Chapter 555
Zhang Tongchang sighed lightly: "Actually, Zheng Zhuanggong didn't leave any good reputation in the end. The commander followed Zheng Zhuanggong's example, and I'm afraid the gain outweighs the loss in the end."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Yes! When there is a war, no matter what the outcome is, the people will suffer in the end. So I am very reluctant to do this."

"Marshal, is there no other way?" Wen Qing said.

Li Jing smiled: "Jingzhi, you were originally in Hanlin Garden. When I first came to Beijing, you also had a lot of opinions about me, right?"

Wen Qing was startled when he heard the words, pondered for a while, and nodded slightly.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "I don't mean anything else, you don't have to take it to heart, I just use you as an example to say that most scholars have opinions on me.

As for the people who oppose me in Nanjing, they have a certain appeal in the minds of scholars. I will not hide it from you two. Ruan Dayue, Ma Shiying, and even Zhang Pu participated in small actions in Nanjing.With Zhang Pu's appeal, you can imagine how many people opposed me in Nanjing, right? "

(Ruan Dayue was from the Donglin Party, and later broke with the Donglin Party and joined Wei Zhongxian as a member of the Eunuch Party. Zhang Pu is the leader of the Fushe, and the Fushe is in the same line as the Donglin Party. Normally, Zhang Pu and Ruan Dayue should not deal with each other. The two have a very close personal relationship, which shows that Zhang Pu's character is inferior.)
Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing nodded at the same time.

Zhang Pu's name can be said to be known to everyone among scholars.

Zhang Pu is talented and knowledgeable, but because he is the leader of the Fushe, he often promotes unrealistic political views that protect the interests of the literati in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, he was not ashamed to associate with someone like Ruan Dayue, so he was not reused, but just let him take up a spare position.

Originally, Li Jing transferred those people from Fushe to the capital and asked them to compile the "Chongzhen Dictionary". He hoped that these people would have something serious to do and be able to restrain themselves. Social Pavilion.

Li Jing was not afraid of their criticism of the government. If what he said was reasonable, Li Jing would accept it, but this group of people represented the interests of the scholar-bureaucrats, and the decree implemented by Li Jing was completely lame.

It can be said that Li Jing has been completely disappointed with most of the members of the Fushe. Li Jing no longer intends to appoint these people as officials. He will let them revise the "Yongle Dadian" after the compilation of the "Chongzhen Dictionary" is completed. In short, let these people I have spent my whole life reading books.

However, there are too many members in the Fushe. There are hundreds of people who already have official positions, and there are thousands of people who have achieved fame but have not yet taken up official positions. It is impossible for Li Jing to transfer all the people to the capital. I'm sorry, if there are so many scholars rushing into the capital, if they can't be properly arranged, it will be a big trouble.Li Jing can only transfer those who are more famous, more active, and have organizational skills into the capital.

Among the Fushe organizations, Jiangnan has the most members, and Nanjing is the main gathering place for these Fushe members in Jiangnan.When Chen Dahu was the chief political envoy of Southern Zhili, he didn't piss on these scholars at all. Moreover, Chen Dahu acted violently and arrested people at every turn, which was extremely deterrent to these people. These people did not dare to say anything unfavorable to Li Jing.

But after Chen Dahu left, Wang Xiangjin, the governor of Zhejiang Province, was transferred to Jiangsu. Wang Xiangjin was born in the imperial examination, so he would not be as rough as Chen Dahu to the Fushe group of scholars, so the Fushe group reappeared.

Although the main backbone of the Fushe was transferred to the capital by Li Jing, there are also some who are able to organize among the remaining people. After all, big people can always be pulled out of the box. These people organize the members together from time to time to hold a party or something , After a long time, new organizers began to appear again.

At this time, the frustrated Zhang Pu would write poems and essays for these people from time to time, and the Fushe gang became more energetic, and the bouncing became more and more joyful. Basically, the public opinion positions in Jiangnan were all suppressed. These guys got it.

