Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 525 Wanmin Umbrella

Chapter 525 Wanmin Umbrella

Li Jing looked at the basket and said, "Oh? It's really longan. I remember that longan is good for the heart and spleen, and has the effect of nourishing qi and blood. It is really a good health product. I accept this gift. Xiaojiu and Master Li will weigh it Lower the weight and pay according to the market price."

Hearing that Li Jing wanted to give money, Li Zhi hurriedly said: "How can you accept money from adults? This is for the people of Jinjiang to honor you."

Li Jing waved his hand: "You don't get rewarded for nothing, Li Jing hasn't done anything for the people of Jinjiang, how dare he be honored by the people of Jinjiang?

"My lord's words are wrong. My lord knows the efficacy of longan. If you eat Jinjiang's longan and feel good, the value of Jinjiang's longan will increase immediately, and the people of Jinjiang will naturally benefit a lot." Li Zhi laughed.

"Hehe, I originally wanted me to promote Jinjiang's longan. If that's the case, then I'll accept these longan. I can't do it for nothing, can I?" Li Jing laughed.

"What your lord said is that it's just such a little reward that you can't afford." Li Zhi said with a smile.

Li Jing laughed: "You can get it, you can get it. My wife likes to eat this. Well... If she thinks it's good after eating it, I will send someone to Jinjiang to buy it in the future. Then you will make it cheaper for me, don't die kill me."

"Your Excellency is joking, how dare you ask for your money." Li Zhi laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "If you send someone to give it to me, I won't take it. When I send someone to buy it, if you don't collect money, I won't buy it. Who will lose when I see it."

Li Zhi couldn't help smiling wryly upon hearing this.

Waving to everyone, Li Jing turned and walked towards the carriage, Sun Meng, Liu Erlen and all the guards hurriedly followed.

Just as Li Jing boarded the carriage, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Look, look quickly, that big man seems to be Mr. Liu, the chief envoy."

Immediately someone shouted: "It's really Lord Liu, I met him more than two months ago, it's him, that's right."

Then someone exclaimed: "Ah! Master Liu is here? Quick, quick, don't let him go! If he leaves this time, I don't know when we will see him next time. Folks, let's stop him, hurry up! Go home and get something delicious."

"Do stop him, don't let him go, let's go home and get food!" Several people echoed.

"Don't forget to come to my house and bring me some delicious food." The man in front said.

"Understood, go and stop people, they are leaving." One person said anxiously.

"Quick, quick!" Amidst the clamor, several old men quickly lined up the officials and guards who stood in front of them, and quickly ran towards Li Jing's guards.

The guards were shocked when they saw this, and hurried forward to stop him: "What are you doing? How dare you block Mr. Li's car, don't die!"

"We want to see Mr. Liu, let us go, we want to see Mr. Liu." All the people shouted in unison.

The guards were startled when they heard the words, these common people spoke a dialect (people from Quanzhou speak Hokkien dialect), and these guards were all from the north, so they couldn't understand what these common people said at all.

Similarly, most of these ordinary people have not read any books, nor can they understand the official language spoken by the guards.

Language barrier, unable to communicate, the scene naturally became a mess.

Seeing a group of cavalry in front protecting Li Jing's chariot and starting to move forward slowly, these ordinary people were in a hurry and rushed forward regardless.

The guards were in a hurry when they saw this, and with a slap, they pulled out their knives.

"Stop, anyone who dares to charge forward will be shot!" the guard said angrily.

Common people can understand speaking with knives. When these people saw the guards pulling out their knives, they stopped immediately.

Seeing that the procession was speeding up, the people were in a hurry, and one of the old men shouted: "Old and young men, kneel down and shout with me, Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, please stay behind. The folks want to see you."

When everyone heard the words, they all knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly.

At this time, the local officials in Quanzhou finally realized and rushed over.

Guo Fengrong and Li Zhi stopped the guards first, and then persuaded the people to leave, but the people refused to leave.

Hearing the noisy voices in front, Li Jing frowned, opened the curtain and said, "What happened?"

Sun Meng hurriedly said: "It seems that some ordinary people want to come, but they were stopped by the guards, and the officials of Quanzhou are persuading them."

"The common people want to come here? Do you want to sue? Let them come here." Li Jing frowned.

Xiao Jiu heard the words and gave instructions to a guard beside her.

The guard patted his horse and rushed to the front, shouting loudly: "The commander-in-chief has an order, let them come here."

After receiving Li Jing's order, the guards hurriedly sheathed their knives and made way for the passage.

All the people were overjoyed, and hurried to Liu Erlen, and then fell to the ground, kowtowing to Liu Erlen while speaking in an obscure dialect.

Liu Er was shocked when he saw this: "What are you doing? Pull them up quickly!"

Seeing Daqi, Li Jing waved to Li Zhi and said, "What do they mean?"

Li Zhi hurriedly ran to Li Jing's car and smiled wryly, "These people hope Master Liu can stay and let them show a little filial piety."

