Er Leng, we don't have any foundation in Taiwan for the time being, and all logistics materials need to be supplied by us. Whether we can hold Taiwan or not, logistics is the key. I'll give you one piece."

"I'm going to issue a decree right now. I should deal with the offal that owes taxes and food." Liu Er said in a daze.

"I still have [-] soldiers in my hand, all of which will be assigned to you." Sun Meng said.

"Brother Liu, I suggest you meet Zheng Sen. Zheng's family is in Fujian, especially in Quanzhou. If Mr. Zheng supports him, it will be much easier to collect taxes." Sun Chuanting said suddenly.

Liu Er nodded in a daze: "Zheng Sen is much more sensible than I am, so it doesn't hurt to give him some face."

Seeing that Liu Er was stunned, Sun Chuanting didn't take it seriously, and hurriedly said: "Brother Liu, you must not ignore it. It took a lot of effort for Mr. Zheng to be won by us. You must treat him kindly."

Liu Er was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "I see."

Sun Meng thought for a while and said: "The commander-in-chief once awarded Zheng Sen the title of Zhongwu Captain. This is a casual job. Brother Boya, why don't you give him a real job?"

"A real job? After all, Zheng Sen is Zheng Zhilong's son. His father is rebelling now. It seems inappropriate to give him a real job?" Liu Er was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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