Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 520 Assisting Garrison

Chapter 520 Assisting Garrison
After a pause, Zheng Zhilong continued: "Actually, there is no need to worry, Commander. Before next summer, the wind direction in the South China Sea is not conducive to sailing eastward. If the Hongmaofan wants to make a big attack, they must wait until the summer wind direction changes."

"Oh, that's right. I don't understand much about the sea affairs. I just need to ask Brother Zheng to worry about it." Li Jing laughed.

"Don't worry, Marshal, the humble job will definitely fulfill the mission." Zheng Zhilong said hastily.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Brother Zheng's ability is well known to me, but the conditions are tough and supplies are scarce overseas, so it may not be easy to defend. If you have any difficulties, just ask them, and I will solve them for you. "

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Commander! The conditions for Manga are indeed difficult, but there is no shortage of supplies."

Having said that, Zheng Zhilong hesitated for a moment, thinking that sooner or later the incident of his massacre of the city would be revealed, so rather than being known by Li Jing later, he might as well tell Li Jing himself.

Standing up and bowing to Li Jing, Zheng Zhilong continued: "Commander, after occupying Manga, I did something that both humans and gods outraged. Please punish me, Commander."

Li Jing pulled Zheng Zhilong up with a smile and said, "What is the common anger of man and god? Isn't it just killing all the people in Manchuria?"

"How does the commander know?" Zheng Zhilong asked in surprise.

Li Jing smiled: "It's not difficult to guess, your troops have 6000 soldiers, even in Daming, it is not easy to replenish them, let alone in Manga, where you are not familiar with, it is naturally more difficult to replenish them .

Moreover, you have just occupied Manjijia and your foothold is not stable, and powerful enemies look around. If you want to defend Manjijia, you must gather supplies for a long battle, and at the same time eliminate hidden dangers in the city.

Judging from the situation at the time, the most convenient way was to kill all the residents in the city and plunder their food and supplies, which not only supplemented the military supplies, but also eliminated hidden dangers. "

Zheng Zhilong was surprised and delighted when he heard this: "The commander-in-chief doesn't blame his humble job for acting viciously?"

Li Jing sneered: "Those who are not of my race must have a different heart! In the past, Manzajia relied entirely on my protection, but when Daming's national strength weakened and their wings hardened, they did not take Da Ming seriously, like this What's the use of waiting for the ungrateful generation? Do we continue to support them, and wait for their wings to harden and bite us back?
Good kill!And if you do it, it will save my boss the trouble.After all, I am the chief assistant of Daming, if I give such an order, it will damage Daming's reputation. "

Zheng Zhilong couldn't help shivering when he heard this.He secretly said in his heart: "This Li Jing speaks in a pleasant manner, with a benevolent look on his face. I never imagined that he would be so vicious in his heart."

While Zheng Zhilong was thinking about it, Li Jing continued: "This matter reminded me just now, and I have to leave it to you to handle something. After you return to Manga, clean up the local aborigines again. I will arrest all those who can do the work and let them build the city.

I remember that the shortest distance between the two sides of the Managa Strait is only more than 70 miles, right?You build cities in these two locations.

By the way, you don't seem to have anyone who knows how to build a city, right?Er Leng, you arrange for a group of knowledgeable people to go to Manlajia to assist Mr. Zheng in building the city. "

"Yes!" Zheng Zhilong and Liu Er hurriedly said.

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "Well... Brother Zheng's subordinates are brave in combat, but their equipment is poor. This time they are acting in Mansaka, which will definitely arouse the resistance of the local natives. With the equipment of these soldiers, I am afraid that they will suffer a little. Fortunately, Brother Sun, do you have any capable people under your command, let him first lead a thousand soldiers to assist Master Zheng to garrison Manlajia?"

Sun Meng thought for a while and said: "There are a few capable people, but in my opinion, the ability of the people sent to Manga this time is not important, as long as they are stable, if they cannot be released, they will become scattered ducks."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "If you let it out, you will become a loose duck? It seems that you have a lot of thorns under your command!"

Sun Meng laughed and said: "Hey, under my hands, no matter how hard his thorns are, they have to be gathered up, but if they are released, it will be difficult."

Li Jingjing nodded with a smile and said: "Those who can be assassins have some skills. If they are used well, they are indeed much easier to use than obedient people. But you are right, this time sending people to Manchuria is not capable. The important thing is to be steady, and the key is to be loyal to Daming, so would you recommend someone?"

Sun Meng smiled and said: "Brother recommended three people to the Marshal, and the Marshal looked at the choices. The first one was Liu Hong, who was the Qianhu of the Weihui Mansion back then."

Li Jingjing nodded: "I know Liu Hong, he is capable and stable in his work, but I remember he is now a lieutenant general, right?"

Sun Meng laughed and said: "Brother really has a good memory, Lao Liu is nominated to be a lieutenant general this year. Hehe, if Lao Liu knows that Brother still remembers him, I don't know how happy he will be."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Liu Hong is also our old friend, how can I not remember? It's just that I have been busy these years, and he has been working under your hands and rarely comes to Pingyang Mansion, so I haven't talked to him much. We will meet each other, but I will never forget the person. By the way, Liu Hong will be over 50 this year, right?"