Hearing this, Li Jing immediately became interested, asked Xiao Jiu to roll up the car curtain, and then watched with great interest how Liu Er Leng handled the matter.

Liu Er was even more embarrassed when he saw this, and turned to Li Jing and said, "Marshal, don't watch the excitement! What are these ordinary people going to do?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't ask me, just figure it out."

"I don't understand what they are saying!" Liu Er said anxiously.

Li Jing smiled and pouted at Li Zhi.

Li Zhi smiled and explained to Liu Erleng what the common people said just now.

Liu Er scratched his head in a daze, and muttered, "Damn, I have nothing to do with these guys. They respect me so much?"

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Why don't the officials ask for you?"

"Quickly ask, quickly ask, what's going on?" Liu Er asked anxiously.

Li Zhi nodded, walked up to the common people, and asked carefully.

After a while, Li Zhi went to the car and said to Li Jing: "My lord, these ordinary people came to thank Mr. Liu. Two months ago, Mr. Liu came to Jinjiang to see Zheng Sen, the son of Zheng Zhilong. Mr. Liu personally led people to preside over the collection of taxes, banned the old habit of kicking dendrobium, and exempted some poor families from paying taxes. These are the people who have been favored by Mr. Liu. They are grateful to Mr. Liu. Today When I saw Lord Liu, I came here to thank you and express my intentions."

"So that's how it is." After hearing this, Li Jing sighed and said: "Our common people are the most honest. They know who treats them well, and they will always remember the benefits. Speaking of it, it is not difficult to be a good official. As long as you have a heart of love for the people."

"Marshal, don't be emotional, what should we do now?" Liu Er asked anxiously.

Li Jing smiled and said: "They are here to thank you, I can't control this matter, you can figure it out yourself."

Liu Er Leng muttered: "You want to see my jokes."

Looking sideways at the people, Liu Er was puzzled and said, "But how did they find me? This time, I hid behind the commander-in-chief and didn't say a word."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Just now when I was meeting officials from Quanzhou, you were sitting next to me and were covered by the crowd. They didn't see you, but when I returned to the car, the crowd dispersed and your figure appeared. At this moment Of course they can see you."

"With the commander in chief, does anyone still care about me?" Liu Er was puzzled.

Li Jing smiled and said: "In the eyes of ordinary people, they don't even know who I am, Li Jing."

Liu Er asked in a daze, "How come? In Daming, there are still people who don't know the commander-in-chief?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "You are wrong, in fact, if you did not happen to come to Jinjiang by chance and personally presided over the tax collection, I am afraid they would not even know who you are.

Even the biggest parents and officials in your place may not know, how can they know that I am a person who is far away in the capital and has nothing to do with them? "

Liu Er thought for a moment, then suddenly jumped off his horse, pulled Li Zhi and said, "Come here, pass on a message for me."

Coughing lightly, Liu Erlen said loudly: "Fathers and elders, Liu Erlen is really grateful for your respect. However, Liu Erlen deserves the kindness of the villagers, because what Liu Erlen has done The reason is to obey the orders of the chief assistant of the dynasty, Master Li."

As he spoke, Liu Er pointed to Li Jingdao in a daze: "This is Mr. Li. Mr. Li cares about all people, cares about the sufferings of the people, and formulated a new tax system in order to reduce the burden on the people. What Liu did was just to convey to Mr. Li It’s just an order, so everyone treats Liu Erleng like this, Liu Erleng is really ashamed, everyone should really thank Mr. Li.”

Li Jing didn't expect Liu Erleng to make such a move, he couldn't help being startled, and then smiled wryly.

At this time, Li Jing couldn't continue to sit in the car. In desperation, Li Jing got out of the car and said: "Master Liu said this out of humility. Which official the people agree with mainly depends on whether he is sympathetic to the people. Whether he treats the common people well, rather than looking at the implementation of his government orders.

Because some decrees are unreasonable, although officials who implement unreasonable decrees are not necessarily bad officials, they are by no means good officials. "

Hearing Li Jing and Liu Er Leng evade each other, all the officials and people couldn't help being dumbfounded. They had never seen an official who pushed his political achievements outside.

But the common people are not stupid, they soon realized that these two people in front of them are really good officials, they do things for the common people, and they don't expect anything in return from the common people.

But the more officials do not want the people to repay them, the more the people want to repay them.

The way common people repay officials is generally very simple, that is, to honor officials with what they think is the best.

In fact, the common people are very poor, and all they can produce is nothing more than melons, fruits, pears and dates.

In addition, the common people will also give the officials Wanmin Umbrella, which means that the official usually protects the common people like an umbrella.Most of the Wanmin umbrellas are given to officials when they leave office. Those who can enjoy this kind of treatment are generally county-level officials, especially county magistrates. Officials at the level of Li Jing and Liu Erleng hardly get Wanmin Umbrellas. umbrella.

In addition, Wanmin Umbrellas are generally given to officials by squires on behalf of the people. Few people give Wanmin Umbrellas to officials themselves, unless it is those honest and good officials who are loved by the people, and the people will actively give umbrellas.

(End of this chapter)

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