But this group of scholars is far from overthrowing Li Jing just by relying on their tongues. As the saying goes, a scholar can't rebel for three years, and this group of people is very talkative. If you really want them to do something, they don't have the guts , and this group of people has no real organizational skills at all.

However, there were still people with organizational skills. Officials like Ruan Dayue and Ma Shiying, who were either unsuccessful or dismissed, appeared in due course.

Ruan Dayue: a collection of characters, nicknamed Yuanhai, also named Shichao, from Huaining (now Anqing, Anhui), a Jinshi of Bingchen Division in the 44th year of Wanli.Ruan Dayue is Gao Panlong's disciple, and Zuo Guangdou, a fellow villager, is the leader of the Donglin Party and Ruan Dacheng's self-respecting friend.

Ruan Dayue made great contributions in the struggle to overthrow Fang Congzhe's non-Donglin Pavilion veteran Shi Jixie and others, so he became the backbone of the Donglin Party, and was nicknamed "Unblocked" in the Donglin General Record.

In the spring of the fourth year of Apocalypse, there was a vacancy in the Ministry of Officials, Zuo Guangdou notified Ruan Dacheng to go to Beijing to fill in, but at this time Gao Panlong, Zhao Nanxing, Yang Lian and others had internal strife with Zuo Guangdou and planned to appoint another disciple of Gao Panlong. Donglin Chuang general Wei Dazhong.

After some internal transactions, when Ruan Dacheng arrived in Beijing, Zhao Nanxing and his group asked him to make up for the labor department.

You must know that the Ministry of Officials is the head of the six departments, and the Ministry of Industry is at the end, so Ruan Dacheng, who was supposed to be replaced by the Ministry of Officials according to his seniority, was angry.

At this time Wei Zhongxian appeared, Ruan Dacheng immediately took refuge in Wei Zhongxian, and finally got his wish.

But Ruan Dacheng didn't serve as an official for long, and was pressured by the Donglin Party to abandon his official position and go home. From then on, Ruan Dayue broke with the Donglin Party.When Wei Zhongxian was in power, he was called to the capital to serve as the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple.

Ruan Dayue knew very well that he was from the Donglin Party, and now that he has become an Eunuch Party, it might be hard to please both sides, so he acted very carefully.After a period of time, he returned to his hometown, intending to wait and see the situation.

After Chongzhen came to power, the eunuch party was eradicated, and Ruan Dayue wrote a letter pointing out that both the Donglin party and the eunuch party were "eunuchs attached to the party" and should be dismissed together.

(Note: At that time Ruan Dacheng prepared two different memorials for his friend Yang Weiyuan in Beijing. The first memorial was dedicated to the impeachment of the eunuch party.

The second memorial is the joint impeachment of the Eunuch Party and the Donglin Party: "Based on the fact that seven years are worthwhile, it is said that four years after the apocalypse, the chaotic government was loyal to the virtuous, and the wings were beautiful. Four years ago, the chaotic Wang An , and the wing-edom forest".

It can be seen from this that Ruan Dayue was still very cautious in his actions, but it was a pity that he did not choose the right person. Yang Weiyuan was in a state of hostility with the Donglin Party at that time, so he did not follow Ruan Dayue's instructions to "play by ear", but published the second book).

As a result, Ruan Dayue was dismissed as an eunuch.

After Ruan Dayue returned to his hometown, he deliberately made friends with Zhang Pu and others, and sponsored Zhou Yanru, Zhang Pu's teacher who made money, to recover and try to make peace with the Donglin Party.

However, after Zhou Yanru became the first assistant, due to the pressure of the Donglin Party, he did not use Ruan Dayue in the end. Ruan Dayue had no choice but to recommend his good friend Ma Shiying.

