Chapter 522
"It seems that what the elder brother said is correct, this Li Jing is really poisonous." Zheng Zhibao said.

"At Li Jing's current position, it is absolutely impossible to be a good person. If he does not act harshly, he will not be able to sit in this position. But I believe in one thing, that is, Li Jing really wants to recruit us. After we accept the recruitment , he will never settle accounts with us." Zheng Zhilong said.

"Didn't elder brother say that Li Jing acted viciously? Why do you think he won't settle accounts after the fall?" Zheng Zhibao asked
Zheng Zhilong said with a smile: "It's still because of Li Jing's status. At Li Jing's status, you can't take your word for it. Unless I commit a heinous crime in the future, he won't touch me."

"Yes! If he wants to attack big brother, he will be reprimanded for breaking his word." Zheng Zhibao nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Turning his eyes, Zheng Zhibao suddenly smiled and said: "Brother, in this way, our Zheng family can walk sideways in Fujian again?"

Zheng Zhilong squinted at Zheng Zhibao: "Walk sideways? You don't want your legs broken, just walk sideways."

"I'm your own brother, who dares to touch me?" Zheng Zhibao shouted.

Zheng Zhilong sneered: "Who dares to touch you? Now in Fujian, not counting Li Jing, there are three people who dare to touch you."

"Three people? Who? Sun Meng? Sun Chuanting? Liu Er Leng?" Zheng Zhibao asked.

"That's right, it's these three people." Zheng Zhibao said.

Zheng Zhibao scoffed, and said disdainfully: "You said that Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting are still on the same side, but Liu Erling is like that grandson just now, how dare he touch me?"

Zheng Zhilong shook his head: "Don't look at Liu Erlen as a grandson in front of Li Jing, but that's only in front of Li Jing, in front of others, Liu Erlen is the king of heaven."

Seeing that Zheng Zhibao didn't believe it, Zheng Zhilong sighed and said, "After Li Jing came to power and abolished the post of governor, now there are only four people in Ming Dynasty who hold both government and military positions. These four people are Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng. "

Zheng Zhibao hurriedly said: "I have heard of these four people. Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are both the chief ministers of Shaanxi and the chief ministers of Henan. Chen Dahu is the chief minister of Zhejiang and a general of Zhejiang. Liu Erleng is the chief minister of Fujian. Envoy and General of Fujian."

Zheng Zhilong nodded: "Then do you know why Li Jing only arranged for these four people to have two jobs?"

Zheng Zhibao shook his head blankly.

Zheng Zhilong continued: "Because the task of Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng is to put down the rogues. While encircling and suppressing the rogues, they also need to settle the rogues. Letting them work part-time is mainly for the convenience of the two of them. But Li Jing is worried about them. Therefore, Gao Qi has been sitting in Shanxi, nominally to assist the two in suppressing the bandits, but actually to prevent the two from making any changes."

"Why?" Zheng Zhibao asked.

Zheng Zhilong sighed and said: "Because Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are the emperor's people, not Li Jing's direct descendants, Li Jing wanted to use these two people, but also feared that they had different intentions, so he arranged for Gao Qi to restrain them. .”

"These two hold heavy troops, Gao Qi alone can restrain them both?" Zheng Zhibao asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, so what if you have a lot of troops? What kind of weapons did Gao Qi's troops use? What kind of weapons did their troops use? Remember when you attacked Jinmen? How many, can you attack Jinmen Island?" Zheng Zhilong laughed.

Zheng Zhibao shook his head and said: "Don't mention it, there are still few defenders on the island, and there are only a dozen shore guns. If there are more people and more guns, we won't even be able to go to the shore."

Zheng Zhilong sighed and said, "It is precisely because of our heavy losses in this battle that I turned around and attacked Manjaga."

Shaking his head, Zheng Zhilong continued: "Although Gao Qi's troops are not as numerous as Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng's, their weapons are far better than theirs. In the face of absolute strength, intrigues are of little use. Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are bound to be defeated.

Look at Li Jing's arrangement around the two of them. Shandong is Sun Meng, Jiangxi is Liu Erleng, Nanzhili is Chen Dahu, and even Mongolia is guarded by Cao Wenzhao's nephew. If Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng Wanting to lead troops into Jingqin King's rescue is really more difficult than ascending to heaven. "

Zheng Zhibao was stunned for a while when he heard the words, before he sighed: "Li Jing is really good at it!"

"Now you know how powerful Li Jing is? This man is not as amiable as he appears on the surface." Zheng Zhilong said.

"Damn it, no wonder others call him a smiling tiger." Zheng Zhibao scolded.

Zheng Zhilong waved his hand: "Now let's talk about Liu Erleng and Chen Dahu, these two people followed Li Jing when Li Jing had not started a family, they were loyal to Li Jing, and Li Jing was absolutely assured of them both.

Look at the places where Li Jing asked them to work. Last year, one was in Nanzhili and the other was in Jiangxi. This year, one is in Zhejiang and the other is in Fujian.These are the most affluent places in Ming Dynasty. Li Jing handed over these four places to them, which shows the importance they hold in Li Jing's heart.

You just said that you are my own younger brother, Liu Erlang dared not touch you, hehe, without Li Jing’s order Liu Erlen might not dare to touch me, but touching you is nothing like crushing an ant to him the difference. "

"Our family has been given a national surname by the emperor, how dare he be so arrogant to me?" Zheng Zhibao asked doubtfully.

