Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 504 Teacher's Choice

Chapter 504 Teacher's Choice
Lin Yuji smiled and said: "I also heard that the commander-in-chief handed over the young master to General Gao to teach him."

"Huh? Let Gao Qi teach? Why doesn't the commander-in-chief teach himself?" Liu Er was puzzled.

At this time, a person next to him smiled and said, "You don't understand this, do you? The commander is good at strategic layout, and brother Gao is good at implementing tactics. Anguo is still young, so how can he understand the commander's strategic awareness? Learn tactics first."

Liu Er was stunned to turn his head to look, but saw Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting coming in from the side door, it was Sun Meng who spoke just now.

Liu Er smiled and said, "Huh? You two are back, you moved so fast!".

"Can't it be quick? It is related to the commander's strategic layout. If our tactics are not in place, who will be responsible for making mistakes?" Sun Chuanting laughed.

"Don't give me such nonsense, I don't know any strategies and tactics." Liu Er said with a blank stare.

Sun Chuanting shook his head. At this time, he knew that Liu Erlen's speech style was like this, so he would not care about Liu Erleng.

Liu Er was stunned and continued: "When it comes to fighting, I think Cao Wenzhao should be better than Gao Qi, and the commander should hand over Anguo to Cao Wenzhao to teach him?"

"Ahem!" Sun Chuanting coughed hastily upon hearing this.

Seeing the change in Sun Chuanting's expression, Liu Er was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask, when he heard Sun Chuanting say to Lin Yuji: "Master Lin has been working hard all the way, just now we were anxious about military affairs, and we forgot to give Master Lin a rest, no excuse for being rude."

"Thank you, Admiral, for your concern." Lin Yuji said hurriedly.

Sun Chuanting waved his hands, turned his head and smiled and said to Sun Meng and Liu Erleng, "Who will arrange for Master Lin's residence?"

Sun Meng laughed and said, "Let's live temporarily in my governor's yamen. It's just that the conditions here are not as good as those in the capital. If there is anything wrong, please ask Mr. Lin to take care of it."

"Your Excellency Governor is too polite. How dare you live in the governor's office? Your Excellency will just arrange a post for the lower official." Lin Yuji said hurriedly.

Sun Meng waved his hand: "You are a special envoy sent by the commander-in-chief, how can you live in the post house? That's it. Come on! Arrange a room for Master Lin, and then take Master Lin to rest."

"Yes!" The soldiers took the order, walked to Lin Yuji's side and stretched out their hands, "Master Lin, please."

Lin Yuji hastily bowed his hands to Sun Meng and the others: "Then I will retire first."

Sun Meng said with a smile: "Master Lin, rest well, you can go around the city if you have nothing to do in the past few days, and I will be handed over to Master Lin as a personal soldier."

"Thank you, Master Sun." Lin Yuji saluted again, and retreated with his soldiers.

After Lin Yuji left, Liu Er looked at Sun Chuanting in a daze and said, "Why did you stop me from talking just now?"

Sun Chuanting shook his head and sighed: "Brother Liu is so confused, we are not familiar with this Lin Yuji, can we say something in front of him?"

"I'm afraid of him! The Shaoqing of Honglu Temple is just a little official with a big fart. If he hadn't been sent by the commander in chief, I wouldn't even pee on him." Liu Er cursed in a daze.

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "Hehe, Lin Yuji is of course nothing, but what we were talking about just now was the commander's arrangement for the eldest son. You can't say this in front of Lin Yuji. If it is spread by him, especially if it reaches the commander's ears I'm afraid that's not the case."

Liu Er was stunned and said: "The commander-in-chief's arrangements for Anguo are well known, what can't be talked about?"

Sun Chuanting sighed and said, "It's such an important matter for the commander-in-chief to arrange a teacher for the eldest son, how can it be as simple as you think."

"Isn't it just a teacher? What does it matter?" Liu Er was puzzled.

"Let me ask you, why didn't the commander-in-chief let Cao Wenzhao teach the eldest son?" Sun Chuanting asked back.

Liu Er blankly rolled his eyes and said, "Didn't you interrupt me just now when I was asking this question?"

Sun Chuanting said: "Let me tell you, don't say that General Cao's tactical level is only better than General Gao's. No matter how much stronger, the commander-in-chief will not entrust the eldest son to Cao Wenzhao to teach."

"Why? Why don't you use a good teacher instead of using a bad one? Uh, don't think too much, I don't mean to look down on Gao Qi." Liu Er was stunned.

Sun Chuanting smiled: "I know you and General Gao have been friends for many years, so naturally you won't look down on General Gao."

Shaking his head lightly, Sun Chuanting continued: "I'll tell you why General Gao should teach the eldest son, because General Cao is the future father-in-law of the second son."

Liu Er was stunned and said: "Why is it involving the second child again?"

Sun Chuanting said sternly: "General Cao is the father-in-law of the second son. If he becomes the teacher of the eldest son again, and both Master Hutou and Master Dingguo were trained by General Cao, let me ask you, once the commander has an accident, who can tell him?" Compete with General Cao?"

"This... Hutou is Lao Sun's son, and Dingguo was raised by us brothers, so it shouldn't be..." Liu Er said hesitantly.

Sun Chuanting shook his head and said: "I didn't say what would happen to them, General Cao may not have the intention to seize power, but the commander must take precautions before they happen.

You must know that some people's power is actually imposed by others. If General Liu has read history, he will know that there are many such cases in history. "

"I can't even read a few big characters. I haven't read any history books." Liu Er shook his head and said in a daze.

Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Shaking his head, Sun Chuanting smiled and said, "Then I will analyze this matter with you carefully."

Liu Erling hurriedly clasped his fists together and said, "Please give me your advice, sir."

Seeing Liu Erling's sudden respectful attitude, Sun Chuanting was taken aback, and then laughed, "General Liu is so polite, how dare Chuanting be?"

After a pause, Sun Chuanting continued: "I said just now that the commander-in-chief asked General Gao to teach the eldest son to prevent problems before they happen, because there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have good fortune and misfortune. The commander-in-chief did this to prevent any sudden accidents. .

Suppose there is a sudden change in the commander-in-chief, based on everyone's loyalty to the commander-in-chief, they must support the eldest son to take the position of the commander-in-chief, right? "

Sun Meng and Liu Er were stunned and said without hesitation: "That's needless to say? We will definitely support Anguo to take over the position of commander-in-chief. Is it possible that the emperor will return to power?"

Sun Chuanting nodded and said: "It's about everyone's life and death, not only you will support the eldest son, but Hong Chengchou, I, Lu Xiangsheng and others will also support the eldest son.

At this time, a question will arise, with so many generals in the commander-in-chief, who will the eldest son rely on?There is no doubt that he must rely on his own teacher.

General Cao is the father-in-law of the Second Young Master, and Young Master Hutou and Young Master Dingguo were trained by General Cao. If General Cao becomes the teacher of the eldest son and gains the reliance of the eldest son, then General Cao's power will immediately become prominent, and he will suddenly have With such a great power, who can guarantee that General Cao will not be dissatisfied? "

Sun Mengwen said solemnly: "So the commander-in-chief will never let Cao Wenzhao be the teacher of Anguo, and the only one who can be the teacher of Anguo is Gao Qi."

Sun Chuanting nodded and said: "Yes, although you are all old brothers of the Marshal, General Gao has the highest prestige among you old brothers, and his ability is also the strongest among you old brothers.

General Cao has made outstanding military exploits, and only General Gao can stand up to him.Let General Gao be the teacher of the eldest son, and there will be no situation where one family dominates the army.Even if something happens to the commander-in-chief, there will be no trouble in the army.

Moreover, General Gao is indifferent to fame and fortune. Although he is in a high position, he never uses power for personal gain. This is also the reason why the commander-in-chief appointed General Gao as the teacher of the eldest son. "

Sun Meng and Liu Er stared blankly at each other, and nodded silently at the same time.
As Li Jing's most capable assistant, Gao Qi really doesn't value power very much.

Because Gao Qi has no real direct subordinates, if there are any, only Zhang Chu can barely be counted.

In fact, Sun Meng is Zhang Chu's old superior, including Zhou Daqing, who are all Sun Meng's old subordinates, and now that Sun Hutou has suddenly emerged, in fact, Gao Qi's personal strength is not as good as Sun Meng's.

But Sun Meng's ability is slightly inferior to Gao Qi's, and Sun Meng is not with Li Jing all the year round, so his prestige is not as good as Gao Qi's.

The remaining Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng, and Chen Guozhu were either lacking in ability or having slightly lower qualifications, and they were not strong enough to compete with Cao Wenzhao.

Seeing that the two were silent, Sun Chuanting sighed and said: "It seems normal for the commander in chief to arrange a teacher for the eldest son, but there is a deep intention in it. It is already a bit inappropriate for the three of us to talk in private, so how can we talk about it in front of you?" Lin Yuji's face-to-face discussion?"

Liu Erlen nodded repeatedly when he heard the words: "I said why Master Sun suddenly stopped me from speaking just now, that's why."

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "The intention of the commander-in-chief can actually be understood by anyone with a discerning eye, but it is one thing to understand it, and another thing to say it. Mr. Liu is the commander-in-chief's confidant, let alone talk about the commander-in-chief in private. Intentions, especially not in front of outsiders."

Liu Er was taken aback when he heard this, he cupped his fists at Sun Chuanting and said, "Thank you for your guidance, sir."

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "Master Liu is a man of temperament, he can say whatever comes to mind? But Chuanting wants to remind Master Liu not to talk casually about some of the commander's arrangements. Let's just do the things assigned by the commander with our hearts. To do the job well is to relieve the commander in chief.”

"What Master Sun said is very true, Er Leng has been taught." Liu Er Leng saluted again.

Sun Chuanting smiled: "Master Liu is too polite, the three of us are now grasshoppers on the same rope, and we should work together."

"Yes! Yes! If Master Sun needs someone from Liu to do anything, even if you tell him to do so, Mr. Liu will never say anything." Liu Erleng said hastily.

Sun Chuanting's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Is this true?"

Liu Er laughed blankly and said, "There is absolutely no falsehood."

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "Hehe, speaking of it, I really want to ask Mr. Liu for something, but I have always been embarrassed to ask. Since Mr. Liu is so bold, then I am not hypocritical. I would like to ask Mr. Liu to temporarily release the dozens of heavy artillery pieces under his command. Lend it to me."

"Why do you need so many heavy guns?" Liu Er wondered.

Sun Chuanting sighed and said: "Some time ago I captured several warships. Master Liu also knows that fighting at sea depends on artillery. If there is no artillery on the ship, there is no combat effectiveness. But now I don't have artillery to install on the ship. I don’t know how long it will take, I can’t just sit and watch some ships being unusable, can I? Master Liu still has more than 40 heavy cannons in his hand, why don’t you just lend them to me first?”

(End of this chapter)

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