Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 514 The Inferiority of Literati

Chapter 514 The Inferiority of Literati

"I think this clock may not be sold enough in Daming, so is it necessary to sell it abroad?" Zhu Youjian asked doubtfully.

Li Jing smiled and said, "You're right. In China alone, we don't produce enough clocks to sell. But..."

Li Jing shook his head lightly and continued: "However, some things are not as simple as you imagined. You should know that the biggest reason why our Daming's finances are so tight is that Daming's silver stock is insufficient. The country does not have silver, you It's useless to talk about it.

You know I've been trying to push paper money, but why is it so hard to push paper money?It is because Daming's treasury does not have enough silver reserves.

We sold things to rich domestic merchants, and indeed we were able to recover some of the hidden silver among the people, but more of it was just for circulation, and in fact, the amount of money in Ming Dynasty did not increase.

But selling to foreign countries is different.Even if we only sell one tael of silver, the silver of Daming will increase by one tael, and the country will have an additional tael of silver in its reserves, and we can issue more banknotes of one tael of silver.

When I say that, you should understand why I want to sell things to foreign countries, right? "

Zhu Youjian sighed softly and said, "You can always think of Daming's national interests when you are doing business. We, Daming, are under your control, and we will definitely revive our former prestige."

"There is a long way to go!" Li Jing sighed.

After feeling emotional for a while, Li Jing smiled and said, "It's rare for the emperor to come here, so why don't you have dinner at my house tonight?"

"I'm afraid to trouble my sister-in-law." Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

"What's the trouble? We're not outsiders, is Huilao your sister?" Li Jing smiled.

Zhu Youjian shook his head again and again when he heard the words, and said, "It's thanks to you that I'm with you! In terms of personal relationship, I call you elder brother, and in terms of family relationship, you are my brother-in-law, alas!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "What are you feeling? You are younger than me, so you come to take advantage of me, and I can't say no?"

Zhu Youjian laughed when he heard the words: "Hahaha, that's very true!"

Li Jing stood up and said, "Let's go!"

Turning around, he said to the maid behind him: "Tell Xiaodie that we are going back, and let her pay attention to her body."

"Yes! Master." The maid hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand and took Zhu Youjian and Ma Wu back to his yard.

As soon as he entered the living room, the guard reported: "Commander, Fang Yizhi brought it here."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Call in."

After a while, the guards walked in with a young man of medium build and handsome appearance, about 27 or [-] years old.

Seeing three people sitting in the room, the young man was stunned and at a loss for a while.

Li Jing smiled: "You are Fang Yizhi? Haven't met the emperor yet?" He pointed at Zhu Youjian.

Fang Yizhi was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Zhu Youjian: "Caomin Fang Yizhi has seen the emperor."

Zhu Youjian waved his hands and said with a smile: "Duke Xingguo issued a decree a long time ago. In the future, except for the relatives and teachers of heaven and earth, there is no need to kneel down. You can get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Fang Yizhi said.

As he spoke, he turned to Li Jing and bowed, "Fang Yizhi, the late student, has met Lord Shoufu."

Li Jing smiled and nodded, pointing to Ma Wudao: "This is Mr. Ma Wuma from the Military and Political Department."

"I've met Master Ma." Fang Yizhi hurriedly saluted Ma Wu.

Ma Wu smiled and said, "There's no need to be too polite."

Pointing to the chair, Li Jing said, "Don't be restrained, just sit and talk."

Fang Yizhi hurriedly said: "In front of the emperor and the two lords, there is no place for late students."

Li Jing picked up Fang Yizhi's file, opened it, glanced at it and said with a smile, "People call you Tongcheng crazy student, but I don't think you are crazy!"

Fang Yizhi hurriedly said: "In front of the emperor and Lord Shoufu, how dare late students be arrogant."

Li Jingjing nodded: "It's good to know the depth and etiquette."

Seeing Fang Yizhi's reserved expression, Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, someone recommended you in front of me, that's why I called you here for a meeting."

Fang Yizhi hurriedly said: "I wonder which adult promoted the late student?"

"Hehe, it's not any adult, but a maid in my house." Li Jing smiled.

Fang Yizhi was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Although Wan Sheng is frivolous, he would never dare to seduce the maids in the Lord's mansion. Please learn from me."

Li Jing couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and shook his head: "You have to be able to seduce her away, and save me from arranging a marriage for her. You should know this maid in my house, and even if you don't, you should have heard of her. Yang love."

"Yang Ai?" Fang Yizhi was startled, thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "Wansheng has never heard of this name."

Li Jingqi said: "No way? Yang Ai herself said that she is familiar with Zhang Pu, Chen Zilong and others, and often sings in poetry. How come you haven't heard of her?"

"I'm familiar with Zhang Pu and Chen Zilong, and they often sing along with poems and prose. Could it be Miss Liu that your lord is talking about?" Fang Yizhi asked doubtfully.

Li Jing patted his forehead: "Yes, when Chen Dahu sent someone to send her to Beijing, he seemed to have said that her surname was Liu, but when I asked her, she said her name was Yang Ai."

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said: "I think her real name is Yang Ai, but she dare not use her own name when she comes to my residence."