Zheng Zhilong sneered and said, "Do you really think this country's name was given by the emperor? Without Li Jing, would the emperor in the Forbidden City dare to give our family a country name? He doesn't want to sit in the emperor's seat anymore? Let me tell you, Li Jing is the real Ming The emperor. The country's surname? The country's surname should actually be Li."

"Fuck! Isn't Li Jing playing tricks on us?" Zheng Zhibao said angrily.

Zheng Zhilong shook his head: "Li Jing didn't play tricks on us. He is not the emperor after all. Daming's surname is still Zhu, although this surname is a bit of a name."

After a pause, Zheng Zhilong continued: "I'm telling you this because I want to tell you that from now on, you restrain me a bit, and don't think that your brother is some great person. In Daming, we can't afford to mess with you." There are too many people."

"Hey! If you don't submit to the imperial court, you are worried that you will be wiped out by the imperial court sooner or later. If you submit to the imperial court, there are so many constraints." Zheng Zhibao sighed.

Zheng Zhilong glanced at Zheng Zhibao: "What restrictions can there be? As long as we do what Li Jing said and don't do anything out of line, our family will be peaceful and have no worries for the rest of our lives."

Zheng Zhibao nodded: "Don't worry, brother, brother understands."

Zheng Zhilong patted Zheng Zhibao's shoulder lightly: "Brother, our family has money, and we can't spend it all in this life. Whatever you like, just pay for it, don't worry about it, as long as you don't take it by force." , no one can control you."

"Okay! I see." Zheng Zhibao replied.

Zheng Zhilong smiled: "Go home, get together with your family, don't go out during this time, remind your family members, so that they don't talk too much. Hmm... your family members have no control over what they say, You just say you sneaked back so they don't talk nonsense."

Zheng Zhibao scratched his head, smiled wryly and said goodbye to Zheng Zhilong.


Outside Anhai Town, a group of cavalry escorted a carriage towards Jinjiang.

In the carriage, Li Jing leaned on the soft seat and closed his eyes to rest.

After a long time, Li Jing opened his eyes and opened the curtain of the car.

"Brother, you're awake." Liu Er who was beside the car said hurriedly when he saw this.

Li Jing smiled, waved to Liu Erleng and said, "Get in the car and talk, Brother Sun get in the car together."

"It's fine for me and Lao Sun to ride horses, but I won't get in the car to squeeze you." Liu Er laughed blankly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "When do you want to ride a horse and can't ride it? Get in the car, I have a few words to say to you two."

Next to him, Sun Meng smiled and said, "We haven't ridden in elder brother's car yet, but today we enjoyed it too."

Li Jing smiled and waved to Xiao Jiu, who hurriedly ordered the driver to stop.

After Sun Meng and Liu Er got into the carriage, the carriage started again.

Sitting down on the carriage, Sun Meng looked around and couldn't help but admire: "This carriage is spacious and beautiful, it is worthy of the status of big brother."

Li Jing shook his head: "It's too luxurious. A carriage cost nearly ten thousand taels of silver. It's completely unnecessary."

"Brother pays for it himself, no one else has anything to say about how much he spends." Sun Meng laughed.

Li Jing smiled and said, "If Big Brother Sun likes it, I'll give you one. Do you want Erleng? How about I give your Feng'er one?"

"With Feng'er's body, I guess it will fall apart after a few sittings." Liu Er laughed blankly.

"Hahaha!" Li Jing and Sun Meng laughed loudly.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing patted Liu Erlen's hand lightly, and said with emotion: "Erlen, you are very good! Very good! I didn't expect that you have always treated Feng'er the same for so many years. Even if you are in a high position , I didn’t dislike Feng’er, I’m glad to have a brother like you.”

"Brother, I know who my brother is. How could I dislike Feng'er? Besides, I don't dare! She has your backing, and if I'm sorry, she won't beat me with a broom?" Liu Er laughed blankly.

"Hehe, I'm relieved to see that your husband and wife are harmonious." Li Jing smiled.

Liu Erleng sighed: "Brother's errands can't be done well, and you still worry about family affairs. I'm really sorry for you. Big brother, why don't you transfer me back? I want to go to war, even if I'm a small soldier. .”

"What's the matter? You were scolded by me today, are you angry with your elder brother?" Li Jing laughed.

Liu Er shook his head in a hurry: "How can brother be angry with elder brother? Brother is angry at himself for making elder brother angry."

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "You! After being a magistrate for so long, you are still as straightforward as before. You think I can punish you because of Zheng Zhibao? Compared with you, what is he!
But now I want to recruit Zheng Zhilong, how can I deal with his younger brother?Your words came at a good time. I will use this to teach you to tell Zheng Zhilong to discipline his younger brother and teach Zheng Zhibao how to obey the rules. "

"Kill chickens to scare monkeys?" Liu Er said suddenly.

Li Jingwen couldn't help being speechless for a while. After a long time, he said in a bad mood: "Do you have time to read a few books? Are you still killing chickens and monkeys? Who is the chicken and who is the monkey? I really admire you."

"Hehe, it's great if you can come up with this idiom. As for letting me read, brother, please forgive me. I get a headache when I read books." Liu Er laughed blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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