Chapter 509
Even if Li Jing travels lightly, he still needs to prepare a lot of things, and he can't leave in a day or two.

Especially before Li Jing left, he had to explain a lot of things, such as handing over military affairs to Gao Qi.

Because there are many things in the army that are not under the control of Gao Qi, such as the equipment department and the logistics department are not under Gao Qi's management. Now that Gao Qi is in charge of the overall affairs of the army, the people below must know this order, otherwise , These departments that are not under the control of Gao Qi do not know that they should report to Gao Qi now.

Similarly, the cabinet members and heads of various ministries also have their own division of labor. In the past, Li Jing was in charge of the general manager. Now that Li Jing has left Beijing, it is necessary to arrange for someone who can take overall responsibility.

These arrangements are the same as when the emperor travels and arranges for the prince to supervise the country.

However, in the nearly 300 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, few emperors left Beijing.In addition to Ming Chengzu Zhu Di's five northern expeditions to Mongolia, Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji personally conquered his uncle Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's rebellion, and Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen and Ming Wuzong Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao who led to the Wumubao change.

Zhu Di went out to fight, and it was the prince Zhu Gaochi who supervised the country.

Zhu Zhanji went out to conquer the rebellion of his uncle Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu. At that time, Zhu Zhanji had just become emperor for a few days. In order to show his confidence in winning, he did not arrange to supervise the country.

Zhu Qizhen went to war. The prince was only three years old and could not supervise the country. It was his younger brother Zhu Qiyu who supervised the country. Later Zhu Qizhen was captured, and Zhu Qiyu was elected emperor by the ministers.

After the Ming Dynasty, the reason why the emperors did not dare to leave the capital lightly was thanks to Zhu Qizhen. The change of Tumubao and the capture of the emperor was a great shame. If it were not for Yu Qian's efforts to turn the tide, it is estimated that Ming Dynasty would have died 100 years in advance.

After fighting there, if the emperor wanted to go out of Beijing again, no matter whether he was a civil servant or a general, he firmly disagreed.

However, there is still an emperor who left Beijing twice, and this is Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Zhengde.

The first time Emperor Zhengde left Beijing was sneaking out. He ran outside the Great Wall, and then fought against the Mongols in Xuanfu and Datong.

Because Zhu Houzhao's behavior was too bad, civil servants were extremely dissatisfied with Zhu Houzhao's behavior. Although Zhu Houzhao won the battle, the historian tried his best to discredit Zhu Houzhao's credit when recording this period of history.But Zhu Houzhao saw that his goal of leading troops to fight had been achieved and his interest was satisfied, so he didn't care about the civil servant's approach.

The second time Zhu Houzhao went out of Beijing, it was the rebellion of King Ning in Jiangxi. Under Jiang Bin's instigation, Zhu Houzhao drove himself to conquer. After being suppressed, Zhu Houzhao finally led his troops to the south for a tour, spending countless money and food.

However, Zhu Houzhao was almost plotted by Jiang Bin on the way back to Beijing. Although he was able to escape in the end, he fell ill after returning to Beijing and died soon after.However, Emperor Zhengde left Beijing twice. Since he had no son, no one supervised the country both times.If Emperor Zhengde had an accident outside, Daming would be in chaos again.

It can be seen from this that the emperor's departure from Beijing is of great importance and must not be taken lightly.

Fortunately, Li Jing was not the real emperor after all, so there was no need to trouble him.

The only trouble is who will take care of Li Jing's daily life on the road.

If it was a normal tour, then Li Jing would definitely bring Shen Ying with her. This was Shen Ying's due status and respect as a proper wife.

But Li Jing's trip to Fujian was not on a tour this time. The trip was very urgent and the road was inevitably bumpy.

Li Jing and Shen Ying were deeply in love with each other, so naturally they were reluctant to bear Shen Ying's bumpy and tiring journey. If she didn't take Shen Ying with her, she couldn't take Zhu Huiyu with her, that would be a disrespect to Zhu Huiyu.

Although Zhu Huiyu was a concubine, she was born as a princess after all, and Li Jing couldn't treat her like a servant girl.Even if Zhu Huiyu was willing to go to Fujian with Li Jing, Li Jing couldn't take her there.

The rest are Xiaodie, Xiaozhu and Chen Yuanyuan.

Since Li Jing insisted on guarding the system for Yuan Keli and did not formally marry Chen Yuanyuan, Chen Yuanyuan's current status as a concubine is still false.Except for the people in the mansion and Li Jing's closest subordinates who knew that Chen Yuanyuan was Li Jing's Zhunru wife, Chen Yuanyuan was still a maid in the eyes of outsiders.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Jing to take out a woman who has no name or relationship with him. As for taking out a woman in the name of a maid, it is even more inappropriate. If it spreads out, it will affect Li Jing's reputation.

The most suitable ones are of course Xiaodie and Xiaozhu.

These two were originally servant girls, and they were able to achieve their current status only because of Shen Ying, Zhu Huiyu and Li Jing's promotion.

The two of them took care of Li Jing on the road, which was exactly what they should do.

But Kocho is now pregnant.

Li Jing still likes this little girl who has been married to Shen Ying for many years. For so many years, Xiaodie has devoted herself to Shen Ying, and she has fulfilled her responsibility as a maid and concubine to Li Jing. Before, Xiaodie could even be a half-lady in the Li family.

