Chapter 559
Li Jing smiled and said, "Do you think it's wrong? What's wrong with Huang Taiji's nephew? I dare to use Huang Taiji, so I'm afraid of using Huang Taiji's nephew?"

Yang Liufeng clapped his hands lightly when he heard the words: "Wonderful! The commander-in-chief's move is wonderful. Letting Yue Tuo serve as the deputy envoy of the North Korean chief envoy can not only win over the hearts of the Jurchens, but also make the Jurchens believe that the commander treats the Jurchens It is really equal to the Han people, and at the same time, it can also use the remnants of Dorgon. People like Dorgon are in North Korea, and the North Koreans will never dare to half-heartedly."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Shen Xing is really easy to understand, even I didn't expect to be able to use Dorgon's remnants."

"The commander-in-chief is too humble. The commander-in-chief can think of appointing Yue Tuo, but how can he not think of how to make Dorgon work for me?" Yang Liufeng laughed.

Li Jing shook his head: "It's not that easy. Dorgon's intelligence is not inferior to Huang Taiji's, and his spirit is not low. I'm afraid it won't be so easy for him to submit."

"Of course it's better if you can submit. If you can't submit, they will be wiped out. I suggest that Hutou be the North Korean general." Gao Qi said.

Li Jing shook his head: "Tiger Head is not a suitable candidate."

Gao Qi said: "Hutou moved to Liaodong and North Korea. He was invincible all the way, and won every attack. He has a very high reputation in North Korea..."

Li Jing shook his head and said: "garrisoning troops and fighting wars are two different things. Hutou led his troops into North Korea to fight. The North Koreans thought they were helping them and would be grateful to Hutou. But when we stationed troops in North Korea, the nature changed. The North Koreans Knowing that we merged North Korea into the territory of Ming Dynasty, the attitude towards our army will not be the same as before.

Hutou is arrogant, how can he tolerate the attitude of the North Koreans?If the momentum comes up, Bao Buqi will do something.

In addition, North Korea's garrison must obey the orders of the deputy envoy. Once there is a civil uprising, it is up to the deputy envoy to decide whether to suppress it and to what extent. He will definitely not respect, Hutou even dared to disobey Cao Wenzhao's orders, how can he obey Yue Tuo's orders? "

"If you don't send the tiger head, why should you go to Dingguo? Dingguo him..." Gao Qi pondered.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Why do we send Dingguo and Hutou with such great military achievements as North Korean generals? As long as the North Korean generals can guarantee one condition, that is to be loyal to Daming, as long as they can do this A little, anyone can go. Of course, this person must have credit and qualifications, I think Chen Dazhuang can do it."

"Hehe, I understand what the commander-in-chief means." Gao Qi was suddenly stunned when he heard this.

After laughing for a while, Gao Qi turned his head and said to Shen Zheng and the others: "North Korean generals are different from other generals. Although they are in charge of military affairs, they must follow the orders of the deputy envoy whether or not to use troops. That is to say, even if the North Koreans fall out, God, without the consent of the deputy envoy, he doesn't have to send troops. In this way, the ability of the North Korean general doesn't need to be too high, just like what the commander said, as long as he is loyal to Daming, loyal to the commander, and able to control the army. .”

"However, there are still Dorgon's remnants in North Korea. Yue Tuo is Dorgon's nephew. If he is favoritism, North Korean generals do not have the right to use their own troops. I am afraid it will be difficult to control the situation in North Korea." Shen Zheng pondered.

Gao Qi smiled: "I think the commander appointed Yue Tuo as the deputy envoy, but he didn't intend to eliminate the remnants of Dorgon's troops. Dorgon's troops are no longer good enough. If they are eliminated, it is better to keep them. There are these people Now, it is convenient for us to rule North Korea."

"Yes, North Korea is now attached, and the Koreans are the people of Ming Dynasty. Then we can't act like before. Keep Dorgon. Many things that are inconvenient for us can be done by Dorgon." Yang Liu Feng laughed.

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "That's why I want Da Zhuang to be the North Korean general. Hutou's character is not acceptable."

Gao Qi said with a smile: "Da Zhuang works conscientiously, and is the first person to follow the commander, so there is no problem with his qualifications."

Li Jing continued: "The chief general has been selected. You should think about the arrangements for the generals below the deputy general. In addition, the administrative officials must also make plans immediately. Don't be unemployed at that time. It would be a joke to transfer people temporarily."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "By the way, have the test results of each department come out this year?"

"It's already come out." Shen Zheng said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Father-in-law, you can discuss with Hengchen later, and select some people who have good political achievements and who should be promoted to participate in and discuss politics in North Korea, as well as local officials in various prefectures and counties."

"Yes, I will discuss it with Heng Chen when I go back." Shen Zheng said.

Li Jing turned his head to look at Yang Liufeng and said, "Be careful, have you figured out the revenue and expenditure of the treasury this year?"

Yang Liufeng hurriedly said: "The statistics are out."

"Let's listen to it." Li Jing said.

