Chapter 542
Li Jingjing nodded: "I still need to meet them, these two people still have merit, and Zheng Zhilong will inevitably have a grudge against their betrayal last time, if I don't see them, Zheng Zhilong thinks I don't value them, There will definitely be retaliation against them."

Sun Chuanting nodded silently upon hearing the words.

After thinking about it, Li Jing then asked, "How are these two training under your command? Are the soldiers they lead still as indulgent as before?"

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "If you say that these two people are quite knowledgeable, they trained very hard to lead soldiers, and supervised their subordinates extremely strictly. The two of them led the soldiers who surrendered, and they were much restrained than before. Now they look like soldiers. "

"That's good, that's good. I've always been worried that the two of them are taking credit for themselves. Since they understand the truth, we can't treat them badly. What are their jobs now?" Li Jingjing nodded.

"Now they are guerrilla generals. After all, the two of them have made a lot of contributions. If the position is lowered, the two of them will complain in their hearts." Sun Chuanting said.

Li Jing shook his head: "The guerrilla general is a little low, it's more appropriate to give it to a general."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Brother Boya, I intend to reorganize the Navy to form the Ming Dynasty Navy. The post of commander is none other than yours. In the future, you will be appointed for the post of naval officer and vice-admiral. nominate."

"This authority is really too great, Chuanting may not be able to afford it." Sun Chuanting said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "I can take it on, I can trust Brother Boya's character, you won't be nepotism, let alone mediocre people, just relying on these two things, the officials you appoint won't have any major problems. "

"Marshal..." Sun Chuanting choked for a moment.

"Brother Boya, you need to change your temper in the future. You can't always focus on other people's shortcomings. Some people have minor flaws. Don't hold on to them. A gentleman has the grace to tolerate others. Only in this way can you have a good relationship with your colleagues." Li Jing smiled.

"Yes! Chuanting is taught." Sun Chuanting said hurriedly.

Li Jing continued with a smile: "Brother Boya, you are born to command and fight, but I have to give you a little advice. You are not the governor of Shaanxi back then. You only command the troops in the headquarters. You are now commanding the entire Ming Dynasty." Sailor, you have to coordinate the overall situation, don't always follow the fleet around, like this sea training, you didn't need to lead the team yourself."

Gently patted Sun Chuanting on the back, Li Jing said solemnly: "As the commander-in-chief of an army, you have a lot to do with yourself. Don't be a last resort. You must not put yourself in a dangerous situation. If the enemy finds your flagship, execute the tactics of beheading and go out." If there are three mistakes and two mistakes, then there is no need to fight the battle."

Sun Chuanting nodded: "What the commander-in-chief said is very true, but now that the fleet is new, if I don't personally lead the team, how can I rest assured? Besides, I don't have any generals who can be alone. If there are, I don't need to lead them personally." The team went to sea for training."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Whether you can stand alone or not depends on you to discover, why do I tell you not to always focus on other people's shortcomings? It is because when you always look at other people's shortcomings, you will ignore other people's advantages .”

Speaking of which, Li Jing turned around, pointed at Sun Meng and Liu Er, and said with a smile: "Can you imagine that I will appoint one of them as the governor and the other as the chief envoy? Let alone you, I am afraid that 100 out of 99 people think that They're not that stuff, but I know they can do it.

why!Because I know them both, I know not only their shortcomings, but also their strengths, and I know that if I give them an errand, they will definitely do it with their heart, and they will not misinterpret my meaning.Facts have proved that my vision is still good, Brother Sun and Er Leng deserved this job, even better than I expected. "

"The commander-in-chief employs people with a unique vision, which Chuanting admires." Sun Chuanting said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled: "I don't mean to boast in front of you, I just tell you my experience in employing people. While seeing other people's shortcomings, you must also see their advantages. You must fully understand your subordinates. Then try to let them play to their strengths."

Sun Chuanting nodded silently upon hearing the words.

After pondering for a while, Sun Chuanting said: "The commander-in-chief thinks Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin are available?"

Li Jing smiled: "The character of these two people is indeed a bit low, they are greedy for money and power, and capricious, but these two people are still very good at naval battles, and they can seize the opportunity, which is unmatched by many people The way I see the use of these two people is to give them a certain amount of power, but not let them control money.

As for their repeated personalities, we don't need to worry about them. These two people are used to judging the situation. Now that the court's navy is getting stronger and stronger, they will never and dare not rebel against the court. "

Sun Chuanting nodded: "What positions does the commander-in-chief plan to let them take?"

Li Jing waved his hand: "Before appointing these two people, let me talk about some of my ideas for the Navy. I plan to reorganize the Daming Navy into the Daming Navy. The Navy's commander-in-chief is on the same level as the commanders of the five major military regions. The Navy temporarily has two fleets." , the first fleet is in charge of you personally, and the second fleet is in charge of Zheng Zhilong.