Sun Meng nodded: "52."

Li Jing sighed with emotion: "Liu Hong was the first group of people to join us, but his rank is the lowest. It seems that he should be given a chance to make meritorious service and be promoted."

"Then send him to Manga this time?" Sun Meng laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "This time we only sent [-] soldiers to Manlajia. It seems a bit overkill to let him go as a lieutenant general, right? Don't worry, I will send troops over in the spring of next year, and then let him lead the army." Stationed in Manraga."

Sun Meng laughed and said, "If elder brother decides to send Lao Liu to Manjijia in the next year, then let Liu Ming go over this time? They are brothers, let Liu Ming fight for Lao Liu, and then Lao Liu will take over Manjijia. defense is easier."

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's a good idea, what is Liu Ming's job now?"

"It's Mr. Qian." Sun Meng said.

Li Jing sighed and said, "Liu Ming's ability is really poor. With his ability, he can only manage 1000 people at most. However, Liu Ming has been with us for so many years, and he has worked hard without merit. Now he has only been promoted to Chief Qian, which is somewhat unreasonable.

This time, send Liu Ming to Manlajia. You tell Liu Ming that this time in Manlajia, everything will be done according to Mr. Zheng’s orders. I don’t need him to make any contribution, as long as there are no mistakes.Waiting for him to come back from Manga in a few years, and mentioning him as a brigadier general and letting him retire in a good manner, it would not be in vain for him to come back with us. "

Sun Meng laughed and said, "Liu Ming knows that big brother takes good care of him, so he will definitely not regret following big brother back then."

Li Jing waved his hand: "This time Liu Ming leads troops to Manga, and he must bring enough weapons and ammunition. In this way, you equip him with thirty portable guns, plus ten base shells, one thousand rifles, and ten bullets." Base. With so many weapons and ammunition, as long as you fight the enemy according to the method during training, you will not lose the battle."

Having said that, Li Jing turned his head to look at Zheng Zhilong and said, "I asked Liu Ming to bring 1000 people to help you garrison Manjijia, and these 1000 people are under your command. But I want to remind you that if an enemy sneak attack Manjijia , Be careful not to let the infantry face the enemy's artillery, just put the enemy in, we can give full play to our weapon advantages, and annihilate the enemy in the future.

Another point you have to remember is that these 1000 people should not be used separately as much as possible, and can only be divided into three teams at most, that is, at least the troops must have the attack power of ten artillery pieces. "

"Humble job understands." Zheng Zhilong clasped his fists and said.

After a pause, Zheng Zhilong said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have suffered losses under the commander's tactics before. When I attacked Penghu, I was beaten by the commander's troops and failed to find the north. , I didn’t dare to make trouble again.”

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing said: "Actually, this is why I value you. You know how to assess the situation. When facing a strong enemy, you don't go head-to-head. Instead, you look for the enemy's weakness and attack in a roundabout way. "

"In front of the commander-in-chief, how dare a humble officer claim to know how to use soldiers?" Zheng Zhilong laughed.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "Don't say these words."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "When it comes to attacking Penghu, I think of one thing. Brother Zheng captured Manga and later fought against the Dutch fleet. There were many casualties in the army. The families of these casualties have not yet been compensated. You look back and count, I will ask the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs to issue pensions."

Zheng Zhilong hurriedly said: "How dare you let the court spend money, this pension money will be paid by humble officials."

Li Jing shook his head and said, "These soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country, how can Brother Zheng pay for the compensation?"

Seeing that Zheng Zhilong was puzzled, Li Jing smiled and said, "Do you not understand why I don't let you pay the compensation personally?"

Without waiting for Zheng Zhilong's answer, Li Jing continued: "Because the army belongs to the country, not to individuals, if you personally pay for the compensation, then the soldiers are not serving the country, but serving you personally.

You may think that your fleet is built by you, so this fleet is yours, but don't forget, this fleet is under the banner of the Daming Navy. "

Zheng Zhilong nodded silently when he heard the words. He understood the meaning of Li Jing's words. If he really submitted to the imperial court, he would have to hand over the fleet to the imperial court.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Zhilong said: "Marshal, I just said that I want to hand over the fleet to the imperial court. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I know that the court is struggling now, so I'm afraid that I won't be able to pay so much money for pensions all at once. I have earned some silver taels, and have never paid taxes to the imperial court, so this money will be treated as a low-ranking tax."

Li Jing shook his head: "You spent money to build this fleet, and you took the initiative to hand over the fleet to the imperial court, which is your loyalty, but this fleet is your hard work after all, and the imperial court cannot take such a big advantage of you.

How much money was spent on this fleet, the imperial court will definitely return the money to you.Although the imperial court cannot afford the money now, we can pay it back year by year.As for your claim to pay back taxes, I don’t think it’s necessary, it’s just repaying your fleet’s money. "

Zheng Zhilong hurriedly said: "Commander, the humble position has been bestowed with the emperor's national surname, why do you still divide the personal and the imperial court with the humble position? If the commander feels that the humble position is at a loss, then allow the humble position to continue to run business. Maritime trade is huge profits. It will take years to earn back the capital of this fleet."

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(End of this chapter)

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