Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 539 The Largest Battleship Base

Chapter 539 The Largest Battleship Base
Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Okay, they traveled with me from the capital to Fujian, and followed me back and forth from Fuzhou to Quanzhou. They didn't have a good rest at all. I let them rest, otherwise, you think I can just take them with me." How many of these people come out?
Hurry up and ask someone to release Xiao Wu. If you make such a big commotion, Xiao Wu will have to trouble Xiao Jiu when he turns around. "

"No, I have to teach them a lesson. They didn't notify my grandson and me about such a big event as the commander-in-chief going out, and they didn't arrange manpower protection. How can I not teach them a lesson? What if it happens again next time? Let them have a long memory." Liu Er said, shaking his head in a daze.

Seeing Liu Er's head shaking like a rattle, Li Jing couldn't help but feel amused: "Okay, I didn't let Xiao Jiu inform everyone. Xiao Jiu dared not listen. It's my fault. I'll give you an answer here." I can't afford it."

Smiling, Li Jing said again: "Actually, it's not that I didn't bring someone to protect me. Look, didn't I bring a few guards with me?"

Liu Er was stunned to say more, but Sun Meng suddenly pulled him lightly, and then said, "It's good that the commander-in-chief is fine, and officials from Fuzhou will be here soon, so we can't talk here, right? Go back." handsome."

Li Jing shook his head, pointed to the front and said, "It may be Sun Boya's fleet. If Boya comes back, please come here."

Sun Meng had no choice but to order his soldiers to wait at the port.

At this time, officials at all levels in Fuzhou came one after another, and Li Jing felt quite sorry to see everyone running out of breath, and waved to everyone, and went to the shipyard's work shed first.

While the soldiers were cleaning the dust, Li Jing looked around, and then sighed softly: "It's a pity that such a shipyard has been abandoned. Prodigal!"

"The commander-in-chief came to see the shipyard. Could it be that he wants to build a ship here?" Sun Meng asked suspiciously.

Li Jing nodded lightly: "Brother Sun, I'm stunned, I want to reopen the Nantai Shipyard, and you will give me a list. I will ask for as many experienced boatmen as I want, and young people who are willing to learn shipbuilding , as much as you want.

Didn't they capture a group of Dutch people this time? Anyone who knows how to build a ship will stay in the shipyard, and those who don't know how to build a ship will stay in the shipyard as coolies. battleship base. "

Seeing Sun Meng and Liu Erlen's expressions of embarrassment, Li Jing continued, "Don't worry about the money. Didn't Erleng collect 100 million taels of tax money this year? All of it will be allocated to the shipyard and wait for the Dutch to buy the five warships." When I went back, another 100 million taels came in and was also allocated to the shipyard. I will allocate another 100 million taels to the shipyard next year.

With 300 million taels of silver, plus the current conditions of this shipyard, I think there will be no problem in reopening it.I was taken aback, first of all, you will also be the director of this shipyard, and you will write down in detail how every sum of money is spent. "

"Brother, don't worry, Er Leng promises not to disappoint you." Liu Er Leng said hastily.

Sun Meng thought for a while and said, "Commander, if warships are built here, the transportation of the artillery will be a hassle. The journey is too long, and the cost will be increased invisibly."

Li Jingjing nodded: "It makes sense, then build another military factory in Fujian, I will let Zhao Shuangxi come over to sit in the town, Brother Sun can choose a suitable location in Fujian."

Sun Meng hurriedly said, "I know how to do it."

Li Jing nodded slightly.

At this time, the guards had almost cleaned up the work shed, Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing found a clean place, and invited Li Jing, Sun Meng, Liu Erleng and others to sit down.

Looking at Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing, Liu Er Leng suddenly smiled and said, "Marshal, Bie Shan and Jingzhi (Wen Qing's word) are becoming more and more capable, and now I am short of two capable assistants. , you transferred them to Fujian as my assistants?"

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "You are trying to poach my corner! Bieshan, respectfully, Mr. Liu has taken a fancy to you two, do you want to come over?"

Wen Qing bowed and said: "Master Liu values ​​it. The students are really lucky. It's just that the students are young and have little knowledge. They are afraid that they will miss the affairs of Master Liu. The students want to study with the commander for a few more years."

Zhang Tongchang also said: "The students have never been in contact with local affairs, so I'm afraid they won't be able to help Mr. Liu."

"Hahaha, I was taken aback. It's not that I don't want to let him go, it's that he doesn't want to come." Li Jing laughed loudly.

Liu Er scratched his head in a daze, and muttered: "Damn, this is looking down on Lao Tzu, thinking that Lao Tzu is uneducated."

Hearing this, Zhang Tongchang hurriedly said: "Master Liu misunderstood, and the students have absolutely no such intentions. In fact, the students have always admired your ability to manage politics. Not to mention anything else, in the thirteen provinces in the north and south of Ming Dynasty, only adults and Mr. Chen The tax paid to the imperial court is the most, even more than twice that of other provinces, students really don’t know how adults do it.”

Liu Er was taken aback for a moment: "What's so difficult about collecting taxes? I just collect according to the rules set by the commander-in-chief. I will collect as much as the commander-in-chief stipulates. Eh? You don't think I collect too much, do you?"