Yang Liufeng took out a stack of papers from his sleeve, looked at them, and said, "The taxes paid to the Ministry of Households in the Ming Dynasty this year totaled 140 million taels, of which 300 million taels were paid in Zhili, 110 million taels in Shandong, and 230 million taels in Shanxi." 60 million taels, 120 taels in Shaanxi, 280 million taels in Henan, 170 million taels in Jiangsu, 160 million taels in Anhui, 140 million taels in Zhejiang, 130 million taels in Hunan, 130 million taels in Hubei, 70 million taels in Fujian, and 60 taels in Guangdong Ten thousand taels, 60 taels in Guangxi, 40 taels in Sichuan, 60 taels in Guizhou, 90 taels in Yunnan, and [-] taels in Mongolia. Among them, Fujian’s taxes have not yet been sent to the capital. Liu Erlen said that he collected taxes late, etc. It will be shipped to the capital after a year."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Well, Fujian's taxes don't have to go to Beijing, and stay in Fujian to build a shipyard. Next year, the Ministry of Finance will allocate another 100 million taels to Liu Erleng."

Yang Liufeng said: "Okay, I will write it down."

Li Jing continued: "Let's talk about the expenditure."

Yang Liufeng said: "Expenditures are mainly composed of three parts, military expenses, salaries of officials in Beijing, and construction of water conservancy projects. Military expenses are more than 240 million taels, of which military pay is more than 650 million taels of silver, and clothing is used for more than 200 million taels. The salary of weapons and craftsmen is more than 400 million taels. The salary of officials in Beijing is more than 370 million taels, and the construction of water conservancy costs more than 400 million taels."

"So this year's treasury balance is balanced?" Li Jingxi said.

"No, counting other miscellaneous expenses, I still owe more than 270 million taels, and if I count the 100 million taels allocated to Fujian by the marshal, it will be more than 370 million taels of silver." Yang Liufeng said.

"I owe 370 million taels of silver! That's still acceptable." Li Jingjing nodded.

Yang Liufeng said: "Actually, part of the 370 million taels of silver can still be paid off. The treasury still has a surplus of more than 100 million taels of grain."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't count the grain. If we don't have money, we can procrastinate for a while, but if we don't have grain, it will kill people. The more than 100 million shi of grain should be prepared for emergencies."

After thinking for a while, Li Jinghu said, "For the 100 million shi of grain, you don't mean to count those from all over the country that have not been transported to Beijing, do you?"

Yang Liufeng hurriedly said: "No, I didn't count the parts that haven't been handed in from all over the country. If they were all counted, the grain would be more than 500 million shi."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Now the places that can supply food are mainly in the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Lakes. Shanxi can also share more than 100 million shi every year. It is good that the rest of the province can meet the needs of the province, so the provinces in the south must keep an eye on it. Living."

"Isn't Zhang Ao in charge of this matter? The commander still doesn't believe Zhang Ao?" Yang Liufeng asked in surprise.

Li Jing shook his head: "It's not that I don't trust Zhang Ao, but that Zhang Ao has had too many things this year, without him watching over them, the people below may not want to offend those local officials, and they won't be so serious in the investigation.

Especially in Jiangsu, the reported figures are more than when Chen Dahu was there. I don't believe it. You think, Chen Dahu is so stubborn in Nanzhili, but he only collected more than 400 million in taxes and 260 million shi of grain.

With Chen Dahu gone, how could those gentry cooperate obediently?Normally, it would be less and not more, but the figures for the second half of the year reported by the Jiangsu newspaper were actually about the same as when Chen Dahu was there, which is obviously a bit wrong.I think they cheated for the end-of-year examination results and falsely reported the numbers.

In addition, the salaries of local officials are settled by the localities themselves, and the Ministry of Finance only listens to the figures reported by the localities. I think the salaries reserved by local government treasuries may not be accurate.Therefore, I asked Bie Shan to stay in Jiangsu to check the treasuries of various places. If Jiangsu dares to make fakes, then the same situation may happen in other places. Next year, I will send people down to check them. "

"As a result, the ministries will have to increase their manpower again. Our officials are not enough, and the salaries of the officials are also a huge burden. I think this matter should be carefully considered." Shen Zhengdao.

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's okay, we must do what needs to be done, and we must increase the manpower that needs to be increased. We can't stop doing some things because of insufficient finances or to save money."

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Actually, we all know that there are not enough officials in Ming Dynasty. In many cases, one person has to do the work of several people, and the more local the situation is, the more serious the situation is, so , some officials will be added next year.

In addition, our army is insufficient. Next year, I plan to recruit another 50 soldiers. If conditions permit, I will recruit 100 million soldiers. How can a country as big as Ming Dynasty have less than 60 soldiers? "

"What? We will recruit 50 to 100 million soldiers next year? Where do we have so much money to support so many soldiers?" Shen Zheng was shocked when he heard this.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Chen Dahu reminded me. When he was in Nanzhili, when he distributed the land, he found that according to the standards we set, there was still a lot of land left unused, especially when it was originally assigned to the guard. According to Chen Dahu's statistics, there are more than 2 hectares of idle land in Zhejiang alone, and more than 3 hectares in Jiangsu.

Chen Dahu said that these lands alone could feed 100 soldiers.And he also said that he would pay another [-] million shi of grain to the court every year. "

Shen Zheng asked in shock when he heard the words: "How come there are so many idle land? Zhang Ao Qingzhang's land will not have such a big mistake, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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