"Could it be that the Chen Dahu that your excellency mentioned just now is the chief envoy of Zhejiang, Mr. Chen?" Fang Yizhi asked.

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's him."

Fang Yizhi said: "Last year when Mr. Chen was the chief envoy of Southern Zhili, he took four women away from the Qinhuai River, saying that they were given to Mr. Shoufu. These four women were all well-known in the Qinhuai area. But Liu Rushi is the only girl who has had a lot of connections with Zhang Pu and Chen Zilong. Since she is the maid given to Lord Shoufu by Mr. Chen, and she is familiar with Zhang Pu and Chen Zilong, it must be Miss Liu."

Li Jing looked at Fang Yizhi, with a playful smile on his face: "Are you trying to tell me secretly that this Yang Ai was obtained by force from Chen Dahu?"

Fang Yizhi hurriedly said: "Wan Sheng dare not, but Mr. Chen's move has had a great repercussions in the south of the Yangtze River, and his official reputation has been greatly damaged."

Li Jing smiled: "There must be some people who say that I sent people to the brothel song shop to force prostitutes, and it is shameless, right?"

Fang Yizhi was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't have to hide it for others. I know a little about the temperament of you literati. Everyone claims to be a literary talent, and they obviously want to have sex with prostitutes for fun, but under the banner of reciting poems against others. Composing and reciting poems in front of the girl, or criticizing the current situation, showing off one's talent and learning, in order to impress the girl's heart. To put it bluntly, I just don't want to pay the money.

Yang...Liu Rushi, a young, beautiful and literary brothel girl, is exactly the target of these literati.

I don't want Chen Dahu to send someone to take these girls away forcibly, these literati are naturally outraged, I don't need to listen, I know what they will say.

After they learned that these women were sent to the capital and sent to my residence, they thought it was my order, needless to say, naturally all kinds of scolding followed.

The inferiority of literati has lasted for hundreds of years, and there is no need for me to be angry with them, otherwise, how could they be so stable? "

"Ah!" Hearing what Li Jing said, Fang Yizhi was stunned.

Fang Yizhi wanted to argue for the literati, but after thinking about Li Jing's words, he suddenly found that what Li Jing said seemed to be true.

Seeing that Fang Yizhi was speechless, Zhu Youjian laughed and said, "Do you think that Duke Xingguo speaks bluntly, talking about you and me, like an ordinary commoner, and you think that Duke Xingguo has no knowledge?"

Fang Yizhi was noncommittal, apparently acquiescing to Zhu Youjian's words.

Zhu Youjian shook his head and said with a smile: "Hehe, in fact, Duke Xingguo has read more books than you. You may not know that Duke Xingguo is a student of Duke Jiehuan. He is a proud disciple of Duke Jiehuan. He has read more books than you few?

Do you think that Duke Xingguo is like those literati who have nothing to do all day long, and when he has nothing to say, he has to think about the source of allusions when he says a word.

How many major events does Xing Guogong have to deal with every day?How many people do you want to meet?How can I have time to ponder what allusions are?Xing Guogong speaks straightforwardly, and everyone can understand it as soon as he hears it, which saves a lot of time.

As for Duke Xingguo not claiming to be an official, he did not want to use his official position to oppress others, so that everyone can speak freely.

You people, if you can put your mind to a serious place, why would Duke Xing Guo go to such lengths to find talents? "

After being taught a lesson by Zhu Youjian, Fang Yizhi's face turned red and then turned pale. After a while, he bowed to Zhu Youjian: "What the emperor taught is that the students know their mistakes."

After speaking, he saluted Li Jingshen again: "The students don't know the deep meaning of Mr. Shoufu, please forgive me."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "The emperor's words just now are flattering me, I really am not as knowledgeable as you people."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "What I said just now is from the heart. If you want to say that reciting poems is right, you may not be as good as them, but when it comes to governing the country, who in Ming Dynasty has your ability?

I have been on the throne for ten years, except for winning Wei Zhongxian, which is regarded as my political achievement, the rest can be said to be nothing.But you, you have only been in power for a year and a few months, and Daming has undergone earth-shaking changes.May I ask, who else in Daming can have such a great ability?

What is learning?I thought you were the real knowledge, and these people criticize the current situation all day long, but it's just rhetoric. "

Hearing that Zhu Youjian praised Li Jing so much, Fang Yizhi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Fang Yizhi knew that Zhu Youjian had lost power now, so Zhu Youjian should hate Li Jing so much that he gritted his teeth. Even if he was coerced by Li Jing and wanted to speak with Li Jing, there was no need to be so explicit. It's just flattering Li Jing.

Moreover, seeing Zhu Youjian and Li Jing's close demeanor, they don't seem to be coerced at all. Could it be that Zhu Youjian is really willing to give up the power in his hands?Or is Li Jing's wrist so high that Zhu Youjian even dared to resist?

Seeing Fang Yizhi contemplating, Li Jing smiled and said: "Okay, after talking so much, I think you have relaxed, let's talk next, you can speak freely.

I heard from Yang...Liu Rushi that you are very knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and you dare to speak the truth.Then, can you tell me what other malpractices Daming still has? "

(End of this chapter)

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