At the end, Liu Er's eyes suddenly widened.

Hearing this, Zhang Tongchang hurriedly said: "No, no, Your Excellency strictly enforces the commander-in-chief's decree. As we all know, how could the students have such an idea? It's just that I really don't understand how Your Excellency collects so much tax.

The students remember that the adults have only been in Fujian for half a year, and they have been busy with military affairs for the past few months. Until the last three months, they began to pay attention to government affairs. However, they collected more than one million taels of taxes in just three months. This ability is really amazing Breathtaking. "

"Hehe, don't you understand? In fact, it's no wonder that scholars like you only know how to follow the rules, how can you know how to be flexible? The reason why Lao Tzu and Chen Dahu collect more taxes than other places is because we collect them in pieces. "Liu Er laughed proudly in a daze.

"Break it into parts? How can it be cut into parts?" Zhang Tongchang asked doubtfully.

Liu Er smiled and said, "How should I put it? In fact, this division into parts is mainly for commercial tax. You know that commercial tax is collected once a month, so there is a problem. When the merchant pays tax at the end of the month, one time Come up with a lot of money.

However, some shops need to purchase goods, and if the money is not collected, the tax money cannot be paid. We can't close his shop just because he doesn't collect the money for a while.However, if the stores are not closed, some businesses will continue to default, month after month.

If it were someone else, it would definitely be a matter of closing the shop, but after closing the shop, it means that we have cut off the source of taxation. Isn't that killing the chicken to get the egg?

So I wondered how to make those merchants not default in arrears, but also able to pay taxes.

At this moment, Lao Tzu suddenly remembered what happened when I was a child. When I was a child, my family was poor, with only three acres of land, and I could only make a living by hunting in the mountains.

But every time I hunt prey and sell it in the market, there are government servants who charge fees, but the servants don't charge much, and I don't care about the ten yuan.But in addition to the government servants collecting money, there are also some ruffians in the market who come to extort money.I was blackmailed several times, and I beat those local ruffians in a fit of anger. I didn't want those local ruffians to have anything to do with the government, so the government sent someone to arrest me. I had no choice but to go up the mountain and become a bandit. "

"Cough cough." Sun Meng suddenly coughed twice.

Liu Er stared at Sun Meng in a daze and said, "What the hell, I'm also a bandit."

Zhang Tongchang said with a smile: "Every time a hero slaughters more dogs, Master Liu is a bandit, so don't mind."

"Listen, you are a scholar after all, that is, you are knowledgeable and sensible." Liu Er said while staring at Sun Meng.

After finishing speaking, Liu Er turned to Zhang Tongchang in a daze and said, "Later, I met..."

"That's enough. You're still talking about those old stories. Are you here to listen to your stories? Get down to business quickly." Sun Meng suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

"Your grandma, I'm not right to say..." Liu Er cursed in a daze.

Looking up and seeing Sun Meng's face sinking like water, Liu Er was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stopped talking.

After a pause, Liu Er was stunned and continued: "Later, I thought, if I don't collect taxes on a monthly basis, but collect a little less every day, then both shops and hawkers can afford it, so no one will pay taxes." It’s in arrears, and some temporary small businessmen can also receive taxes, so I sent soldiers out to collect taxes on a daily basis.”

"But the tax rate set by the commander is divided into several levels. If you let the soldiers go down to collect taxes, can they tell how much they collect? They won't charge randomly?" Zhang Tongchang asked doubtfully.

"It's simple, the commander's tax rate is divided into several levels, and I will divide the soldiers into several teams, and each team is responsible for a level, so that there will be no mistakes." Liu Er said with a smile.

"Then how do you determine how much those shops and vendors should pay each day?" Zhang Tongchang asked.

Liu Er smiled and said: "It's not difficult. Think about it, how much can a small businessman earn a day? It's a hundred and eighty Wen, right? Come out?

In fact, those small merchants and peddlers are secretly happy when Lao Tzu collects five cents, because Lao Tzu will be fine after collecting the money. No one dares to charge them any fees after paying taxes. For extortion, I will send them all to prison.

But I don’t care about those who don’t pay taxes, and whoever wants to blackmail them can blackmail them. "

"Wait, didn't you send soldiers to collect taxes? Why do people dare not pay taxes?" Zhang Tongchang asked

"I have only a few thousand soldiers. Fujian is so big, can it take care of all the places? Many of the small merchants and hawkers are itinerant. I can't send soldiers out to catch them like rats, can I? Therefore, the small I only let the soldiers collect the tax for the merchants in the markets of various prefectures and counties, which saves a lot of manpower." Liu Er said in a daze.

"Why don't you let the tax collectors collect taxes? Does your lord not believe them?" Zhang Tongchang wondered.

Liu Er shook his head in a daze: "It's not that I don't believe them, it's that there are places that my thousands of soldiers can't take care of. There are only a few hundred tax officials in Fujian. How can they be busy? Moreover, after the soldiers under Lao Tzu collect the taxes, the tax officials To make statistics.

This job is not easy. You must know that what we collect are copper coins and scattered silver, which is not enough for hundreds of people to count and weigh. "

(End of this chapter)

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