In the past few years, Xiaodie has been taking care of the child. Li Jing rarely has the opportunity to have sex with Xiaodie. Now that the child has grown up, Xiaodie has grown from a young girl to a young woman. Li Jing does not want Xiaodie to follow her. In his whole life, he didn't even have a child in the end, so after Shen Ying and others came to Beijing, Li Jing increased the number of times he spent the night at Xiaodie's place.

Xiaodie lived up to Li Jing's wishes, and finally became pregnant, and is now in the stage of embarrassment.

Xiao Die was pregnant and naturally couldn't accompany her, so the rest was Xiao Zhu.

But to take Xiaozhu out, Li Jing had to say hello to Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu, which was also a respect for his wife and Xiaozhu's mistress.

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed lightly, the family has too many people, and things are not easy to handle!
Li Jing walked into Shen Ying's room slowly, but found that there was no one in the room.

Li Jing's female relatives are relatively harmonious. Usually in the afternoon, several women will gather in Shen Ying's room to help Shen Ying with some housework and to help Shen Ying with business matters.

But Li Jing walked around Shen Ying's room, but he didn't even see a maid. Li Jing couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, so he had no choice but to go to Zhu Huiyu's place, but he didn't want Zhu Huiyu's room to be alone.

Shaking his head, Li Jing had no choice but to go to Xiaodie's room. Xiaodie is pregnant, so she must be in the room, right?
Walking out of Zhu Huiling's courtyard, passing through several pavilions, she came to Xiaodie's courtyard, and before entering the door, she heard a chattering sound in the courtyard.

Li Jing couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard that, it turned out that Shen Ying and others were with Xiaodie.

Coughing lightly, Li Jing slowly pushed open the courtyard door.

"Oh, the master is back!" a maid exclaimed.

Li Jing smiled, only the youngest Dong Bai would call out like that.

Hearing Dong Bai's exclamation, Shen Ying and others hurried over: "I have seen the master."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "My family, don't be so polite."

Shen Ying smiled and said, "Today the sun came out in the west, and the master is actually going home at this time."

Li Jing smiled bitterly and said: "I also want to accompany Madam often, but I am busy with work, please forgive me."

Shen Ying smiled and said: "I understand it, I was just joking with the master."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Aren't you all in your room at this time? Why did you come to Xiaodie today?"

Shen Ying said with a smile: "Miss Xiaodie is a bit sick today, I will come over with my sister to have a look."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Thank you Madam."

Shen Ying shook her head and said with a smile: "What's so hard about being a concubine? It's hard work for Xiaodie to add children to the Li family."

Li Jing smiled and said: "If you talk about adding children to the Li family, Madam gave birth to two children for Li Jing, of course the hardest work."

Turning his head to Zhu Huiyu, he said, "There's also Huiyu, Xiaoer is lively by nature, even more mischievous than Anguo was back then, Huiyu must be suffering from headaches every day."

Zhu Huiyu laughed and said, "Hehe, Xiao Er is naughty, and the most troublesome thing is my sister. Xiao Er pesters my sister every day, and my sister can't handle many things."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Really? If you're too naughty, you should get a spanking."

Zhu Huiling stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, glanced at Shen Ying and said, "Who dares! Last time I scolded Xiaoer a few words, I was scolded by my sister. Spanking? I can't be scolded to death by my sister." !"

Li Jing looked at Shen Ying with a smile and shook his head: "That's not okay, you can't spoil the child too much."

Shen Ying said with a smile: "Xiao Er is still young, it doesn't matter to be petted, our eldest is almost spoiled by my younger sister."

Li Jing couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, pointing to Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu, he said, "You two will be brought up by your son!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Shaking his head, Li Jing walked up to Xiaodie and said: "Xiaodie, you have to fight, give birth to a girl, don't give me another bastard overlord, I have these two sons and my head is already as big as a fight."

Xiaodie said with a bitter face: "It seems that this matter can't be decided by the concubine, it depends on God's will."

Li Jing smiled and patted Xiaodie's hand lightly and said, "I'm just joking with you, don't think too much, girls and boys are all my Li Jing's children, I will definitely treat them equally."

Xiaodie nodded and said in a low voice: "I am trying to give birth to a daughter for the master."

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahaha, sour and spicy girl, then you should eat more spicy food!"

Li Jing said that he hoped that Xiaodie would have a daughter, but he was not joking with Xiaodie. Xiaodie is a concubine, and the remaining son is a concubine. The concubine has far less status than a daughter in the family. This is the rule at this time. can change.

Even the emperor's family is the same. If the queen has a son, the status is far higher than that of the concubine's son. The eldest son of the queen is basically a prince, and the rest of the sons are more respected than the son of the concubine.

But daughters are different. Daughters born to side concubines have the same status as daughters born to queens. They are both princesses, and their treatment is almost the same.

Everyone laughed for a while, and Shen Ying asked: "The master came back so early today, there must be something wrong?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "I'm planning to go to Fujian these two days. I didn't intend to take my family with me, but my father-in-law said that I need someone to take care of me on the way. I'm thinking about taking Xiaozhu with me, so I came back to discuss with my wife."

"Is it because of Zheng Zhilong?" Shen Ying asked.

Li Jing sighed and said, "Yes! Zheng Zhilong has taken over Manlajia and blocked the passage of Daming's maritime trade."

"Manlajia? Where is that?" Shen Ying asked doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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