The First Fleet consists of three detachments, the first detachment will be in charge of you personally, I plan to let Li Guozhu to supervise the second detachment, let Admiral Zhong Bin supervise the third detachment. "

"Then the grades of these two people may have to be mentioned." Sun Chuanting said.

Li Jingdao: "Prompt! Propose a lieutenant! From now on, the commanders of the first and second fleets will be ranked as generals (commander rank), the admirals of detachments will be at the rank of lieutenants, the captains of large warships will also be at the rank of lieutenants, and the captains of medium-sized warships will be at the rank of generals. And so on."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Now you know why I don't let you go with the fleet? From now on, Zheng Zhilong will be your subordinate. If you are always at sea, it will be difficult to communicate with him. Then you can mobilize his first officer." The second fleet will be very troublesome. As for letting you control a fleet, I hope you can have the power to deter your subordinates, but I suggest that you appoint a direct descendant as the admiral of the first detachment."

"Thank you, Marshal, for thinking about Chuanting, but Zheng Zhilong has a lot of ships, will he listen to my command?" Sun Chuanting asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, Zheng Zhilong has suffered so much this time, so he should be able to understand the court's determination and strength, so he won't be arrogant again in the future." Li Jing said with a smile.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing continued: "As for the large number of ships in the Second Fleet that Zheng Zhilong belongs to, you don't have to worry. Zheng Zhilong's ships have too many shortcomings, and they are actually unusable. When we build new warships and equip them first After the fleet, the trend of strength and weakness will be reversed immediately."

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief must have reopened the Nantai shipyard because of this consideration?"

Li Jing shook his head, smiled and said nothing.

While speaking, everyone returned to the governor's mansion, and Li Jing waved the officials back.

Sitting down in the study, the guards reported to Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin to bring them.

Li Jingjing nodded and motioned for the guards to bring the two of them.

After a while, the guards brought two middle-aged men in their 40s into the study.

The two entered the study room for a while to look around, then walked quickly to Li Jing, knelt on one knee and cupped their fists and said, "The humble Li Guozhu (Zhong Bin) sees Mr. Chief Assistant."

"The two generals are exempt." Li Jing raised his hand and smiled.

"Thank you, sir." After getting up, the two bowed again.

Seeing that the two were well-mannered, Li Jing nodded slightly.

At this time, Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "Hehe, Li Guozhu, Zhong Bin, the commander-in-chief took time out of his busy schedule to see you two today, do you two know what it means?"

"Please enlighten me, my lord." Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin said hurriedly.

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief already knows all about the merits of the two of you. The commander-in-chief intends to train the two of you. Just now, I proposed to the governor that you should be promoted to lieutenant generals, admirals of the second and third detachments under the jurisdiction of the first fleet." .”

Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin were overjoyed when they heard the words, kowtowed three times in front of Li Jing again and said, "Thank you, Commander, for your promotion."

He kowtowed to Sun Chuanting again and said, "Thank you for the recommendation from Junmen."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Get up, I don't like others to kneel down, especially soldiers, let alone kneel down easily."

Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin got up awkwardly when they heard the words.

Pointing to the chairs beside the two, Li Jing continued, "Sit down and talk."

Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin hurriedly said: "In front of the commander-in-chief and several adults, there is no such thing as a humble seat."

"It's okay, you two have worked hard at sea, so let's sit down and talk." Li Jing smiled.

"Thank you, Marshal." Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin clasped their fists together, hung their buttocks to the side of the chair, and sat down.

Li Jing smiled and said: "What you two did before, Dudu Sun, Governor Sun and General Liu have already told me in detail, yes, the two of you can fight back at a critical moment, which shows that you have a good grasp of the battle situation. It’s still very accurate. That’s why I proposed to Dudu Sun that you two be the admirals of the second and third detachments, not just because of your achievements this time.”

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Now you two are in important positions, I have a few words I want to explain to you two."

"I respectfully listen to the commander's instruction." Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin hurriedly got up and said.

Li Jing stretched out his hand and pressed a few times, motioning for the two to sit down.

After the two sat down again, Li Jing continued: "I run the army very strictly, and there are many rules. Your original subordinates used to be pirates, and most of them have lax military discipline. These problems must be corrected in the future. I hope you two He can lead by example and train former subordinates into real elite soldiers."

Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin hurriedly said: "Yes! I will follow the instructions of the commander in a humble position."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't think that what I'm talking about is empty talk. I know a little about you people's thoughts. In your hearts, I'm afraid you think that as long as you fight bravely and win battles, you don't care about military discipline. But this This idea doesn't work for me.

I know that after you surrendered to the imperial court, you have often done some costless business at sea these years.I don't intend to pursue the past, but from now on, this kind of thing will never be done again.I'm ugly to say before, if you let me know that your subordinates are still doing the same job as before, I'll take you two as questions. "

(End of this chapter)

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