Li Jing entered Beijing to take control of the center and vigorously rectified the administration of officials. A large number of members of the Donglin Party and the Fushe were taken down by Li Jing. Driven by the same interests, Ruan Dayue was finally accepted by the Donglin Party and the Fushe.

In fact, the Donglin Party and the Fushe accepted Ruan Dayue mainly because Ruan Dayue was rich, because after the officials of the Donglin Party and the Fushe were taken down, most of their homes were ransacked. People help.

(Note: In history, Ruan Dayue was not accepted by the Donglin Party and Fushe. On the contrary, he was ridiculed. In the end, the two sides became incompatible. Therefore, after Ruan Dayue came to power in Nanming, he attacked the Donglin Party members.)
Ma Shiying: courtesy name Yaocao, native of Guiyang, Guizhou, a Jinshi in the 44th year of Wanli (same list as Ruan Dayue), later served as the head of the Nanjing household department, was promoted to a doctor of the household department at the time of the apocalypse, and later served as the magistrate of Yanzhou, Henan, Datong and other places.

In the third year of Chongzhen, Ma Shiying moved to Yanghedao, Shanxi as the deputy envoy. In the fifth year of Chongzhen, he was promoted to the censor of the capital of Youqin and the governor of Xuanfu.

Ma Shiying and Ruan Dayue were Jinshi of the same rank, they had known each other for a long time, when they were exiled to Nanjing, Ruan Dayue happened to be in Nanjing too, the two were considered to have the same illness, and they had a very happy relationship.

Later, Zhou Yanru got Ruan Dayue's support to revive him, but due to the pressure of the Donglin Party, he did not use Ruan Dayue. Finally, under Ruan Dayue's recommendation, he used Ma Shiying.It can be imagined that Ma Shiying was very grateful to Ruan Dayue.

It is also because of Ruan Dayue's relationship that Ma Shiying and Zhang Pu can make friends.

Ma Shiying had served as the local magistrate for many years and was familiar with local government affairs. In fact, he was quite capable. However, Ma Shiying was not a clean official. Therefore, after Li Jing came to power, he was dismissed from office again.

Ma Shiying's house was ransacked and he had nowhere to go, so he went to Nanjing to join Ruan Dayue.

After arriving in Nanjing, they hit it off with Ruan Dayue and others, and strongly criticized Li Jing's government orders.

In fact, Ma Shiying, Ruan Dayue, the Donglin Party and the Fushe gang opposed Li Jing, so naturally they couldn't hide it from Luo Yangxing's subordinates, and when Luo Yangxing knew about it, Li Jing naturally knew about it.

Li Jing is very clear about the temperament of these literati, and Li Jing also knows the harm of these people, but Li Jing has too many things to do now, and he has no time to deal with them.Moreover, Li Jing now had to take his own reputation into consideration, so it was not easy to attack them.

Therefore, when Chen Dahu took office as the chief political envoy of Nanzhili, he did not do anything to these people. Of course, under the rule of a rough man like Chen Dahu, all the literati could only behave with their tails between their tails, and of course they had to be restrained in their actions.

It wasn't until Chen Dahu left office this year and Wang Xiangjin took over as Jiangsu chief envoy that these people finally raised their heads again.

However, after Li Jing and Chen Dahu repeatedly suppressed him, Ma Shiying finally understood that it is useless to swear only by words. If he wants to oust Li Jing, he must contact more people who oppose Li Jing, especially the generals who have soldiers in their hands. .

After listening to Ma Shiying's analysis, Ruan Dayue and others also realized that relying on them could not accomplish great things, so they began to contact those officials in Nanjing city who had no ambitions and some generals who had been deprived of military power by Li Jing.

These people hit it off with Ma Shiying and others.

Originally, seeing that Li Jing didn't plan to embarrass these people, and these people didn't do anything serious, Luo Yangxing's subordinates had relaxed their surveillance on these people, so Ma Shiying and others really did not hide the small actions they made. Luo Yangxing's subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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